• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 2,358 Views, 42 Comments

Friendly Competition - JeSuisLaPorte

Two best friends, a whole new world, new bodies, nowhere to go. They have nothing but their pony fantasies to carry on. This is going to be good.

  • ...

4. Hot giggidy damn! We're in heat!

It’s quite unusual to receive sexual education at such a young age, in an elementary school. Then again, maybe they simply couldn’t remember if they also did this back on Earth. Maybe it did happen to some extent. Cheerilee pulled out many interesting pictures about the pony anatomy, for both stallions and mares. Jon and Eugene stopped messing around, engrossed by the teacher’s lesson. Mostly by the pictures.

“The estrus cycle begins around the early Spring and carries on to the end of Summer.” Cheerilee explained, occasionally glancing at the two new fillies in the back. “During that period, a mare will go into heat every 21 days during this breeding session. They will also be receptive to mating during 5 to 7 days out of their cycles.”

“I wonder if that will be the case with Fluttershy too... That could really speed things up.” Eugene whispered to his friend Jon while Cheerilee continued to give her explanation.

Jon paid no mind to his friend’s comment, brushing him off as being horny again but then, an important question came to mind. He raised his hoof, waiting for the teacher to notice him.

Cheerilee stopped her lesson, noticing the filly getting up on her chair. “Yes, Bo Peep?”

“When do filly’s go into heat for the first time?” Bo asked. A pertinent question indeed.

“Oh, well, usually it starts when a filly begins puberty at around ten years old.” Cheerilee helpfully answered.

Bo Peep blinked, slowly processing the ramifications of this. “Wait, Eu-I mean Poh, does that mean we are about to go into heat?”

Poh felt her body slowly heating up. “Yeah, you're right, I never thought about the reason of a tingling feeling sensation in the lower part of my body. It is so ... strange. I just feel an urge to satiate my horniness. I’m so fucking hot right now.”

“... To find relief from heat, a mare must couple with a stallion.” Cheerilee continued.

Bo’s eyes widened. Her horrified eyes scouted the class. She could only hope that this heat wasn’t going to become unbearable. After all, how could she couple with a stallion? She’s been turned into a child! No way is she going to couple with a colt. She has standards! “Dude, we need to think of something, quick.”

The pony ahead of them turned around and hushed them. It was Sweetie Belle! “Can you girls please keep it down? I’m trying to listen!”

“Oops, sorry.” Bo apologised, feeling a little hot at the moment. The lesson continued, with Cheerilee explaining more into detail the act of mating. It was weird as hell for the two former humans to hear all of this in an elementary school. Ponies and human mentalities were truly different, especially regarding sexuality. They had zero problems talking about the birds and the bees. Then again, ponies are always naked. Makes sense.

Eugene watches frenetically at the clock as a desperate way of passing the time. Its back hoofs were stomping in the ground, he was barely capable of holding the horny. His cheeks slowly turned red, sweat began to drip down his face. This was it, the estrus cycle was kicking in. Much faster than the other foals especially. Was it because of his matured brain? Probably. That, and the hundreds of times he fapped to Fluttershy. Now, he couldn’t wait anymore for penetration.

Jon wasn’t having much luck either. He probably was more of a hormone filled beast than his friend. Their matured brains didn’t mesh well with the rest of their body, creating a big problem. They were the only ones sweating amongst the class. The other ponies were probably too young to care about mating. They probably just felt a little hot in the spring and moved on when winter came, but not them. They absolutely NEEDED to heed Cheerilee’s lesson. They needed a stallion willing to save them from this burning hellscape of their filly bodies.

“Sadly, it has been discovered that only 50 to 60% of breeding results in a foal. Hm, then again... it could be viewed as a good thing depending on the context.”

Eugene waved his hoof at Cheerliee general direction to ask an important question “Hum miss Che-Cherole-cheetos?”

Cheerilee put down her chalk, hiding her mild annoyance. “Yes, what is it Poh?”

“If, let's say, a filly doesn’t want to have the pepe in the popo sex butt thing, what can she do to stop the ‘drive’?” Eugene awkwardly explained, hiding his blush.

Cheerilee scratched her chin, providing a brief hope to the burning filly. “Well... I don’t know. I don’t believe there is another way to stop the heat except for the act of mating. If you want to go into more details, you can always visit the Golden Oak and find a book on this subject.”

With pure panic in his eyes, Eugene frenetically ran outside the class and bumped in someponies desk. “I’m sowwy, I need to go. I-I-I have something to do...”

“Sure, you can go to the bathroom. Just make it quick, please.”

Jon watched with wide eyes. “Oh god, he’s going to be gooning in the bathroom.”

With Eugene gone, Cheerilee resumed. Jon looked around anxiously, scared out of his mind to realise he’s the only one now having this trouble. Unless he asked the teacher to go in the bathroom, he’s going to be gooning in class. “Ah... Ah fuck....” He needed to ask her! But to do so now would feel disingenuous, and Cheerilee would pick up on that quick. No choice!

“M-Miss Cheerilee?” Bo asked with a shaky voice.

“Yes, my little pony?”

“I need to goo- to go to the bathroom, it’s really important.” To her relief, Cheerilee let her leave. She didn’t need to hear the rest of the lesson, she knew the rest anyway, not that she ever got to practice it. And so, Bo Peep left the classroom, her face red like a tomato. She caught some unfortunate gazes from her classmates, but that didn’t matter to her in the moment.

Rushing in the hallway, Bo made a conscious effort to choose the mare’s bathroom instead of the stallion’s. It felt wrong to do so, but with this new body came new perks. She’s not being a pervert here, she’s just using her newfound rights! Busting the door open, she heard a muffled voice coming from one of the many stalls.

“Oh, fuck me with those penis looking hoofs!”

Somewhat scared, Bo followed the source of the voice and knocked on the stall. “Eugene, don’t tell me you’re masturbating in an elementary school’s bathroom?”

Poh moaned in desperation. “N-n-n-ooo... I’m just doing some snails stuff you know? D-Don't you dare enter!”

This is going to be so wrong but... Bo winked, ducking to peek under the stall. “Prepare for trouble... and make it double!”

And there he saw it. His own friend, sitting on the toilet, masturbating with the handle of a brush toilet, who’s feeling disgusted and excited at the same of its new sexual toy he found.

“Is... Is that really how you’re going to masturbate?” Bo looked at her hooves, wondering if it’s even possible to do the dirty deed with them alone. “Well, fine. I’ll get my own stall and fight off my heat.”

Taking the stall next to his friend, Bo got to work. “Prepare thy nuts!” Quickly and efficiently, she got to work on cooling off her heat. The silence of the bathroom was drowned out by the moans of two fillies going to town on their vaginas. It felt so good, so refreshing. Cheerilee had not mentioned that this alternative method worked! Maybe it was too soon for foals to know. At least, they can hold off the need to couple with a colt or filly. They can hold off until they’re old enough to snatch anypony they want.

Then, the bathroom’s door opened. A filly entered! The clopping of her hooves echoed throughout the now silent bathroom. Both Bo and Poh froze, keeping their mouths shut. They saw four pink hooves calmly trotting past them. Oh, shit! Bo thought. Diamond Bitchara alert!

Diamond Tiara glanced over the two closed stalls, scoffing. No doubt the two blank flanks were hiding in there, cowering from her. Smirking, she tapped on one of the stalls. “Well, blank flanks. It would seem that my favorite stall is taken. How terrible. How can I ever fulfill my needs if I don’t have my favorite stall?” The rich bitch laughed. “Not like you have any choice. Let me have my stall or should I remind what happened last time you mocked me?”

Bo Peep tapped on the stall next to her, getting the attention of her friend. Her wings were flustered. She had unconsciously strained them for the entire duration of her playtime. As a result, they were hurting. “I’m halfway there, no way I can leave in front of Diamond like that. You need to go first, dude.”

In memory of what happened last time he disobeyed and lacked respect in front of Diamond Bitchara, he indeed realised he didn’t have any choice. In a shameful way, he pulled out his improvised dildo out of his pussy, as it made a wet and slurpy sound. Closing his back legs to hide his gooninesss, he slowly opens the door and try to avoid that bitch judgmental look and with a desperate wish that she didn’t have to make the number 2, or worse, use the toilet brush.

Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow at the sight of this green filly. Her face was completely red, and she was limping away from her with this terrified look in her eyes. “Tss...”

For Bo Peep, it meant that victory had been achieved. The problem now was the invisible time limit. They can’t spend too much time in the bathroom without catching the teacher’s ire. This meant she had to speedrun her magical cure against her heat. W-Well... Here goes.

“You literal brush fucker! That was my idea!” Poh shouted before taking another stall to fulfill her horny desires.

Diamond Tiara took a deep breath, ready to enjoy her break from this boring and dreadful class in peace. To bully these two idiots was the cherry on top. She leaned back and closed her eyes. It was at this moment that she began to hear a wet slurping noise on her right. Confused, she chose to ignore it. But then, that very same noise came from the left too. She wondered what could even make that noise as it broke the peaceful silence of the bathroom.

Then, strange breathing noises could be heard accompanying the slurping. It was a slow crescendo of weirdness. And now, thanks to these two blank flanks, Diamond Tiara couldn’t get some peace and quiet.

For some reason, one of them even muttered her name!

“Um excuse you, but can you keep it down already!? You’re disturbing me!” Tiara exclaimed, banging on the stalls around her.

The only sounds she heard were muffled moans surrounding her. Panickily trying to figure it out what is going on, she started to notice liquid slowly disperse on the left and on the right stall of her. A few seconds later, the stalls opened. Confused and curious, Diamond flushed her toilet and left to see just what was going on.

Instead of being met with fear, she was met with praise. Bo Peep tapped her shoulder. “Thanks Diamond, you really helped me when it was getting hard to find some motivation.”

Imitating Bo Peep’s behavior, “Yeah, sowwy for calling you a bitch recently. I mean, you still are, but I think that I kinda like you, you know? You helped us in our time of need, so, it is natural for us to do the same thing for you.”

Diamond Tiara blinked. “Well... I will ask a favor of you soon enough.” she mumbled absently as she watched the two fillies washing their hooves and cleaning their lady part before leaving the bathroom, satisfied.

“Catch ya later, babe.” Bo said, ironically blowing a kiss as Diamond watched on, horribly confused and disgusted.

After returning to their class, fully satisfied, Bo and Poh listened intently to the rest of the lesson, though most of it wasn’t all that important. They were not men anymore, so what was the point of learning about an erection?

After class ended, the two fillies followed the rest of the class outside, waiting for their new mother to come pick them up. During that wait, they noticed three iconic fillies come to them with great interest in their eyes. It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, most likely noticing their lack of cutie marks.

“Hey, haven’t seen you two before. Are you new to Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked.

“And what is yer name?” Apple Bloom followed.

Sweetie Belle glanced over their flanks. “And do you want to have a cutie mark?”

“First off; Yes. Secondly; Bo and Poh and lastly, don’t we all want a cutie mark? I’m mean, unless you want to remain as a basic bitch your whole life, you don’t really have a choice.” Bo Peep deadpanned.

After a long and cringy silence between the fillies, Eugene felt he had to say something. “Yeah, I think what she just said. Sorry if we look unfriendly, that’s the way we are. If you don’t mind, our mom is almost here to pick us up.”

“Well, we don’t mind right naow. We just ‘eard that ya really got on Diamond’s nerve earlier.” Apple Bloom informed, looking at the many plasters on the two fillies.

Poh smirked. “You mean the one and only Bitchara? Yeah, we aren’t letting her control us like if she was a dictator from a cliché movie you know? Even, if we have a royalty fee on her.”

“A royalty fee? What did she do to deserve that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Bo Peep’s eye twitched and she put on an awkward smile. “Nothing you should be concerned about, really.”

“Let’s say, she helped us learn about today’s class.” Poh said, winking at her friend who didn’t share her devious pleasure in being mysterious.

“Pff, as if she’ll ever help anypony with anything ever!” Scootaloo brushed it off. “She only really cares about herself and Silver Spoon to some extent.”

Speak of the devil, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon passed by them, smirking at the two bruised fillies, her work of art. “Don’t forget; you owe me one. Both of you.”

Apple Bloom glared, eyeballing the two bullies until they were gone. “Sounds like ya two are in for one nasty ride. Diamond’s gonna take advantage of y’all, Ah hope ya know that.”

Poh snickered. “We don’t even know what she wants to do with us, that’s the funny part... Cleaning her bedroom? Being a pet for her for a day? Mushing the foods for her in our mouths? Once shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty...”

The three crusaders blinked, mildly perturbed by some of the downright fetishized guesses. Nevertheless, they saw in these two fillies the possibility of finding new recruits for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Well anyway, have you ever heard of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” Scootaloo asked.

Bo shot a glance at her friend, looking to form a consensus. “Well, we did hear about that, sorta... We just heard about a similar club in, uh, Manehattan I believe.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes shot wide open. “Oh really? Ah didn’t know they stole our mojo there. Still, do ya know what we crusaders do?”

Fuck, piss and shit! That’s season 3! We’re in season 2! God damn, I better get my facts right next time. “Uh, crucify ponies?” Bo mockingly answered, letting a bit of bitterness come out of her voice.

“What’s crucifying?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Poh clopped her hooves together. “Have you ever heard of that dude Jesus Christ?”

Poh, shut the fuck up, right now.” Bo deadpanned.

Scootaloo cleared her throat. “Anyway... we crusaders are trying to get our cutie marks, so we’re always trying out new things to get them! Uh, we had no luck so far...”

And you won’t have any for the next three seasons. Bo thought. “Well that sounds interesting. I suppose you’re here to enlist us?”

Sweetie Belle smiled. “Pretty much! We don’t have many members right now. Nopony really wants to join in Ponyville so, um, would you be the first to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders?” She gave them her best puppy eyes, the kind of eyes you couldn’t say no to. Unless you have no heart.

“Yeah, sure, we don’t have better things to do anyway!” Oh yeah, I forgot about obtaining Fluttershy love. Eugene then thought, feeling bad about his answer.

At least, it made someponies happy. The three crusaders bounced around in joy. They finally were able to convince other foals to join their club! What a wonderful feeling.

“Come on, follow us. We’ll take ya to our secret lair.” Apple Bloom announced, waving a hoof at them.

“Well, we can’t for today, sorry. We’re currently waiting for Fluttershy to come pick us up from school.” Bo Peep declined.

Sweetie Belle lowered her head. “Oh right. We-Did you just say Fluttershy? I thought you said your mom was coming to pick...” The gears in her head turned, coming to the one logical conclusion. “Fluttershy’s your mom?!”

Poh grinned. “You heard it right; the element of kindness is our mom! Are you all jealous of how cool our parent is compared to yours?”

Bo Peep blinked. “Do you even think before you speak?”

“Yeah right. Mah older sister’s ta Element of Honesty!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“And my older sister is the Element of Generosity!” Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo raised her head proudly. “And my old... nevermind. Well, R-Rainbow Dash thinks I’m cool anyway.”

And speaking of the mane 6, one yellow pony flew gracefully and meticulously at the front of the school to pick up both of her fillies as promised. The CMC’s had definitive proof that these two weren’t lying. Fluttershy really adopted them out of the blue.

“Oh, hello girls.” Fluttershy landed near the two green fillies, now feeling like she has to address the elephant in the room. “Um, as you can see; I now have to take care of these two. We can’t find their parents or anypony willing to take care of them for that matter so, um, I chose to do it. I mean, look at how cute they are!”

Eugene struck a pose. “That right, now step aside and be amazed by the power of an angel!”

The little filly dropped to the ground, waving her hooves up and down in a strange gesture only Bo understood.

“O...kay?” Apple Bloom scratched her head, weirded out by the new filly’s strange behavior. Was that something they do in Manehattan?

Fluttershy patted the little filly on the head. “Oh, I don’t deserve such praises! Anyway, it’s time to return home, I’ve prepared a nice meal home.”

“Yay! Tell us, what is it, what is it?” Both fillies said while running excitedly around her and jumping everywhere. A cute display for the mare.

“Ah ha, it’s a surprise!” Fluttershy teased. “You’ll have to wait and see!”

As it turned out, the surprise meal in question was corn with butter and salt. Jon stared in joy at his plate. It’s been so long since he’s eaten corn, it was going to be a delicious meal!

One problem; one the hell does one eat corn without fingers?

Fluttershy wondered why the two fillies were not eating yet. “Um, i-is something wrong with the corn?”

“Hum, we aren’t used to eating corn using our hooves... Do you have a fork? Oh, wait that doesn’t solve the problem at all. Eugene responded.

Jon shrugged. “Meh, whatever.” He picked the corn using his hooves. It took some getting used to, but he was able to take a bite out of the delicious corn, relishing in its buttery and salty taste. He got to work on stripping this corn naked while Fluttershy went to fetch his friend a fork.

“Alright, if that helps you eat your corn...”

“Hum thank you ...” Eugene already regretted his previous answer as he had to pretend, he knew what he was doing. He then clumsy grab the fork and pierce the corn right in the middle. As an improvised hammer, he kicks the vegetable right into the table, putting a little bit piece of corn on his plate. By the hard judgemental look on his friend’s face, he had to pretend that everything is ok. So, he continued his meal while having an embarrassed look on his face.

“My friend’s very clumsy. It’s why she doesn’t work at McDonald’s anymore.” Bo Peep deadpanned.

“Well, I can tell she’s very, um, clumsy. But that’s no reason to be ridiculing her, she’s trying her best.” Fluttershy defended, offering a cute smile to the struggling filly.

After both finish their meal, it was time to ask the final question to this magnificent meal they were having. Eugene licked his lips, and with a great smile with a piece of corn still between his front teeth he asked “What is the dessert Fluttershy? Is it Nutella on brioche, or a croissant? Double glazed donut with chocolate chips on top?”

Her foster mother blinked. “Oh, um, I-I only have ice cream in my fridge so... I guess we’ll be having ice cream.”

Bo Peep burped loudly. “Chocolate ice cream?”

The kind mare nodded. “Yes, vanilla too if your friend would prefer that.”

“Yay, that’s my favorite flavor of all time!” Eugene happily responded.

Fluttershy returned with three bowls of ice cream for each of them. “So, how was your day? Did you learn anything exciting at school?”

“We had a sexual education about reproduction, and it was ‘interesting’ to say the least.” Bo Peep responded.

“And we are now enslaved because of it by Diamond Tiara.” Poh added.

Fluttershy bugged on the word “enslaved”. It took some time for her to regain her composure after hearing such a cute being utter a terribly dark word. “W-What do you mean?”

Bo Peep rolled her eyes. “She means we’ve been bullied. I don’t think this is anything to worry about.”

“Well, we have no idea yet on what she will demand us.” Poh added.

“Oh my, a-and what did you learn with Miss Cheerilee?” Fluttershy asked, hoping to derail the subject from something less terrible.

“Hum... We learned about ourselves? Oh, and that a toilet brush makes a good ...” Poh cringed.

Bo smirked. “We learned about our bodies to be precise. We learned what it meant to be in heat.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Ah, so it was a very important lesson.”

The two fillies blinked. Not the type of reaction they were expecting.

“We’re in the middle of Spring right now. It’s a good thing you learned about it today, that way you won’t be feeling scared when you’ll feel your first heat!”

Jon and Eugene looked at each other. They both had the same question in mind yet didn’t know if it was a good idea to ask. Eventually, it was decided that Eugene would be the one to go.

“So hum, who was your first heat?”

“Are you in heat too, mommy?” Bo cut in with all the bluntness of a baseball bat.

Fluttershy blinked. “Oh, w-well. It is starting for me, the same goes for my friends, um. J-Just don’t worry about it. It’s nothing to be concerned about. Being in heat isn’t as bad as they make it out to be.”

“I’d wager against that.”

Later that night, Jon and Eugene were offered their own bed so that they wouldn’t be forced to sleep with Fluttershy all the time. A kind gesture by the mare, but unfortunately, they were not normal fillies. Unlike your average foals, they had desires, more mature desires to be precise.

Currently resting in their new bed in the living room, the two fillies pondered over their conversation during dinner.

“Well, this is nice, I guess.” Jon muttered in bed, feeling somewhat awkward to be sleeping in the same bed as his friend.

“Why the fuck did you ask if she was in heat? That isn't something you tell someponies about it, especially not our mother!” Eugene exclaimed angrily.

“Oh come on, you were thinking about it too. I mean, we should know that, right? And plus, nobody gives a shit. They’re all okay being open about their sexuality.” Jon hissed.

“Yeah, of course, but if we want a chance to have a sexual relation with her, we need to be sneaky about it and play it in a more intelligent way dude! One wrong answer and perhaps we could get out the door.” Eugene panickily responded.

Jon looked up the stairs. “Yeah, I mean, maybe we could do it, but that would imply that Fluttershy’s a pedophile, dude. That’s very concerning if we do succeed.”

“We are already the weird one to be part of this world and to sexually profit on some ponies we’ve seen in a kid’s animation show.” Eugene pointed out.

“You know what, if we can’t fuck her, we’ll just sleep in her bed again and stare at her pussy.” Straight the point and blunt as hell, that was Jon for you. He had already jumped out of bed, waving his friend to follow him. “Go go go.”

Eugene begrudgingly followed his friend. “Argh, ok dude, deal. But if you aren’t happy by how fast this is going, you can still find someone else to fuck on. Remember, you have 5 other pussies to choose.”

“Hm, Applejack pussy.”

Opening their mother door Eugene worked his newly acquired filly charm to convince her mother. “Fluttershy, sorry to disturb you, but can we sleep with you p-pwease? We are so scared of the dark.”

Fluttershy yelped, pulling the sheets further up. Her face was red and sweating. The poor mare looked very uncomfortable, but her fillies were at her door, asking to sleep with her. She can’t turn down these adorable foals. “A-Alright, my little ponies. J-Just, um, give me one minute, okay?”

Jon’s eyes widened. “Aw, nuts, dude.” He pulled his friend away and lowered his voice. “I think Fluttershy’s gooning, man. She’s blushing hard. Just look at her.”

“One way to find out. Investigation time.” As Eugene pull out a magnifying glass out of his ass. Not literally, thankfully.

They saw Fluttershy lock herself away in the bathroom. “Need more proof, Eugene?” Jon mused.

“Maybe she just went pissing? Or she has her period? We can’t guess like that dude.”

Jon jumped on the bed, pulling the sheets down. “Stop being in denial already. Just look, man. There are stains on her bed. She didn’t piss herself before we came, she was fucking gooning.”

“Perhaps she had a nightmare and her sweat just penetrated her bed?”

“I think she was fucking penetrating herself! Stop trying to act like you don’t know what’s going on-”

The bathroom door opened out of the blue. “Okay, sorry to keep you waiting. I just had to, um, g-go.” Fluttershy was still a little red. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and gently flew to her bed. “Alright now, my little ponies; it’s time to sleep. You’ll have another very important day at school tomorrow, so it’s really important that you have a good night’s sleep.”

The two fillies hesitantly lied down under the blanket, cringing at the knowledge of what transpired under. Nevertheless, they chose to stick to Fluttershy like glue, comforted by her soft fur. “Goodnight, sleepy heads. I will cook you some pancakes tomorrow!”

It felt good to cuddle against Fluttershy but still, the possibility of one day ending their friendly competition seemed next to zero. She was too pure to get it on with foals. Perhaps they should settle for another target, hm?

If only Eugene would open his eyes to the sad truth. He cannot let his precious pony waifu go. But to win this competition, he must set his sight on somepony else before Jon takes the easy win.

Well, that’s enough thinking for tonight. Eugene elected to gaze more at Fluttershy’s crotch before sleep finally caught up to him. As for Jon, curiosity took over him. It begged him to peek under the bed, just to be sure.

Sure enough, he saw a very distinct shape under the bed. One he sort of misses. And worst of all; it was too big for a pony his size. A sad reminder of his lost manhood. “I’ll borrow that someday, Fluttershy.”

Author's Note:

Jesuislaporte A.K.A Applejack Enjoyer
You may be wondering why every time my friend or I say Poh, it's always extremely small. That's an inside joke. Don't fret over it. Also, yeah, we started going more into sexuality this chapter because an important part of switching gender is, of course, sexuality. Also, we made it a rule to that the only foals who are gonna be somewhat sexualised in this story are Jon and Eugene since they're technically not real foals. The rest, however, is a no no. We have standards, people.

Eugene A.K.A Fluttershy enjoyer
A chapter that was as fun as disturbing to write.
Je vous aime, putain - Les Tutos