• Published 15th Feb 2024
  • 199 Views, 2 Comments

The Perfect Boy Does Not Exist - Pinkiemlp97

What happens when some kids arrive at Canterlot High and have the mane six in their sights?

  • ...

Chapter 1

It was a weekday, the Canterlot girls were sitting in the cafeteria after finishing their second day of classes.

“Seriously, that class is the worst.” Rainbow Dash complained, laying her head on the table.

“Come on, it's not that bad,” Twilight said.

“Twi, you are an Einstein in calculations,” Rainbow said.

Twilight didn't know whether to be offended or flattered by that comment.

“Girls, I was thinking, we can go somewhere after school,” suggested Pinkie Pie.

“A break from class doesn't sound bad,” Rainbow said as she moved her arms behind her head.

"Let's go to a party!!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

“Pinkie, it's a school week, we can't afford to drink and feel bad the next day,” twilitgh claimed.

“Oww, Sunset would agree,” said Pinkie, a little discouraged.

“I'm not really sure about that,” said Fluttershy.

“By the way, when is she coming back?” Applejack asked.

“I don't know, she told me she wanted to visit her world, but she didn't say how many days she would be there” Twilight answered.

“Mmm… it feels different without her” Pinkie Pie said.

“Yes” they all said in unison.

“Returning to the topic of the exit” Rarity spoke to change the topic. “Lyra and Bon Bon told me about a movie they went to
see at the Cinema” Rarity said.

“Cinema sounds better,” Applejack said.

“I think it's better than a party,” said Fluttershy.

“It's not a party, but it will be exciting,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“As long as it's action, everything is fine,” said Rainbow.

They all turned around looking at the girl with glasses hoping that, of her opinion, Twilight raised an eyebrow at her gaze then sighed and said "I don't think we'll feel bad about a movie."



Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash celebrated.

Once classes were over, everyone headed to the mall. While Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy headed to the food court to buy some popcorn. Rarity, Applejack and Twilight went to buy the tickets

“Pinkie Pie, don't you go a little overboard with the candy?” Fluttershy said looking at the amount of things she carried in both arms.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy, this will be over in the blink of an eye," Pinkie answered simply.

“I can help with that,” Rainbow said with a tray of refreshments in her hand.

The three saw how their friends were already paying for the tickets so they decided to approach them.

"And Rarity... what's the name of the action movie we're going to see?" Rainbow asked

Applejack laughed at the comment and tried to hide it, Rainbow raised an eyebrow at that, then looked at Twilight who avoided her gaze.

“Well… I never said it was action”

“Then what is it?” she said confused

The movie turned out to be a romance and each of the girls had a different expression. Pinkie Pie was more focused on eating her candy but from time to time she watched the movie, Fluttershy was totally into the movie and sometimes even seemed to shed some tears, Rainbow Dash had an annoyed expression but did her best not to criticize the cheesy moments that they showed, Twilight was analyzing everything that was happening, Applejack was tolerant but a little disinterested in what was happening and finally Rarity was with a handkerchief in her hand drying a tear.

After the movie ended...

“Oh my God, I don't know how I could stand all that!” Rainbow Dash complained but relieved to get out.

“It was very nice,” said Fluttershy.

“Yes… he protagonist was so charming,” Rarity spoke. “I would say he is the perfect boy,” she said excitedly.

“I don't think anyone like that exists,” Twilight declared.

“I agree,” Applejack said, crossing her arms.

“Don't be pessimistic,” Rarity complained, turning her back on them.

“Maybe Rarity is right,” Fluttershy said. “Maybe if she exists,” she finished, surprising the girls.

They all turned to look at Fluttershy, a little incredulous at what she said. When she realized that the girls were looking at her, she hid behind Rainbow Dash.

“Oh Darling, that flatters me,” Rarity said with a hand on her heart.

“Eh, you're welcome, I guess,” Fluttershy said, looking up, but still behind Rainbow Dash.

“Let's see girls, if you dreamed of an ideal boy, what would he be like?” Rarity asked “Me first. "He It would be tall, elegant and detailed" she finished saying, extending her arms as a sign for them to continue.

“Oh! Oh! “I want to continue,” Pinkie Pie said excitedly. “He will have to like parties, baking and being charismatic.”

Pinkie Pie and Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash.

She just looked at them, she wasn't going to answer, but she was getting tired of them looking at her like that “well now!! Let me see… he would have to like sports, be loyal and amazing, not as much as I” she said, crossing her arms egocentrically.

Rainbow looked back where Fluttershy was waiting for her to give an answer.

"Well... if there was someone like that... I'm not saying I'm looking for one... eh... umm... he would be kind, funny and would have to like animals like me" Fluttershy said, hiding his already blushing face behind her hair.

Rarity approached Applejack putting her hands behind her back and looked at her.

“Rarity does not exist…” she was going to continue, but then she saw Rarity's eyes and sighed defeated “…that it exists, it exists, but it is not perfect” then she put a finger on her chin “since everyone has answered… the main thing, He has to be honest with me, that he likes to dance to those country songs that I like and attentive”

Rarity nodded in thanks for answering, Applejack rolled her eyes, but with a smile.

Just like they did in the cafeteria, everyone looked at Twilight waiting for her answer.

And Twi? Rarity asked.

"Girls, it's-" Twilight was going to object.

"Come on Einstein, let's all describe a boy," Rainbow said, interrupting her, "it's your turn."

“Seriously Dash, I still don't know how to feel about that nickname.”

“¡What does the nickname matter!, we are waiting for you twilight” Pinkie Pie said jumping up and down.

“Look, I answered,” Dash said, pointing to herself. “and even the cowgirl did it too,” she said, pointing her thumb at Applejack.

“Well, in the hypothetical case…” Twilight began, pausing with her hand, “He would be… mmm… brilliant, creative and methodical.

The girls just nodded at the answer.

“Sounds very… you,” Rainbow Dash mocked.

“Ahh,” was the only thing he said Twilight. “Okay, we already talked a lot about boys, how about we go now?” she suggested

“If we should leave now, I'm sure Grandma Smith will call me any minute,” Applejack said.

After the girls left the movie theater to head to their respective homes, they didn't realize that a black-haired boy heard their conversation and smiled maliciously.

Sparkle Family House

“I'm here,” Twilight said as he closed the front door.

“Hello Twilight, until you arrived” Greeted Spike who came running on all fours.

“Mom and dad aren't here yet?”

“Looks like they'll be a little late because of work.,” Spike replied. “By the way, where were you?”

“Rarity came up with the idea of going to the movies after school,” Twilight explained.

“Could have gone with you”

“You know dogs aren't allowed,” Twilight said, raising an eyebrow as if it were the most obvious thing.

“I could hide in your backpack,” Spike suggested.

“Maybe next time”

Twilight bent down to pick up Spike and headed to her room.

“What movie did you watch?” Spike asked.

"One of romance, Rainbow Dash was exploding when she discovered the movie Rarity chose" Twilight said as she left Spike on his bed.

“Hahaha I would have liked to see that”

“It's not good to laugh at others behind their backs,” he said as he went to his closet in search of his pajamas.

"It was just a joke"

Twilight went into the bathroom to change, once she was changed she headed to her bed.

“Perfect guy,” Twilight said with a hint of sarcasm.

"What did you say?

“Nothing, just that after the movie ended, Rarity started talking about how he would be a perfect boy.”

“And you don't believe in that?”

"Until I see it, I don't believe it, and psychology says so." He said, raising a finger. "Well, let's stop talking about it, it's already late and there are classes tomorrow," he said, moving the sheets to cover himself.

“Twilight is still early,” Spike said, looking at the clock on the cabinet.

"Not for me"

After that she went to bed and turned off the light, Spike had no choice but to get comfortable.

It was already the next day of class, the girls were already in their classrooms paying attention. (others not so much) to what their teacher was saying, while this was happening on the outskirts of Canterlot High a group of boys were getting off a bus.

“We're here,” said a boy with brown hair. “Welcome to Canterlot High.”

Author's Note:

- same as always, I use a translator so some things may not translate well (tell me any errors you find)

- It is the first fanfiction that will be a series of chapters

- this fanfic is a gift for an follower

- a question... do you think I portray the personalities of the mane six well?