• Published 21st Feb 2024
  • 276 Views, 12 Comments

The Great Retreat - History Student

The Heer is retreating. Never did Blueblood think he'd see the day, but the entry of Stalliongrad into the war has presented the first sign of hope for a long time.

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A Last Hurrah

As an orange morning sun rose behind him, Blueblood trotted back into Canterlot castle on the double quick. His pace unusually fast, he let his legs lead him where his mind failed. Great Faust how long had it been since he slept? At least a day, how many hours were in a day again? At least 10 right?

He hadn’t slept since the news of the Changeling retreat, that was days ago by this point. Running purely on caffeine and spite, he made his way towards Cadances room. The alicorn had asked him to tell her the results the moment he got back from the embassy, this seemed to classify. The results of the meeting, were good, very good.

Strolling through the main gate, Blueblood hefted the saddlebag he’d picked up at the Reich’s embassy. Containing nothing but a delightful griffon invention called Caffeine strips and the full copy of the agreement of Flurry’s asylum in the Reich, it was light enough not to impede his galloping speed in any significant margin.

Passing through the main gate, Blueblood roughly saluted the two on duty guards and waltzed straight through the door. Having possibly the most recognisable face on the continent really helped ponies identify him. Thinking about it though, they didn’t stop to check if he was a changeling. That was a huge security risk.

As he briskly made his way up a flight of stairs, an unexpected voice called out his name. Turning to the source, he spotted Captain-General Shining Armour moving at a gallop towards him. Blueblood waited for Shining Armour to reach him before continuing with his trot to Cadances quarters. The two moved at a fast trot, nearly a jog as they moved through the palace.

“So?” Shining asked expectedly, huffing as he caught his breath.

“Not here, there’s too many open ears.” He hushed.

“Got it.” Shining briskly replied. The small smile on his muzzle didn’t escape the Bloody Marshals notice. The fact he’d been gone all night, deflected the question and returned with something in his bag was a good sign for Shining.

“Did someone tell you the news at the door, or do I have to?” Shining asked suddenly, his tone betraying that the news probably wasn’t good.

Twitching an ear, the white unicorn shook his head. What more could possibly have happened while he was gone? Some hopelessly optimistic part of him wanted it to be good news, but he knew it wouldn’t be. It was never going to be good news, what could possibly be good in this accused world? The absolute worst thing would be the Changelings beginning some kind of counterattack, the horrible thought that the entire retreat may have even been some sort of feint even crossed his mind.

“Celestia signed a document shortly after you left. You’ve been disowned and your royal titles have been officially revoked. She said, and I quote ‘I’ll reinstate them once he’s learned his lesson.’ Ponies have been trying to find you all night to tell you the news and get interviews for the tabloids.” Shining explained. His neutral tone conveying nothing.

Blueblood stopped trotting at the news. Shining reacted slightly slower and stopped a few paces ahead of him, looking down in his from the stairs above. He ran it over and over again in his mind, trying to comprehend it. Eventually he just sighed and took off his hat, brushing a hoof through his mane, he huffed. Just one single emotion was conveyed by him, tiredness.

Finally speaking, he shocked Shining Armour. The other unicorn had expected Blueblood to shout or be outraged, show anger or hate. In total contrast to that, he just looked disappointed and disheartened. “It’s just dawned on me that the princesses never really knew me.”

On so many levels could Shining understand that. The two hadn’t been close before, the arrogant Prince always belittling the ‘common soldier’. But the captain had been the first pony to see the change in the Prince, the day he enlisted forever burned into his mind. Over the years he’d watched Blueblood change from the arrogant Prince, into a more mellow and pragmatic (if heartless) leader. The Prince had really turned his life around, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say the titles didn’t mean a damn sight to him right now.

“I think…” Shining slowly began “they never bothered to know the new you. You’ve changed a lot over the years, if I hadn’t been there with you ever step of the way, I wouldn’t believe you’d do what you’ve done.”

The calming words soothed Blueblood. He was so incredibly disappointed with his auntie’s over their decision, well the princesses now, they weren’t his aunties in can the eyes of the law anymore. Picking up his hooves, he started off again up the stairs, Shining falling into pace besides him. As they trotted through the castle, Shining noted: The black bags under Bluebloods eyes, the lethargic movements, the aggressively passive expression chiselled on his face.

“Blueblood, when did you last sleep?” The Prince Consort of the Crystal Empire asked, just knowing that he’d hate the answer.

“Not entirely sure, when did the Changelings retreat?” was the horrible reply.

“Days ago!” Shining nearly shouted at Blueblood.

“Then” came the short reply as the Bloody Marshal rubbed his ears “On an unrelated note, did you know that the Griffons invented something called caffeine strips.

The two stallions made a good pace in a comfortable silence, although Shining wrapped a hoof around Bluebloods back, noticing how dizzy he appeared. Each had their heads buzzing with a million and one thoughts. Shining was in bits as he ran through every scenario of the Reichs response, from the most draconian to the peachiest. Blueblood meanwhile swirled with regret of his past actions, what a spoiled brat he’d been.

The two becoming almost friends was something no pony could have ever predicted. Neither of them could have predicted it either. But during officer training, Blueblood was placed under Shining’s tutelage. While initially wary, Shining warmed up after a few months when he realised how deadly serious the then Prince was about his future. Blueblood meanwhile had been quick to dismiss Shinings lessons, but was won over by his soldierly manner and enforcement of discipline. That eventually turned into something resembling a friendship.

Winding through the castles corridors for what felt like the millionth time. The two eventually made it to Cadances quarters. As Shining opened the double doors, yet another unexpected interruption plagued him. Rotating his head towards the sound of approaching hoof steps, none other than Princess Luna could be seen slowly making her way towards them. Turning back to Shining, he grasped the Reichs document in his magic and levitated it out of the saddlebag and towards the captain.

Taking the document in his own magic, Shining wordlessly closed the door and left the two of them alone. He understood that whatever was about to be said wasn’t for his ears. Blueblood meanwhile was grateful that Shining had left them to it, things probably wouldn’t get unpleasant, but they certainly might get personal.

Princess Luna stopped some 6 feet away from Blueblood. Then she raised her head and met his eyes, for the first time in a long time, she met his gaze. Her eyes seemed wet, probably with recent tears. His own meanwhile conveyed a deep tiredness, not just physical, but also mental. He’d met an older mare a few months ago who said he had the eyes of a stallion twice his age, perhaps there was truth to that.

“It was for the best.” She quietly confessed.

“What was?” Blueblood asked neutrally, he honestly couldn’t tell what thing she was talking about.

“Revoking your titles and familial status. It was the only thing you’d understand.” Her words lacked conviction; she barely believed them herself.

“Your highness, you and I know that’s not true.” He stated evenly. It wasn’t hiding your emotions if you felt none, he was just tired.

“Yes it is!” She shouted “I know you, you’re angry. Scream at me shout at me, tell me that I can’t do this!” Lunas words were angry, but her tone was pleading. She wanted, no, needed it to be true.

“Princess.” Blueblood said, his voice betraying his tired he felt “I don’t think you’ve known me for a long time. Those titles stopped mattering to me a while about, all I am is disappointed that my closest family see me that way. Well I suppose not anymore, we aren’t family now are we?”

“You heartless bastard!” Luna spat, tears starting to leak from her eyes “Me and Celestia did what we had to do. I couldn’t order any more ponies to die for us, I couldn’t bear it. You and Cadance changed, became cold and unfeeling as you send ponies to die in pointless battles, wasting needless lives. Cadance has become so hateful and wicked, how can a princess of love go to war? How can you order ponies to die for us so easily?”

Blueblood stopped, astounded by the audacity of her words. Then he felt an anger wash over him, an uncontrollably wild anger. “You think we’re dying out there for you? You actually think that don’t you, that every pony goes out there to make the ultimate sacrifice for you? We die for Equestria, this country existed before you, and it would have existed long after whatever cosmic force claimed your immortal lives if it wasn’t for this damnable war. We die for this country and for our freedom, we do not die for you!” His voice slowly raising, Luna slowly recoiling in shock as he spoke.

Taking a breath, he continued. “I’m not heartless your highness, I’m pragmatic and a general. My job isn’t to save soldiers lives, it’s to find places for them to die. I’m not afraid to spend lives, but I never waste them. As for Cadance, she doesn’t fight because she hates what’s in front of her, but because she loves what’s behind her. Cadance is willing to sacrifice her morals and conscience out of love for her people. If that isn’t the embodiment of love, then I don’t know what is.”

“Nephew…” Luna began desperately, but Blueblood cut her off immediately.

“No I’m not, you disowned me. I’m not your nephew anymore, I’m citizen Davian Blueblood.” He corrected.

Luna collapsed onto her haunches, tears falling from her eyes. Blueblood just watched, he wasn’t sure what emotion should be leading his decisions at the moment, satisfaction or sorrow. Lunas family was essentially imploding right in front of her, Celestia would probably be the only one she’d have left after this. Blueblood was sole living link to their extended family: Cadance, Twilight, Flurry; without Blueblood, it would all disintegrate.

Being isolated on the moon was one thing, all alone for 1000 years as the world moves on around you. But this was arguably worse, surrounded by ponies, but still completely alone. It could make you feel like a ghost, he knew that feeling all too well, the bachelor prince was always alone. But he’d long forgotten the bachelor prince alias, now he was the Bloody Marshal.

“I must ask, why?” Blueblood asked, tearing Luna from her tears.

“Why what?” She sniffed, avoiding the question.

“You know damn well what.” He spat back at her. The charges of embezzlement and releasing of private war plans to discredit him, why the betrayal? Why would they threaten the coalition like that, personal grudge maybe?

Luna sniffed again, then looked down, considering her words carefully. “I know you didn’t embezzle and I know we ordered you to make those plans. We betrayed you, so totally and unforgivably. It wasn’t a single reason you know, so many combined to create the circumstances.”

The Marshal stood, waiting for her to continue. When she didn’t, he prompted the princess that her vague answer wasn’t good enough by waving his hoof in a slow circle. The unspoken motion for her to continue.

“Too many ponies died under your command. I could hardly bear to read the casualty reports. Stalliongrad wanted you gone, your attitude to their place in the coalition alienated them from your cause, being such an open anti-communist didn’t help you either.” She paused, considering her words again “You’re aggressive; while you lead our armies, there is no chance for peace. We had to get rid of you for even the chance that the Changelings will negotiate.”

Blueblood looked straight at Luna, judging her explanation. It made sense in some ways, keeping together the coalition was more important than his job. But their strategy of appeasement was nonsensical and frankly insane. Chrysalis was like a dog chasing a bone, relentless. She wanted something, and she’d get it, or burn the world trying.

But he hated that he could understand it, just like him, Celestia and Luna believed they had to sacrifice any relationship with their only family to save the lives of their little ponies. It was a noble idea, one he might have even made if the positions were reversed. But it did truly mean goodbye, even if he lived, they would probably never meet again after this. Their familial bonds well and truly shattered, personally and legally.

Blueblood took off his cap and dusted the top of it, holding it under one leg, he extended a hoof towards Luna. “We never really knew each other, did we. That’s something I do regret.”

Luna looked down at his hoof, then back at Blueblood. After a moment, she sniffed as a new tear fell from her eye. She extended her own hoof and shook his. Then she gave a sad smile. “It’s just struck me, you look so much like your ancestor, Angelos Blueblood. The first Blueblood I ever knew, he was like an older brother to me and Celestia. When he died, I promised to look after his son. Before equestria, before these crowns, he was always there for us. I never got to say goodbye to the young colt.” Luna said, her face echoing happy memories. “Maybe that’s why I was always distant from you, I could only see the brother I lost, not the pony you are. I swear, I shall remember you for eternity.”

Blueblood gave a small smile, then he placed his cap back on his head and adjusting it to perfection, he looked at Luna. “How many seconds are in eternity?”

Swiftly turning, Blueblood made his way into his cousin’s room. Leaving behind: his family, his titles, his wealth, and the ponies who had raised him. It was the end of an era, the practical end of the Equestrian nobles, and the end of Prince Blueblood of Equestria.

6 Years later

“That’s just about it.” Blueblood stated easily, he lifted up a glass of port in his magic and took a sip from it with practiced grace. “That’s how I lost the title of Prince, and the reason there’s a schism in the former royal family.”

The Longsword reporter sitting across from him jotted something down on one of his pad. He held the pencil between two feathers on his wing. The Pegasus had surprised Blueblood, out of every reporter and writer he’d ever met, this Pegasus was the only one who’d ever been truly neutral. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t equestrian, Harmony and the Royal family were probably just distant news for someone like him.

The eyes of the prince were drawn to a small plastic object sitting on the hardwood table, spinning gears and film filled the room with a dull and constant drone. The tape recorder was a new technology, and very expensive. However, Kaiser Grover VI himself was subsidising the reporter, money certainly wouldn’t be a problem for him.

“Do you have any other questions or is that it?” Blueblood asked testily, he glanced at the grandfather clock on the far wall, counting the seconds.

The Pegasus looked up from his notebook, he bit his lip and shook his head. Reaching a wing forwards, he flicked the tape recorder off and swept it and other stationary items up in his wing. The reporter slid them in a pair of saddlebags, as he was putting the saddlebags on, the reporter glanced at Blueblood, internally debating something.

“If you don’t mind me asking a private question, did you ever ask that radiomare out?” He suddenly asked, it wasn’t really something Blueblood expected to be asked, ponies normally only cared about the war.

“Well…” Blueblood began, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Blueblood lived luxuriously under semi house arrest. This old royal estate had been turned into apartments for higher ranking prisoners of the war. It was actually part of the Blueblood estate before the royal family stripped it from him after the schism. The door to said apartment opened as an earth pony mare strode in, her orange fur shining like, well, an orange. “Honey, I’m home!”

Blueblood turned around, a genuine and goofy smile on his face. He trotted towards the mare and wrapped his front legs around her. The two stayed in a silent but joyous embrace for a moment “it’s good to see you Orange Sunset, it’s always good to see you.” Blueblood whispered into her shoulder.

Not a moment later the silence of the embrace was shattered by a small voice. “Daddy!”

A white unicorn filly with an orange mane sprinted around her mother with the energy of youth and leapt at Blueblood. The older unicorn stumbled out of the hug from his wife as he caught the filly in his hooves. “Did you have fun with mommy Cadance?”

“Yeah! We got ice cream, and cake, and met Jachs, and turned the castle and…” the enthusiastic shouts of the filly filled the room as Blueblood and his wife laughed at the continuing joy of their child.

The Longswordian reporter smiled as he crept towards the door. He came here to talk about the war, not interrupt family moments. As he closed the door to their apartment, his eyes met Bluebloods own, he nodded and shared a smile, the question having been answered. Despite everything which had happened, all the loss and death, The destruction and pain, Blueblood got his happy ending. Young Cadance, named after her Aunt, the late crystal princess, was that happy ending.

Author's Note:

So I'm going to treat this as Bluebloods happy ending, he will absolutely make further appearances in any future stories in this universe, but this is the essential end of his own personal story.

For some clarification of the ending, Cadence and Shining are 100% dead. They would have been killed at some point during the war, probably when Trimmel stormed the capital of the Crystal empire. Blueblood ended up asking out the radiomare (Orange Sunset) out and married her at some point after this, they named their daughter Cadence (I was originally going to name her sororitas) after Cadence (duh).

The next part of the series is going to focus on the Changelings instead of the ponies, mainly Trimmel, Pharynx and some others. So see you around for that.

Comments ( 5 )

Great Faust how long had it been since he slept? At least a day, how many hours were in a day again? At least 10 right?

Yup, he really needs to get some sleep.
In doubt he can ask Celestia though. I mean it's her who decides such things as the length of the day.

Turning back to Shining, he grasped the Reichs document in his magic and levitated it out of the saddlebag and towards the captain.
Taking the document in his own magic, Shining wordlessly closed the door and left the two of them alone. He understood that whatever was about to be said wasn’t for his ears.

That, and I'm sure Luna wouldn't be particular pleased by the content of the documents.

“If you don’t mind me asking a private question, did you ever ask that radiomare out?” He suddenly asked, it wasn’t really something Blueblood expected to be asked, ponies normally only cared about the war.

Asking the important questions!

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

Although I must say the ending was very sudden.
For a time it almost looked like you had forgotten about the events of the war at all, leaving us in the dark about what actually happened.
And even now I feel like some things are still unclear. Like, what exactly is his current status? and what about Flurry?

The next part of the series is going to focus on the Changelings instead of the ponies, mainly Trimmel, Pharynx and some others. So see you around for that.

I look forward to it!

Small note: It's Cadance, not Cadence.

I'm glad you enjoyed it mate! I'll do my best to get the next part out as quickly as possible.

Sorry about the sudden ending, but continuing the war from the Equestrian perspective doesn't really have much I can say, they have a stalemate for a few months before getting absolutely hammered by Trimmels second invasion. Its sort of just the beginning of the phony war where not much happens for a while.

As for the total absence of war after chapter 1, the Changelings are already gone and the Equestrian army is advancing over basically empty fields for a week. The Changeling POV's in the next part are going to focus almost exclusively on the continuation and conclusion of the war with absolutely zero chill (a lot of people are going to die).

For Blueblood, he's still under house arrest in Changeling occupied Equestria, but got married and had a child. Getting married absolutely drove his decision to try not to die and instead be captured. He's just sort of hanging around at the moment, but will get more to do later on, especially in Flurrys section of the story.

With Flurry, I probably should have done her arc next, but I guess I'm committed to the Changeling bit now. For clarity, she did end up making it to the Reich and is currently living there. Anything more would be spoiling it, but she's going to be quite important to the future plans of our favourite Changeling queen.

Thanks for spotting my misspelling of Cadance, I'll go fix that right away.

So if I got this right, the Changelings won in the end?

Yes the Changelings do eventually win. They manage to retreat with their army almost totally intact and fortify their core territory. After a few months of rebuilding and reorganising their army while the United Ponies Fromt largely squanders the the reprieve. The Changelings launch a second, better planned invasion and this time Equestria buckles under the pressure and breaks.

I just really hope Celestia realized her folly and asks for Blueblood's forgiveness or something. Maybe a new story on Celestia' perspective, ehy?

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