• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 187 Views, 3 Comments

A Spring’s Day - Lulamoon-Crystal

Spring usually brings joy and new plants. But Onyx’s partner in the tearoom is not feeling it

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It was a chill day after the end of winter. The snow had mostly gone away, leaving behind justs bits and pieces of sludge. Which many foals and even grown ponies found fun playing with. As long as they had a nice hot slower after. They did not want to have a cold.

Business was going well in Alphabittle’s tearoom in Bridlewood. The Crystal Tearoom had plenty of customers at the moment. Getting warm drinks and hanging out. Drinking tea and chatting away. Alphabittle was dusting and cleaning up behind his counter, before anymore customers came to him for a drink or a challenge. Which did not happen as often these days. On the stage where the poetry usually happened, was seated a single unicorn in front of his bongo drums.

Unlike everyone else in the room. He seemed rather down in the dumps. Almost like he was tired out. He tried to stay awake as he sat there. Wondering where Onyx was.

Dapple shivered a bit as he felt some freezing air come through the door and hit him. Hooves wrapped around as he tried to warm himself up the best he could. Hoping for any warmth as his whole body shook. He wiped his muzzle and looked around and back at his bongo drums. Feeling a bit drowsy as he raised a hoof towards it, his eyes felt heavy as he sniffled again. His mouth felt rather dry, too. He hoped he was not coming down with something.

”Ugh…” He groaned before coughing loudly. Getting the attention of some ponies at the table. “S-sorry… Just waiting…” He mumbled. His voice sounding rather sore. Waiting for Onyx to finally come on stage. His body felt as heavy as a punching bag and his mouth felt like it was blow-dried dry. That would be how he’d describe it, anyway. His throat felt rather hoarse, too.

“Onyx…” He sniffled as she finally arrived. Hoping she would not notice his sickness. He wanted to make some sick beats. Not lay in bed, sick.

“Dapple, you ready to dazzle?” She asked with a soft voice as Dapple placed his hooves onto his drums.

”Y-yeah!” He exclaimed, sounding raspy and then violently coughing into his hooves. “S-sorry Onyx. J-just allergies…”

Onyx did not seem to be buying his excuse. She saw through his lie like a pane of glass. He looked as if he had not gotten any sleep while his curly, frizzy mane was a frizzy mess. But she decided to roll with it. Even when he sneezed into his hooves. He wished he wasn’t sick. It was just awful. He sat there, shivering as Onyx got ready to speak. Hoping his nostrils would be clear before he had to say anything else.

As she did so, Dapple got ready to do his hits on cue! His first one was too soft, drats! Onyx shot him a look as she started to say a poem, he started to pat his drums. Wiping his muzzle when he sniffled, he kept going. Doing some great beats, not even realising he was out of tune with Onyx, who simply went on.

He finished and smiled, doing one more beat and raising his hooves in the air. His ears twitching as he heard Onyx’s voice. His eyes and head slowly turning towards her as he dropped his forelegs in shock. He sniffed as he put a hoof to his aching head. Listening as Onyx finished her poem, he groaned. He must have missed some beats, or went too fast! Why was he not concentrating? As he bowed his head in shame he started coughing into his foreleg.

The aches were coming back, all over his body as he felt the sweat come to him. It was like there was an oven right next to him as he sat there. Shivering and groaning in pain as his stomach began to hurt.

“See, Dapple?” Onyx questioned as she approached him. “You are unwell… At a time like this, you need rest.” She gasped slightly as she touched his burning forehead. He was heating up, he was really ill.

“Y-you’re right…” He nodded and looked at her. Groaning before coughing. He felt Onyx put a nice warm blanket around him and walk with him to a small table away from other ponies.

As he sat down behind the table at the end of the room. He listened to her closely.

“You need to rest. A lot.” Onyx said bluntly. Dapple coughing as a result, his stomach hurting more as he looked around him. Feeling bad for being sick. Why did he have to be sick? He sighed a bit, groaning as he rested against the table, blanket falling down slightly. His chest started to hurt as he started to violently cough once more.

He rested his head down. It felt as if his nostrils were blocked, sniffling either made it worse or slightly better. His throat was scratchy, and he just wanted to sleep for some reason. It was true he had not gotten much sleep. But he still hoped this would be all over soon. He had this all morning.

It was not long before a nice warm cup of tea was placed right in front of Dapple. He rose his head slightly and saw the tea inside and at Alphabittle who had just put it there. “This usually helps soothe sore throats and makes you not feel as… murky…” He responded. Putting a hoof to Dapple’s forehead. “Well. You really are running a fever.” He added, concern in his voice. It was nothing serious. Warmer than a usual fever, but not to the point he needed to go to the hospital.

“I-“ Dapple coughed as he looked at the tea. His stomach ached as he sniffed it. He coughed a bit more and groaned, flopping his head on the table. “I wish I wasn’t- S-sick…” He groaned.

“I know…” Onyx said, sitting down at the other end of the table. Gently nudging the teacup closer to Dapple who smelt the minty smell of tea. “Drink.”

“O-oh. Alright…” He took a wiff and gently held the teacup, nearly sneezing right into it. His two friends watched as he slowly took a sip. It was clear he did not like the taste. Thanks to the fact that his sickness made his taste a bit different temporily. Despite the bad taste, he blew on it a bit and took another sip, it kinda felt good going down. Despite having no appetite, he was hungry!

He maybe drunk it a bit faster than he should. Luckily it was not too hot to drink as fast as he did.

“It appears you have not eaten anything yet?” Onyx guessed. Based on his reaction to the tea.

“Yeah…” His voice did not sound as bad anymore. But still was terrible. “I hadn’t had the appetite all morning. Or much at dinnertime...” He responded. Putting a hoof on his head as his headache started to cone back, making him feel a bit dizzy. He had not eaten much, as it hurt to swallow thanks to his sore throat. It literally all started last night with a sore throat. He hardly ate dinner because it got so bad.

There was no more words as Onyx got up and walked away. Returning with a banana and a cucumber, cheese and lettuce sandwich. He stared in confusion, wondering where on earth she got these from. Because they were not sold in the tearoom. “Uh… Onyx?” He said before a groan as she nudges them towards him. “Where did you. G-get these from?” He asked.

“Doesn’t matter.” Onyx responded bluntly with a quiet voice. “It is now your lunch. You need the nutrients and vitamins.”

“O-okay…” He groaned. He could not figure out for the life of him where Onyx could have possibly gotten this stiff from. He opened the banana slowly. Taking a bite, as he chewed, he found it hard to breath. When he swallowed, it felt rather uncomfortable as it went down. But it felt fulfilling overall as it satisfied his hunger than was hidden by his lack of appetite. So he went for more, savouring the banana. But eating the whole thing. Minus the peel, of course.

“You must have been starving!” Alphabittle exclaimed with worry as his ears went down.

Dapple looked pretty sorry for himself as he slowly ate one half of the sandwich. Wondering where Onyx could have possibly gotten these from. Then he stopped, forcing himself to swallow his current mouthful. He looked at Onyx.

“Was this yours?” He asked before coughing.

“You need it. Skipping two meals is not good…” Onyx said silently as Dapple started to feel bad. She could see the concern in his face as he looked at the untouched half on the plate. He looked back at her, feeling worse as seconds went by.

“You sh-should have the other slice…” He said before shivering.

“It’s fine. I can buy something from the cafe near the lake.” She said, mentioning the cafe that opened up. They sold freshly made cupcakes, muffins and a few other things like toasted or normal sandwhiches and burgers. But Dapple still felt bad,

He sniffled, feeling more exhausted and the dreaded headache would not go away. Alphabittle looked at Onyx and back at him as he finished his sandwich. Looking less hungry as he rested against the table. Violently coughing again, followed by some wheezing.

“Dapple. I think it’s better if you go home and rest.” Alphabittle said, sounding and looking worried.

He tried to get up, but felt too weak to move as he laid there. His headache was still there, making him feel sicker. He felt as Onyx helped him up. “Let’s go, Dapple.” She said softly, concern in her voice as she helped him to his dizzy hooves. He was shaking and wabbled as he took a step. Almost falling over. It was like the world was spinning around him.

Luckily, Onyx was able to use her levitation to keep him steady as he walked. Going with him to keep an eye on him. Alphabittle picked up the dropped blanket and decided to sanitise.

Onyx helped Dapple reach his home. He was shaking the whole way, not talking much till they got inside, where she stopped her magic.

“Dapple, go to bed.” She told him. Pointing towards his bedroom. She knew his home, having been there before. Dapple nodded and coughed as he slowly made his way into the room. Flopping down onto the bed with a loud groan. Sneezing loudly into his hooves.

His cheeks were redder than before and he felt like he was freezing. Almost every muscle in his body ached. As Onyx lowered his blanket over him, he spoke with concern as he rolled over onto his back.

“Wh-what if I get you sick?” Dapple asked.

“I’ll be fine.” Onyx assured him. “I’ll be using soap and water.”

“I guess…” Dapple responded. Helping her washing her hooves and such would stop her from getting sick too. This cold was terrible! He’d hate anypony to have it! “Uh… Onyx?” He said as she started to lave the room.


“Thank you for… caring for me…” His throat was sore as he spoke, he coughed some more. “About the lunch… I uh… I have bread if you want to-“ He coughed violently. “Make another sandwich…” He coughed. “I didn’t touch any of it.”

“Alright, then. Dapple…” Onyx responded. Putting on a slight smile as she left the room.

Now he was alone. In his house, sick and tired. He groaned as he closed his eyes and tried to relax, snorting a bit as his breathing was partly blocked. He also started to feel overheated. He groaned as he kicked off his blanked, his heart racing and body aching as he laid there, hooves wrapped around him as he laid in a fetus position. Trying to get comfortable.

He laid there, mouth partly open thanks to partly blocked nostrils. He wanted this cold to be over. He laid there, feeling cold as he shivered. But hot as he whimpered. Soon coughing violently and gasping loudly as he turned over back on his back. Looking at his plain roof.

He was tired but did not want to sleep. He could not do it anyway. He groaned as he sat up, looking around for his bongo drums. Before realising as he slapped his hoof on his forelegs. He had left them behind in the tearoom! He would not get them back till he was better, unless he asked Onyx to get them for him.

But she had done so much for him already. Besides, it was not like they were urgent or something. He groaned as he looked around his room. Making a raspy, sore gasp as he looked towards an old chest in the corner. He saw a plush toy of his that he had loved has a foal. It was a plush lamb wearing a green beret. The white, fluffy body had gone grey. The cloth hooves were stained, which was not noticeable due to the black colour. But the bright pink stitches on one of them were.

The cloth peach face had a few scruffs and stains. One of the marble eyes were scratched. But he still loved it. Well, he rarely acknowledged it nowdays. But it was nice to see it again as he levitated it across the room, towards him and into his hooves, hugging it tight towards him.

He laid down, cuddling the plush as he looked out the window. Until he felt his blanket be placed back over him. Rolling onto his back, he saw Onyx enter the room.

“Onyx? You are still here? He asked, slowly hiding his foal-hood favourite plush under the blanket.

“Yes.” She said. Sitting on a stook and opening a book. “I’m gonna read you a story she said. Slowly placing an ice pack on Dapple’s head with levitation again.

“Awww…” Dapple smiled nervously before coughing. “You don’t have to.”

“You are having trouble sleeping.” She responding. Opening a page and beginning to read.

He decided to just go with it and laid his head on the pillow. Looking at Onyx as she read the story with such a soothing voice. His eyes feeling a bit heavy as she continued. He let out a slight yarn as he laid there, smiling a bit as he closed his eyes. Finally starting to relax, it was not long before he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Onyx smiled slightly as he saw him sleeping. Snoring peacefully as he laid there, maybe dreaming of anything. He looking so comfortable and happy.

“Get well soon, Dapple.” Onyx said softly before leaving the room.

Author's Note:

Finally wrote a story about Onyx and Dapple

Comments ( 3 )

REALLY good job on this one-shot. Yeah, I can understand the concern for a sick friend.

Very sweet one shot. These two need more stories about them.

I'm going to put this in my watch later list. This looks like a really interesting story so far!

Edit: 'READ later' list. My bad, oops :twilightsheepish:

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