• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 798 Views, 7 Comments

Waking Up - Betty_Starlight

After serving her sentence, Cozy Glow has paid her debt to Equestria! Now, she lives her life as a regular citizen...

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Chapter 1: In The Flesh

I stare up at the motley brown serpent 20 feet away from me in the darkness and ask it, “Oh, golly! So wait, what?”

His misshapen eyes widen in the pale moonlight and I see the many teeth of his mouth move as he sneers and says, “I said you’re free now, Cozy! By royal decree!” before moving his lion paw before him and a piece of parchment materializes inside the claw, so he gazes at it, and continues, “By decree of none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, no less!”

“Enough Discord!” I hear a familiar feminine voice say out of nowhere… Soon, an enormous purple mare swooshes down to the left of the serpent in my view… She turns her neck left to stare at the snake so that her horn now faces the direction of the moon as she slurs, “Y-you know damn well that I-I hiccup was drunk when I-I signed that decree you have and it’s n-not valid!”

I smile at the new pony, “Oh, golly gee! I’m already free now! Can’t we uh, talk about this?”

She narrows her purple eyes at me, “There’s nothing to talk about Cozy! You’re s-supposed to be hiccup a statue, but y-you’re not and now I have to change you back!” she nods her head, “Y-yes! Changing you back to stone is DEFINITELY what I should do here!”

I raise my right hoof as I widen my eyes at her, “W-wait! I mean, you know, being in stone gives you a lot of time to think and well, I just, well, I think I might be um, r-ready for another shot? Another try? Yes?” before widening my smile as much as it will go…

Her eyes narrow, “What do you mean?”

I blink, nod, and sigh before giving this my best shot! “W-well, what I mean is, since um, since I’m already free anyway, I uh, I think I wanna try um, y-you know? Being reformed?” And smile widely at her… “You know? Being nice and friendly and not being all evil and malevolent?”

Discord turns his slithery neck right towards Twilight, while keeping his grin and snidely saying, “What do you say, Twilight old chum? Don’t you think Cozy deserves a second chance?”

NO!” The alicorn says vehemently while staring directly at me in her violet glare!

Discord chuckles as his diagonal snaggle tooth vibrates before motioning his lion paw towards me, “Look at her though, Twilight! She’s SO CUTE!”

I blink and plead, “PLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!!!” although I’m pretty sure I’m about to be a statue again?

Her eyes narrow as she stares at me with malice and says, “Alright F-FINE! UGH!” her neck lurches forward as I smell whiskey and vodka on her breath, even from this distance as she regains her composure to stare at me, “Cozy Glow, you’re on house arrest in the East Wing of the Castle of Friendship!”

I blink again and stare at her blankly as a befuddled frown forms on my muzzle… You know, I really didn’t see that coming!


So anyway, that’s why I’m currently inside this room… They bring me food sometimes, but I don’t really talk to anypony and I stay in here most of the time… These same four walls and nothing else… I guess it’s technically still better than stone, although I gotta admit, both scenarios are pretty boring!

I look up and sniff the air with my snout, “Oh, golly! I bet dinner is almost ready! They always serve me last, so that means two hours!” I whisper to myself…

You know, being alone all the time makes you develop a habit of talking to yourself! Heh, I guess you might say I’m my own best friend?

I blink up at the door and sigh through my nose and think to myself, Golly, it sure was swell of them to give me another chance! I’m just wondering where this will go?

Suddenly, I see the door to my room open and in comes a brown serpentine creature wearing what looks like a blue bill cap and puffy looking dark blue vest while wielding a billy club with his eagle talon as he says, “Inmate 0001! You have been assigned reformation!”

I stare at him with wide eyes, “Oh, golly gee! I think that was the whole point of setting me up with these ahem accommodations you’ve so graciously provided! Uh, “I smile at the snake, “if I could get some more books to read though, that sure would be great!”

“Silence inmate! You are to report to the rec yard at fourteen hundred hours!”

Well, I’ve been in this room all morning? “Oh, golly! Uh, what time is it now?”

“Thirteen fifty hours!”

I nod, “So I got ten minutes!”

He frowns, “Right! So you’d better get moving!” before his body disappears!

I widen my eyes, Wait! The ‘rec yard?’ Does he mean the courtyard of the castle?

I stare forward at the open door and gulp… Guess I need to go to the courtyard?

I squat and take off with my wings and flap them furiously as I begin to float towards the door and then turn my body left to head down the hallway…

I hear a female voice scream behind me in the distance, “Cozy Glow is free!

“Oh, golly!” I say to myself as I flap harder to travel down the hallway as fast as I can!

I suddenly squint my eyes and wonder, if I were a courtyard, where would I be?

I decide to take a left as that direction seems good as any, and I run smack into a door!

I’m sitting there, with my face against the dark hardwood of the door, and I say the only thing that can really come to mind at that point… “OW!”

I feel the sudden pang of agony on my snout as I lift it from the wood, before staring down towards the right and saying, “Oh, golly, I really should operate that doorknob!”


I land on the plush off-red velvet carpet and stare up at the soft looking, plush violet bed to see a smiling filly there!

She is white with lavender eyes, and a two-toned half lavender, half orchid mane and tail… She also has a horn on her forehead and wings on her back!

“Who are you?” She asks in a feminine, high pitched, squeaky voice.

I stare up at her and say, “I’m a filly! Uh, that is to say,” I scratch the back of my neck with my hoof, “I have traveled here from er uh, a far away land! Yes, and I need to find the courtyard! Of course! Golly right!” and nod…

She giggles, “You’re silly! Wanna play?”

I widen my eyes at her, “I uh, don’t really have that kinda time! Can we take a rain check, maybe?” and smile…

Her mouth normalizes, “Uh, sure! I’m Hyacinth! Hyacinth Hoofdrops!” she leans closer with big pinkish-red eyes, “What’s your name, mysterious filly from a far away land?”

My eyes widen when I can’t believe what I just do… I tell the truth! “My name’s Cozy Glow! Uh,” I smile again, “do you know where the courtyard is?”


I finally look up and begin flapping my wings to bring me through the staircase to emerge in the open courtyard of the castle… I see a stone balcony surrounding it, and I’m floating over a field as my body slowly lowers towards the grounds and my hooves find purchase on the dirt…

I then notice something I wasn’t expecting… I see an enormous smiling purple alicorn, but no Discord in sight! This pony gazes at me with her purple eyes and says, “Welcome to your reformation, Cozy Glow! I’m so glad you could make it!”

I say under my breath, “Oh, golly! What else was I gonna do?

(To be continued... )