• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 662 Views, 64 Comments

Princess Spike - Daelyx Len Auphydas

One day, Spike wakes up as an Alicorn, and nopony seems to remember what happened last night to cause this.

  • ...


Spike and Twilight trot back through the hall of their castle, the following night. "I'll never understand how Pinkie is able to organize parties so quickly." Twilight shakes her head, laughing. "I mean, she somehow got half the town together within just a day. How did so many ponies even have a spot free in their schedule?"

Spike shrugs. "She has a certain reputation, I guess. Nopony wants to miss one of her big parties. I mean, the kind where she invites everypony, its always a blast. That probably helps." Spike chuckles. "Helps us, too. Better to get all the incredulous stares out of the way."

Twilight bumps into Spike playfully, smirking slightly. "Oh, like you didn't have a blast showing off all your new magic tricks to everypony. I saw that smile on your face, I don't think you were particularly upset with the staring then."

Spike holds up his forehooves disarmingly. "Alright, alright, guilty as charged!" he giggles, before kicking open the door to the bedroom.

Twilight looks around her bedroom uncertainly. "You sure you don't want me to get you a bed? I could run down to quill's and sofa's, I'm sure they have beds there too. I mean, at least a fold-out bed, those are technically still sofa's after all."

Spike looks down at the ground, abashed. "Does that mean you want me to stop sleeping in here?" He asks, meekly.

Twilight blinks at her little brother. "Uh? Whatever gave you that idea? I just thought you might appreciate having some more independence again, now that you're more used to this form."

Spike hops up on the bed and circles around like a cat looking for an ideal way to lay down, before plummeting down to rest his head on the pillow, smiling slyly at Twilight as she closes the door and trots over to the bed. "Nah, I think I'm good. I'm right where I belong. At your side, as always."

Twilight can't help but smile, as she climbs into bed and scoots under the covers. "Oh, Spike. How did I ever get so lucky to hatch you?" She muses. "Just think, any other unicorn could've been there during the rainboom. But instead, it was just me."

Spike shakes his head. "Nope! Luck had nothing to do with it. You're amazing, Twi. I don't think you appreciate enough just how amazing you are. Nopony else could have done it." Spike says firmly.

"But, I was only able to do it because of the rainboom!" Twilight weakly protests. Spike just raises his brow, unimpressed.

"And? Remind me again whose the element of magic? Celestia's star pupil, taken in for your immense magical potential? You think just any unicorn could have been there? No, it was always meant to be you." Spike states, voice dripping with conviction. "It was always meant to be. I'm right where I belong."

Twilight blinks back a tear. "Oh, come here, you!" She finally throws her hooves around Spike and pulls him in closely, the two siblings melting into a puddle of warmth, affection, scales and soft fur.

Spike snakes a wing back around Twilight, smiling so much his cheeks hurt a little, as he shuts his eyes. He hears the tell-tale sound of the light switch being flicked off by Twilight's telekinesis, but with his face buried in her fur he can't even tell the difference. Twilight shifts one more time, solemnly touching her horn to Spike's- theres an electric sensation, as he feels her magic touch against his own, something he never would have been able to experience before. Now, with this new form, he can feel... All of what made Twilight so amazing, so talented. All the power and knowledge swirling within her. It feels so humbling, so intimate, and he treasures the moment for as long as he can.

"I love you, Spike." Twilight's voice is solemn and fervent, speaking the words with solitary conviction.

Spike blinks his eyes open for one last time that night, taking in the dim contours of Twilight's face, smiling at him emotionally with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too, Twilight." Spike's eyes shut once more, nestled into his sisters warmth. "Now and forever..."

Author's Note:

Aaand that's a wrap, folks! That calls it for the first story I have written on this site. I mostly wrote this to practice staying in character for everypony; I went out of my way to ensure I got everypony some speaking lines. Though admittedly, Fluttershy got the short end of the stick.

Still, I hope everypony enjoyed it! Now that this and Rainbow Dash Always Dresses In Style are both done, I can focus my efforts on Empire of Mercy, which is going to be a much longer, slower, and generally more dramatic story compared to these two. Should still have both scootadash and spikelight content though. After all...

Sibling love is the purest form of love, don't @ me.

Comments ( 4 )

great job on story:twilightsmile:

You have successfully and utterly melted my heart with this story! Wonderful job! :pinkiesad2:

D'awww! I'm glad you liked it! Here's to hoping for many more heart melts in the future. :scootangel:

It definitely did and you definitely will!

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