• Published 13th Apr 2024
  • 1,119 Views, 56 Comments

Are changelings... Ants???? - ImClinicallyDepressed

Okay here's the rundown, me dead, me changeling queen cool powers, need make hive, annoy Celestia. You got it? Of course you do I'm talking to myself. ***DISCLAIMER! CRUDE HUMOR IN THE BEGINNING CHAPTERS!***

  • ...


Author's Note:

What in tarnation indeed. Anyways this chapter is a little shorter, since it's mostly just for explanation on where some of the characters are and introduction to other characters.

Most of this chapter is comedy but some of it is serious so yea. Anyways, next chapter is going to be doozy!

Little context/ world building:

Gravel mane is in the mesa of Equestria. However, Gravel mane is lucky because it's specifically near a forest. Lush mane is the counterpart of Gravel mane and both depend on each other for food and security.

There's a river that cuts between the forest where Lush mane is located in, the river flows all the way down and near to Gravel mane. Both used the river for water, Gravel mane typically uses the water in the lake where the river flows into except for plumbing or gardening. Lush uses the river water only.

I'm fucking invincible!!!

-Guy with big scissors.

"I'm sorry Rimu, but you're parents has been pronounced dead."


"Today we will celebrate the life of Mr and Ms. Tempest,"


"This all we can give you, a house and a bike, we admire your grandpa when he served, goodbye."


"Rimu, I know you may be grieving, but your grades cannot continue to go down like this. We have decided to only give you one more chance, we hope that you will do better next time."


"Well, I decided to pace myself so I wouldn't get tired. Not like you and Applejack, I also admired the nature."

"Turn that off right now mister! Or you'll get detention and get suspended once and for all!"

* * *

"No one came for my birthday party, again. *Sigh...*"

"How do you do this Pinkie? Just how? You get everybody to your parties like it's nothing, but here I am not even getting one person in my party..."

"Eh, one more birthday used for MLP binge watching."


"You're suspended. Don't come anywhere near the school again. You're lucky we didn't call the cops. Go."


"Well... I always have another school to try and go to..."


"How did you do it! How did you defeat the bad ponies?" A colt asked Starlight who was sitting at a table in the bar.

"Well... We just went with our hearts... I think."

I gulped down another batch of apple cider as Starlight continued to answer the townsfolk's questions. I owe it to her, she keeps promises. Right about now I had drank down about 12 cider's and counting. I loveeeeeee getting wasteddddddddddd. Or that's what I would say if I didn't have a certain biology that keeps me from getting drunk. I'm looking, at you changeling body.

"So... How's the cider Trixie?" Starlight asked while drinking her own cider, she looks like she really needs a wink or too, she about ready to collapse right now.

"Trixie thinks it's alright."

"Really? I think it's the best," Starlight put a hoof to her chest and looked up with pride.

"Well Trixie thinks you just have bad taste buds,"

"How dare you!" Starlight jokingly accused me.


We both burst out laughter at her accusation. We both needed that.

"Ohhh that was good Star, that was a good one,"

"Hey I've been practicing,"

"Since when? Since the last time you went here?"

"We don't talk about that."


This party was nice. Sure, it wasn't at the level of Pinkie's party, but I've researched how she makes parties more than once so I have an idea or two.

There were multiple tables of salad, cupcakes, and cakes at the side of the entrance way of the bar. There were also games laid out at another table, most foals tended to gravitate to the board games but the adults played party games instead.

It was... Fun...


"Hey Star?" I asked.

"Yeah Trixie?"

"Trixie thinks this is the perfect opportunity to gather members for our little cult."

"You think so? How do you think we should do it?"


"I dunno, Trixie thought you had a plan." Starlight visibly faced hoof in front of me. She sat there, thinking for a few seconds.

"What if... We convince the ponies to follow us?" Star said.

I have no fucking clue how she recruited cult members in the actual show. For all I could know she fucking kidnapped them...

Actually she might've kidnapped them. Well... Fuck you main timeline Starlight for not making a guide on cult recruiting.

"You sure that'll work-"

"May I have a moment, Ms. Lulamoon and Ms. Glimmer?" We both flinched at the new voice behind us, we both looked towards the voice and found a rather old stallion, "My name is Mayor stallion, you could just call me Mayor if you would like."

Well that's an original and not at all copied name. I wonder where he got that name... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

"What seems to be the problem Mayor?" Starlight asked quizzically.

"Oh! There's no problems at all! Actually, I was thinking if you two wanted to become the head guard and vice mayor respectively."

Well. That was easy.

"Hey Star does this normally happen here?" I whispered.

"You bucking tell me!" She whispered shouted.

"So do you two accept?" Mayor asked. He was looking at us with closed eyes while smiling.

"Sureeeeeee..." Starlight really elongated the sure more than she needed to.

"Fantastic! This is my way of repaying you two." Mayor then walked out the pub, leaving to god knows where.


"Well," Starlight said, waiting for my reply.

"That was uh, helpful?" I finished.



"Now what?" Starlight looked at me for answers, I only replied with a simple,

"Trixie thinks we're going too fast."

"I completely agree,"

Agent Sweetie drop. Oh agent Sweetie drop. You know that name, right? Of course you do, she's bonbon's true identity.

Well, her day was going as smoothly as you can think.


"YES SIR GUM DROP!" Sweetie drop saluted.




"YES SIR GUM DROP!" Sweetie drop then explained her mission.

Her mission was simple.

Go to Gravel mane, a town in the mesa that was luckily situated next to a lush forest with river streaming down the middle of it. It was close to a town named, "Lush mane". Ride the train from Canterlot to Lush mane, walk through the forrest edge towards Gravel mane, gather intelligence on codename Moon and Aurora. Try to blend in with the locals, new name will be...

"Bonbon, last name drops."

"Good, your train ride is in the night, pack your things and get ready, your hotel in Gravel mane is already booked. Don't get caught, do you understand?"

"YES SIR!" Swee- no- Bonbon saluted, she needs to get used to her new identify as of today. May Celestia bring her luck and fortune for this mission.

"Left the hive as of today for a mission," Crystal wrote on her journal/diary. She found it in her last trip to the outside world to gather love. One unlucky stallion gifted it to her, trying to get on her good side, "I suspect Queen Chrysalis is running out of love to feed the hive, must kill the imposter and steal more love for my queen." She closed her journal and kept buzzing her wings, flying over a forest as she did.

"Hey auntie?" I asked Celestia,

"Yes my dear niece?" Celestia replied while sipping on tea.

"What did I hear about in the library last night? Something about magicless casting?" Celestia almost spat her drink out when I said this. She quickly wiped her snout with a handkerchief and coughed a few times, I could swear I could smell the love coming from the handkerchief, eh it's probably nothing.

"Well... My dear niece, it seems like there's been reports of a pony using magic without the help of her horn," Celestia replied after calming herself.

Never have I ever heard in the show about a "Magicless casting" and somehow it's real?! This was uncharted territory for her, a dangerous one to boot.

"Really? What did the reports say Auntie?" Celestia almost didn't reply to my question and tried to changed the topic until she saw my puppy dog eyes. I've been training these bad boys from the moment I was born! No way she rejects now!

"Well... The reports say that a pony, either a pegasus or a unicorn mare, used magic without the help of her horn," See I told you!

"Well, that's odd. Did the reports say anything else?"

"The reports mentioned a certain other mare fighting the other mare, for clarity reasons, they have named as Moon and Aurora, Moon being the magicless caster and Aurora being the opponent," A fight? And a big one too? If it wasn't Celestia wouldn't be this concerned about any of this. Something changed...

"It was also reported that a group of buffalo almost stampeded their way into the town the next day. Thankfully Moon stopped the buffalo by using a "Strange spell". "

"What spell did she use Auntie?" Now I'm getting even more curious! This was never mentioned in the show at all!

"Well that's the thing," Huh? "we don't know what the spell she used was,"

"How? Is it a rare spell?"

"Well, in all purposes, it's practically a new type of spell." Wait this definitely wasn't mentioned in the show, no way in hell Twilight didn't study this.

"A new spell?"

"Yes, the spell seemingly made a bone structure appear out of thin air, it also made a black dome and covered the entire town."

A bone structure... Black dome....

"What happened next?"

"Well, witnesses say that multiple slashes appeared and cleaved through the buffalo. Moon also apparently summoned a pillar of fire and reshaped it to make a bow and arrow, shooting it towards the buffalo."

Hmmm... Doesn't sound like it was from MLP, also doesn't sound like it was from any cartoon show. Maybe it was from anime? It sounded like anime anyways. Wait why would it be from anime? Im not on Earth! There's no way ponies know anime moves! Get your mind out of the fluffy clouds Cadence! I need to know more, but I can't for now. It's too dangerous. For now I'll look from the sidelines.

"Hey Auntie? Did you send an investigator to figure more?"

"Well... You could say that I guess."


"It's getting dark, need to find shelter. Looks like rain is coming. Three pegasi talking about rain. Can't write much. Already raining. Found cave." Crystal hurriedly wrote in her journal. Rain came in like a wrecking ball and destroyed her plans of getting to the fake queen before the day after tomorrow. For now, she will sleep. She's got a long two days ahead of her, after all.

"That kid I'll tell yah," Gum drops said, getting drenched in the rain, "She's a tough one alright. One of my best,"

"Yeah I can tell," A dark blue coated pegasus mare said to Gum drops, "You really like to compliment her when she can't hear, huh?"

Both of them we're looking at the now departing train on which Bonbon was a passenger of, "Well, compliments never do good for a young kid, you already know that Champagne."

"Yeah yeah, I know. You complemented me, I messed up on a mission because of my pride, and now I haven't heard you compliment me since last great cataclysm." Champagne replied.

"You're like exaggerating details huh, never change Champagne, never change."

"And you should change, that mane style went out if trend years ago Drops,"

"Oh shut it Champagne, like you're any better with your crusty ribbon."

They both shared a laugh, clearly enjoying each other's company. Hopefully these two don't die, *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*.

Trixie was out cold at the floor of Starlight's tent. Starlight, being the ever so gracious mare that she was, drop kicked Trixie when she rolled over to her in her sleep. Starlight didn't regret this however and just kept sleeping on her comfy mattress.

'That mare I tell you, she got guts.'

'Stop trying to flirt with a minor Cursed.'

'What? I'm not flirting with her, that's Rimu's job to do.'

'Yeah right, when was the last time he talked to a women anyways.'

'About three years, two and a half months, three days, two hours and 57 minutes ago.'

'Well that's if you count the dog as a women, if you don't...'

'Add about two more years to that counter otherwise.'




'Hey! Dashie? Want to look at his dreams again?'

'Heck yeah I do!'

'That really isn't very nice...'

'It's fine Flutters, hey Pinkie what's playing tonight?'

'Lets see... We got reruns of his favorite anime, Flutterguy memes, some uh... Not so kid friendly dreams, and nightmares.'

'Oooo! Nightmare's sound fun!'

'Trust me, his nightmares are either the most boring things you've seen, or the most random.'

'Well let's play it and find out!'

"What do you mean you're out of bananas?!" Trixie shouted at the strangely blue person infront of her, she had grey hair but she didn't look old.

"Trixie said what she said!" The person said to his face.


"Yeah yeah, well Trixie is still out of bananas." Trixie2 retorted back.


"Psh, try it, Trixie has Celestia on speed dial." Trixie2 pointed with her index finger to the hologram projector at her side.

"Wait until Luna hears about this! Trixie will lose her job!"

"Trixie's or yours?"


'See? What'd I tell ya'

'Boringggggggg, my head also hurts from all the third pony speak.'

'Well, we could change his nightmares!'

'Change it to horror!'

'You got it!'

"Trixie thinks we're safe," Trixie said while panting, Twilight of all ponies was next to him. Equestria girls Twilight, not pony Twilight.

"I told you to not anger the ghost!"
Twilight shouted whispered to him.

'Classic, hey do you know why Rimu calls himself Trixie in his dreams?'

'Ah would reckon it was to get intah character.'

"Ooooooo! Im a spooky ghost!!!!!!"

"Wait Princess Celestia?! Why are you dead?!"


"Hey that's a slur in Equestria!"



"I will haunt you until you die you scunt."

'Wow using TF2 slurs, daring today aren't we?'

'Blehhh, horror doesn't work with Rimu in it, mannnn what a waste.'

'How about his deepest fear?'

'You're the boss!'

'No don't tell me-'

"I FUCKING HATE STUDYINGGGGGGGGGGHGGGGG!!!!!!!!" Trixie sat on a chair while screaming, he was surrounded by multiple stacks of assignments, projects, and books.

'Now this is just distasteful,'

"Of course there would be 100 assignments, due today! My night's gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!"

'It's going to be fun if you stop complaining!'

"This is just perfect too! I can test out my new fucking gun that I bought!" Trixie opens a drawer form below his desk that he's sitting infront of to reveal a revolver inside. Trixie grabbed the revolver and put the barrel into the left side of his head.




'He shot a blank didn't he-'

'He shot a blank.'

'Well technically, a blank can still kill hi-'



'Just... Change the nightmare please?'

"I couldn't believe it wasn't butter!" No one laughed.

'Now this is just sad...'

'And funny!'

"Tell... Twilight... To... Go... Buck herself... *Bleh*" Starlight laid in Trixie's hooves. Dead. Also not a pony apparently.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Trixie screamed out to the heavens, rain pouring down on his coat and mane.

'Awwwww, he cares about Starlight!'

'That's what you noticed first?'

'Just let er' see the good in it'

"I always come back!" A white haired person with blue eyes said, then almost immediately getting cut in half, again.


"Uno!" Trixie shouted to the three humans around him.

"Plus four"

"Plus four"

"Plus four"

"FUCK!" Trixie stood and smacked his head on a black wall.

"So what's the answer to number 10?"

"Uh.... 5?" Trixie said while putting his hoof out.

"No you fucking idiot! You're a disgrace! Get out of my classroom before I beat your ass."


'That isn't even remotely true!'

"I... Like you!" Trixie stretched out his hooves to reveal a bouquet of flowers.



'That just hurts to watch.'

'Darling? Please change it quickly.'

'And we're in a black void.'

'Well that sucks.'

'Now what?'

'Hey guys what's that?'

'Wait are those...'

'What in tarnation?'


'When did you get here-'