• Published 1st May 2024
  • 458 Views, 7 Comments

A Man with a straw hat - Flip_The_Table

[Displaced] A cosplayer dressed up as young Gol D Roger but in a flash… He became Roger in a different world, and now he seeks to turn the world upside down

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Canterlot: Roger the human Meets the triplet pirates

Roger's laughter echoed through the streets as he strolled along, still exhilarated from his narrow escape. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Canterlot, he reached into his pocket, only to feel something unexpected—a slight bulge against his fingers. Curiosity piqued, he withdrew his hand, revealing a small folding knife nestled within his palm.

The knife was a thing of beauty, its sleek design catching the light as Roger turned it over in his hand. Intricate engravings adorned the handle, hinting at a craftsmanship that was both elegant and precise. With a flick of his wrist, Roger unfolded the blade, revealing a gleaming edge that sparkled in the sunlight.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here?" Roger murmured to himself, his grin widening as he inspected the knife more closely. It was a surprising find amidst the chaos of the day, but somehow it felt like a fitting addition to his burgeoning sense of adventure.

Roger jogged down the street, the excitement of his newfound treasures coursed through his veins. He glanced down at the second knife he had acquired, a smirk playing on his lips as he remembered the encounter with the would-be thief. Gripping the hilt tightly, he felt a surge of determination, eager to embark on his next adventure.

"Two knives in one day... not bad at all," Roger muttered to himself, marveling at the unexpected turn of events. Little did he know, the blade he now held had once belonged to the very body he inhabited—an unsettling twist of fate that would soon reveal itself in unexpected ways. Undeterred by the ominous implications, Roger raised a fist in the air, a determined gleam in his eye. "Alright!" he declared, his voice echoing with newfound resolve.

Roger comes to a full stop when he spots a weapon smith having a bit of a struggle with some metal. Feeling the right urge, Roger runs up and grabs a box. "Here, let me help you," he beamed to the old pony. The pony smiles, wiping his brow before gasping at the sight of Roger. "Thank you… what are you?" he asked, making Roger set the crate down and beam. "Names Roger! I’m a pirate!" he said out loud for everyone to hear. Some ponies stop to look at the man like he is not smart or doesn’t care, but the blacksmith thinks otherwise.

"Heh, it’s nice to have young lads like you to help the elder. What brings you here, Mr. Roger?" the smith said, grabbing some metal and beginning his smithing. Roger adjusted his straw hat. "I’m looking to change the world! But I can’t really with these knives," he said, eyeing the tiny blades. The weaponsmith sees them and gasps at the sight of the folding knife. "My my, what a strange contraption," he said, offering a hand to see it. Roger shrugs and hands the weapon to the pony.

The weaponsmith furrows his brow, his curiosity piqued by the peculiar knife. "This is no ordinary blade," he remarks, turning it over in his hands. "The craftsmanship is exquisite, and the mechanism... ingenious." He peers at Roger with a mixture of awe and suspicion. "Are you sure you just found this in your pocket?"

Roger nods affirmatively, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Yep, just stumbled upon it." The weaponsmith's gaze shifts to a vacant spot on the wall where a prized artifact used to hang. "Well, it seems fate has led you here," he muses, motioning for Roger to follow him deeper into the workshop. "Let's see if we can't find you something more fitting for a young pirate like yourself." Roger grins, eager for the chance to upgrade his arsenal. "Lead the way, matey!"

“How about I strike you a deal?” the blacksmith starts, catching Roger's attention. Roger's grin widens, eager to hear what the pony has to offer. “I use your blade and that knife to make you a proper sword? But you gotta get something for me,” Bombshell proposes, his tone suggesting a shrewd business sense. Roger nods, already liking where this is going.

“Okay, but! I want to know your name first and what I’m fetching?” Roger demands with a playful glint in his eye. Bombshell chuckles at the pirate's directness before extending a hand. "Name's Bombshell, I'm the royal weapon smith" he introduces himself, a hint of pride in his tone.

Bombshell's expression darkens slightly as he retrieves a wanted poster from his workshop. He holds it out for Roger to see, the image depicting a rugged bandit with a sneer on his face. "This here's the scoundrel who made off with my hammer," Bombshell explains, his voice tinged with frustration. "These are the Triplet Zingus... and he is the captain of the Triplet Pirates," Bombshell explained, his tone tinged with sadness. "This part of Canterlot was once the safest spot in the world, until the disappearance of Starswirl the Bearded changed all of that."

"These pirates have caused too much damage... so many of our valuables... ponies we've known and loved have been killed," he continued, his gaze fixed on the wall. Bombshell paused, the weight of Roger's words sinking in. "Because the ruler has been acting off lately... we don't know why, but more pirates are coming and stealing with no pony knowing... we're done for at this rate..." His voice trailed off, a sense of hopelessness evident in his demeanor. "Forget what I said... just take all that's left—"

But before he could finish, Roger interrupted with a growl, seizing Bombshell by his apron. "The hell kind of town is this! You can't just rely on guards or who knows what! You gotta show this town that you're independent! And aren't afraid!" His words echoed through the space, drawing the attention of nearby ponies who began to gather around.

"Show your support by being the one to rely on. You all have skills," Roger continued, his voice now softer but filled with conviction. With a final squeeze, he released Bombshell and turned away, his gaze fixed on the ground. "Tell me where these pirates are..." he muttered, his tone resolute and determined.

Bombshell straightened up, the fire of determination flickering to life in his eyes. "They're at the lower parts of the town, just outside. You'll see a cave," he responded, his voice steady despite the uncertainty in the air. Bombshell took a moment to compose himself before speaking, his voice heavy with resignation. "Why are you helping us, Your a pirate aren’t you?" he inquired, his eyes searching Roger's face for an answer.

Roger paused, turning back to face Bombshell and the gathered ponies, his grin unwavering. "Why am I helping? Because I'm not that kind of pirate," he explained, his voice carrying a sense of earnestness. "I seek freedom, like all of you." His words hung in the air, eliciting surprised murmurs from the crowd.

Roger turned to continue on his way, Bombshell watched him go, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. It reminded him of the old wizard he had once encountered, offering a beacon of hope in uncertain times.

Roger groaned as he pushed himself up from the ground, his head spinning a bit from the sudden fall. He caught sight of the three stallions and raised an eyebrow at their worn appearance. "Hey… you guys…" he started to say, but before he could finish, he slumped forward and hit the ground, his straw hat tumbling up and landing back on his head. The sudden commotion around him didn't go unnoticed, with the villagers expressing their shock at his quick recovery before hurriedly retreating into their homes.

"Hey, uh... bro, there's some kind of hairless monkey here," one of the black stallions remarked, eyeing Roger with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "Never seen him before... maybe he's worth something?" another stallion chimed in, considering the potential value of their unexpected guest.

The stallion in the middle approached, snapping his fingers decisively. "Take him prisoner, and we'll put him in our ship," he ordered, outlining their plan without hesitation. "But we lost our ship, sir? I thought we came here to steal bits from the villagers—" the farthest stallion began, before receiving a sharp blow to the head from the middle stallion.

"Idiot! We can sell him for even more bits. Take him to the cave. Once there, we'll get our ship back!" The leader's voice was laced with frustration as he laid out the revised plan. With a chorus of laughter, the trio hoisted Roger up and marched away from the village towards their cave hideout.

Roger groaned as he slowly began to wake up, greeted by the pleasant aroma of cooking food. His senses sharpened as he realized he was in captivity. Opening his eyes, he found himself face-to-face with a stallion whose red eyes bore into him. "Well, hello there, ape. Feeling comfortable?" the stallion taunted.

Roger smirked in response. "Oh, not bad. Though I'd say you could do better than a cage," he retorted, rubbing his head as he glanced around. Spotting his straw hat nearby, he quickly retrieved it and placed it on his head, flashing a grin at the two stallions.

"Oh, sorry, the bolts were hand-made, and I never—" Before the stallion could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a sharp blow to the head from his companion, eliciting a chuckle from Roger. "Shut up, Dingus! Don’t talk to the hairless ape," the second stallion, Fungus, interjected, eyeing the lettuce cooking alongside some tomatoes. Roger couldn't help but drool at the sight of the food, despite his predicament. But he had more pressing questions.

"Who are you guys?" he inquired, prompting both stallions to turn their attention to him.

"Name's Fungus," the second stallion replied, taking a bite out of an apple. Meanwhile, Dingus, the one closest to the cage, flashed a grin. "And I'm Dingus. We're part of the Triplet Pirates!" he announced proudly, drawing his sword as he spoke.

Roger scratched his forehead, surveying the cave surroundings. "Where is your ship? You're pirates, right?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. Fungus growled in response, pointing an accusatory hoof at Roger. "We do! It’s just… we got it stolen by a stallion," he grumbled, his frustration evident. Roger's attention then shifted to his belt, noticing the absence of his sword.

"Where is—" Roger began, only to be interrupted by the cage door falling off. Dingus groaned, stooping to pick up the fallen door. "Hey bro, can you help me?" he asked, while Fungus remained preoccupied with his apple. Roger obliged, getting up to assist Dingus. "You need to pull it more inside," he directed, prompting Dingus to nod in acknowledgment. Stepping out of the cage, Roger watched as Dingus stepped in and replaced the cage door.

"Thank you, you're way better than my brothers," Dingus praised, earning a disapproving glance from Fungus, who spat out his apple. "Dingus! How did he get—?" Fungus began, but Roger interrupted by indulging in a mouthful of lettuce and tomatoes. "And he's eating our food!" Fungus protested, reaching for his sword before realizing it was missing. "Stop eating our food!" he demanded, but Roger paid no heed, continuing to munch away. However, their exchange was abruptly interrupted by a loud gasp from Dingus.

"Wait a minute..." Dingus began, leaving a dramatic pause that puzzled Roger and annoyed Fungus. "...I'm trapped in the cage," Dingus realized, groaning in frustration. However, his realization was interrupted by a looming shadow at the cave entrance. The third triplet, Zingus, stood there with a stern gaze that silenced them all.

"Oh, uh... Zingus! We, uh..." Fungus stammered, searching for an excuse, but Zingus cut him off with a raised hand. "No... just no," he declared, his gaze settling on Roger, who let out a loud burp after finally satisfying his hunger.

"You must know who I am... I'm Triplet Zingus, leader and the oldest of the triplet Pirates! You should know my bounty is at least 1000 bits, so fear my—" Zingus's monologue was abruptly cut off by a loud snore from the human, who happened to have his face buried in the ground. Dingus and Fungus both gasped. "Ah! He's dead!?" they exclaimed, but their panic was short-lived as Roger suddenly snapped back and yawned.

"Oh... I fell asleep," Roger said casually, eliciting gasps from Dingus and Fungus, who fell back in a mixture of annoyance and confusion. Zingus maintained his stern expression, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Oh, you fools… you can’t even keep a hairless ape from getting out. Heh,” Zingus chuckled lightly, causing Dingus and Fungus to whimper in response. The older stallion then took out his flintlock, a small smile forming on his face as he addressed his brothers. “I've grown tired of losing... We lost our ship, our bits, our reputation!” he exclaimed, his tone sharp. Dingus and Fungus lowered their ears in shame as Zingus aimed his gun at Dingus.

“And I always hate odd numbers,” he added ominously. But before he could pull the trigger, Roger grabbed the gun and glared at the pony. Zingus couldn't hear what Roger muttered, so he asked again, prompting Roger to lift his head, casting a shadow over his eyes as he frowned at the pony.

“Stealing is not what makes you a pirate!” Roger declared, his voice firm as he looked down at Zingus. With a shove, he pushed the older stallion back, his eyes scanning the cave until they landed on the bounty page, which showed only Zingus—only the oldest of the triplets.

“You never treated them like crew mates…” Roger continued, his gaze piercing. “But as slaves! Your own brothers!” With a fierce rip, he tore the bounty page in half, disregarding its significance. Zingus laughed derisively, but Roger remained steadfast. “What kind of thing are you to judge me?” the older stallion sneered, but Roger paid him no mind as his eyes fell upon the hammer in the cave.

Roger stood up, his gaze unwavering, and reached for the hammer. “You make a terrible excuse—” His words were interrupted by a sudden blow to his back, knocking him to the ground. As he turned to face his attackers, he saw both brothers standing above him, grinning maliciously. However, their forms began to shift and meld together until they coalesced into a single figure: Zingus.

Roger grunted and noticed the different shades of black and gray now adorning his body, a result of the strange transformation. His limbs were coated in a dark gray hue, contrasting with the deeper black of his coat. Black mist wisped from his fingertips, and realization dawned upon him. Taking a defensive stance, he prepared for whatever Zingus had planned, his expression resolute.

Roger's eyes widened at Zingus's revelation. "A devil fruit..." he muttered, both impressed and wary. As Zingus displayed his newfound powers, Roger took a step back, assessing the situation. The dark shadow hand retrieving the gun and the emergence of horns and a tail only added to the ominous atmosphere.

"I am Zingus... the triplet, and the power to make shadow clones, fear my wrath!" Zingus's laughter echoed through the cave, sending shivers down Roger's spine. Despite the gravity of the situation, Roger maintained his composure, his mind racing with possibilities on how to handle this new threat.