• Published 17th Apr 2024
  • 2,462 Views, 58 Comments

My Mother ( Rewrite) - Dragonfan101

Spike ventures to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind during the migration, but instead of meeting Garble and his crew, he meets a kind dragon who helps him around, and he finally meet's someone he's always wanted too..

  • ...

1: An Unexpected Reunion

Spike had been walking through the forest for a bit at this point, he had been traveling to the Dragon Lands to see this Migration that he's heard about, while Twilight and the other's wanted to come too, he had to go alone since the dragons don't take it too well with ponies entering they're territory, so he had to go it alone.

So what was Spike doing right now? Simple. He was heading to the Dragon Lands to see a special Migration that's happening today. Where dozens of dragons will be going to meet at one spot, while Spike doesn't know much more about it since his time around Dragons has been extremely small, giving him not much to learn about, he's still very eager to see what he'll find there, and hopes it'll be a good time that doesn't get him into something that's too extreme.

Spike was pretty interested with what he's gonna learn about the dragons at the Migration, he hasn't learned much about them at all, but has only heard about how they act like brutes from others, but Spike was wanting to hold out and believe that there's a strong culture to his kind.

But while he was excited to go to to this by himself and see the what it holds, there was something he was hoping would happen while he was there.

He was hoping he'd find his parents, his real parents. While Twilight and her family have been a great family don't get him wrong, he still wasn't sure about how he can accept not having real birth parents, or how his egg even ended up with Twilight.

There was never a clear answer given, and that kinda made Spike an orphan, because he's pretty sure the dragons would see him as an orphan if he didn't know his parents, and it may cause concern for him.

But Spike just didn't know what happened, and that's what he's hoping to know when he's there, while Twilight and the other's are a great family, he was always worrying if he'd never meet his birth parents, or go through something that would define him as his own person, other then just a Number One Assistant. He just hopes that whatever he finds here, will help him into further understanding of what happened.

As for Spike right now, he was finally on the border's of the Dragon Lands, he could tell already, there was smoke filling the sky and was starting to block out the sunlight a bit, the grassy green forest area he was walking through was giving away to a rocky, rough looking area with dozens of mountains and volcanos far in the distance, and at the very edge of it all, he could see dozens of Dragons flying around or simply going about, they all were here for the migration, and it made Spike curious on what he's gonna be seeing.

"So these are the Dragon Lands? They're.. in a rougher shape then i thought.." Spike told himself while making his way down to the completely new place, a place that's far different from the home he's used too.

Spike looked around the place for quite a bit, he was making sure he wouldn't upset any of the dragons since they may not be friendly, but while he was doing that, he also was trying to take in what he was seeing. There were tons of Dragons of different shapes, sizes, and color's.

Some were able to breath more then just the typical green fire he can, and some could breath purple or yellow fire, while Spike thought it would be because it was inheritance, Spike also noticed they had specific gems alongside them too, while gems are a delicious treat to them, it also could help with how they're fire color is used, like how Spike's fire breath is always green after all the emeralds he eats, or it could be both who knows.

"Wow.. so many.." Spike said in awe looking around still, a lot of these dragons did look pretty large, tough and imposing, like a real serious threat if you'd mess with them, it was quite a lot to see for the first time, it really let him see the difference from the ponies, and it made him wanna stay away from them to not cause any trouble.

But as if fate was laughing at him, he accidently bumped into another large dragon when he wasn't looking. Spike stumbled the ground and tried to quickly get back up, but the dragon quickly turned around and looked really angry, but he didn't see Spike yet from the looks of it.

"Hey! Watch where your going!!" The dragon yelled in a booming voice which already scarred Spike, not even 5 minutes in these lands, and he may have just gotten into trouble with a resident.
"S.. Sorry!!" Spike said already shivering from fear, the Dragon looked around trying to find his voice, since it looked like he didn't see him, but after a quick realization, the dragon looked down to where Spike was, and his anger quickly turned to concern seeing Spike was shaking in fear.

"O.. oh my.. i.. i am so sorry about that. I thought you were so much larger, i didn't think you were a child! Please forgive me little one." The dragon apologized with a regretful tone, Spike's fear was soon calming down since the dragon looked honest, and sincere.
"It's.. it's okay.. sorry about that too, i was just.. lost in my thoughts.." Spike said rubbing his head, the dragon offered his claw up to help him up just to help this some more.
"Are you okay hatchling? What are you doing out here like this? It's not exactly the best place for a hatchling to be out by himself right now... or most of the time honestly.." He said helping Spike up while he quickly tried thinking of an explanation.
"I'm.. fine.. i was just too curious to see what was happening here, this is really the Dragon Migration?" Spike asked looking over the land where dozens of dragons were going around.

"Yeah, this is the place, but that doesn't answer my other question. Why are you here? Alone. Where is.. your mother or father?" he asked looking around for any dragon that looked like him, Spike was starting to feel a little sad being asked that, he can't say that he was raised by Twilight, it would just make him more concerned, so Spike had to try his way around it.
"I.. don't.. have.. parents.. i was.. raised alone for most of my life.." Spike admitted which made him look really really shocked to hear that.
"What?! How can you have been raised alone?! No parent should abandon there child! Ever!" He said quickly putting Spike near him for protection. which was confusing a bit.

" How were you able to make it on your own hatchling? No offense, but your a bit.. too weak looking to have survived being alone possibly.." He said hesitantly looking at Spike's small body, which was a bit true.
"I.. i managed to find a safe haven where i can take care of myself in the forest nearby. I was a pretty smart one when by myself, and i was able to adapt and survive during my time there.." Spike said already regretting he had to lie like that, but hopefully it won't cause concern if he knew about the ponies?

"You.. you were out on your own?.. Without a parent, guide.. or friend to help?" He asked looking down in his eyes, Spike felt a bit sad being asked that even more, while he had Twilight and the others, he never had his real parents, and wasn't able to fully experience being a dragon.
"No.. i.. didn't have anyone, i don't think i was abandoned without reason, i think my parents did it for something that may protect me, but i don't know for sure.. i was.. hoping that this place could help me find my mother or father.. and maybe i could finally get some answers about what happened." Spike said looking around at the dragons too.

The Dragon looked regretful for him, why shouldn't he honestly? Even if he just met Spike, he's still a mere child to them, and a child being raised alone would be something that's pretty sad.
"May i also ask, how did you hear about the Migration? I don't think any hatchling who was on his own could just hear about it right?" The Dragon asked bringing him to a small spot where no dragons were at right now, so they could have more privacy.

"I saw a bunch of Dragons heading in this direction just today, and i was able to hear something about the Dragon Migration from some of the smaller ones. It caught my interest, and i was hoping i could find my parents by coming here.." Spike said trying to come up with an excuse, he hated lying, it was something he never wanted to do, but he had to for this little moment, and hopefully never again. The Dragon took a moment to process that since it looked like something new he's dealing with, but he also looks like he has some ideas on what to do.
"So.. your out here.. on your own? Without.. any proper way to find your parents?" He asked again looking down at him.
"Uh.. yes.." Spike admitted a bit nervous still.
"Child.. if your alright with it, i'm willing to help you find her, no child should ever be without a parent, it is a cruel world to not know who your family even is." He offered which surprised Spike since this just came out of the blue.

"Really?! Your wanting to help me?!" Spike asked really shocked about his sudden offer.
"Of course child, i'm not one to let other's who are so small like you suffer alone, you deserve to have someone besides you while your here at least." He explained which made Spike feel really grateful.
"T.. thank you! May i ask what your name is?" Spike asked not being told it yet.

"Right, forgive me. My name is Nathen, and what is yours hatchling?" Nathen introduced looking down at him.
"I'm.. i'm Spike, nice to meet you.." Spike said as Nathen kept him close for safety.
"It's nice to meet you two Spike, please come with me, i know a few places where we can possibly find your mother." Nathen said moving along with Spike following closely behind.
"Lead the way Nathen." Spike said already feeling pretty glad to know him, compared to the other mean looking dragons, he looked like a much kinder one, and it made him a bit interesting.

Spike proceeded to follow Nathen through the Dragon Lands closely, looking around the place, it was barely anything like Canterlot or Ponyville at all, there was no grass to be seen, there were lava rivers that flowed through most of the land into hot springs that some dragons were relaxing in, and volcanos and mountains were mainly the only things in sight, there was no buildings, castles, or even small houses for living in, all except from some caves being seen in the distance, which must be some of these dragons homes.

While Spike followed Nathen, he got a good look at him, Nathen was really tall, around 15 feet to be exact. He had dark blue scales with light blue spines on his back that went down to his tail which looked like his own a bit, his eyes were a cyan blue that looked like a glowing gem when it could be seen, and he did have visible scars on him that may have been from multiple fights, seeing a full sized dragon like him just made Spike wonder what he's gonna be like when he ends up around his age.

But while Spike was thinking to himself, Spike decided to ask Nathen to learn a bit more about who he is.
"So.. Nathen? May i ask.. what do you usually do around here?" Spike asked wondering what his life was like.
"Well.. there's not much i can really describe, i'm a few hundred years old at his point, i mainly live around the hot spring areas of the Dragon Lands because it's one of the best spots. I often go out to collect multiple gems from caves and coves, i like to rest a lot within the hot springs themselves, because they're SO relaxing. And I mainly just like to fly around these lands, admiring what.. little there is to see here, i sometimes go out of the borders to just think to myself, there's just a lot to think about life and you need time to process it." Nathen explained continuing to walk beside him which was really interesting.
"Yeah, there's always moments where you'll just think about what your doing, and wonder if it's what you wanna do for the rest of your life, or go beyond it and get even better. That's a question i've been wondering to myself for a while now too." Spike said understanding this already.

"Really? That's quite the knowledge for a hatchling as young as you." Nathen said interested as most hatchlings don't understand that thing at such a young age.
"Yeah well i'm a bit smarter when having to be on my own for a while.. but do you have any other people to talk to? Any family you go to see?" Spike asked more curious, but that question made him flinch a little being asked that.
"I.. mainly like to live alone, i don't really have many to talk with, i wasn't much one to try and interact after.. an incident earlier in my life, it's nothing to be concerned about right now. But i just mainly like to be by myself at times, just wondering what my position in life is.." Nathen said looking down a bit which was concerning Spike, he obviously had something in his past that wasn't the best memory, but he decided to leave it alone for now, and continue on to something else.
"That's.. really interesting to know, i can understand one wants they're alone time..." Spike said still feeling regret for this little lie he just did, but he shouldn't focus on it too much right now.

As the two made they're way through the lands, Spike was starting to feel a little worried that they may not find his mother and father, or just one of them. While Spike wanted to learn a bit more about his kind, this may be his only chance he has to find them. Soon enough though, Nathen led Spike to what looks like a hatching ground, and Spike could tell it already.

There were dozens of small dragons around the place, playing with whatever they thought was a toy, and there were dozens of large dragonesses watching over them with smiles, meaning they're the hatchlings mothers obviously.
"Here we are Spike, this is the Hatching Grounds, tons of mothers bring they're eggs here for hatching, and when they do hatch, they often return here to have them play a bit and try to bond with other small dragons. It may not be the best place for bonding, but it's something at least." Nathen explained while Spike looked on with a growing sadness.

Seeing the hatchlings playing around with they're mothers, having them nuzzle and hold them close, it was a true sign of motherly affection, and while Twilight and her family often did the same, it just didn't hit as hard when seeing this, he never got to really feel a kind of love from his birth parents, and it just made him wish that more and more.
"Spike, are you okay?" Nathen asked seeing his sad expression.
"I'm.. alright Nathen, i just never really got this kind of feeling before, the feeling of a mother and son, it makes me both glad these hatchlings have they're mothers, but also makes me sad if i never meet her.." Spike said feeling more sad seeing this.
"Hey, it'll be okay, she or your father must be around here somewhere. Let's take a look." Nathen said coming down to the ground with Spike.
"Let's hope we can find them." Spike said looking around for any dragon that may look like him.

There were what Spike could count right now, hundreds of dragonesses around the place, and they all came in various shapes and sizes. Some were a lot smaller but had longer windy body's, and some looked like they were from different environments, like icy mountains, or tropical forests. This Migration must spread far and wide if various dragon types can show up here, but they just didn't look like him. The two of them searched around for about half an hour at this point, and they were finding anything yet, and it was making Spike feel more sad.
"Nathen, are you sure we may find her around here? I don't see a dragon that looks like me.." Spike asked with a sad expression not seeing someone like him.
"Don't worry Spike, these things take time. We'll find her, we just have to be patient." Nathen said in a calm tone which made Spike let up a bit.
"Right, just have to be patient." Spike repeated while walking with him still.

The two continued walking through the place a bit more, seeing whatever dragoness they could find. But they soon came upon a group of dragonesses talking with eachother, they all looked like they were talking about how they would raise they're child if they had one, and it made them both curious and maybe they knew if they saw a dragon like Spike. With them both thinking this, the two walked over to the group hoping they knew something.
"Um, excuse me ladies, have you seen a dragon that looks like this hatchling?" Nathen asked which got they're attention. They all turned to him and saw both him and Spike beside eachother, they all quickly looked concerned being asked that.

"I don't think we have, but aren't you his parent?" A white dragoness asked looking at them.
"Um.. no.. i'm just helping this hatchling around. He's.. without a proper parent right now." Nathen admitted which shocked them all.
"You don't have a parent?!" They all asked at once instantly moving around him which surprised them both.
"Um.. yes.. i've been.. on my own for a bit now.." Spike said nervously while they all looked concerned.
"Oh you poor thing, how could you be alone for so long?" The white dragon asked picking him up suddenly, Spike looked around the 4 dragons and saw they're concerns.
"Why would you be out on your own like this? You should have a parent with you at all times hatchling." Another said taking him next, and this dragon looked strangely like Rarity for some reason.
"How could a cute little thing like you be left alone like this?" A red and orange dragoness asked taking him next, they all didn't seem to mind trading some time for him strangely.
"It's a crime something special like you are so alone, perhaps a little adoption is on order.." The Cyan dragoness said rubbing his head which was making Spike a bit nervous.

Spike quickly looked back at Nathen and made a mouth movement to help him which Nathen quickly agreed to.
"It's okay girls, i'm just helping this hatchling find his mom. I was just helping him around." Nathen said quickly taking him back which made them a bit disappointed, but they could understand it.
"It's a honorable thing for someone to help a child like this, that's very unique of you." The white one said slyly at him.
"Your a strong one already from what i can tell, i already like you." The cyan one said with a sly face too which did make Nathen a bit nervous.
"Um.. thank you ladies, but we were just hoping if you had a hint, sorry for bothering your time." Nathen said putting Spike back down.
"Oh it's no trouble, in fact, this is quite interesting. Hold on a minute.." The white and purple one said getting a closer inspection of him, she took a small look at his scale and eye color, and she seemed to recognize it somehow.

"I think i did see a dragon with your scale and eye color actually." She declared which made them surprised but hopeful.
"Really?! Do you know where she is?" Spike asked hoping she knew, she put a finger on her chin to think about it for a quick second.
"I think i saw her near that area, she was looking pretty sad, and didn't have an egg on her." She said pointing in a specific direction, and she also sounded like Rarity, which makes Spike think that either Rarity used a spell to become a dragon somehow, or that this is just something really convenient.
"Thank you so much ladies. We'd best see if it's her. Come on Spike." Nathen said bringing Spike to him and starting to walk off again.
"Thank you so much!" Spike shouted to the dragons who smiled slyly at him.
"If you don't find her hatchling, just know we'll be happy to take you in if you need someone, and we'd be VERY glad to do so." The red and orange one said sweetly which made Spike chuckle nervously a bit.
"Uh.. thanks! I'll be glad to let you know!" Spike said quickly leaving with Nathen while the girls chuckled at his little expression.

After that little talk, it gave them one small hint to see if Spike's mother is here, even if they couldn't find his father, his mother can be just as important. The two went in the direction quickly, it gave them a small hope to see if it's her, and if not.. who knows what may happen?
"Hey.. Nathen.. i just wanna thank you for helping me with this, i didn't think there would be someone willing to help me like this.." Spike said looking up at him who smiled hearing that.
"Your welcome Spike, i wasn't just gonna let a hatchling be alone, whether he has a parent or not. Heck, if anything, if we don't find them, i'll be happy to adopt you. I have plenty of space in my cave that i can make something to your liking, if we don't find her, i think i'll adopt you." Nathen said honestly which made Spike more surprised.
"Really? You'd.. adopt me if we.. don't find her?" Spike asked shocked at his sudden offer, but Spike would be glad to be taken in by him with how nice he is.
"Of course Spike, but that's IF we don't find her, there's still a chance. Come on, i think we're almost there." Nathen said looking ahead while Spike was just feeling amazed.

The two continued through a bit longer until they came upon a large open area, but unlike most of the area's they went through, there was a smaller number of dragonesses around here, while they did have a child with them, some didn't, and were looking a bit sad.

It made Spike feel sad for them too if they didn't have a child yet, but it made him hope they would get one of they're own one day. The two of them looked around some more to try and find one that looks like Spike.
"Do you see her anywhere?" Spike asked looking as far as he could, Nathen looked around a bit to the right until he saw something, or rather, someone.

Just a bit off in the distance, he could see what looked like a large purple dragoness that's a bit bigger then him, she had a purple spine with a scale color that looks like Spike's, and she had a wingspan that was larger then her own body, and she also had a light pink underbelly and had emerald green eyes..
"Spike.. i think.. i see her.." Nathen said pointing in her direction, Spike looked over to that direction too and looked shocked seeing her, she was looking into a small pond looking at herself, she looked really sad and alone, like she had no one with her, it made them both sad to see this, and maybe it could be her..
"I.. think that is.. let's see if it is her.." Spike said hopefully, the two of them quickly made they're way down to her to see if it's true. It was a small hope, but something that could be true.

After a bit more walking, they made they're way to the dragoness who hadn't noticed them yet, and Nathen decided to step up first while Spike went behind him.
"Um.. Ma'am, are you okay?" Nathen asked concerned for her, this finally got her attention as her earfins perked up a bit, she turned to his direction and looked a bit surprised seeing him, but just sighed in response.
"No.. not really, i'm not really in the mood for a talk right now.." She said turning back to the pond, she was clearly upset about something, but they wanted to help her.
"I can see your upset ma'am, but i don't wanna just leave you alone like this, can you please tell me what's wrong?" Nathen asked wanting to help her, she looked at him again and clearly saw he wasn't wanting to leave without help, it was a nobol thing to do, and it made her interested.

"I'm.. just out here trying to find my child.. it was taken from me years ago when i wasn't able to save it.. i had hoped that he would find his way to freedom.. and try and find his way home.." She explained which worried the two of them, but it gave Spike a little hint to what could've happened to his egg..
"What did this egg look like ma'am? I know it's rude to ask, but maybe i could help with it." Nathen asked again wanting a bit more detail.
"It was small egg, it was purple with darker purple spots. It was the most valuable treasure i could ever have.." She explained holding out her claws, like she was trying to hold something that wasn't there in them, that made Spike looked more surprised, as that description sounded like the very egg he hatched from.

"I'm.. really sorry to hear that, it must be hard.. i know how that is.." Nathen said regretfully which made her interested a bit more.
"You do?" She asked looking at him who was just thinking about it too.
"Y.. Yes, but i'd rather not talk about it right now. I have something that i think could interest you.." Nathen said looking to his side where Spike was hiding.
"And what would that be?" She asked curiously, Nathen looked at Spike and used his tail to bring Spike in front of her, he and Spike both looked hopeful thinking this could be her, so they gave it a shot.

The dragoness took her sight to Spike almost instantly, and her eyes widened immediately on seeing him, she took a very close look at him. Spike had very similar scale colors to her, the green eyes.. tail.. and that spine shape reminded her of someone she once knew..
"Who.. might you be little one?" She asked leaning down to him, Spike was getting more nervous seeing her, there was something in his gut telling him this may be her..
"I'm.. Spike.. it's nice to meet you.. are you.. feeling okay?" Spike asked concerned for her, she didn't take her eyesight off him for one second, Nathen moved out of the way a bit and hoped this would be it.
"I'm.. alright.. but.. where are you from little one?" She asked again really interested with him.

"I.. came here to try and find my parents.. i was raised on my own after i hatched, i didn't know why i was left alone. But when i saw the dragons heading this way, i was hoping i could find them.." Spike explained which really surprised her, how could a hatchling like him survive on his own? Even if it was true or not, that little explanation made her realize something.
"Your.. an orphan? You don't have your father.. or mother with you?" She asked laying down to keep this talk up and Spike didn't want it to end either.
"No.. i don't.. i mean Nathen was willing to adopt me if we didn't find my parents.. but we wanted to see if we could find them.." Spike said looking over to him which made the dragoness feel more concerned.

Suddenly out of nowhere, the dragoness went a bit closer to him, seemingly too close and he felt some air move around him, was she.. smelling him? But after that little sniff, that made her look really surprised after the fact.
"Could.. it be..?" She thought to herself while looking at him.
"Um.. are you okay?" Spike asked while she was still shocked until she regained focus.
"Child.. do you.. know your scent? One of best ways for a child to find they're mother or father.. is if they have the same scent.." She asked which made him confused.
"Scent?" Spike asked before taking a sniff of himself, he had bathed recently so he didn't smell bad at all, but it's really meaning something else. After looking at her, he slowly came in and took a small sniff of her two, and realized something..
"We.. have the same scent?!" Spike thought with huge shock realizing this.

The two both looked at eachother with huge surprise after this.. and it may mean one thing..
"Child.. what.. was your egg like? What color was it?" She asked wanting one last answer.
"It was.. purple.. with.. darker purple spots.." Spike answered truthfully which made her look even more shocked, and Nathen looked extremely surprised, but also was feeling relief in realizing something.
"It's her.." Nathen thought to himself as the two looked at eachother with shock.

"S.. S.. son?" She asked starting to have tears in her eyes.
"M... Mother?" Spike asked tearing up as well, not even a second later, Spike suddenly found himself scooped up in her claws and was being nuzzled all over.
"It's you!.. It's really you! My son! My precious hatchling!" She said in pure joy while crying a waterfall.
"Mother.. it's really you! I never thought.. i'd be able to meet you!!" Spike said giving her a strong hug while she held him close.
"Son.. my.. Flamestar.." She said keeping him to her chest while Nathen smiled lovingly seeing this, he was actually able to help find her, and he felt pure joy seeing them like this.

After a few more minutes, the two stopped hugging so they can speak to eachother.
"Mom.. it's really you.. like.. really you?" Spike asked completely amazed at this.
"It is.. it's me.. i know it is.." She said forming a loving smile on her.
"But.. if it's you.. then.. where's.. my father?" Spike asked not seeing another dragon that looked like her, her earfins went down and she had a look of sadness being asked that.
"He's.. no longer with us.. he passed away from an illness that he couldn't recover from.. you.. were the only thing i had from him.. and now.. i finally have you back.." She said sadly which made Spike look sad knowing this, but at least this means she has something back.

"What's your name.. mother?" Spike asked not knowing it yet.
"My name is Skystar my son.. and while i already have a name for you, what do you like to call yourself?" Skystar asked curiously.
"My name is Spike.. Is.. Flamestar.. my birthname?" Spike asked wondering what it meant.
"Of course.. it was a beautiful name.. for a beautiful child.." Skystar said rubbing his head which made him tear up even more.
"I love that name.. you can call me either one.. i love them both.." Spike said hugging her chest again while she didn't let him go.

She soon turned back to Nathen who was smiling at seeing this, and her smile turned to a one of gratitude.
"Thank you so much for all of this sir, i haven't met a drake like you in a long time.. i don't know how i could repay this.." Skystar said gratefully while he walked up to her.
"It was my pleasure ma'am, and please, my name is Nathen. You don't need to repay anything, I was just glad to help you two reunite. Especially seeing this touching scene.." Nathen said looking at them both.
"Nathen, thank you for all of this.. i really owe you for this.." Spike said gratefully too while he smiled at that.
"It was my pleasure Spike, just know, if you two ever need some help, or someone to talk too, i'll be glad to spend time with you both. I'll always be there if Spike needs someone to take care of him." Nathen said looking at Skystar who smiled even more hearing this.
"If there's any drake i'll be willing to put my son's hands in, it's you. I may have met you just now, but i can already see a great person in you." Skystar said looking in his eyes which made him a bit nervous, but also more proud of himself.

"Thank you for this Skystar. I'll leave you two alone, if you ever need to find me, i'll be near the hotsprings, i'll be easy to find." Nathen said backing up from them a bit before he spread out his wings.
"Thank you for this Nathen, i promise we'll see you again soon." Spike said holding onto his mother who held him too.
"I know we will Spike, see you soon." Nathen said before he took off into the air at extremely fast speeds, they both watched him fly off until he was gone, which left the two alone finally.

After a few moments of silence, Skystar turned to Spike who was wondering what to do next.
"Son.. would you like to come to my cave? Would you like to come home with me? And be my child once again?" Skystar asked hoping he would say yes, and it was a pretty obvious answer.
"Of course i will mom! Nothing would make me happier then to be with you again!" Spike said not a second later, and she smiled lovingly at him and kissed his forehead in response.
"Thank you so much my hatchling, i promise i'll take care of you, you ready to go son?" Skystar asked holding him close while she was spreading her huge wings.
"Of course mom, let's go." Spike said holding on tight, Skystar smiled even more. And with one quick motion, she took off into the sky's at extremely fast speeds even Rainbow Dash would be surprised by, Skystar headed into the far mountains in the distance, towards a village she lived in, the sun was setting at this point, since where she lived didn't have this smoky sky most of the Badlands have, and it's instead a place where a dragon can really settle down.

Spike was already feeling tired after just a short time of flying, and was beginning to fall asleep which Skystar noticed.
"Tired my child? You don't have to hide it, i think it's important you get some sleep." Skystar said holding him tight enough to not lose him, but also so she could help him be more comfy while Spike yawned shortly after.
"I think some sleep is for the best.. i'll see you tomorrow.. right mom?" Spike asked hoping this wasn't a dream.
"Of course you will, sleep well son, we have a lot of catching up to do." Skystar said rubbing his head which was making him more tired.
"Good night mom.." Spike said finally falling asleep while she kept flying, but she wasn't loosening up a signal bit.
"Good night my son.." Skystar said lovingly as she flied into the mountains far ahead while the sun was setting, and the night sky was beginning to show.

Skystar held onto him tightly while she made her way back to her village, they will really be thrilled to know she found her son, she still couldn't believe it herself. After all these years, she finally found him.. or he found her to be exact. It was a feeling of joy she hasn't felt in so long, both to him, and to the drake that helped him, Nathen. Skystar had made it to her village just as the sun was gone, and the sky's were full of stars. She was pretty late making it back home compared to when she usually does, but it was more then worth it for what she has now..

Skystar carefully put Spike in her tail while she landed down in front of her cave, it was at the top of a high mountain above her village, where the residents were most likely asleep by now. Skystar made sure no one was here for a quick moment before entering her cave finally, and closing a door that was handmade that was large enough for her. Skystar's cave was full of pink crystals which illuminated the place, there were tons of gems within the walls, and dozens of rooms where she had different things to do here, her home was practically it's own crystal cave which made it just more amazing, she lived alone here for a long time, but now she won't have to anymore.

After a little bit more walking, she soon went into her own room and made sure the door was closed, her kind has more civilized way's of living then compared to most dragons, and she was no different. She looked ahead and saw her enormous pile of gold and gems and a window at the top of the room with the moon shining through it, she was quite the collector in her prime, she always wanted to make sure her home would be the best it would be for her child.. and her former mate.. But she still had one thing with her now, her son.

Skystar had went over to her pile and curled herself around them to make her comfy. She put Spike near her snout so he would be the first thing she sees when she wakes, to give her the hope that this isn't a dream either.
"Good night my child.." Skystar said before kissing his head while Spike was fast asleep with a smile on his face.
"I promise i won't lose you again..." Skystar told herself before going asleep herself while holding him close, she finally had her hatchling back, and was not wanting to lose him.. ever again..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! This as the title implies is a rewrite of my first story, My Mother. It was the story i ever wrote, and while i felt great being able to finish it at the time, i wanted to make a rewrite of it to help show how far i've come as a writer. While the chapter's may not be as long as this, i'll try and do more to it, adding in more talks and interesting stuff with Spike's mom and Nathen, and making sure the Mane 6 are only in the story when necessary, because while they weren't in this first chapter like my last one, i felt like the chapter would be stronger if it focused on Spike's thoughts, and him finding his mom, so i just made that small cut.

I've come a long way as a writer, and while i'm not the best writer ever, i'm just trying to write something that people like, i don't think i'll ever make a perfect story, i'm just glad that i am making story's that you enjoy and want to see more of. And i promise i'll make things the best they can be, i have plenty of ideas and have planned this story out ahead, so i hope you like what i have ahead for it , thank you all for reading this, and i hope you enjoyed it, i hope you look forward to more soon!