• Published 23rd Apr 2024
  • 161 Views, 3 Comments

Lyra's Heartstrings - Ms Rarity

After a bad break up with Bon Bon Lyra decides to win her back

  • ...

Will you hold me tight and not let go?

The big day was finally upon them and Lyra was so nervous her hooves were clammy and her mouth was dryer than a day old hay burger. Her friends tried to calm her nerves. "C'mon Lyra everything will be okay. We're ready, the instruments are finely tuned and the stage is set. We're all ready to go." Octavia smiled hugging Lyra reassuringly.
Lyra looked up tears threatening to burst their damn. But what if she doesn't come? What's all this been for? I'll have wasted everypony's time!" Octavia took her friends face in her hooves giving her the warmest smile. "Tonight will not have been for nothing Lyra. Just look at you, you've picked yourself up and brushed yourself down and now you've created a beautiful song for us all to enjoy! Now that's the Lyra I remember."

Vinyl Scratch, Medley and Beauty Brass went over a few musical scores to make it more of a special night if Bon Bon was to turn up whilst the cutie mark crusaders took a well deserved break for getting the stage all set up and Sweetie Belle was under strict orders to rest her voice for tonight.
They put the word out wherever they could that if anypony saw Bon Bon they were to tell her to be at the Buckball field tonight for seven sharp.

As the day went on, Lyra stopped by the boutique to pick her dress up for tonight. As she entered the shop the door bell rang out above her head. A white unicorn with a deep purple mane came trotting towards her with a wide smile. "Ah there you are darling! I have your dress all ready for you. I bet you're quite excited for winning your special somepony back!"
Lyra smiled nervously. "Well that's if she turns up if not it's just going to be me and the band in the middle of the field." She grimaced at the cold thought of that happening. Rarity picked up on Lyra's tattered nerves and turned the conversation around. "Chin up dear, everything will work out eventually. Would you like a cup of tea whilst we get your dress a touch up? Lyra smiled. "That would be lovely thank you."
The fashionista trotted off to make the tea whilst Lyra changed into the dress. It was an elegant black dress with see-through lace on the shoulders she gasped with a smile upon seeing that Rarity had made an embossed harp from gold dust with crushed diamonds for the strings.

As she gently ran her hoof over it with admiration she hadn't noticed Rarity had come back and gave a little jump when she spoke. "That's just a small token of my appreciation for taking my Sweetie Belle under your wing. I'm sure she'll flourish on the stage with you tonight darling."
Lyra was lost for words with heartfelt gratitude. "Thank you so much for this Rarity it's truly beautiful. Your sister has a gift and it would be a shame to waste it. She's a natural."
Rarity passed her a cup of tea. "That we can definitely agree on. Now let's see you in that new dress shall we." She smiled taking a sip of tea.

The mane event

Lyra was so nervous she began trotting back and forth behind the stage. Sweetie Belle came up behind her blocking her step. Lyra startled a moment looking down at the little pony standing strong in front of her with a furrowed brow. "Hey stop that! Whatever happens tonight this is all you. Your friends, me and the girls we are all here because of you all because you created a beautiful idea and turned it into a reality and we're all thankful to you for that. So, chin up and take nice deep breaths because either way we're going to have a great night." She smiled wide and walked away leaving the Lyra and her friends dumbfounded.
Octavia walked up behind Lyra. "I couldn't have said that better myself, are you sure she's a filly? She's quite mature for a pony her age. She chuckled patting Lyra on the back. "Come on girl, time to win your marefriend back!"

It was almost seven and Lyra popped her head out through the red makeshift curtains to see if Bon Bon was anywhere to be seen and almost screamed with shock as saw the local townsfolk begin crowding around the stage. She quickly tugged her head back inside turning rather pale to her troupe. "Hey guys... there's ponies out there...lots of them..."
Octavia raised an eyebrow and peeped out. "Sweet Celestia! Well good news is that if your girl is a no-show then at least we have a crowd to play to now....just saying..." quickly regretting her cander upon seeing Lyra's scowling face.

Lyra's friends all gathered round her giving her support and strength. "Okay so it's not quite how we planned it, however we've played concerts before so just think of it as that and we'll be fine. The crowd will cheer us to know end whatever we do." Octavia smiled. "Now go out there and introduce us Lyra and one more thing..."
Lyra turned to her. "And what's that?"
"Enjoy your big night." She smiled warmly.
Lyra smiled kindly and headed out.

Lyra took to the makeshift stage and gazed out over the ponies of Ponyville. "Thank you all for being here tonight, I wasn't expecting so many of you to come. As some of you know already, just over a month ago I hit a real low when my special somepony left...but waking up thinking about her one day I found a new purpose and picked myself up and with the help and support of my friends, this is the reason that we're all here tonight, so please give them a round of applause!" Her friends came out smiling bowing their heads before taking their seats and tweaking their instruments.

Lyra looked across the crowd to see if Bon Bon had arrived but couldn't see as the dark began to set in. She took a step up to the mic closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.
"This song's for you Bon Bon."

I've been hearing symphonies
Before, all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
And every melody is timeless
Life was stringing me along
Then you came and you cut me loose
Was solo, singing on my own
Now I can't find the key without you

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So, if you want the truth
I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

I'm sorry if it's all too much
Every day you're here, I'm healing
And I was runnin' out of luck
I never thought I'd find this feeling
'Cause I've been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
Sweetie Belle
(A rhapsody for you and me)
And every melody is timeless
And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So, if you want the truth

I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Sweetie Belle Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah

Lyra & Sweetie Belle
And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So, if you want the truth (oh)

Right at that moment Bon Bon leaped up on to the stage taking Lyra by the hooves singing out.

I just wanna be part of your symphony!
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio...

The mares stand lost in each others eyes.
Harmonising the last line together...
🎶Will you hold me tight and not let go?🎶

The song Lyra performed was a masterpiece of vulnerability and affection. It whispered of her sorrow and longing, but above all, it celebrated the unbreakable bond between she and her special somepony. As the final notes faded into the air, they kissed as the crowd erupted in thunderous applause.

Author's Note:

Hey darlings, I do hope you enjoyed the concept of my little story. :raritywink:

Also I would just like to add that I do not own Clean Bandits song 'Symphony'

Comments ( 3 )

I actually just listened to the song as I read along and the scene came alive in my head! :raritystarry::twilightsmile:

That was actually really cute and enjoyable, if the pacing was a little bit slower it would be better, but still. Also I would like to say that strangely, the first chapter had me feeling so strange. Which I can assure you it's a good thing.

Apart from the already said thing of the pacing the whole story was wholesome :moustache:

Keep it up :)

Oh that's wonderful darling, thank you I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! :raritystarry:

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