• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 211 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset: Agent of DATS - PK-Pony 2002

Digimon Data Squad, but with Sunset Shimmer as the protagonist.

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Prologue- Part 4: Meeting Agumon

Author's Note:

Dislcaimer! I do not own My Little Pony, Digimon or any other series mentioned in this story.

Anyways on with the chapter!

A little while later, we see Sunset looking at the Data Link she was given, trying to track down the being or item known as Raptor One as she was instructed.

"Okay, according to this thing Raptor One should be down this alley way, I just hope this doesn't end badly." Sunset says, under her breath as she begins to go into the alley.

As she goes further in she hears a sound, the sound in question sounds like-

"Whimpering?" Sunset questions, now suspecting that this 'Raptor One' is really a living creature of some kind. Now having even more of a reason to get 'Raptor One' away from those people who were searching for it, she begins to follow the sound she enters a vacant building. that the signal was leading her towards.

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" Sunset questions, trying to listen for the whimpering, which had gotten quieter.

Eventually, Sunset was able to hear the whimpering again and followed it to an old room which by the looks of it used to be a bedroom. When she looked at the damaged bed that's when she saw what 'Raptor One' looked like.

Sitting on the bed, curled up was an orange dinosaur wearing red bracers on its claws, its eyes squeezed shut.

Sunset was shocked, she was having a hard time to processing what she was seeing. She may be a humanoid Unicorn who was transformed into a Human, but even this was a bit out of her field. So she did the only thing she could in this situation.

"Uh, are you alright?" Sunset asks cautiously, approaching slowly.

"Raptor One' heard her and its eyes shot open, revealing they were green.

"Pepper Breath!" 'Raptor One says with panicked female voice, firing a fireball from its mouth.

Sunset manages to dodge the fireball and quickly tries to calm the dinosaur creator down.

"Hey, calm down! If you're not careful you could burn this building down!" Sunset says frantically, not wanting the building to catch fire.

"It's a better option than letting the D.T.U catch me!" Says 'Raptor One, getting Sunset's attention.

"Hold on, what's the D.T.U?" Sunset asks, causing 'Raptor One' to look at her with apprehension.

"Y-you don't know what the D.T.U is?" 'Raptor One' asks in disbelief.

"No, all I know is that I was asked to find you while someone else dealt with those guys in the warehouse.

"Those 'guys in the warehouse' wanted to capture me so that when they got into the Digital World they could use me as either bait or collateral against the Digital Worlds strongest defenders." 'Raptor One' says, slightly bitter about nearly being used against these defenders of the 'Digital World'.

"Digital World? What's the Digital World and what's the D.T.U and more importantly, who and what are you?" Sunset asks, seriously wanting answers.

"Well, for starter my name is Agumon, I'm a creature known as a Digimon: A creature that lives in a place known as the Digital World. The Digital World is a world connected to this world, it's home to many different species of Digimon." The now named Agumon explains what she knows about her home.

"What about this 'D.T.U' you mentioned?" Asks Sunset, making Agumon look displeased.

"D.T.U stands for Digimon Termination Unit, it's an organization in this world that captures, experiments on and even deletes Digimon, they managed to get several Digimon into this world through unknown means and have been trying to capture them, including me." Explains Agumon, Sunset having gone pale as Agumon explained.

"That's... not good." Sunset finally says, Agumon nodding her head in agreement.

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I've been hiding. So, why exactly were you looking for me?" Asks Agumon.

"Well, I ended seeing some guys who I can take a guess and say are part of the D.T.U working on something that they called a Digital Gate. After I stopped spying I encountered this guy who gave me something called a Data Link, he told me to find you and to keep you safe." Sunset explains, making Agumon look at her oddly.

"Do you still have this 'Data Link' and what did the guy look like?" Asks Agumon.

"Uh, yeah right here. The guy in question was around 24, had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing a coat with a strange logo on it." Sunset says, showing Agumon the Data Link.

The moment they were both touching the Data Link it turned orange on the front with a green screen near the top of it.

That's when a voice comes from the device, a voice Sunset recognizes.

"Hello Sunny McShane and Agumon, my name is David Frank. I apologize for not explaining this in person, but me and my team have been looking into some things and I can't risk you or anyone else's safety. The D.T.U or Digimon Termination Unit are up to something and me and my team are investigating, but I have a request for you two. Please team up and stop any Digimon who wish to disturb the peace in both this world and the Digital World." David's voice says.

Before Sunset or Agumon can say anything they hear noise in the background.

"My time is brief, I'll try to get in contact with you again. Until then, be safe. They hear David's voice says, before the transmission ends. This leaves the Pony turned Human and Digimon duo standing there for a moment before Sunset speaks up.

"What the heck was that?" Sunset asks incredulously.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I have heard of the man who was speaking to us. He was part of a team called the Digimon Savers, a group of five Humans partnered to Digimon through the use of device known as a Data Link Digivice. My best guess is that they're recruiting help. The fact David Frank is risking getting caught by the D.T.U to contact us says a few things. We should probably follow his request." Says Agumon.

Sunset nods at that, before realizing something.

"Wait, how are we going to sneak you across town? You're not exactly inconspicuous." Sunset points out.

Agumon ponders for a moment before remembering something she heard about the Data Link Digivices.

"The Data Links have the ability to store a partner Digimon inside them. It's a way to travel with them without anyone suspecting anything and it allows a Digimon to heal if they're hurt." Says Agumon, making Sunset look at her.

"How do I do that?" Sunset asks.

"Point the lens on the back of Data Link at me and then push the button on the right." Agumon says, Sunset does as such and Agumon turns into data particles and enters the Data Link."

"Okay, that's kind of cool, weird but cool." Sunset says.

"True, but we should probably get moving. We don't want the D.T.U to find us." Agumon's voice says from inside the Data Link.

Sunset nods her head in agreement and begins the journey back to her apartment.

Back with Evan and Aaron, we see they're outside the warehouse Sunset was at earlier.

"You ready for this?" Aaron asks, taking out his own Data Link Digivice, his being a light green color on the front with a blue screen.

"Yeah, let's do this." Evan says, taking out his Data Link as well. His being dark purple with a yellow screen.

"Fanbeemon, realize!" Aaron says, releasing his partner from his Digivice.

"Falcomon, realize!" Says Evan, doing the same thing as Aaron.

With that the four of them rush into the warehouse and are shocked by what they see.

The D.T.U agents are knocked unconscious and the Digital Gate and the equipment around it they were building is damaged badly.

"Oh my, what happened here?" Falcomon asks.

"That's what I want to know." Evan says, looking at the damaged tech.

"Uh, Aaron?" Fanbeemon asks timidly.

"Yeah Fanbeemon?" Asks Aaron.

"Isn't that a Digital Gate?" Asks Fanbeemon, causing Aaron, Evan and Falcomon to stiffen when they hear that.

"You're right, it is a Digital Gate. We need to inform Commander Luna and the rest of DATS!" Aaron says, taking out a communication device.

"Commander Luna, this agent Aaron Hope. Me, Agent Evan Smith and our partners have located the D.T.U agents. They are all unconscious and there appears to be a damaged Digital Gate in the abadoned warehouse."

"Understood, contacting SWAT reinforcements now. Have you located the Digimon they were after?" Asks Commander Luna's voice over the communication device.

"Negative, there were no signs of Raptor One when we arrived." Says Aaron.

"Very well, once the SWAT team handles the D.T.U agents return to base." Commander Luna says.

"Yes ma'am." Both DATS agents says, the communication ends at that.

Once the SWAT team arrives and handle the unconscious D.T.U agents Aaron drives Evan and himself back to the base.

What they don't realize is that things were going to change and they'd be getting a new agent very soon.

To Be Continued...