• Published 9th May 2024
  • 705 Views, 45 Comments

Sunset, what do you want? - DapperLilArts

Sunset Shimmer has lived happily in exile in the human world for nearly a decade-- But now a decision must be made. Will she remain here, or return home where she could fullfill her dreams of being a Princess?

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Sunset, how are you doing?

Heya. Sunset Shimmer here.

Honestly? I’m doing great.

I haven’t felt this happy and relaxed in– Actually, I've never felt like this. Considering I messed up being the pupil of what on Earth would translate to god, considering I tried haphazardly (and failed!) to get revenge on her and became a demon, considering I dedicated three years of my life to bullying teenagers in a world that was stranger to me, wow.

All of that feels like an eternity ago… And I suppose it’s almost a decade behind me– Wow, I'm SO different now- but I guess I feel different, too. Surrounded by friends, full of purpose– Like I'm walking on air! Like nothing’s weighing me down!

Living in the human world has treated me surprisingly well, all things considered! My apartment is what I'd very eloquently describe as “The coziest shithole you’ll ever see”, while my girlfriend would describe it as “Cozy”, but hey, rose colored glasses, heh.

Oh yeah; I'm dating Twilight Sparkle! Who knew, right? I should specify, the nerdy poindexter one, from earth, here. Human Twilight– Not Princess Twilight from Equestria. And it’s kind of hard to describe what an odd, yet surprisingly good couple we make– This stuttering mess of a nerd changed into a confident gal who isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and meanwhile, me, the biggest piece of shit you’d ever meet, somehow changed into a bonafide warrior of friendship and union. We kind of uplifted each other, and I couldn’t be happier, that with the absence of the Twilight of my world, I got to meet another.

It’s been almost two years, we started dating before graduating highschool, and despite all of us going our own ways, we’re still absolutely still in contact; a mere text away from a sleepover, heh.

And besides; My idea, we all enrolled in the same community college! I realized that all of us had fears of separation a while back; Especially considering our MANY diverging interests— Hell, my girlfriend is probably gonna be president someday; Which is starkly different from whatever any of my other friends would want. Such as running an unlicensed animal shelter, running a farm, being a fashion legend, or, as eloquently put by Rainbow Dash, “Play sports good”.

I’m not even covering Pinkie here– Whatever she becomes, it’ll be mighty.

Originally, me and Twilight were going to enroll in Everton University, a big prestigious one, incredibly hard for the average student to get into, though Twilight would have gotten in there easily. I guess she was thankful that I suggested something simpler, because it would keep the friend group together. We’re still waiting on our letters of admission, to see if all seven of us got into Canterlot Community College, but it’ll be any day now!

I do feel a little guilty about it, because I doubt a Community College will challenge Twilight– She is way too advanced. But she assured me a bunch, that all that mattered was that we were together. And hey, after college, why not go higher, and enter that University after all?

I suppose part of my choice was that I don’t really see myself in a professional field. I’m interested in the arts at the moment, but wow, it’s MUCH harder to make a living with that here than it is back on Equestria. Being in a band is wonderful, drawing and painting is awesome, but it’s hard to imagine me doing just one thing, and focusing on it. I guess adult human life eludes me.

Maybe being the president’s trophy wife is my future. I wouldn’t mind that.

Though I will say, Twilight is going to be amazing, whatever she chooses to do.

Oh! On assorted good news related to me– I’m jacked now! Not as much as Applejack, of course– That woman can bend steel beams with her grip; But I actually got pretty strong once I started working out and training a whole bunch, before highschool ended. Basically, I realized that with the absence of magic, (well, Unicorn magic. Not like– My weird mind reading/emotion based powers) I decided I needed to figure out some more combat adjacent abilities, since my powers are rarely applicable in a fight; Unlike the aforementioned Applejack, who is Applejacked.

Come to think of it, my power is the only non-combat applicable one out of all of us. What a rip off– Twilight can levitate stuff, Applejack has super strength, Rainbow super speed, Rarity has a pretty damn flexible control of crystal barriers, Fluttershy can send hordes of birds to peck the eyes of her enemies, and Pinkie can straight up just blow up things with her mind!!

Can’t complain much though– If there’s one thing I learned after everything is that violence shouldn’t be my default solution to everything. Call it a plan B. Try the power of friendship first, and if that doesn’t work, break their kneecaps.

I’m only mostly joking.

Important to note, me and Twilight aren’t the only ones in the group that hit it off. For starters, Applejack and Rarity couldn’t keep their hands off each other since way before highschool ended, but they’ve at least admitted it publicly and gone steady! Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy mostly keep it on the down low, but they’re very happy together– I think that we are the only ones that they told, too. Meanwhile, Pinkie is going through what I could only describe as her “Raging Polyamorous Bisexual” era, of which I cannot keep track of her partners, so I will not even attempt to here, but goddamn, I am happy for her.

Equestrian magic has been causing less threats lately, and even when it does, we are always ready to take care of it. I’m a bit mixed on it– Our adventures were always such a rush, I felt like what I was doing mattered, you know? Like… helping the world, helping people, it felt like something worth doing. It felt good. It felt true.

I can’t look a gift horse in the mouth though, (Really weird human saying!) Because if there’s less magical threats, that means me bringing magic into this world hopefully someday will stop being an issue. …Hopefully.

Oh yeah, speaking of horses, I still keep in touch with the Twilight Sparkle from my world! Actually, we talk almost daily– That book we share is great. It’s like texting but magical and impractical. You can't use emojis, you have to draw them. Truly an iconic human invention, though. Here check this out:


Awesome, heh.

She visits me from time to time, which is hilarious, because all the things I have to show her are only interesting for pony standards. Like for example, I took her to this museum that me and my girlfriend had gone to a couple times (Of course she loves her museum dates, and I love that she loves them!) And I spent a significant amount of time explaining to the Princess the intricacies of how hilarious it is, that a Human artist once displayed in a museum, a toilet with his name signed on it.

She eventually came to realise how absolutely fucking hysterical it was, a critique to art being art itself, a meta take on what isn’t art being art itself, hell, my girlfriend nearly had an asthma attack explaining it to me the first time– And I don’t blame her, me and her, on that museum, laughing our asses off together, it was one of our best dates, but theres stiff competition on that front, heh.

I was actually drawing a portrait of her, before my phone buzzed tonight. I dropped my pencil and checked it out. “Getting home from the movies with my brother and Cadance now. Feeling nervous.”

If I were still a pony, my ears would have twitched seeing that. I immediately texted back. “Was the movie that bad? What happened?” I considered asking if this was something related to her brother and me, but realized it’d be dumb to ask, since me and Shining have been more than cool for a long time. He initially disapproved of his sister dating a badass chick with a motorbike, but once we started actually talking, (And Twilight invited me to one of her family’s game nights) He quickly grew to respect my authority and badassery.

Nah I’m just joking. Playing board games with my girl brought out my dorky side, and he quickly latched onto it with joy. We’re bros now– He’s a huge dork, much like his sister– We even game from time to time. And it also helps that Cadance was super approving of me and Twi as a couple; She really enjoys seeing Twilight happy!– I swear, I hope that Princess Cadance in Equestria isn’t this abrasive– Not in a bad way, but she once was like. So shamelessly trying to proudly and happily give me and Twilight some sort of private Sex Ed class, Poor Twilight nearly died of embarrassment that day.

The phone buzzing brought me back to reality, I didn’t have to wait much time for a response from Twilight, she quickly wrote “No no, the movie was great, wonderful directing and editing, even with flawed acting at times, and simple themes. I’m just planning on checking the mailbox when getting home, and you know…”

It’s fun to see some things never change, her worries are kind of cute sometimes. Gosh I hope that doesn’t sound bad. “Don’t worry Twi, I’m 100% positive we all got in– Specially you and me. Like c’mon our brains are huge! Yours especially. You’d get a strike every time if you bowled with it.” I mentally patted myself on the back for being capable of making human analogies.

And I patted myself on the back again, seeing her text back. “LOL. My autism powers are unmatched. All shall fear the wrath of Twilight Sparkle, huge brained!!!”

I couldn't help but imagine her silly evil grin while sending that text, and it sent me into a giggle fit. “Atta girl!!!” Was all I could text back before dropping my phone and letting out some hearty laughters.

The phone buzzed again, and I was quick to look at it. “OK I’m very close to home, talk to you soon!”

“Love you! Everything’s gonna be okay!” I write that, and I mean it. Honestly? Nothing at all can go wrong for us, at this point. We’ve faced so many threats together and only come out stronger.

I feel like for the first time– Which sounds sad but it really isn’t– For the first time, I look at my reflection, and I’m proud of the person I see. Not thinking of all the things I'm not, or all the things I could have been.

Sunset Shimmer: Happy human and soon to be college girl. Sounds strange, but it’s true!

It sure is better than Sunset Shimmer: Disheveled pony renegade that failed to reach the throne of god in a vain hubris attempt to prove to the universe that she mattered.

Ugh. I'm just gonna stop trying to think of that now.

Speaking of ponies, I’ve been visiting the Princess often too, but not that much. It’s… It’s a lot, going back to Equestria. Being a pony again feels like crawling back in old skin. Having magic is amazing, always a rush, but… it feels like that world rejects me, like a bad taco on a friday night.

I guess you could describe me being exiled here as me being vomited out of Equestria.

Either way, she really enjoys running stuff by me! Things seem to be heating up in Equestria, with Celestia wanting to hand in the Reigns of the kingdom to her and stuff. Gotta say– I’m kind of glad that’s not me; But only a little. Girl’s nervous as hell.

I suppose being near me is a good way to cool off her worries of Equestria, and I guess I’m not surprised, I'm literally the only other person or pony that could possibly relate to the anxieties of trying to live up to Celestia.

Actually, she was messaging me just now; She kinda fell asleep in the book last time or something; Let me check it out.

I was drawing, but that can wait.

That sounds wonderful!

Yeah, not to brag, but I totally managed to win her another awesome stuffed toy. We will never suffer ‘The Great Parakeet Loss of Equestria Land’ ever again. If there is one benefit to working out? Boom. Easily obtaining plushies for my girl in carnival games.

What animal was it?

I honestly still can’t tell. If you squint, it looks like a Manticore?

Well that’s certainly bizarre! But nonetheless, it’s really nice to know you’re treating the other me very well.

Of course! I’m treating her like a Princess ;3

Ohhhh I get it, hihihi. Smooth!

Let it be known that Sunset Shimmer’s got game– And that Twilight Sparkle is a cutie.

Thank you <3

I wasn’t talking about her, but honestly? I wouldn’t take it back. Twilight Sparkle is a cutie in every universe.

Here, I will try more of these “Emojis” too! ( :

You’re a natural!

Thanks! And thank you for the distraction, by the way. It’s really nice to have something on my mind other than you know. The impending and quite-near ascension of me as the ruler of Equestria and stuff…!

Oof, yeah, that sounds… Rough. Like… You’re not even in your thirties. I hope Celestia knows what she’s doing…! No offense to you, of course. It’s just a huge responsibility! Sorry.

None taken, don’t worry, I've managed to stave off worry by keeping myself busy. And yeah, just the other day Rainbow Dash demonstrated a similar sentiment; She told me “you should be at the club” Whatever that meant.

Almost comforting to know that girl is the same in both worlds.

Well… Now that you mention it, I am nervous. There was a lot I wanted to do as ‘Twilight Sparkle’, before you know… becoming ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle, the sovereign of the whole darn of Equestria!!’

Does Celestia know you haven’t even kissed anybody anypony? ‘Cause if I was her I’d delay the entire throne ascension before, and much like RD would say, you “get some bitches”

Oh my gosh I hadn’t even thought of that PLEASE tell me you’re not spreading that around!

Please, who do you think I am? I can keep a secret. It’s actually fun to keep the secrets of the Princess of another dimension. I feel all wise. Like some sort of secret advisor.

I could certainly use more of those right now. Every day that passes I feel a bit more like... Maybe I should be worrying more, maybe I should be not trying to be so calm about it?

Eh, you’re not giving yourself credit. You’re a far cry from the worry heart nerd you were when we first met!

And you’re a far cry from the villain of the week you were when we first met : )

Ouch, I was a season-finale villain at least!

Heheh, that you were. But you’ve changed!

Still though. Your thing. Ruling all of Equestria, huh…? All by yourself?

Well, I guess my friends will be around to help from time to time. As much as that logistically is utter nonsense, they all live in Ponyville right now, and me moving back to Canterlot will… Hurt.

And I can’t help but envy Celestia and Luna, after all, they’ve had each other to lean on these past few years. And well, when I press on Celestia to learn what her mental state was when ruling for 1000 years alone, well, she’s usually a bit aloof about it.

Oh, gosh, that is awful! I can’t help but feel sad for Luna, too. Like, how many years has she actually been able to be a proper ruler of Equestria?

And I felt bad for Celestia, too. A thousand years, alone, even I, pressing her on it back in the day, couldn’t get some very solid answers on how she felt about it.

But if I could summarize it from the experience of just observing her?


Gosh, I hadn’t even considered Luna’s opinion on this, I wonder if that’s how she feels– Maybe I should ask her. Though she and Celestia do fight on minor things, so I don’t know if it’s a good idea…

I suppose there’s a small favor there, ruling alone is better than ruling with a sibling you’d bicker with often?

Neither of those two options sound appealing right now!

This is gonna sound weird coming from me, of all people, but I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. Horseshoes.

You’re not? But wasn’t this– How so?

I used to want to be a ruler of Equestria, I used to want to replace Celestia. When I got actual friends, I realized how damn lonely that would be– I value my mortality now, and I know my place, too.

Your place?

I don’t want to make this about me. How are you feeling?

It’s okay, I could use the distraction. What do you mean?

I was never worthy, I wasn’t good enough, is all I'm saying. It was all I ever wanted, but it just wasn’t meant to be. I’ve learned to accept that, and I've learned to prioritize. Being Sunset Shimmer in the human world has… A lot less worries than being Sunset Shimmer in Equestria. It almost feels… Peaceful, to know that I don’t belong anywhere in Equestria.

That’s super unfair to you, don’t you think? You’ve changed so much!! You could absolutely be a wonderful Princess!

Eh, I doubt it, and I'm super happy with who I am now, but that doesn't change the fact I’m not worthy, you know? I don’t want to make this about myself. Sorry! You don’t have to worry, I'm pretty happy here.

Sunset Shimmer will live a happy life in another world, and then she will die. Happily ever after hahah.

I didn’t mean that in a bad way at all sorry, it just came out weird.


You must have gone to sleep. Good night! ^u^

Oh, these were the messages from a day or two ago, here’s the new message! I got distracted reading the old ones.

I briefly took a glance outside, the sun had already set, and with time flowing similarly in our worlds, I could tell she was likely tired after a long day.

SORRY! Sorry– Threats to Equestria happened, it was NUTS, a whole thing!! Ugh, right when I was writing for you, and right before my coronation too—

Damn! Is everything okay? You don’t have to talk if you can’t! Prioritize and stuff!

Oh no, I WANT to talk. Remember Discord? He just powered up three villains– Chrysalis, Tyrek, and even Cozy Glow– All because he wanted to make my coronation more “Epic!”

Cozy glow?! The Racist baby was in on it too?!


That is just deranged, I’m so sorry.

Discord just caused us SO much trouble, nearly endangered all of Equestria, and we only just BARELY beat all those three together. Ugh. I am SO stressed right now, but at least we turned the three bad guys into stone, so that’s a huge threat dealt with– They almost set Earth Pony/Pegasi/Unicorn relationships back by a MILLENIA!! I can’t believe I had to spend my pre-coronation day untangling racial tensions, ugh!

WOW. Just saying, if I was Princess? I would have made Discord into stone again if he didn’t promise to shape up– That’s what, the fifth time he’s caused crises, AFTER reforming?

I know, right?! I’m LIVID! How can I even focus on what’s meant to be an Important day for me, if these kinds of insane crises keep happening!! …Well, at least my coronation was delayed.

I think it is really important to break down the barriers between the three pony kind at this point, too. It’s ridiculous that all of our standings are so fragile, after so long. This is why it’s always nice to visit Ponyville, everyone everypony’s just living together! It’s just crazy that some of us STILL think we’re above the others!

I know, right? Ugh, I'm the Princess of Friendship, I should be able to solve messes like these easily!!

Another thing too– All these threats to Equestria need to be more easily handled than by having a specific group of ponies needing to deal with them at all times– What happens when one of you has a sick day? “Sorry, world’s ending because Fluttershy got a case of the sniffles so we can’t fire the friendship laser beams at the bad guy.” This is one of the reasons I idolized Celestia so much when I was a foal– She slayed Titans and cut their bodies into pieces and spread them around tartarus, all by herself! Relying on friends is wonderful, and I could write a book about it, but it’s always good to have a plan B. Even if that plan B is violence.

…Go on

Twilight Sparkle, are you writing these down? Are you cheating off of me on Princess ideas?


For shame. Princess Twilight Sparkle. You, of all ponies, cheating off my answers to a test? For shame!

You have good ideas okay!!

I’m just messing with you, don’t worry. Cheat away. So how are you feeling?


…I kept thinking of what you said about mortality, and after everything that happened, I feel like I’m gonna be sick– I’m going to outlive all my friends. They’re going to grow old and die, and I’ll be ruling alone. The Princess of Friendship will lose all her friends to time.

No friendship rainbow lasers then, am I right?

Her writing got a lot scribbler, a lot messier. I could instantly tell that she was, at the very least, crying while putting that in the paper.

I kind of wished that I could just– Teleport to Equestria whenever I needed to. Unfortunately a trip to the mirror is still an inconvenient short motorbike ride away, and I had to prepare to go every time.

But still.

Do you need me to come over? Do you need a hug?

No no no! It’s okay, my friends are nearby. I can just ask them for company if I need to.

Are you absolutely sure? I can bring human snacks. A human board game, too. A human book of sciences and/or history maybe? It is no trouble at all, I promise. If you need me, I’m there.

She took a while to respond to this one. I looked at the page intently, and I felt a bit… Tense. Like I was ready to run a marathon if I needed to.

Which I suppose I was, in a way.

Any Ideas of me going back to drawing were quickly shafted aside, as I stared at the pages of the book waiting for her response. Her hesitation surprised me. Was she considering it? Or was it something else she was thinking about?

…It’s okay. I’ll be okay. I think I hope.

If you’re absolutely sure, then I'm sure. I hope that this gets easier on you. It's a great responsibility, but I know you can do it. I bet your friends believe in you just as much as I do.

You’re Princess Twilight Sparkle! If you managed to make even Sunset Shimmer act nice and proper, then there’s nothing you can’t do! We all believe in you.

…Maybe faith isn’t what I need…

My phone buzzed, and I snapped out of it, I was nearly in a trance with writing. I got some messages from Twilight, on our group chat with all our friends! She said she checked her mail and got a letter from Canterlot Community College, and that we should check ours too. After blinking a couple times, I jumped out of my chair, and ran to my doorway.

Before leaving, I quickly messaged the group chat, and sent a simple “Oh shit will check!! <3”

Just in time to see that Applejack got hers too, followed by Fluttershy. Pinkie and Rainbow are the most likely to be distracted– Likely with gaming, Something I would have absolutely joined, if it wasn’t for my Princess priority moments before, and if Rarity did not reply, she’s most likely with AJ right now, I can’t blame her, I was busy too; And I was also drawing this really cool portrait– I’ll think about it later.

I pocketed my phone and bolted; Forgetting I was in my pajamas, but honestly, I don’t even care, there’s nothing revealing about them.

As I ran down the stairs of my apartment building, I felt kind of a reverse rush– Like I had gotten up too fast. I was so concerned by Princess troubles, I forgot for a moment those problems were a dimension away. And they aren’t even Sunset Shimmer problems!

Do you ever watch a long movie in the cinema, and when you come out, you forget you were even alive, because you were so invested? That’s how it felt.

I shook my head and took a deep breath, as I reached my cluster box thing. It looks like a locker, I don’t understand the distinction– Also they serve the function of mail boxes, so like. What? I think some people call them “Units”, but it beats me.

It’s funny. I was so involved in Equestrian troubles I forgot, for a moment, my own, or lack thereof.

Sunset Shimmer has no Equestrian troubles! Sunset Shimmer is a swag-tastic human, as her good friend Rainbow Dash likes to say, and she is doing damn well nowadays, with no pony troubles whatsoever! Apart from the occasional brawl with Equestrian magic, I’m graduated, I’m happily dating a girl I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with, and I have a semi-comfortable apartment to live in. Things couldn’t be going better for Sunset Shimmer the human!!

After standing a bit like a dumbass in the atrium of my building, the phone buzzing near my ass snapped me out of it, and I opened my mailbox already.

A letter.

Hell yeah.

Grabbed it, just to be sure, it indeed had “Canterlot Community College” In it! Another hell yeah.

I took some bills that were in my mailbox too for good measure; Why is it that humans are always having to pay for things? It feels like I’m bleeding money everyday, sheesh.

Grinning madly, I picked up my phone and added my own text to the conversation, not before snickering at a messy text from Pinkie in the chat, undoubtedly a result of her answering while gaming. “Wikk chenck ASAP!!”

And of course, I quickly added my own. “Got my letter!!! So how we doing this, opening individually, or together?”

I reconsidered standing in the atrium in my pajamas, and started the slow trek upstairs while keeping an eye out for messages.

And sure enough, my girl answered quickly! “We can all open individually, I don’t mind!”

But funny enough, I immediately got a DM from her. “I want to open my letter with you, if that’s okay?”

I let out a snicker that echoed in the staircase– That’s my girl, she’s still a bit of a worry heart at times. “Sure babe! How about tomorrow? We could go eat together somewhere!”

Her next text appeared really fast, like she had it fully ready before I even finished typing out mine. “How about now? I could go spend the night over!”

I’ve got to admit, that put a biiiiig grin on my face. ‘Sleepovers’ with Twilight were wonderful. Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends, but when we’re having one-on-one time together is when she’s at her absolute cutest. And hey– I can easily sacrifice whatever I was doing for her comfort, without a question.

“That sounds awesome!! Want me to pick you up? I could get ready in 30.” With a bit of clumsiness, I finally reached my floor– I get now why some humans hate phones, texting while walking is a real tripping hazard.

And just like that, her response was fast again. “Full disclosure, I am already back on my brother’s car, I asked him to bring me over.”

Gosh, even just a text from her makes me laugh like a dumbass. All I can reply is “Lol. Lov u” before having to put my phone down and lean on a wall to laugh some more. Of course she had already pre planned everything, and beautifully, she was imposing. A far cry from the stuttering nerd she was when we first met.

After composing myself, I took a deep breath and texted one more time before stepping back into my apartment. “I’ll await your chariot, my lady. May you arrive post haste with two steps of a fortnite.”

“Isn’t that the video game Pinkie was playing? Also lol love you too.” Her responses were quick– I always enjoyed that. It felt like I was a priority of hers– and that made me feel really good.

Before I replied, while standing in my living room, I noticed two things.

1 - I am still in my very unsexy pajamas.

2 - The book I used to contact the other Twilight was glowing a lot.

I felt a tinge of anxiety for a moment, even if just a little. I had completely forgotten I was in a conversation with the Princess– I didn’t even say brb or anything, what an idiot.

I quickly texted my girl “Talk to you soon, I’m gonna get ready!” And put my phone down.

First order of business, get out of my unsexy pajamas, and wear the ‘Sunset Shimmer Special’. Meaning, one of my awesome classic leather jackets, matched with cool jeans, cool boots, and cool shirts. And some spiked bracelets help too! Cool all the way.

Second order of business, stop being a dumbass and go check on the Princess. I practically leaped into my couch, grabbing the book.

But then I stopped, seeing the halfway-done drawing that I had rested on the living room table.

It was a drawing of Twilight– My Twilight, based on a picture that Pinkie had taken of us while we were in the middle of laughing at a joke she told. I was so fond of how her face looked, the adorable wrinkles of her smile, the way her glasses were poorly adjusted as she threw her face forward with laughter, I just had to draw it.

And I used only coloring pencils, too! I was trying something new– But I was still missing half of her face, though.

I shifted my look between the drawing and the book.

I hid the drawing away, so Twilight wouldn’t see my unfinished work, and picked up the book.


Sunset are you there?

I got an idea. It’s a bit crazy. But I hope you’ll love it.

Hello? Sunset?

Are you okay?


SORRY! Sorry something came up. We just got our letters of college admissions– My Twi is coming over to open them together now!

Are you feeling better? Are you okay?

What’s your crazy idea?


Well, what if you and me Actually don’t worry about it. I'll tell you about it later!

How are you feeling? Again, so sorry for disappearing.

I’m a bit better now, I’m glad you didn’t get swallowed by a giant plant monster brought to life by Equestrian magic or something, I was a bit worried there…!

Heh please, I’m Sunset Shimmer. Giant monsters couldn’t digest me. I’d chew my way out if need be.

Hihi. well put. I believe you!

Sorry to cut this short, but my Twi will show up soon. Are you sure you’re okay?

I am now, yes. Thank you so much for caring about me. I won’t keep you, don’t worry, I need to go share my idea with Celestia and my friends anyway.

Celestia too? Huh, that must be a really bonkers idea. Good luck and good night, Princess!

Oh, and for the record, you can always count on me. I care about you a lot.

Thank you. For everything. Good luck and good night to you too, Sunset.

I let out a sigh of relief. At least my friend wasn’t having a panic attack due to my absence– I know she wouldn’t, she’s tough as hell– But I don’t ever want to leave Twilight in the dust.

Doing a groaning stretch, I stood up, and scanned the environment, making sure everything was tidy-ish.

Full disclosure, tidying up my apartment isn’t something I do per-se, but it does look so much better now that I have friends. I got posters of bands and shows that we bought together, I even have one of us! The Rainbooms!

Rarity helped me with decoration too, there’s some really lovely Holiday lights hanging around the ceiling and on the furniture, I always have them on at this hour instead of the brighter lights.

Generally, my favorite part is the pictures. I have so many pictures of all of us hanging around, and of course, even more of just me and Twilight. I get to see the bonds I've made everyday, and everyday it makes me smile.

I guess that definitely distracted me though, because I heard Twilight’s polite knock on the door, and then her fumbling with the spare key I gave her.

Were I still a pony, my tail would have wagged like crazy.

I promise I did not attempt to find a cool position to be leaning in for when she saw me. This time, I instead ran to the door like a puppy. I could barely say “I’m here!” before she opened the door sooner than I could.

I have to say, she looks so much better than when we first met– And I don’t mean that in the sense that she looked bad in the friendship games, she’s always been adorable and really cute– But she’s eating better. She’s smiling every day, and she’s surprisingly very physically affectionate too!

I feel like I've unlocked a new version of Twilight, one that has much less worries, one that, like me, is lighter than air.

Her smile increased in intensity the moment our eyes met, and even more when I opened my arms offering a hug.

Comically, she dismissed the hug, instead leaping forward and kissing me– I was prepared though, another benefit to being buff, my girl is weightless to me. It does help that she’s short, It was a half hug half kiss, but I couldn’t care less.

So, remember my strange mind reading/emotion powers? They’re kind of active even without my geode now, in fact, that geode only serves to enhance them. But if I want to feel how a person feels, it depends only on how hard they’re feeling it; And of course, physical contact.

Suddenly any pretense of distaste for my powers having no combat applicability just melted away. Because whenever my girlfriend touches me, I can feel her love for me emanating out of her skin. And it’s one of the best damn feelings I could ever feel.

It’s kind of funny. If I didn’t lean in, or she didn’t pull me down, she would need to be on top of a stool to kiss me. I like being tall. It’s adorable.

And of course, as we kissed, she was feeling something very much, she was thinking about something very much.

I love you!

I can’t help but break into a snicker while we kissed, forcing myself to pull away, and she giggled just as much. “S-sorry, did it happen again?”

“I love you too, Sparkles.” Yeah. This happens a lot. And no, I will never complain about it.

But of course, all good things must come to a pause, as we both did rehearsed motions. I closed the door of the apartment, offered her water, while she placed her backpack on the couch, and comfortably and cutely hugged one of the plushies resting there while watching me walk about. (The plushie in question being a Phoenix I aptly named Philomena, in honor of you-know-who.)

After handing her a glass of water, I took a seat next to her, putting a casual arm over the couch. I reached into my pocket, and removed my letter from it. “So, these letters, when do you wanna…”

But before I could finish, both of our eyes were naturally guided to the book I use to communicate with the Princess, who glowed slightly, from a message I just received.

Her interest certainly peaked, while I couldn’t help but sigh. After taking a quick swig of water, she placed the cup on the end table. “Oh, were you talking to the Princess just now?”

“Yeah, Equestrian troubles, the world almost ended, anxiety over taking the throne, stuff like that. Nothing for us to worry about, though! She took care of it and is doing good.” Is it selfish to not want to talk about it much? Those problems are so big, and yet none of them are mine. If they were mine, I wouldn’t hesitate to share– But there’s a literal barrier between me and them, and a really cute girl right in front of me! Why would they matter to us?

Besides, if Equestria blew up because of a random bad guy, all it would take is a sledgehammer to the mirror portal to ensure Earth’s safety.

Okay. That was incredibly selfish to even think. I apologize.

Better thing to think about: Twilight’s delighted giggles. “Hihi. I’m glad I'm not her!” She said, with the most amount of sarcasm that an adorable nerd could muster. “Ah yes, Twilight is glad that she isn’t Twilight!” I added to it, with my own set of snickers.

“Do you want to reply?” She quickly pointed at the book. I guess I did? But I also didn’t. “Eh, I already told her goodnight before you showed up, I’m sure it can wait. Besides, she saved the day again! I’m sure that after singing a song with her friends she’ll be fine.” She did seem very frazzled, but I got faith in Twilight Sparkle. She’s incredibly intelligent and strong, not to mention resourceful, I'm sure whatever crazy idea she had, was world changing.

“Besides” I continued, brandishing the letter in my hand. “We got more important things right now!”

We both took a moment to appreciate how casually I implied that applying to college is more important than a magical world nearly being doomed.

I mean hey, technically, not our world, not our problem, right?

…Was that selfish too?

…Is it selfish of me to want to avoid Equestria like that…?

…No. ’Want’ has nothing to do with it. I’d be there now, if I could.

I’d be there now, if Twilight had asked.

Poor Philomena got squished, because Twilight leaned forward and kissed me, and that plush Phoenix’s sacrifice was not in vain, because I quite enjoy being kissed by my girl.

Both of our phones buzzed, and I was about to reach for it, but Twilight quickly placed a hand over mine. “That’s probably the group chat, talking about the letters they received.”

“You don’t wanna…?” I tilted my head, analyzing her way of thinking– Which sometimes was a losing battle, that big brain of hers thought a million thoughts per minute.

“First, you and me!” She spoke in a giddy whisper, standing up, leaving Philomena behind. I quickly followed suit, brandishing my letter, and she reached for hers at the same time. “Together!”

I’ll be honest, I had no anxieties about this. If this was Everton University we were signing on to, I know I’d have to try 110% to come even close to applying, and I would definitely feel a tinge of fear, knowing my girlfriend would easily get in, and I might be left behind due to my own incompetence.

But this was just a Community college– The only possible anxiety would have been over the possibility of one of our friends not getting in, and even then!

But it was impossible not to be excited, when we both opened our letters and saw that our applications were accepted. It was impossible not to be excited, because she was excited.

We held both hands together and giddily did a clumsy dance, an act that in the past I would have been embarrassed over, but now? I cherished it.

“We’re in we’re in we’re IN!!” She giddily proclaimed, and, entering on a half-embrace with me, she quickly levitated her phone off her backpack, to check on the group chat.

Holding each other, we both regarded her phone, while seeing the replies together.

Fluttershy: I got mine ❤️ It says I’m in! How about all of you? ❤️

Applejack: I got mine, And I'm in too! Rarity says–

Rarity: I’ll check mine when I make it home!

Rainbow: You two are in the same place aren’t you. Typical

Applejack: She told me to tell you no

Rainbow: LOL

Applejack: Darnit

Rainbow: I’m in too btw! Got the letter and checked it, the Dash is approved for entry to Canterlot Community College! Let the swaggiest years of our lives begin 😎

Fluttershy: That’s great, Sweetie! ❤️

Rainbow: Thanks babe-a-tron 5000 😎

Rarity: Don’t worry about me darlings, Applejack is taking me home, it’ll be the first thing I check.

Rainbow: Right after you check out your girl’s ass lol 👀

Rarity: Applejack told me to tell you she will give you a wedgie for that one.

Rainbow: I apologize

Rarity: Good. She’s reconsidering.

With a snicker, Twilight started typing out too. And she typed in this really cute way; she levitated her phone and used her pointing finger with one hand only, remaining in my embrace.

Twilight: Me and Sunset both got ours! We’re both in!

Rainbow: Speaking of lovebirds lol

Twilight: Anyone heard from Pinkie Pie? Where is she?

Rainbow: Oh crap forgot– She’s in the middle of a killstreak rn, lemme game chat her real quick

Fluttershy: adhfdhdfjfdhp[ ´pl. 46554

Fluttershy: Sorry ❤️ Angel bunny walked on my laptop again ❤️

Rainbow: Ok Pinkie has been notified. Pinkie bomb in 3, 2, 1,


Rainbow: There you go lol

Pinkie: Now if you will all excuse me, I have some more noobs to crush. Salute emoji WAIT Sunset you forgot a jacket in my place. You must reclaim it post haste or I will henceforth stretch it with my epic wearing of it

Twilight: Sunset says she’s not that worried, she’ll pick it up sometime!

Pinkie: AWESOMETASTIC Okidoki off I go

Rarity: Okay darlings we made it! Good news, I’m in too! Now brb me and AJ have to take care of a thing.

Rainbow: Oh you’ll take care of a thing alright

Rarity: 👁️👁️

Rainbow: Sorry

Twilight: That’s everybody, then! Wonderful!! We have to celebrate together soon!! I’m so happy!

With one fluid motion, Twilight levitated her phone back into her backpack, and hugged me tightly, making an adorable sound of excitement that turned to delighted squeaks when I hugged her back.

Can you blame me for finding joy in squeezing my girlfriend like a rubber ducky at times?? She’s so darn adorable!

And wow, I can feel her excitement on my skin; kissing her is like sparks. I couldn’t be happier. “This calls for a celebration. I’ve got just the idea!” I smiled at her, and her smile got nearly mischievous.

We both talked in unison, but I talked first.



Silence, I paused– She bit her lips while flustering; Face reddening fast.


“Pizza. I said pizza. What you said” She quickly corrected, failing to keep composure.

Okay I feel like I need to justify why I laughed so hard I fell on the floor here– I need to justify why this was endlessly amusing to me. This cute little nerd, who was always sheepish about so many things when we started our relationship; With us taking it as slow as possible for her comfort, and I couldn’t be happier. For her, two years later, to proudly request sex as celebration, after she conveniently wormed her way in my apartment with the college application excuse– It made me realize this might have been all planned and I just lost it.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve done it plenty of times before, but this was so funny it had me on the floor. She fidgeted nervously, her face as red as a tomato. “Well now I'm horny AND hungry…” She muttered, which only served to make my laugh harder; It’s a good thing I wasn't the one with asthma– Because I could have died laughing this hard.

Finally, after catching my breath, I motioned with my hands, in request of her helping me up– But of course, I purposefully pulled her down to me, cushioning her fall. Quickly planting a kisses on her neck and cheek, I tried my best to not continue laughing as I spoke to her. “We can have both. I don’t mind.”

Her immense flustering was always endlessly entertaining to me, as I adjusted her glasses and moved hair away from her eyes. “Pizza first, though.” I stated plainly, and still holding her, I hoisted us both up (that’s right, I’m strong as hell) pushing us both onto our feet.

I made my way to the phone in my apartment; taking a card that I stuck to the fridge that had the number of the most reliable pizza place I knew. And much to my amusement, Twilight shuffled around following me, staying as close as possible while making her usual flustered squeaking noises.

The rest of the night went just as well, and goddamn did it feel good. Sunset Shimmer really can’t stop winning!

After the Pizza, and after we both had some fun, we settled down on the couch; Twilight brought a little soundbox with her and played some calming music from her phone– She always liked the white noise, especially when she’s studying, winters at her home are specially nice because she has a lovely fireplace she likes reading next to. And of course, I've sat together with her on those calming nights. It's super cute.

And we were in a really cozy position, too. We were both in our pajamas, she was on my lap, gaming on a portable console of hers– This two screened thing, paired up with a touch screen too, pretty incredible! And she was showing me her sick gaming skills while I rested my head on the crook of her neck, with my arms comfortably embracing her. Perks of being tall and big? Many. This is one of them.

It was a really cool game about an angel fighting the forces of evil or something, guided by a goddess– The plot was simple, but the dialogue was sharp and witty– but the best part? Twilight was a master at it, even on hard difficulties, no matter how modest she was about it, it was a wonderful show to watch her play and explain at once. “And here, you can see the best example of horizontal game design! The characters are all commenting not only on plot events, but on events that are happening in the background of the stage right now, a stage that is akin to a roller coaster, and they’re even commenting on the enemies I’m fighting AND the music is perfectly accentuating every action in this roller coaster!! It’s so cool!!” She managed to gush, while keeping perfect pace with the action of the game.

I couldn’t help but snicker– I was paying attention, but gosh, she was so cute when infodumping. “Holy crap, they thought of everything, the design is super intricate. I also appreciate the animation on his wings too, they’re awesome!” I managed to speak, while containing myself not to kiss her wildly.

“Oh yes, the models are low polygon for the limited hardware, but they are incredibly well animated. And not to mention, impeccably designed–” I had to interrupt her with a kiss, she was just TOO cute. “Sorry Sparkles. I just love it when you explain stuff like that.” I smiled mischievously at her; And I used every fiber of my being to contain myself from blowing raspberries on her.

Keeping her composure as best she could, she gave me a cute pout. “Because I am an unmatched gamer, kisses do not disturb my gameplay.” It was almost spoken with pride, endlessly amusing to me.

“Is that a challenge?” I raised an eyebrow, and spoke almost like a defiant growl.

She paused her game with an awkward flustered smile. “Actually, no, I’m on the hardest difficulty, I better not!!” And quickly kissed me, and only unpaused the game when she was properly satisfied.

Another instance of me loving my powers– Being this close to someone that loves me is warm and tingly; Even when I'm not reading her mind, her comfort becomes my comfort, her love becomes my love. It’s wonderful, and it’s warm.

Unpausing, she quickly snickered. “These flight stages are so cool.... Did you ever fly like this when you were a pony?”

I blew raspberries. “Nah, that’s for Alicorns and Pegasi, I’m an Unicorn, remember?” I guess she must have felt me shudder slightly, because her voice was more careful, and her feelings thread lightly– Realizing it was a sensitive topic for me.

“Oh, sorry, that spring break was so long ago… Do you miss being an Unicorn?” She spoke earnestly and quietly, lowering the volume of the game.

My eyes were fixed on the angel in the game, flying around, blasting enemies with grace and agility; All while being guided by a goddess. “I guess kinda. Magic wasn’t situational when I was an Unicorn– It was part of me; Every inch of me had it. And it felt good. Equestria in general feels completely different from here.” I guess I did downplay my homesickness here– Not homesickness. Pony Sickness? Missing being a Unicorn?

I’ll admit something. Sometimes, on free days, usually during vacations or holidays, If I don’t have anything scheduled with the girls…

I take a trip through the mirror. Not to visit Twilight. Not to visit anypony there. I just stand alone in that library room, and use magic.

I do it because magic was such a part of me, it’s like a phantom limb, and I just love it. I don’t want to forget what it felt like, no matter how good life gets here.

Also one nightmare night I snuck into the mirror and rearranged all of Twilight’s furniture in multiple rooms as a prank. She sent me a message later about the possibility of hauntings happening in her castle, and that her friends were all investigating it together. Best prank ever.

For a moment, I forgot what I had even told my Twilight– About the two worlds being different.

“Hm. Different good, or different bad?” She tilted her head slightly, leaning it on mine.

I let out a snicker, not sure how to answer. “Loaded question.”

“Sorry…” She didn’t stutter at least, and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable at all, so I just quietly and affectionately played with her hair, making sure she knew she wasn’t bothering me.

My eyes kinda blurred, entranced by the game, my mind wandered elsewhere. “It’s okay, the wings thing is definitely something I think about. If I had succeeded at being Celestia’s pupil, I would have earned them. I would have become an Alicorn, like the other you. Just wasn’t meant to be, though…”

She nodded subtly, signaling her understanding. She smiled cutely at me. “Well if I can’t say I’m that sad about it... If you had succeeded, we never would have met!”

Nuzzling me, she made me giggle. It was a really sweet sentiment, and she was definitely right. My failures brought me success.

Speaking a bit softer, she asked me a question I wasn’t ready to answer. “...Do you wish you could have…?”

I couldn’t answer that truthfully. Though I suppose I would have answered “My wishes and my wants were never relevant.” Or something to that effect. But lucky me, I didn’t have to answer, because we both noticed the book glowing on the end table. It looked like Twilight had sent me another message.

“Damn, this late?” I tilted my head in surprise; The sun had set ages ago, in fact, it was past our bedtime.

Twilight paused her game, and with her telekinesis, brought the book and one of my pens closer to my arms. “Oh, you should answer this time. It could be important!”

I scratched my chin, and almost let out an “Awww” When she left my embrace to play on the other side of the couch, sitting in the cutest position, not before scratching my chin and jaw. And I have to reiterate that if I was a pony now, my tail would have wagged like crazy. “Go on, the Princess needs you!”

“Alright, alright.” I smiled, and couldn’t help but fluster a bit.

I took a breath and opened the book, hoping there wasn’t an emergency once more.

Greetings, Sunset Shimmer. This is Celestia.

Are you there? Please respond at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Celestia.

Wow Twi– That’s a really good imitation of Celestia’s handwriting, I’m impressed! Is everything okay?

Hello again, Sunset Shimmer. It pleases me to be able to speak with you again. This is Celestia, Twilight lent me her book temporarily so I may contact you directly.

I couldn’t help but facepalm. Not only had I left my old mentor on read for hours, since Twilight had arrived, but then I actually couldn’t tell it was actually her like a dumbass.

“Everything okay?” Twilight spoke, without averting her eyes from the game, but having noticed my facepalm.

“It’s, uh, I just, wow. It’s not Twilight, It’s Celestia.” I kind of stumbled on my words a bit, almost akin to a foal learning she’s just been grounded.

Here’s the thing, Celestia has forgiven me. But I don’t… Go out of my way to contact her. I don’t think I'll ever outgrow the shame of how I acted as her pupil, much less my past actions defying her. It’s like, many steps above embarrassment. It’s a deeply rooted shame that rarely comes up.

“Oh gosh, she’s not mad at you or something, is she?” Twilight averted her eyes off her game, in genuine concern.

“No no, at least I don’t think so. I’ll uh. Check what she wants. Carefully.” My hand held the pen firmly, and I considered every word before writing, but
at the same time, presumed that acting casually was the best choice..

That’s nice! It’s good to hear from you, Princess Celestia. Is everything okay? Is Twilight alright?

Hello, yes, she is okay, she looks a bit nervous, but otherwise is fine. Are you in a position to speak at the moment? Or are you preoccupied? Sincerely, Celestia.

If by speaking you mean writing here, I’ve got time, yes! Did something happen?

Excellent. Sunset Shimmer, as you may know, Twilight’s coronation has been postponed for a few weeks, considering the repairs required to be made to Canterlot and my castle. However, a celebration of her victory is in order, and the grand galloping gala is tomorrow, so both festivities will be united into one event.

Wow! That’s really good! I hope you all have a wonderful time!

You are cordially invited to participate in the celebration as Twilight Sparkle’s plus one, Sunset Shimmer. Would you be free to attend the grand galloping gala tomorrow? Kindly, Princess Celestia.

I have to admit, that invitation shocked me. Not only due to its magnitude, not only due to its timing, but also from who it was coming from.

It would be incredibly impolite to decline, and above all, Twilight specifically wanted me there, apparently. I felt a bit nervous considering it, since it was a pretty big deal– After all, I’ve been to the grand galloping gala before, more than once, when I was a student of Celestia, and it was no joke.

Well it was a joke, but not exactly the funny kind. Stuffy ponies, stuffy conversations, great for cementing your image and manipulation, but for the new Sunset Shimmer? It’s kind of completely beyond me.

My eyes landed on my girlfriend who casually played on her console, sometimes making quiet “Yeah!” sounds and celebratory squeaks.

Yes, I believe I could. Can I bring somepony with me?

She was taking a bit long to reply, so I decided to just ask the cutie next to me. “Hey Sparkles. I’ve been invited to the grand galloping gala. Wanna come with?” I'll be honest, I expected her to say no– Big events aren’t her thing. Besides, she never jumps on the chance of being a pony again.

She paused her game, looking at me in surprise. “W-woah, the big event thingy? Back home?”

I nodded, alternating between her and the book, with no response yet. “Yep, the big fancy one. Apparently Celestia wants me there, and I'm asking if I can bring you too.”

Fidgeting with the stylius, she suppressed the urge to bite it, and looked at the floor. “Is it bad if I say no? Those big events are a bit much for me, especially in a magical world and stuff… I’d be completely out of my element! Besides, I don’t feel like walking around on all fours again anytime soon.”

Her candidness amused me, and I wasn’t bothered at all. I could live without an anchor, for just one night. After how good I felt these past months, how bad would one festivity in Equestria be?

I’ve lived through worse parties here on earth. My ability to not stand out rivals my ability to absolutely stand out. It’s merely a matter of choice.

When you’re humbled into oblivion and have to rebuild your image, you learn to not make your presence known. Blend into the background..

I looked back down to the book, surprised to see a delayed response.

I am afraid you cannot bring a plus one, Sunset Shimmer. But it would please us greatly if you came either way. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

It’s okay! I’m free to go, don’t worry. I was just wondering. Thank you very much for the invitation, Princess Celestia. I’ll see you there!

I am incredibly pleased to know you will be visiting. Twilight Sparkle will notify you at the proper time of arrival. Missing you, Princess Celestia.

I’ll see you there! Thank you very much for the invitation. I miss you too.

I couldn’t help but chuckle in delight. After all this time, Celestia wouldn’t mind seeing me again… Gosh, that felt good. It felt really, really good.

Maybe stepping back into Equestria for a bit wouldn’t be so bad.

I closed the book with a smile, and placed it on the table. “Welp. It’s official. I'm going to a horse party.”

Twilight must have caught on to my tone, cause she laughed back. “Sounds like it’ll be fun, then? I’m imagining pony you in a poofy dress and it’s amusing, hihi.”

“Pff nope, the only person that gets me on a dress is rarity, no thank you. I’m wearing my usual!” I have to admit, if I wasn’t being asked to go by the two most important ponies in Equestria, I wouldn't even consider it. It also matters that those two ponies matter to me a lot.

There was a brief quiet, where she scratched her cheek, game paused, then looked me in the eye. “Since you’re gonna be in Equestria, are you going to try to visit your parents?”

That’s bold of her to ask. And it’s not a gut punch, it’s the kind of question I’d expect. But I haven’t seen my parents in nearly a decade. They’re better off thinking I’m dead, after everything I did. “Nah. Don’t see the point– It’d be way out of the way. One night in Canterlot doesn’t mean I’d travel everywhere, Equestria’s pretty big. Besides, I’d miss the hell outta you if I stayed there for more days.” I finished with a smile, resting my head on the couch cushions, but maintaining eye contact.

“It’s okay. I won’t press you over it, I was just wondering.” I know that tone, she’s curious for more. I’d be foolish not to give her more, but…

“I’m a world apart from them, there’s no real point. They’re better off thinking I’m dead. Trust me.”

Seeing my parents again would be a chore. And not just that. It would be unnecessary grief. Hi mom, hi dad. I’ve been in another world for nearly ten years now– I’m a magical girl living in a shitty apartment, sorry but I have to go back to being a world apart from you, being in Equestria reminds me of when I was a horrible piece of shit. Bye!

Though Twilight was right on something. I got to meet her parents, and they love me. But she might never meet mine.

She nodded quietly, in understanding. “I trust you. I just hope you’re doing what’s best for you… Either way. Here’s hoping no trouble happens in the party…?”

Involuntarily, I snickered. “Oh, in Equestria, there’s always trouble. And the grand galloping gala is no different.” Then I patted my lap in an inviting motion. “Now c’mon, I wanna see more of that epic game! Let tomorrow’s problems be for tomorrow’s me!”

With a giddy giggle, Twilight shuffled over the couch back to me, and we resumed the comfortable cozy position we were on. “Oh and can you hand me my guitar? I wanna strum a bit.”

With her levitation, she managed to bring my beloved instrument to me, and while she sat on my lap, I strummed on it, watching her play, while playing over her myself.

The night continued to be that incredible.

And I was certain tomorrow night would be amazing, too.

Sunset Shimmer really can’t stop winning!

Author's Note:

Heya! I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing in first person, and not just that, but my first attempt at writing in the EQG universe. I always wrote Sunset Shimmer, but always erased Equestria girls, lol. But let it be known I love EQG, I just with Sunset was on FIM.

also. I made Kid Icarus uprising thematically relevant.

Worth stating, i'm writing this while writing a "Across the Shimmerverse" fic, so i'll alternate between this and that! Though this wont have that many chapters.

Next chapter, Sunset goes to a fun party and nothing of consequence happens :)