• Published 12th May 2024
  • 362 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Omni-Hero: Omni-kix Adventure - Blaze-saber

Get ready everyone, because this new summer vacation is going to be filled with much new power-ups, new aliens, new villains, new friends, and a new... Antitrix?!

  • ...

Chapter 5: Unusual Weather

In a cornfield, a farmer was doing some crops as he wiped his brow from the heat of the sun, but then he saw fire flying over the cornfield at high speed while a couple of police chariots were being pulled by magic. He quickly ducked down when the fire went by as it flew overhead as two Aybssians wearing police uniforms ran through the crops.

“There he goes!” A grey Aybssian called inside the police chariot.

His partner, who is an orange Aybssian, then took out a radio. “Suspect is heading west in the back 40s of the Catglas farm." She radioed in.

Copy that.” A voice in the radio spoke up.

“You got that barrel ready?” The Aybssian asked.

"It'll be ready before he gets here, Sheriff Purrson." Soon another police Chariot was following the fire as it made a few turns to try and get away from it.

And then as it flew, it then hit a scarecrow as it fell to the ground, revealing to be an alien similar to Heatblast while having an Omnitrix symbol on his chest, only he had cat ears and tail. “Ugh. I’m the worst flyer ever.” He moaned as he rubbed his head.

“There he is!” A voice called as the Heatblast cat alien turned and saw some Aybssian with a hose and many barrels of water as he raised his paw.

“Look, I don’t want to hurt you guys.” He told them. "Just leave me alone and I'll be on my way!"

"Lucky us, unlucky you." Sheriff Purrson replied before she nodded to her men. "Let 'er rip!" She ordered as her men fired the hose as water hit the Heatblast-like alien as some steam are showing.

He got up as he formed a fire in his chest. “Cut it out!” He called as he blasted the barrels to pieces.

“Sheesh. Lighten up.” An Abyssian told him.

"Maybe I would if you just leave me alone!" The Heatblast cat alien shouted back before the police Carriage from before was coming right at him. It soon crashed right into him which sent him flying and he crashed into a wall of a farm as he fell to the ground. He groaned before transforming into his previous form, revealing to be a young brown Abyssinian with red stripes on his body while still wearing his Omnitrix symbol on his chest before he lost consciousness.

This Abyssinian soon came to as he found himself in some sort of ice Locker with handcuffs on his paws. “Ice room is the only place where you can’t hardly use your powers. So we can have a talk, Blitz.” Sheriff Purrson said to him as Bliz stood quiet. “The only question is how long it will take for you to talk.” She said as he continued to keep quiet. “Okay, I’ll start. You can join in if you want. Because for the past weeks, the kingdom has had a series of fires all over and some even suggested strange weather patterns before they're happening."

"I didn't burn anything!" Blitz shouted with a look.

"Ah, I knew you weren't deaf, now if you could just come up with something smarter to say." Sheriff Pursson said with a brow. “You're the only freak around here who's able to be on fire without burning up."

"What's the point of even talking to you?" Blitz asked. "You won't even believe anything I say anyway."

“Fires all over the kingdom, weird past burned through the fields, Mrs. Tavi's oldest son turns out to be some kind of fire-breathing mutant." She listed out. "What's not to believe anymore?" Blitz didn't reply as he looked down with a look. "Oh, so we're going back to the silent treatment huh?" The sheriff then reached over and took the badge from Blitz.

“Give it back! My father gave it to me!” Blitz demanded as Purrson looked at the badge.

“Ah, so you wouldn’t mind if you explain to me what it is.” She said while showing the badge.

“It’s mine!” Blitzu exclaimed with a look. "It's really important to me!"

“Not unless you're an arsonist and a thief, freak!" Purrson accused with a look before she and her partner left him alone. "Keep an eye on him until I get word from the king and queen to know what to do with him." Her partner nodded as Purrson put the badge down on the counter before she walked out as the badge then started beeping.

In the sky, the Omni-Copter is flying over the clouds at night while everyone is relaxing while looking out. “My, the night stars are even more beautiful when you’re up close to them.” Luna said with a smile.

"I'm so glad you guys decided to go to my home kingdom, because there's a special event that only takes place in the summer." Ruby mentioned with a smile. "You guys are gonna love it when we get there."

“What kind of event are we talking about?” Spike asked in wonder.

"Sorry, but that's a surprise." Ruby replied with a smile. "All I can tell you is that it involves going fast."

"Wow, I'm really interested in what it is." Cozy mentioned before she noticed the CMCs giving her a suspicious look. "Do you three really still think I'm still bad?"

“Well, you did use us to help you try to pass an entrance exam.” Scootaloo started.

“Which you failed on purpose and made Twilight banned us from school because we tried to help you when she thought we wanted you to fail.” Apple Bloom added.

“And let’s not forget it was an act to try and get close to Twilight and drain Equestria of its magic and nearly turn Friendship into a weapon.” Sweetie Belle finished with a glare. “So, yeah, we still think so.”

"Oh come on…" Cozy groaned with annoyance.

“Now you know how we feel when Twilight doesn't let go that we ditched her during the Canterlot Wedding." Rainbow mentioned.

“Yeah.” Twilight nodded before turning to the CMC. “And she and I said we were sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t count that you hardly even let us explain or even trust us enough to even help tutor the other students before you actually listen to us, Princess.” Scootaloo said with her hooves crossed. “Or being used for nothing more than an evil plan.”

"Wow, who knew that manipulating friendship could lead to holding grudges." Helix mentioned.

“Yeah, I sorta learned that the hard way as well.” Starlight said in agreement while giving a sheepish tone. “Especially after my own evil incidents, Twilight hardly trusts me to even do my own Friendship Quest on my own back then.”

Celestia then turned to Twilight with a disappointed look. “Twilight, is that true?” She questioned her former student.

"Not that, it was more like I thought she couldn't handle it and needed my advice." Twilight replied sheepishly. "And technically I wasn't there. It was a spell I used."

“Twilight, you kept pressuring me and won’t let me solve things on my own and kept thinking of every worst case scenario.” Starlight said dully. “Which really stressed me out to the point of having a nightmare about it!”

"Hey, you were the one who switched their cutie marks which made me really on edge." Twilight told her.

“And you're the monkey wrench who made me go under pressure to even go through with that idea!” Starlight retorted.

"I didn't even tell you to do that!" Twilight retorted back.

"Who's up for a game?!” Trixie called out before things could escalate.

Twilight and Starlight looked at her with brows as Sunburst whispered to her. “Nice save, Trixie.” He whispered.

"Okay who's up for a game of--" Pinkie was going to suggest before they heard multiple ringing coming from inside the copter. "Guess the sound?"

“Is that a phone call from your brother, Helen?” Manny asked.

“I don’t think that’s Pierce calling.” Helen said in confusion. “And there are more than one ringing.” She said as she, Lolaxx, Manny, and Attea, as well as Dust, Delta, and Xylene picked up and saw their Plumber badges. “Our Plumber badges?”

“What are they doing beeping all at once?” Smolder asked in confusion.

“That’s the plumber’s alarm.” Delta said as he pressed a button on his badge, which made the other badges stop beeping as a holomap appeared.

“Whoa! What is that feature?” Misty asked them.

"It's a homing beacon, kind of like a GPS for plumber badges." Dust explained. "Right now, those red dots are us."

“But the one that is blinking is another badge sending a distress signal.” Xylene explained. “A Plumber must be in trouble.”

“You think?” Flash asked in wonder.

"But, I thought there weren't any other plumbers around." Ocellus mentioned in confusion.

“Some remain active after Undertown was rediscovered and during recent events after we took Vilgax out of the picture last year.” Delta explained to them. “Some Plumbers either retired or remain active to keep an eye on the bigger dangerous things.”

“Well, what are we waiting for. He or she might need our help.” Helix said as Delta turned the copter around to the location of the other badge.

In the freezer, Blitz tried to break free as he tried to turn into his Heatblast form, but he quickly reverted back as he looked at his cuffs and saw his hands trembling from the cold. “Too cold…” He muttered before he gave a lava spit and melted the chains of his cuffs before he exited the freezer while the officer was sleeping in a chair at the front desk. He carefully closed the door behind him before he exhaled on his paws to heat them up.

He then concentrated before he burst into his Heatblast form, which woke up the guard. He quickly melted the wall and took off into the field as the guard watched in shock. “I am so fired when the sheriff finds out.”

A bit later, the heroes are all at the freezer place where Blitz was. “The Plumber is here?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“The coordinates check out.” Delta informed as he put his badge away. “We’ll find out the rest of the way once we check inside.”

“Then let’s go check it out, he or she could be in trouble inside the building.” Helix said seriously as they all walked up to the freezer before Misty spotted something.

“Hey, guys! Check this out!” Misty called while they went up to her and saw the hole on the wall.

“A big hole.” Manny said.

“Helpful.” Misty said with a brow.

"Maybe whatever the plumber was chasing made the hole." Helix said before he noticed that the hole looked a little melted. "Must be extreme heat." He noted before he then saw the badge on the desk that it beeps as he walked up to it and picked it up as he turned off the beeping. “Found what we were tracking.”

“That’s a Plumber’s badge.” Dust said to them.

“You think it belongs to the Plumber that escaped?” Spike asked.

"Or it was put here for us to find and to help find whatever made that hole.” Tempest theorized.

"So now what?" Rumble asked.

“We’ll search around and see if we could find any sight of the Plumber or the creature that made this hole.” Twilight spoke up. “Judging by how it was melted, it couldn’t have gotten far.”

"Let's see if Zed can pick up the scent." Helix said before he held out the badge out to his alien dog.

Meanwhile, Blitz was running through the cornfield as he was trying to get as much distance away from the police as possible. He looked around as he hid under a tractor when he spotted some lights flashing in on the other side as on the other end of the cornfield are the sheriff and her men. “The trail ends here. He couldn't have gotten far.” She said as they searched around.

Blitz saw the lights as he got up from the tractor and tried to get away, but one of the officers spotted him. “Found him!” He yelled as Blitz gasped before Purrson and the rest of her men came up the otherside.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone for like ten minutes!?” Blitz questioned in frustration.

“Doesn’t work that way, son.” Purrson said to him. “Why don’t you just come along quie--” She was cut off when Blitz fired a fireball at her flashlight, destroying it but making her flinch. “That’s it! Take him down!” She ordered as her men armed their weapons.

"Stay away from me!!" Blitz shouted as he burst his flames to send them flying back. When it died down, he saw what he did and had a concerned look on his face before he ran up to the sheriff. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" He was going to reach out to help her up before a barrier suddenly blocked him.

Blitz turned when he saw Smolder holding her glowing claw up with the others beside her. “A pyronite?” Xylene asked in surprise.

“He almost looks like Heatblast, but as a cat.” Gallus commented.

"Yeah, and it looks like he could use some water!" Helix declared before he activated his Omnitrix and slammed down on the core. He transformed into Overflow before he turned the Omnitrix symbol on his chest to activate his Omni-kix armor.

Overflow’s armor is basically his body wrapped in metal armor and a large chest plate with white tubes coming out of the Omnitrix at the front of his chest. The water blasters on his arms overlapped his hands as two big water tanks were attached to his back.

“Time to cool him down!” Overflow called out while readying his water blaster.

“Stay away from me!” Blitz cried as he fired a beam at them before Smolder and the Unicorns/Alicorn put up a shield around them to block the fire beam.

Overflow then blasted himself up and tackled Blitz down, but Blitz turned him around as he pinned Overflow to the ground. “Hey! Get off me!” He called as Blitz got off and flew off. “Hey, get back here!” Overflow called as he used his water blasters to follow him. He looked down at the field where Blitz was flying before he turned and took off into the sky, passing Overflow with a yell. “Watch it!” He called as he flew after him.

Blitz took off high before he turned and blasted down as he fired beams at Overflow, who dodged them as Overflow blasted one of his water blasters at his legs, which caused his flames to go out as he started falling. Overflow saw this as he flew down to catch him. But Blitz got his flames going as he took off again as Overflow followed. Overflow and Blitz fired beams at each other, but Overflow’s blast overcame him as he put out the flames on Blitz as he fell to the ground with an exploding crash.

“Ugh. I don’t feel so good.” Blitz groaned while laying on his back before Overflow flew down just as the Omnitrix timed out.

“Had enough?” Helix questioned him.

“Uh-huh.” Blitz nodded as he got up as his flames were lit again as Helix walked up to him.

“There’s a Plumber that is chasing you. Where is he or she?” Helix questioned.

“Wait, you know the Plumbers?” Blitz asked in surprise.

“Yeah. Now tell me where he or she is. He or she sent a distress signal to my friends and parents.” Helix said to him before a light shined on them.

“Freeze!” A voice yelled as they turned and saw Purrson and her men.

"Uh, hi?" Helix asked as Purrson walked up to them with a glare.

"I should have known you couldn't start those fires on your own, Blitz." She said with a stern tone. "But now I got you, you and your accomplice."

"What fires?" Helix asked with confusion.

“Hooves and paws where I can see them!” Purrson ordered.

“Run!” Helix called as he and Blitz ran through the cornfield.

“What are you all waiting for?! Go after them!” Purrson ordered as she and her men followed them through the field.

Helix and Blitz ran through the cornfield before he turned and saw Blitz following him as they stopped. “Would you stop following me?! How am I supposed to hide with you around?! You glow in the dark!” Helix pointed out.

“But, I don’t know where to go.” Blitz said frightfully.

"I'll tell you where--" Helix was about to scold him before they heard something coming towards them. “Shh. Somebody’s coming.” He whispered as something was coming closer to them.

Purrson and her men went into the field before her partner saw something. “Hey, I think I see something.” He said as the two walked closer before they saw a carriage driving right towards them without anyone pulling it. They quickly jumped out of the way before it turned and went in a different direction.

The carriage drove through the field as Purrson and her partner were in their carriage as they chased after the runaway carriage before they saw a tracker blocking their path as Purrson exited and went to the side. “Alright, Blitz, you and your friend get out of the carriage, right now!” She demanded.

Then lowering the window of the carriage was none other than Flash and Twilight. "Is there something wrong, ma'am?" Twilight asked with an innocent smile. Purrson and her partner looked in and saw both Cozy Glow and Scootaloo in the back as the two fillies waved to them.

In a barn that was cut in half, Helix and Blitz rushed in as Helix looked out the outside to make sure they weren’t followed. “Why’d you help me?” Blitz asked in wonder as Helix turned to him.

“I don’t know. You remind me of myself.” Helix said to him.

“Yeah, I guess you're a monster too.” Blitz guessed.

“Well, technically, I’m a whole bunch of monsters and I have friends who are as well. But that’s the cool part.” Helix said with a smile.

“There’s nothing cool about this.” Blitz said as he looked at his paws as a spark of fire fell down and got some leaves burning.

"What's not cool about it?" Helix asked as Blitz kicked some dirt to put out the fire. “The super strength, the pyrokinesis, the flying?"

"I really hate flying."

"Yeah, well you kind of stink at it." Helix mentioned with a smile.

“Yeah, my powers just showed up a couple weeks ago.” Blitz told him.

“So you’re an alien or part alien like my friends?” Helix asked him.

"Part alien." Blitz replied as he went back to his Aybssian form. "My mom is Aybssian, so are my siblings, and I thought I was too until I woke up one morning and my bed was on fire. My dad quickly put it out and they explained it all to me and my siblings. He's a Plumber." He explained as he went over and sat down on a tire.

“Welcome to the club. My parents are Plumbers as well.” Helix said with a smile. “And I take it your dad gave you his badge?” He asked.

“Yeah, he explained to me what it was. It was all I have left of him after he…” Blitz trailed off with a sad look. “But then Sheriff Purrson took it from me and accused me of stealing it."

"Yeah well, I kind of stole it back." Helix mentioned before he tossed Blitz his badge. Blitz gave a grateful smile to Helix.

Back with Twilight, Flash Cozy, and Scootaloo, Purrson and her partner went off as Flash was looking at the ticket. “A 700 bit ticket. Nice.” He sarcastically said. “At least we got them away from Helix.”

“Don’t worry, Flash, I’ll make sure Princess Celestia, Luna, and I pay for the ticket.” Twilight assured as she drove the carriage off. “Okay, let's meet up with the others. They're probably with Helix and the Heatblast cat right now.”

“So, that badge didn’t belong to a full time Plumber, did it?” Cozy asked.

“Nope, feels that way.” Flash shook his head.

“So, that badge must’ve been that cat Heatblast.” Scootaloo stated. “But where did he get it? Is he like Helen and Manny?”

“He doesn’t act like a Plumber like the others. He’s probably just a Plumber’s kid.” Flash said with a serious tone. "Delta sort of explained it to me. He said the Plumber's kid it's sort of half alien half other creature. The reason why he has a badge is to keep real Plumbers from arresting them for interplanetary trespass. It’s like a passport so they don’t arrest them or take them off-world since they were born on certain planets. So that means Heatblast kitty is part Abyssinian.”

"So why are the Abyssinian authorities after him?” Cozy questioned.

“The Abyssinian or other places don’t even know about the Plumber’s kid.” Flash continued. “Usually, they don’t know some creatures have alien ancestors. Most of them have superpowers since they’re part aliens. Their powers lay dormant until they are suddenly awakened. It’s pretty common for special superpowered creatures.”

“Common?” Twilight asked in interest. “What do you mean by that?”

“Have you ever wondered how Smolder got her powers?” Flash asked them.

“Because she reads a spellbook?” Scootaloo guessed.

“The spellbook is just to help her learn the right spells. I’ve been wondering that since Delta told me about the Plumber’s kid.” Flash said to them. “But when Cursed and her switched bodies last year, Cursed mentioned that Smolder’s body has a magic spark within her that allows her to use magic spells. She probably got her powers after her family. Like Spike.” He said as Twilight raised a brow at him. “What? I thought you knew?”

“Spike never even showed signs of any other special abilities other than sending objects with his fire breath.” Twilight pointed out.

“Give it time.” Flash said as they kept going. “You will be surprised on how Equestria will reveal these days.”

Meanwhile Helix and Blitz were having a conversation and Helix told everything about his powers. "And then after my friends found the key, it sort of unlocked a power up within my watch and now I can armor up my aliens." He finished telling him.

“You somehow get the good stuff.” Blitz said with a chuckle. “All I can do is control fire and lousy at flying. And Sheriff Purrson thinks I set all the fires around the cornfield.” He said sadly.

“I don’t believe it.” Helix said to him as he looked at the line on the barn. “For starters, no fire could have caused this building in half. And Heatblast is an awesome alien, I can show you a few tricks I can do with him.” He pointed out before the carriage and the mobile base parked up next to them. “That’s my friends and family.” He said with a smile.

"Hey Helix." Helen called out before they noticed Blitz. “And who's your new friend?" Blitz walked forward and revealed his pyronite form. “Oh, it’s him.” He said as she walked up to him. “Name’s Helen. And you’re just like me and Manny.” She said with a smile.

“So, you’re like me?” Blitz asked.

“Yeah, we’re both alien hybrids from Equestria, like my brother Pierce, who’s in space right now.” Helen said with a smile. “What’s your name?”

"Blitz-ow!" He grunted when Helix chipped a piece of his rock-like body off.

"Oh come on, that didn't hurt that much.” He told him before he looked at the others. "There's something you should know, I saw something when I was flying over the cornfields after Blitz. He then used the small piece of rock to start drawing something on the ground. "It's not exactly the same, but it kind of looks something like this. Those aren’t roads that burn through the cornfields, they’re crop circles.” He said while showing a formation of the crop circles.

“Like those things aliens leave to find their way around?” Button Mash guessed.

"More like those things farmers leave to trick city folk.” Applejack mentioned as Xylene got a closer look at the drawing.

“Applejack, you are literally surrounded by aliens.” Dust said with a brow. “You think you would start believing them after last year and we’ve encountered tons of aliens as well.”

"I'm just saying, sometimes farmers like to play tricks." Applejack said it with a shrug.

"I don't believe it's either of those things.” Xylene spoke up. "They're not crop circles at all, they look more like circuit boards.” She said as they all looked at the drawing.

A bit later, they are then walking up high on platforms Smolder is making while Blitz gives a nervous look. “How are we doing this again?” Blitz asked nervously.

“Magic. Simple.” Smolder said to him.

“It’s not magic, Smolder.” Flash said to her.

"Flash, there's no way she has powers because she's part alien too." Twilight said with denial.

"I'm what?" Smolder asked with confusion after hearing that last part.

“Could you guys concentrate on what’s important?” Blitz asked nervously.

“You don’t think what we’re standing on is important?” Spike asked while gesturing to the platform.

“Okay, enough teasing Blitz. We’re high enough to see.” Xylene said as they looked out to the field, which they then noticed the crop circles have silver platforms. “Like I said, these aren’t crop circles, they’re circuit boards. I think this whole valley is some kind of giant machine.”

"Yeah, but who exactly did this?" Gallus asked before they saw one of the circuit boards was emitting some sort of white sparks at one end.

"See, I told you I didn't do it." Blitz told them.

"Yeah, but it's not enough to prove your innocence.” Manny mentioned. “We're going to have to go down there and see who's really behind it."

“Yeah, down is good.” Blitz said while holding himself as Ruby came up to him.

“Don’t worry. It will be quick and we’ll prove you innocent.” Ruby assured him. “No one messes with our land’s crops.”

“Sure, princess.” Blitz said with a small smile.

A bit later, the group are walking through the corn field as they then see three Abyssinians wearing business suits using some devices that are making the platform. "Despite our ability to suppress emotions, I must admit I grow impatient." One of them said, sounding a bit dull.

“Correct. With the lack of engineering, we must do the heavy lifting to proceed our plans. Which is, as one emotion will be, tiring.” A second one said with the same tone.

"I grow impatient too, that is if I feel anything, which I don't." The last one said with the same tone as the other two.

“What do you think they’re talking about?” Blitz asked as the others then shushed him to stay quiet. “Sorry.” He whispered as they kept watching them work until one of them stopped.

“The device is ready. Activate the tower.” The first one ordered.

“With pleasure if I could feel it.” The second one said as he lifted a remote, which caused the circuit boards on the field to glow bright. The others looked in surprise as they felt a bit wind blowing before a tower machine appeared a bit away from them as the group looked in shock before the tower gave an electric spark and clouds were forming in the sky and then it started snowing, shocking the group.

They soon walked out of the cornfield as they looked around as they began to inspect snow. Blitz kneeled down and with his heat, he found that the snow was real as it melted. He then felt a couple of hands hovering above him before he saw Manny and Attea holding their hands over his head. “Would you both cut that out?" He told them.

“Sorry, man, it’s cold out here.” Manny said while rubbing himself.

“And my species are frogs, which are a bit cold blooded.” Attea said with a shiver.

“What did they even build?” Starlight asked in wonder. “I've never seen anything like it.”

“The tower is some kind of weather machine.” Celestia theorizes with a serious tone.

“And those three Abyssinians were using alien technology to build it." Delta added with the same tone.

“B-But that’s impossible.” Ruby said in shock. “My kind hardly even have such technologies. Let alone the rest of Equestria.”

"So that would mean that they're not from here.” Dust said before they heard police sirens wailing. They turned to see Sheriff Purrson and her men driving up before stopping in front of them and aiming their weapons right at them.

“Alright, freeze!” Purrson called.

“Already on it, chief.” Silverstream joked while using her wings to block the cold.

"You know, I took it easy on you Blitz, because I respected your folks, but I should have known you would stoop this low." Purrson accused. “You build this machine just to feed your own power, your father would be disappointed in you."

“It’s not like that! I didn’t build this thing! And it’s making snow, not stealing heat!” Blitz tried to explain when he went up to her before Purrson’s partner came to him.

"Stay away from her!" He warned as he and his shotgun at him before Attea used her tongue to grab it and pull it away from him. “Hey!”

“Take your own word of advice.” Attea said before she tossed the shotgun away and removed her ID Mask.

“She’s one of them! They’re all freaks!” Purrson exclaimed.

“Slow down! They’re with me!” Ruby yelled as she stepped forward, shocking Purrson and her men.

“Princess Ruby?” Purrson asked in shock. “Stay away from these monsters! They’re dangerous!”

"They're not monsters, they're my friends and they're trying to help.” Ruby told her. "We saw three Abyssinians earlier and they're the ones who are behind this."

"The female feline is correct.” They heard a voice call out from the cornfield before they saw the three Abyssinians from earlier stepping out. "You all are trespassing. If I had emotions, I would be very furious and would shout at you to leave immediately."

“Sorry, but we’re the officers of the law. We don’t take orders from you. And you three are under arrest.” Purrson said firmly.

“Then you have made your choice.” The second Abyssinian said as he and his third partner fired their blasters at a couple of officers, freezing them in place and shocking the others.

“What did you do to my men?!” Purrson questioned in shock as she and her partner backed away.

“We have put them into suspended animation. And you will be joining them.” The lead Abyssinian said as they then fired their beams at the group, but Twilight and Smolder quickly created a shield in front of them to block the blasts.

“We can’t hold them off! They’re weapons are strong!” Twilight exclaimed as the shield began to crack.

"It seems that we have drawn the attention of the Plumbers." The second one said to the other two.

"This would be something that would cause fear, if I felt anything, which I don't." The third one said.

"Instead, we will dispose of these Plumbers before they ruin our operation." The first one said as each of them pressed something on their suits. All three of them then began to change as their limbs became robotic while showing off skeletal features of the hands and their heads transformed into robotic skulls while keeping a dull look on them. "Now, you will fear the power of the Weatherheads."

“Uh, I think I figured out how they got alien tech, Ruby.” Gallus said in shock.

“Yeah, because they’re robotic aliens.” Ocellus said as she got into her Techno Armor.

“Then it’s time we stop them.” Helix said as he turned to Misty, who nodded as the two activated their Omnitrixes and selected an alien as they slammed their cores down. Helix transformed into NRG while Misty transformed into her version of Fasttrack. “Time to turn up the heat!” He called as he fired a beam at the robots, which forced them back.

“This is an unexpected event.” The lead Weather Head said as Misty rushed in and knocked them back with her speed as Smolder lifted another up as she tossed him away while Blitz used his powers to avoid being hit and then he blasted them back while Purrson did her best to help them.

Manny and Rainbow came in and punched another in the head. “Okay, fellas, who are you, really? We know it’s the Weatherheads, but what are your names, if you have one?” Manny questioned.

“I am Gust-O, the leader of the Weatherheads. And my comrades Hail-O and Shock-O will destroy you all by controlling your weather.” Gust-O said naturally.

“Yeah, whatever.” Rainbow said before she bucked Gust-O down.

"And if we felt any emotions, we would be very furious at your resistance." Hail-O mentioned before he held up his hand and blasted Rainbow Dash back with a burst of water.

“Water? What are you trying to do, give me a cold?” Rainbow questioned.

“A fine choice.” Hail-O said as he then fired an ice beam, which he shot Rainbow as she was now frozen solid.

“Rainbow!” Scootaloo cried out before she suddenly got shocked by Shock-O.

"Not cool, dude!" NRG shouted before Hail-O blasted him with water, allowing Hail-O to blast him with the device and freeze them solid.

“Helix!” Misty called before she was then shocked by Shock-O and was knocked out. One by one, the others are then being knocked out or frozen by the Weatherheads as Gust-O blows the flying heroes away before Hail-O freezes them.

“No!” Blitz cried as he and Ruby were the only ones left while Blitz stood in front of Ruby in a protective manner as the Weatherheads walked up towards them.

“It would be wise if we deal with these two.” Hail-O said to his comrades.

"Yes, as it stands our plan is coming into alignment." Shock-O said before Hail-O let out a laugh. This caused the other two to look at him before he finally spoke.

"That was my impression if I felt emotions, which I do not." Hail-O said as he fired a water beam at Blitz, but it evaporated on contact. “Strange. Maybe at full blast.” He said as he combined his ice and water beams as he tried to freeze Blitz, but he was unaffected.

“Blitz, your power is making you immune to their freezing process.” Ruby said in realization.

Blitz smiled at that as he gave a proud look. “Guess I’m too hot to handle.” He said with a smirk.

"That may be so, but you forgot that all three of us carry the same device and even your temperature cannot withstand all three blasts." Gust-O pointed out as all three Weatherheads aimed the devices at Blitz.

This made Ruby and Blitz backed away. “Whoa, wait a minute guys.” Blitz said.

“Couldn’t we talk this out?” Ruby asked nervously.

With NRG, his helmet gave off a red flame as he used his heat to melt the ice trapping him. “May have frozen my armor, but not the inside.” He said before he turned to Blitz and Ruby, “You two kitties need some help?” He quipped.

"Yeah, and make it fast!" Ruby called out as the Weatherheads were about to fire.

NRG then fired his beam at the three Weatherheads, which melted the ground they were on as they were pulled down and got stuck to it.

“Error. We appear to be stuck.” Hail-O said as he and his comrades struggled to break free.

“You stopped them!” Blitz cheered.

“But there’s still one more job to do.” NRG said as he gestured to the Weather Machine.

"If you think you can destroy our weather machine just because we are stuck, you are sadly mistaken." Gust-O told them.

"Yes, for we can execute Phase 2 ahead of schedule from here." Shock-O added. "Initiating the Cosmic Cyclone."

“Wait, Cosmic Cyclone?” NRG asked before the Weather Machine gave off some lightning and created a twister around it. “Whoa. Didn’t see that plot twister.”

“You did not just say that.” Ruby said with a brow.

"Said it." NRG replied before the Omnitrix timed out and transformed back. “Oh come on, it wasn't that bad of a pun."

“Uh, Helix, how are we supposed to stop that thing now?! Because it will take us and most of the field out!” Blitz exclaimed in panic.

"You can't." All three Weatherheads told them before all three of them used their powers to get out of the ground. They then flew over through the cyclone and on top of the weather tower.

"Man, what is your problem with emotions anyway?!" Helix questioned them.

“Emotions are inefficient and weak.” Hail-O said to him.

“And they are unpredictable.” Shock-O added.

“They are, aren’t they?” Helix questioned while remembering when the CMCs are still having a grudge with Cozy while Starlight had some issues with Twilight overprotective side and for not trusting her. “And just like the weather as well. Blitz, I think I found a way we can beat those Weatherheads and take down their weather tower. We're both going to fly up there and mess with their emotions.”

“I don’t know if I could do it.” Blitz said in concern. “I’m really bad at flying.”

“Yeah. I had trouble at first when I first became Heatblast.” Helix said with a chuckle. “Let me show you a trick I learned.” He told him before he activated his Omnitrix with a smirk on his face.

Later, the Weatherheads were looking up on their Weather Tower before a fireball came right at them. “Where did that come from?” Gust-O asked in confusion.

"Hey Weather-dudes!" They looked up to see Blitz riding on a piece of ground as it was on fire like a board. "Why don't you guys take a hike?" He questioned as he fired a beam at them, which the Weatherheads dodged by flying up.

“If we have emotions, we would be irritated.” Shock-O said.

"Aw, are you sure you don't have emotions?!" Another voice called out before Heatblast, in his Omni-kix armor, flew up. "Because I think you guys are under the weather of them!"

This got them confused by that. “You know. Under the weather, since we’re literally under it?” Blitz questioned with a shrug. "It weather humor." He then blasted Shock-O with a fireball before flying up.

The Weatherheads then started firing at them, but the two aliens dodged them before Heatblast fired a fireball from his arm-cannon at Gust-O, who used his wind to put it out as Heatblast avoided it, but his wind hit Shock-O.

“Gust-O, focus!” Hail-O called out.

"You focus, Hail-O!" Gust-O shouted, sounding a bit angry.

"Aw, it looks like someone is showing emotion!" Heatblast called out before dodging a lightning bolt from Shock-O. "Ha, you mist me!" He called out as Shock-O gave a confused look. “You know, mist like fog? It’s another weather humor.”

"Whoa, Helix look up!" Blitz called out when he noticed something about the cyclone. "This thing goes up into space!"

“That explains why they said Cosmic Cyclone!” Heatblast exclaimed in shock before he looked down at the weather tower below. “We gotta take this thing down now!”

"We can not let you leave now that you've seen too much!" Shock-O shouted as each of the Weatherheads shot at them.

"Inefficient!" Heatblast shouted as he dodged a lightning strike.

"Weak!" Blitz called out as he evaporated a water blast.

“Unpredictable!” They both called out as they flew down past the Weatherheads as they spun around.

"You two let them pass!" Gust-O told the other two.

"Hey, you're the one who was supposed to be aiming for the armored one!" Shock-O shouted back as Blitz noticed the red beacon on top of their Weather Tower.

“Helix, there's some kind of beacon placed on the top of the tower.” Blitz said to them. “I think they’re trying to signal something, or someone.”

"Well then, why don't we use their little out of emotion check against them?" Heatblast suggested as Blitz nodded in agreement.

"I told the council that you were too moody for this assignment!" Gust-O shouted as they were arguing with each other.

“Moody?! Me?! You’re the one who was like ‘Initiate Phase 2’ earlier, like a baby!” Hail-O countered.

“Gee, it really stinks if some annoyingly logical robots tried to end us right now before we have had a chance to touch this signal beacon!” Heatblast called out with a smirk under his helmet.

"Annoying?!" Gust-O shouted as he sounded annoyed.

"We are not annoying!" Hail-O shouted with the same tone.

"You two are annoying!" Shock-O shouted at Heatblast and Blitz with the same tone as the other two.

“Sorry, we can’t hear anything you are saying!” Blitz taunted.

“But it sounded annoying!” Heatblast finished as the Weatherheads growled as they raised their arms together and fired a combined blast of their elements together. “Now!” He called as he and Blitz flew off as the beam hit the Weather Machine, which made the Weatherheads gasp.

“Haha! Eat it you bucket heads!” Blitz called as the weather machine short circuited and released a shockwave and a red beam into the sky as it created a vortex.

“Oops! Didn’t see that one coming.” Hail-O said.

“I am regretting every second of my existence!” Shock-O called.

“I would say I love you guys, if I have emotions, which I do not!” Gust-O yelled as he and the Weatherheads were being pulled up to the vortex. “We will meet again one day, Plumbers!”

“You have not heard the last of the Weatherheads!” Hail-O yelled.

“Yeah! What they said!” Gust-O yelled as they were being pulled up to the vortex. Meanwhile, Heatblast and Blitz flew as hard as they could to try and escape the vortex and not get pulled in. Soon they managed to hold out long enough as the Weather Machine crumbled apart and entered the vortex as it closed and the night sky was clear again.

“Did that do it, we did it?” Blitz asked in shock at what happened.

“Yeah, we did.” Heatblast said with a smirk under his helmet. “Those robo jerks are now gone.” He said as Ruby rushed towards them.

“That was amazing!” Ruby cheered with a smile. “You guys send those robotic cats out into, who knows where!"

“Yeah, but I have a feeling that they’ll be back someday. But it will be a while until then.” Heatblast said before he timed out and transformed back into Helix. “One thing about bad guys, they always come back. Trust me.”

"Okay, but maybe we should unfreeze everyone else." Blitz mentioned while gesturing to the others.

“Good idea. You better use your powers on them, Blitz.” Helix said as Blitz nodded.

A bit later, Blitz unfreeze the others as Sheriff Purrson was the last one as the ice melted as she regained her bearings. “What just happened?” She asked as she saw the others.

“Blitz defeated the alien robots, destroyed their weather machine and used his heat powers to free everyone from suspended animation.” Ruby exclaimed as Blitz gave her a grateful smile.

"We helped!" Rainbow spoke up.

"But not much." Twilight quickly added.

Blitz then returned to his normal form as Helix walked up to him. “You know, we were wondering if you would join our team on the road trip. We could always use a power house like you. A lot of bad guys to find out there."

“He can’t.” Purrson said as she placed a paw on his shoulder. “He’s gonna be too busy helping me round up any other aliens in disguise that might still be hiding in town.”

“Even so, anytime you might need me, either to fight aliens or hang out, just call.” Blitz said with a smile.

"But you can at least join us for the special event that's happening at the end of the week.” Ruby asked with a small smile. "It would be nice for you to come."

“Yeah. After being chased around and nearly getting arrested for the past week, I think I would like to join the event.” Blitz said with a smile.

"Well, it looks like we got a new teammate, even though he's not joining us on our trip." Manny mentioned with a shrug before Lolaxx noticed Helix looking up at the sky.

"What's up?" She asked him.

"Well, I was thinking about those weather heads and how their Cosmic Cyclone was growing up into space." He mentioned. "It just got me wondering, what if the real storm is on its way?" He asked as the others gave concerned looks, wondering what if the real storm was about from what the Weatherheads were doing, having a feeling that the worse had yet to come.

Author's Note:

This both Overflow and Heatblast in Omni-kix armor with the powers:


• Omni-Kix Overflow can shoot huge amounts of water to such a degree that it can cut through

• Metal armor gives Overflow superior durability

• It can also create huge swirls of water


• Omni-Kix Armor Heatblast makes his flares 3 times more powerful than his normal fire, and also provides him with rocket-propelled boots that give him the added power of flying he needs to cut through all kinds of danger.

• Omni-Kix Heatblast can also shoot fire bullets through the barrel of its left arm. This cannon also serves to defend against energy attacks, because they are refracted in it.

• Omni-Kix Heatblast can fire a moderated fire laser from the palm of its right hand. Such a fire laser can be used to solidify metals quickly.

Comments ( 6 )

Amazing chapter!

I know right? I really thought that the Weatherheads would fit perfectly in the episode where they met Alan in Ben 10 Alien Force

Eu só espero que não tenha aquele episódio do parque aquático do Ben 10 reboot e que seja mais Alien force

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