• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 22,573 Views, 3,140 Comments

Fire & Rain - Ruirik

Sometimes it takes the darkest moments of our lives to find the brightest

  • ...

Hurt So Good

It didn’t seem real.

Things like this were only supposed to be in the purview of schlocky romances, like the ones Fluttershy and Rarity were so fond of—yet there Rainbow Dash was, frozen in her place, with Spitfire’s lips interlocked with hers. Rainbow’s cheeks burned, her heart raced, and her mind spun from the simple, inescapable reality of her situation.

It wasn’t like the way she had seen it in movies or read in books. There were no fireworks, no clarion calls or sweeping strings; there wasn’t a particular shift in her previous paradigms, nor a sudden epiphany of new emotion. It was simply Spitfire and her, with the world around them nothing more than a vague afterthought.

All too soon, Spitfire’s lips parted with Rainbow’s, a ghost of warm breath washing over her muzzle as the Wonderbolt retreated. Rainbow forced her eyes open, immediately she found herself once again lost in Spitfire’s gaze. The older mare’s golden cheeks laced with the faintest hint of crimson and her lips still parted slightly.

The weather manager remained frozen in her place, Spitfire’s forelegs wrapped loosely around her waist with her good wing draped over her back. Rainbow’s forelegs had, at some point unbeknownst to their owner, wrapped themselves around Spitfire’s waist as well. Despite however hard she tried, Rainbow couldn’t find the words to break the silence of the moment. She was torn between euphoric excitement and utter terror, which resulted in a noticeable tremble running throughout her body. Spitfire’s forelegs very slightly tightened their grip.

“You alright, Dash?” Spitfire asked, her voice airy and soft.

“Y-yeah,” Dash answered with a smile, a strong shiver running through her at the sound of Spitfire’s voice.

“You sure?” Spitfire asked worriedly. “You’re shaking.”

Rainbow managed an anxious laugh, “S-sorry, I’ve just-just, well…you know…”

“First kiss?” Spitfire inquired with a quirked eyebrow.

Rainbow nodded mutely, her cheeks ears flattening back.

“Like… with a mare, or ever?” Spitfire asked, her surprise apparent in her voice.

“Yes...” Rainbow answered quietly, and after a significant pause.

Spitfire mouthed a silent ‘oh’, her wing providing a constant hug to the younger mare. Silence filled the air between them for a moment before Spitfire lightly nudged Dash’s ribs to draw her attention. “So, was it good for you?” Spitfire asked, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

Rainbow snickered and folded her forelegs across her chest. She pursed her lips, tilted her head, and furled her brows together to look like a mare lost in deep thought over the matter. Spitfire chuckled, though at the same time she felt a peculiar sense of anxiety well up in her stomach at the thought of Rainbow saying ‘no’.

“Well, I don’t know,” Rainbow teasingly drawled. “I mean, it wasn’t a rainboom or anything, but I’d say it was pretty good.”

“A rainboom, huh?” Spitfire grinned impishly, “I’ll give you a rainboom.” Rainbow barely managed a squeak as Spitfire pulled her close and dipped her low. The Wonderbolt’s left hoof supported the back of Rainbow’s head while her powerful wing gently cradled the weather manager’s back. Spitfire smiled warmly as her right hoof gently brushed stray strands of mane from Rainbow’s face.

Any words were lost when Spitfire’s lips again pressed against Rainbow’s. Rainbow inhaled sharply through her nose as the Wonderbolt’s tongue teased at her lips. Spitfire lost her self in the physicality of the moment. More than once she found herself come dangerously close to yielding to her more carnal desires. With any other mare, she probably would have caved. With Rainbow, however, there was something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on that made her reluctant to take things too quickly.

Spitfire held the kiss until the muscles in her wing began to burn and her lungs screamed for a full breath of air. Reluctantly, her lips again parted with Rainbow’s. Both mares panted lightly, the Wonderbolt’s lips ghosting over the weather manager’s more than a few times. Spitfire gently pulled Rainbow back to an upright position, stifling a giggle at the dazed look on the cyan mare’s face.

“How was that?” Spitfire asked with a smirk, her forelegs pulling Rainbow into a close hug.

“Whooooaa,” Rainbow breathed softly.

Spitfire chuckled proudly and gave Rainbow a soft kiss on the cheek. “Glad I made an impression.”

Rainbow managed a soft laugh as she rested her head on Spitfire’s shoulder. A cyan wing gently slipped around the Wonderbolt’s back in a tender hug. A comfortable silence settled over the couple for a moment before Rainbow spoke. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

“For what?” Spitfire asked, mildly confused.

“Everything,” Rainbow made a broad gesture with her hoof. “The past couple weeks have been like something out of an awesome dream.”

“I’m glad, Dash,” Spitfire replied as she nuzzled between Rainbow’s ears.

For a while, the two lost track of time on the peaceful hilltop. Both mares content to hold, and be held, as the minutes ticked by in silence. Spitfire’s gaze shifted between Luna’s beautiful night sky and the rainbow-maned mare in her embrace. There was something that had been bugging her for days, a question only Rainbow could answer, though Spitfire was hesitant to ask for fear of poking at what could easily be a sore spot for the weather manager.

Spitfire had first noticed it just after Rainbow had booked her hotel accommodations, and again on several other occasions. It was a notable reticence that came over the younger mare when Spitfire, or even Soarin’ and Rapid, had complimented her achievements. It didn’t seem like simple humility; humility didn’t carry the sting that Dash seemed to subtly recoil from.

Several times, Spitfire opened her mouth to ask Rainbow about it, yet each time she found herself unable to find the right words. Rainbow’s discomfort with whatever it was that kept her quiet concerned Spitfire. At the same time, she wasn’t sure if she had the right to really ask about it. After all, they had only been dating a couple of weeks; what did that make them to each other?

Spitfire took a deep breath as she thought it over. It had been so long since she’d allowed another pony, intentionally or not, to get so close. She hadn’t dared to call anypony her marefriend since her breakup with Zephyr. Just how serious did she want to let things get between them? Spitfire had certainly enjoyed herself during their brief time together, and she knew Rainbow had too. With a light sigh, she planted a gentle kiss between Dash’s ears.

‘No,’ Spitfire decided after thinking it over a while longer, ‘not tonight. Tonight’s been too nice to end it with a question like that.’

She couldn’t help a smirk as a question of perhaps greater interest popped into her mind.

“Hey, Rainbow?” She asked quietly.

“Yeah?” Dash answered, peering up to Spitfire.

“I don’t think I asked the other day...” She began nervously, “but um…how…how do you feel about getting serious?”

Rainbow’s cheeks flushed bright red. Spitfire’s forelegs, still wrapped around the smaller mare’s torso, felt her heart flutter in her chest.

“As in, like, real marefriends?” Rainbow asked sheepishly.

“Real marefriends,” Spitfire confirmed with a nod.

Rainbow’s cheeks burned intensely as a wave of dizziness nearly overwhelmed her. She found herself deeply glad she was both sitting down and had another pony already holding on to her. The torrent of emotions that roiled through her resulted in a sharp gasp from the weather manager.

“I-is it bad I’m scared?” Rainbow asked, her voice quavering.

“No,” Spitfire answered as she smiled and nuzzled the top of Rainbow’s head, “because it scares me too.”

The cyan-coated mare laughed softly, her grip tightening on Spitfire’s waist. “Y-yeah,” Rainbow began anxiously. “I’d like that a lot.”

Spitfire gave Rainbow a gentle squeeze, a broad grin spreading over her lips. “Then it’s official...” She happily trailed off, “marefriend.”

Rainbow felt her cheeks burn anew at the title. She nuzzled her cheek against Spitfire’s shoulder for a moment, until Spitfire’s hoof gently lifted her chin up. Her magenta eyes again met with Spitfire’s golden orbs. With a warm smile, Spitfire’s soft lips met Rainbows for a third time. The kiss ended all too soon for Rainbow when Spitfire’s lips left hers, the older mare gently nuzzling her.

“Are you free tomorrow?” Spitfire asked, her voice soft and breathy.

“All day,” Rainbow answered. “What should we do?”

“Oh, I’ve got a few ideas...” Spitfire winked mischievously.

Rainbow giggled and nuzzled into the crook of Spitfire’s neck. “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to walk my new marefriend home and pick her up in the morning.”

Spitfire laughed and gave Rainbow a playful nudge. “Just you wait until my wing is healed, then we’ll see who picks who up.”

Rainbow giggled and nudged Spitfire back. “Deal.”

The two sat for a while longer under Luna’s moon, simply enjoying each other’s company for as long as they could.

Far across town, Soarin’ was trying valiantly to remember why he had agreed to grab a post-dinner drink with Rapidfire. Also, when ‘a drink’ had turned into multiple drinks.

“You totally gotta teach me how’ta talk in those Germaneesy words,” Rapid said as Soarin’ helped him out of the bar and onto the deserted streets.

“You’re drunk, Rapid,” Soarin’ pointed out in annoyance. “Do us both a favor and shut up.”

“I’m not drunk,” Rapid protested. “I’m just kinda incapissatated.”

“You mean ‘incapacitated’?” Soarin’ asked, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“That’s what I said!” Rapid nodded his head sagely.

“No dude, you said ‘incapissatated’.” Soarin’ elbowed the ginger stallion.

“No I didn’t,” Rapid said, his face scrunching in contemplation. “…Unless I did.”

“You did,” Soarin’ answered.

“Whatever, just teach me some of your fancy mouth stuff.”

Soarin’ nearly fell face-first onto the ground from Rapid’s comment. “Y-you wanna rephrase that, buddy?” Soarin’ all but pleaded, his cheeks blushing furiously.

Rapid blinked in genuine confusion, his inebriated mind completely missing the potential innuendo.

“What?” Rapid asked.

“Nevermind,” Soarin’ lamented, resisting the urge to smack his hoof into his face.

“Come on, Mallow,” Rapid whined, draping his left wing over Soarin’s back. “Just teach me a few things. Pretty Please?”

“Will you shut up if I do?” Soarin’ half asked, half pleaded.

“Maaaaybe,” Rapid grinned.

“Uhhg. Das lustige daran eine Fremdsprache zu sprechen sind all die kreativen Wege wie ich dich einen Idioten nennen kann,” Soarin’ grumbled.

“What did ya say?” Rapid asked, the confusion plain on his face.

“I said fine,” Soarin lied.

Rapid eyed his companion dubiously. “That was a lotta noise for one word…”

“It’s a verbose language,” Soarin’ said with a shrug.

“Okay…” Rapid said, still not entirely buying the excuse. “What’s a nice greeting sound like?”

Deine Schwester hat 'nen Arsch der nicht aufhört und Beine die bis zum Himmel reichen,” Soarin’ said, doing his best not to smirk.

“An’ what’s that mean?” Rapid asked, grinning like a foal.

“It’s a nice, formal greeting,” Soarin’ lied again.

“Cool, Mallow!” Rapid exclaimed, giving his friend a drunken hug. Well, to Rapid it was a hug, to Soarin’ it was more like having another stallion fall onto his back.

“Down boy, down!” Soarin’ squawked, trying to push the smaller stallion away without accidentally knocking him over. The minor kerfuffle ended with Rapid’s backside hitting the ground with a thud.

“Meanie,” Rapid pouted.

“Hey, I’m the captain,” Soarin’ reminded his lieutenant, “which means I’m paid the big bits to be a meanie.”

Rapidfire kicked his hoof at the sidewalk, remaining seated until Soarin’ hefted him to his hooves.

“Besides,” Soarin’ smirked impishly, “nopony gets on top of me.”

Even through the alcohol haze in his mind, Rapid noticed the euphemism in the sky-blue stallion’s words.

“Oh really?” Rapid challenged, a lopsided smirk on his face.

“Yup,” Soarin’ nodded before beginning to trot back to the hotel. “Now let’s get a move— AHH!” Soarin’ yelped loudly as Rapidfire jumped onto his back and hooked his legs around the larger stallion.

“Giddyup little pony!” Rapid shouted gleefully, his wings outstretched to help keep his balance.

“Rapid,” Soarin’ yelled, his face flushed crimson, “get off of me!”

“D’aww, but you’re so soft and squishy, Mallow!” Rapid cooed.

“I am going to hurt you,” Soarin’ growled, even as he begrudgingly carried Rapidfire back to the hotel.

Hurt so good!” Rapid sang loudly.

“Oh buck my life,” Soarin’ moaned as his passenger sang drunkenly.

“Come on baby make it hurt so good! Cause sometimes love don’t feel like it should, you make it hurt so good!”

“Please for the love of all things good and sacred, shut up,” Soarin’ pleaded.

Don't have to be so exciting, just tryin' to give myself a little bit of fun, yeah. You always look so invitin', you ain't as green as you are young.” Rapid sang cheerfully, his eyes closed and his body swaying to the motions of the song only he could hear “Hey baby, its you, come on, girl, now, its you. Sink your teeth right through my bones, baby let's see what we can do, come on and make it up. A-hurt so good. Come on baby, make it hurt so good. Sometimes love don't feel like it should, you make it, a-hurt so good!”