• Member Since 14th Nov, 2011
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After decades of conflict, the three pony races have finally united in a new nation: Equestria! Earth ponies Pinkie Pie and Minty decide this is a great opportunity to visit Unicornia and the fabled “Summer Sun Celebration” where the unicorn mages raise the sun for the longest day of the year. Along the way, however, a strange weather phenomenon hurls them (along with their new pegasus friend, Star Catcher) into an unfamiliar landscape. They come to a wondrous city called Canterlot, ruled by a pair of mysterious princesses.

(No time lords were harmed in the making of this temporal paradox.)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 66 )

Interesting, definitely keeping my eye on this one :pinkiehappy:

Ooh, is this the same Minty from "The Back Room"?

Good story :twilightsmile:

This is truly wonderful! I love everything about this story! :pinkiehappy:
The only downer is the shadiness of the stallion at the end of Chapter 2. Is his name Flim or something?


This, I really like it. Interesting, and it drags you into the story. Really nice, I would like to see where you're going with it. :yay:


I'm not familiar with The Back Room, maybe I'll check that out.

Minty is best seen in "A Very Minty Christmas", 2005 direct-to-DVD movie. I think you can see her in some of the other G3 films as well.

It's a tragedy that this has not hit the big time yet. G3 characters or not, it's so perfectly done. More please! I want it NAO! :applecry:

Ah, I never realised she was a G3 pony, I always thought she was an OC :twilightsheepish:
As for The Back Room, it's a little... weird :derpytongue2: I couldn't manage to read it all the way through :applejackunsure:

This story is awesome though :raritywink:

Transgenerational time travel. Very cool. Hopefully the princesses can clear things up. Or, failing that, a certain brown stallion...


I like The Doctor okay, but only if the story is about him from the beginning -- or at least there's some warning or foreshadowing that he's in it. It irks me when he intrudes later into a story that was already established with other characters and situations. Then it turns into one of those "hey, you got chocolate in my peanut butter!" moments.

317262 Not trying to force you into anything, just throwing ideas at the wall and seeing if anything sticks.:twilightsheepish:

this sir has definlty peaked my interest please tell me your making more chapters for this..please its soo original and a good story, i want more dammit.

please oh dear god make more for this fanfic , its original and good.


Please be patient! I got sidetracked with something else, but I'll be returning to this one pretty soon. :raritywink:

awsome i will be eaglerly awaiting its return, cant wait to see how horny ( cough) sorry how bad sundacer is with the wonderbolts. and also will the collector ever catch up to the trio. if he is interested.

Sweet Celestia I love this story! :raritystarry: Your writing is so clear and straightforward, and your story is just absolutely full of joy. This is what I come here to read. In all honesty I have no idea why this is not featured on EQD, because there are other G1/2/3 x G4 crossovers there, but none half as good. Sentences like your description of Trixie's stage with its "fat skyrocket," phrases like "scrabbled with her hooves, and your little joke about Pinkie Pie wanting to learn to break the fourth wall; they are just fabulous! Pinkie PIe and MInty are just so sweet, and you've created such a fantastic contrast between their world and the grittier (yet canon!) Equestria from Friendship is Magic.

This deserves six stars. :raritywink:

It begins... :pinkiecrazy:

As always, this story is a timey-wimey delight.

this chapter was amazingly good, very descriptive, and i cant wait to see how celestia and the collectors fit into this story, keep up the good work i hope to read more of this in the future as you post new chapters.

Not a new chapter, but I have made minor revisions to chapters 1 and 2, added a fairly large segment to the beginning of chapter 3, and also inserted the new artwork in chapters 1 and 3. I'm sorry about all the delays and diversions that have held up this story, but I think I'm getting it straightened out now, and we shouldn't (I hope) have any more multi-month long waits between chapters!

i was just wondering to myself when this awsome story was going to be updated, cause it seems soo long since your last update. This story def needs mroe chapters me thinks.


You are right... However, if you haven't seen what I wrote on my blog about this story, you might check it out. Short version is: My feedback from EqD indicated the beginning is pretty weak, and I had to agree, so I'm going to try rewriting chapter one and see if it comes out any better. I don't think it'll take too long -- I already know what happens of course, but I just want to improve the style.

Oh, wow! Time-travel shenanigans and culture shock incoming!

(Also, if Minty and Pinkie Pie are any way representative of the Earth ponies of their era, the unicorn snobbery and pegasus arrogance suddenly make much more sense...)

Oooh. I'm glad to see Gilda's found a place for herself! :rainbowdetermined2:
In a very related matter, you do a great job showing how the trio are a thousand years behind the times.

*Blink blink* But that's not what the old pinkie looks like...I'm confused as to which generation you're referring too.


As far as I know, Pinkie Pie was actually the only pony that didn't change from G3 to FiM: same name, same race, same color, same cutie mark. If you draw G3 Pinkie in FiM style, then you've got FiM Pinkie.

As for how the G3 ponies fit into FiM world... Well, it's not supposed to be obvious at the beginning of the story. You'll figure it out. :raritywink:

Thank you this nice and warm story :twilightsmile:
One question thought - is there any chance for update in foreseeable future ?


I got distracted by other things for a while, but I'm coming back to it. Stay tuned!


Oh my, look at all that hardcore leaning on the fourth wall! :pinkiehappy:
...Why do I get the feeling that Star Catcher is going to have a bad time?... :trixieshiftright:

A great story so far. We want more! :twilightsmile:
Great artwork, too.

Hey, I didn't know this got revised! Keen gear, and the pictures add a wonderful little touch. Definitely looking forward to where it goes from here. It's always fun to watch the generations bump up against one another when they're both played seriously.

Also I think this is the first time I ever read Trixie in her proper element with audience banter and everything, so it's got that going for it too.

See, this is the sort of show Ponyville could've seen if Rainbow Dash hadn't decided to be a mule about Trixie's use of kayfabe.

Also, 'mud ponies', Star Catcher? Classic use of the 'innocent bigot' trope.

Looking forward to the continuation!

Hi! I am a big Starcatcher Fan and I have her toy with fabric wings. Love the fan fic btw ,
If you haven't gessed I am a g3 pegisister

Ha! Don't mess with Berry Punch!:rainbowlaugh:

Okay, now I'm not quite so worried for Pinkie, Minty, and Star Catcher, but I do want to see what happens when they cross paths with these two palookas.

Really I want to see what happens in general. This premise of someone who has a relative fortune but doesn't even realize it is a giant snowball of hijinks just waiting to roll down the mountain, and I'm a bit of a sucker for culture shock too.

Keep 'em coming.

You know, I kinda wonder when in the timeline this is happening. From the details we've seen, it looks to be close to the canon timeframe, given Trixie's presence and Berry knowing G4!Pinkie, but this could very easily be pre-Nightmare Moon, if only by a year or two. I'm almost hoping it is, so that once Luna is restored, she'll have a couple of other ponies that aren't used to the present era to keep her company. Or, if it is afterward, Luna might be able to help them adjust.

This is a very neat story so far and I am really interested in where it is going. Primarilly I am hoping that it is planned for this Pinkie to meet Rainbow Dash (since she knows a Rainbow Dash but not this one and since this RD thinks it will be her PInkie it will make for interesting times) and perhaps meeting the current Pinkie Pie.

Crooks are no match for Captain Berry!

This is quite neat, but you really need to update faster because we're all hanging by a thread in suspense... they're so... in for a culture shock.

this was a very funny chapter ...keep em up

Oh, you are still writing this!


We all got lava lamps as a gift at work one year. They are totally impossible not to stare at for hours. :derpyderp1::derpyderp2:


While it's good to see you're still working on the story, this chapter was filler. The plot didn't go anywhere, and the characters didn't develop. The chapter would've done well with more plot points.

one of the funniest chapters yet, especially about the kitten...but i wonder will luna or celestia ever find out about the queen of the pegasi?? it woul be interesting to see how they react.

Oh my goodness! This brings back memories! I used to watch generation 3 when I was 8 and just recently got into generation 4 so this is a great tie between the two. I love it.

2370328 You've got a point... though there is a need to set up the context... I would prefer for it to be faster because this listed as "adventure" after all not slice of life.

I adore you, Zobeid. This story is bucking perfect. :raritystarry:


I spy with my little eye:
- a Flight of the Alicorn reference
- a Chekhov's Rubber Chicken
- a Falcon Berry Punch!
- a mysterious lonely kitten that will probably turn out important later
- the plot thickening


I've got to agree with this here. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great that you're updating, but...

The easiest way to put this is to say (with thanks to Film Crit Hulk) that an act ends when someone takes an action that cannot be undone. I mean, yes, strictly speaking, nothing can really be undone unless you get all hopped up on time spells. But even if prior chapters haven't been as cosmically shattering as the first one, there's been something (Jet Set finds an ancient brand-new coin, Celestia hears Star Catcher, Brass Bit and her friends start treasure hunting) that can only happen in this story.

While it's definitely a lot of fun to see everyone exploring the fair, without some little connection to the bigger picture everything's just kind of floating there in limbo, liable to drift away and be forgotten, which is a terrible fate.

You know what might make a really great closing beat? It seems like Star Catcher has been doing that whole deliberate observation thing she talked to Pinkie and Minty about for most of her scenes in this entire chapter, so she shares her first guess with Pinkie and Minty, whether it's right or wrong.

2371063 wrote : "Oh my goodness! This brings back memories! I used to watch generation 3 when I was 8 and just recently got into generation 4 so this is a great tie between the two. I love it."

You should check the fic "the Third Generation" on this site, it bridges the two.


Yes, I've been following that story, and it's good -- although a very different approach from mine.

Oh, I think that was a FotA reference! Well, that establishes our time frame, like, exactly. And it also places the story in that universe, rather than the normal show one. So these three could have a non-canon-breaking interaction with the mane six. I mean, as in it doesn't break Ponydora's canon, cause that's where they are...ok, you know what, I think you get what I'm saying here.

btw, after Too Many Pinkie Pies, this could have a rather gruesome ending if Twilight finds our three unknowing adventurers...:trollestia:

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