• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 4,123 Views, 47 Comments

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork Is Magic - PrinceofBrony

When a battle sends the Powerpuffs and Mojo to Equestria, what will happen?

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Chapter 5

My Little Powerpuff: Teamwork is Magic
Written by Self-Proclaimed KingofDDR

Chapter 5
Mojo’s Tale Part 2: Defeat Means New Servant!

Mojo and Dark Puff made their way deeper into the mysterious cave, the latter using its internal engine from within its body to flash brighter than any light, making it much easier to proceed.

“Hehhehheh, well done, my lovely creation,” Mojo chuckled. “Of all the gadgets, machines, and tools of destruction that I have created with my own two hands, I have a very strong feeling that you will be my best creation of all time!”

“Yes, Master Mojo. I shall not fail you,” Dark Puff rumbled humbly.

“Good, good, very good!” Mojo cackled. “Now I wish that we had a worthy enemy, foe, and fool to test your strength against, so that I may gauge whether or not you are ready to meet with your main objective.”

“Yes…the complete and utter annihilation of the Powerpuff Girls,” D.P replied.

“Correct! But for now, we must see if this cave has anything that can help us towards that goal. Baby steps, Dark Puff, baby steps,” Mojo advised.

“Yes, Master Mojo.”

Meanwhile, Princess was waiting back at the entrance of the cave, still miffed that she had become a pony of all things.

“This is so lame…” Princess muttered to herself. “The wings would be a nice trade-off…if I didn’t already have the best machine wings that daddy’s money could buy! Humph, I’ll bet that these stupid things can’t go anywhere near as fast…”

And to prove it, she jumped out of the machine, flapping her newly acquired wings as fast as she could.

Only to fall right on her face.

“Owwww…” Princess winced, rubbing her muzzle tenderly. “This stinks even worse than I thought! These stupid wings don’t even work properly!”

She flapped then as hard as she could, trying to get off of the ground. “Come on, you worthless wings, fly! FLY!” But no matter how hard she tried, she could not get into the air.

She gave up, slumping to the ground with a sneer on her freckled face. “CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?-!” She shrieked.

A bone-chilling series of howls answered her question. She whirled around towards where the howls came from, and came face to face with one of the fiercest predators that the Everfree Forest had to offer…Timberwolves, wolves that were made entirely out of the very woods that surrounded her. They snarled hungrily, having tracked her down by the scream she had released. She looked as though she would make for an excellent meal…

But something was…different about this one. Instead of quivering in fear like many other ponies would have, she just snarled back, a puff of air escaping her snout.

“Oh, PUH-LEASE! You really think that you clowns scare me? I’ve been dealing with the Powerpuff Girls for nearly a year, and compared to them, you’re just a pack of puppy dogs!” Princess sneered. “I’m in a REALLY foul mood right now. So I suggest that you take your leave…or this will get ugly.”

The wolves took great insult at the threat. Who did this little foal think she was? What could her tiny self possibly do against a pack of 10 powerful Timberwolves? They growled back at her, surrounding her so that there was no escape.

Princess just raised an eyebrow.

“So, you really want to go through with this…” the spoiled rich girl shook her head in disbelief. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I may not be at full strength right now thanks to this stupid body, but I’m still more than a match for you! Prepare to BOW before your Princess!”

The wolves, having heard enough, pounced.

Mojo sighed, the ringing in his head due to Princess’ screaming finally going away. “I swear that if I had no need for that brat’s money, I, Mojo Jojo, would happily throw her to the wolves.”

“Or me, right, Master?”

“But of course, my dear creation.” Mojo replied. “In fact, once I have conquered, dominated and seized the world in my grasp, I shall make the destruction of Princess your first objective as my Number One Commander!”

“Excellent…” Dark Puff said with an evil grin. Suddenly, her eyes widened as her internal alarm went off, silent enough to alert only herself. “Master Mojo, my sensors indicate that there is a hostile enemy close by.”

“Truly? Then this is excellent! It seems that you shall get your test run sooner than expected.” Mojo cackled. “Dark Puff, where is this enemy located?”

“Right in front of us.”

“Hmmm?” Mojo looked towards where Dark Puff was indicating…and was met with quite a sight.

There were countless stars in the air before him that he hadn’t noticed while talking with his creation. Normally he would have dismissed them, but he noticed that something was very wrong…

And it wasn’t just the fact that they were inside a cave cut off from the sky.

“…Why are there stars right in front of us?” Mojo asked, getting a very bad feeling.

“Those aren’t just stars…” Dark Puff said.

Before Mojo could reply, the stars in front of him began to move upwards. The Simian Genius followed them…until he saw it.

Two beady little red eyes glaring right at him and Dark Puff.

They belonged to the largest bear that Mojo had ever laid his eyes on…or at least, it looked like a bear. Besides the fact that it completely towered over the two villains, its fur was decorated with the very same stars that he had been watching…not to mention that it had a very sharp row of teeth, with two in particular poking out of its mouth. It was also holding a similar looking cub in its arms, which it was in the process of rocking to sleep.

“…Dang.” Mojo said simply.

The huge Ursa Major didn’t say anything. She simply lowered her sleeping child on one of the higher cliffs of the cave, producing headphones out of nowhere big enough to place on the Ursa Minor’s head. With a kiss to the forehead, she turned her attention back to Mojo.

“…Yeah. You’re not going to let us leave, be gone, or escape without a fight, are you?” Mojo sighed.

A bellowing roar which shook the whole cave was his answer.

“…Thought so,” Mojo said, rubbing his temples for a few seconds. “Dark Puff, now’s the time for that test run.”

“Yes, Master Mojo!” Dark Puff replied, before zipping towards the Ursa Major. She aimed for her gut, ready to deliver a solid punch to it…

…Only to sail harmlessly through the star-coated fur.

Before she could register what had happened, the Ursa Major swiped a huge claw at her, which she barely avoided. She retaliated by firing her laser eyes at said claw, causing the Galaxy Bear to roar in minor pain and major anger.

“Okay…stay away from the star fur and aim for anything else…simple,” Dark Puff muttered to herself.

The Ursa Major snarled quietly before the stars on its fur began to shine brightly. Within only a matter of moments, the entire cave was filled with a blinding light. The giant beast snickered silently to herself. She could see perfectly in this light, but she very much doubted that her foes could claim the same. Indeed, that little whatever-it-was was looking around, trying to locate her.

Too bad that it would be skewered before it could.

With a deadly grin, the Ursa Major put her massive paws together, sharp claws ready to pierce. Without a moment’s hesitation, she thrust them forward, intent on ending the intruder’s life.

But at the very last second, Dark Puff grabbed one of her claws with both mechanic hands, putting a stop to the attack. Before the Major could react with anything other than surprise, she felt herself somehow being lifted into the air…only to meet the ground with savage force as Dark Puff slammed her into it. The pain that went through her system was enough to force her to recall her lightshow, making Dark Puff the main source of light once again.

“Thought you could get the drop on me, hmm?” Dark Puff mused. “Your attack may have worked on a pitiful organic, but I’m designed with a bit more care than that.”

“Excellent work, my most brilliant creation!” Mojo laughed, taking off his sunglasses. He turned his attention to the dazed yet wrathful Ursa Major. “Well, my dear? The proverbial ball is in your court. Will you do the smart thing and pledge your loyalty to me?”

A snarl was her response.

Mojo sighed. “Why must they always struggle…? Dark Puff, you know what to do.”

“Yes, Master,” Dark Puff replied. She quickly zipped over towards (the somehow still sleeping) Ursa Minor. The second she was right above him, she began to charge her laser eyes, much to the Major’s fear. A series of desperate grunts escaped her.

“Ah, so you worry for your child, your baby, and your loved one just like any good parent ought to,” Mojo smirked evilly. “Then here’s what’s gonna happen. You will pledge your undying loyalty to me, Mojo Jojo, and your child shall remained unharmed. Refuse however, and…well, we saw what happened when you took on my creation. Do you think your child will fare any better?”

The Ursa Major growled softly, but knew that she had no other choice. So she reluctantly bowed her body before Mojo, giving him her loyalty in exchange for the safety of her child.

“Good…” Mojo grinned.

A few minutes later, Mojo had walked back out of the cave, Dark Puff left behind to make sure that the Ursa Major didn’t try to escape with her child.

“Oh, Princess! I have a feeling that you’ll want to see what I…” Mojo began to sing, but stopped dead at what he saw.

A whole pack of ten wolves made of the timber of the forest were bowing to Princess, sporting some injuries from their battle with her. Princess herself, on the other hand, looked as fresh as a rose, looking down her nose at the cowering wolves. She turned back towards Mojo when she heard his voice.

“Humph. Took ya long enough, Mojo.” Princess snarked. “As you can see, I’ve made some servants of the local wildlife.”

“Then our growing army is coming along even nicer than I thought!” Mojo cackled.

“What are you on about now?” Princess sneered.

“Trust me, when you see what I found in the cave, you’ll understand,” Mojo chortled. “Let’s just say that it’s only a matter of time before world domination is ours at last!”

And that’s the end of Mojo’s Tales…for now. Next chapter, we get back to the Powerpuffs and Ponies! Hope you look forward to it. And I’ll try my best to update this fic at least twice every month. Catch you next Continue!