• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 706 Views, 14 Comments

Tales of Sym-pony-a - A cubed


  • ...

The Journey Begins

**COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER** I do not own Namco or Hasbro. I have no claim to either My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or Tales of Symphonia. This is a non-profit fan project crossover written purely for entertainment purposes. **END DISCLAIMER**

Pre-reading Notes & Warnings: Characters are written as ponies in noncombatant scenes- story mode- and as anthros (or humans if you hate anthro) in combat. I have taken dialogue and events from the game, anime, and manga, so you may be unfamiliar with some scenes, but it's all officially sanctioned as canon.

Please enjoy this crossover: I spent a lot of time on it.


"Once upon a time, there existed six elements that were the source of all friendship and love: the elements of Harmony. They were Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and Magic.

The elements provided nourishment for a great tree, the Tree of Mana. The tree provided mana, the life force of all living creatures. The mana fed the Princesses Celestia and Luna, sisters who made the sun and moon rise and set.

There were many jealous creatures that lusted for the power of the mana and the elements: this jealousy and greed caused a war, and birthed a monster: Night Mare Moon. The war caused this tree to wither away, and a hero's life- Princess Luna's- was sacrificed in order to take its place, and seal Night Mare Moon away.

Grieving over the loss, Princess Celestia disappeared unto the heavens. The princess left the unicorns, the highest beings in the land, with the edict: 'You must wake me, for if I should sleep, Equestria shall be destroyed.'

The unicorns bore the Chosen One, a priestess who was to head towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world."

"I know,"

A pink-coated pony sat atop a hill. The hill was covered entirely with grass, scattered here and there with lilies and daisies. The pony's fluffy magenta mane was ruffled: it was a windy morning.

"In this world, there are... Lots of sad moments..."

She inhaled, smiling at the sweet scent of the flowers. Her eyelids closed over light blue irises as her forelegs stretched to the side, an she let herself fall. The grass cushioned the landing- well, that and her exorbitantly thick mane and tail.

"Feelings that won't be returned... Thoughts that won't be spoken..."

The mare turned her head to the side. Her grin faltered a bit as she noticed the dead, dried leaves of a wilted daisy.

"Broken promises..."

A voice in the distance yelled. "Hey, Pinkie Pie!" it said. Pinkie leaned back up at the sound of her good friend, Rainbow Dash.

"But, even then... I love this world!"

In the distance, she could see her cyan-coated friend begin to gallop towards her. Soon, the gallop gave way into flight.

"That's why I... Want to protect this world."

The wind gusted a bit harder, and the sudden wideness of Rainbow's eyes showed that flying was probably a bad idea give current weather conditions.

"This sky,"

Dash tried to retract her wings, but to no avail: they stayed open.

"This wind,"

No course-correction either... Pinkie closed her eyes in resignation of her fate of bing crashed into.

"This land,"

Rainbow braced herself, and crashed into her childhood friend. They rolled for a bit before finally stopping.


"...ouch..." The rainbow-mane mare opened her eyes to find her face-to-face with orbs of blue. They both began to chuckle.
Dash stood back up, finally retracting her wings before another gust would hit, before offering a hoof to get up.

Pinkie accepted it, getting back on all four hooves. When he looked back up, Rainbow was stil holding out a hoof, but this time, there was a pendant dangling.

"Here," she said. "Put this on."

Pinkie sat on her haunches so as to loop it in her forehooves, then slipped it over her head, over her voluminous mane, and let it sit on her neck.

It was a relatively simple pendant. Simple bronze base, a shiny but smallish scarlet gem, and a tin chain link. To anypony else it'd be just some necklace you could find in a thrift store, but to Pinkie, it was a treasure.

"Sorry." Rainbow said. "It was supposed to turn out a little better, but..." A darkness passed over her face, and she broke eye contact. "Even my Mom told me, it was worse than a second rate. About one-fourth what it should be..." The darknes passed, and Dash's magenta eyes met Pinkie's blues. "But, I did the best I could to make it!"

Pinkie nodded. "I can tell." she said. "Thanks, Dashie!" She giggled a bit before closing her eyes, smiling, and tilting her head to the side. Her ears stood up from her head in excitement.

Rainbow blushed, becoming almost as red as the gem, and her wings rapidly unfurled. Quickly, she tried to restrain the wings, me turned away before Pinkie's eyes opened.

"Uh... H-happy birthday, Pinkie!" she exclaimed. "We should go to class, or else the Professor will get angry... with me. You'll be fine but I don't need another detention: Mom'll kill me."

Pinkie laughed. "She does seem to do that a lot."

Dash let out an unconvincing chuckle. "Yeah..."

They walked together back to the village. Pinkie looked back to see that the daisy looked good as new.

"That's why, Dashie. I'm going on a journey: to save this world that you live in."


"Rainbow Dash." An irritated voice said. "Rainbow Dash, wake up!" There was no response save for some light snoring. A sigh was heard from the first voice. "Trixie, please keep reading."

The owner of this voice was a mare. But, the lavender-coated pony was no ordinary pony: she was of the unicorn race. Her name was Twilight Sparkle.

Trixie complied, and began reading. "The ancient wars finally saw their end thanks to the assistance of the hero Luna."

Twilight was the schoolteacher in the small village of Iselia, known to most of the village's residents as 'The Professor'. She was well-known, being the only unicorn in the area - and possibly the continent - save for her younger sister, Trixie.

"After that," the filly continued, "The hero made a contract with the Princess Celestia, and sealed away the hate-filled beings who caused the war, the Desian faction."

Currently, Twilight was attempting to teach her class about Luna, the hero of the Derris-Kharlan War. However, one of the students, Rainbow Dash, was asleep. Trixie, who was in Twilight's class, was trying to shake the older pony awake while her sister was looking out the window, to no avail.

"Trixie," she said. "Please continue reading."

Trixie sighed, nodding her head in disapproval at Rainbow Dash, and began to read again. "However, in recent years, the Princess' power has weakened, and the Desians are regaining their power and influence."

Twilight turned to the blackboard, levitating a chalk eraser with her kinesis, one of the perks of being a unicorn. She turned back to the snoozing student, readying the eraser.

"The land is being destroyed," Trixie continued. "The plants are becoming withered... The world is on the road to destruction. The only way to restore the Princess' power in this world, is for a priestess to undergo the-" she was cut off by snoring.

Twilight's eyes narrowed, focused on her intended target. The maroon aura around the eraser pulsed, then the encapsulated object launched across the room, landing squarely on Rainbow Dash's forehead.

She immediately woke up, tilting back in her chair, before falling all the way back and hitting the ground. Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Journey of World Restoration." Trixie finished.

Twilight's eye twitched. She close her eyes and put her hoof to her chest, then extended it, exhaling as she did so. "Very good, Trixie." she opened her eyes. "Okay, class, that concludes today's session. Please study the chapter for the rest of the day. I'm going to check preparations at the Temple. Trixie..." she turned to her sister. "Keep Rainbow out of trouble." And with that, she left the room.


"Oww..." Rainbow complained, rubbing a hoof on her sore forehead."

"It's your own fault, you know." Trixie stated bluntly.

"Shut up..."

Pinkie rested her forelegs on Dash's desk. The Pegasus looked up to find herself face-to-face with thick black-framed glasses setting on a giant nose and mustache.

"Pinkie..." she asked, starting to smile a bit at her friend's ridiculous accessory. "What's that on your face?"

She removed them and threw them to the side, where they made a hole in the wall. "Doesn't matter," she said. "Made you smile, that's all that counts."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile as well. Then she looked over at the hole. "Pinkie," she said. "That's the third wall you've broken this week, you klutz. If you break one more, then- Ow!" she cried.
Trixie and Pinkie, not to mention the rest of the class, looked at the sudden outburst.

"Gee, Rainbow," Trixie said. "My sister couldn't have hit you that hard."

"No, it's not that," she said, rubbing some gauze on her hoof. "I just felt a pulse of energy..."

Just then, a bright light flashed from outside the window, temporarily blinding everypony in the room. After a second or two, the light rapidly and immensely faded. Everypony uncovered their eyes to see a blue column of energy spiraling out of the Temple of Celestia.

A collective 'Ooohh...' was heard from all, and a 'Pretty!' from Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow exclaimed. "It's your regeneration ceremony!"

"You think so?"

Dash looked away from the window and at her friend. Mustering up as much sarcasm as she could, she said "No, I was saying that to be rude and taunt you." Then in a normal voice, she said "Of course I think so, what else could it be!?"
Pinkie placed a hoof on her chin and began to seriously ponder this question. "Well, there could've been an explosion at a flashlight factory, or there's another sun inside the Temple, or-" she gasped loudly. "Or somepony could be having a party without me!"

Rainbow facehoofed, but rolled with it. "Sure, why not?" she asked. "Well, whatever it is, we gotta go check it out! Come on!"


As Dash and Pinkie started for the door, they were halted by a filly coughing "Ahem," and standing between them and the door. Trixie asked "What do you think you're doing? My sister gave us instructions to study, and she told me to keep you out of trouble, Rainbow Dash!" Her lips were pouted as she stood in a defiant stance.

"Umm..." Rainbow started to say. "It's research."

The white-maned filly's eyes narrowed as she exasperatedly exclaimed "That's just an excuse!"

"So it is, so it is..." Dash ceded. "But, the Professor did tell you to keep me out of trouble. You coming?"

Trixie tried to keep her ground, but she eventually relaxed her posture and sighed. "Alright," she said. "Let's go."

The filly levitated her saddlebag and books over, while Rainbow Dash put on her saddlebags and sword sheathes. Pinkie waited at the door for them. While waiting, she pulled a pocket watch out of seemingly thin air, and checked it.

Rainbow and Trixie approached the door, and Pinkie opened it. She let her companions move forward, hitting th door behind them. She then followed them outside, and the trio moved into the clearing.

They were alone.

/x/ Combat Mode /x/

Dash looked around. "Say, Trixie..." She said. "Aren't there usually more ponies outside?"

"Ooh, ooh, ohh, there's one!" Pinkie yelled, jumping on Rainbow's back to point towards the gate to the Temple. There was a pony, but not a resident of the town... It was a resident of the afterlife.

"Pinkie..." Rainbow got out from under her friend, and stepped protectively in front, pushing Pinkie back with one hand. "Get back," she said, pulling a sword out of its sheath with the other.

Trixie pulled a book out of her bag and quickly flipped through it. "Zombie, weak to fire and physical attacks." She looked to the swordswoman. "You'll take this one?"

Rainbow grinned. "Gladly."

She began to run towards the walking corpse. With every step she took, the mantra 'It's already dead' repeated itself in her mind. Finally, when she was close enough for the zombie to notice it wasn't alone, Rainbow swung.
She skidded to a halt just past the body, sword glinting in the sun. All was silent and still for a moment, both stopped by the falling of the head. It was a clean cut.

For her sixteenth birthday, Rainbow's mother had allowed her to forge her own metal swords. Her reasoning was that Dash was old enough to walk through Iselia Forest alone, so she needed something to protect herself.

"Thanks mom..." She said to herself.

Rainbow looked back to Trixie and Pinkie. She pumped a fist in the air in victory.

/x/ Story Mode /x/

Dash sheathed her sword.

"Wow Dashie that was so cool! You were like, Aaaaahh! And then you were like, Swoosh! And he was like, Derp! And you were like, Whushaa! And he was like, Bleh! And you were like, Yeah, I gotcha, and he was al like, Oh no, I'm dead again!"
Pinkie was silenced by weird looks from her two companions. She giggled, blushing slightly.
Dash and Trixie exchanges glances, then shrugged it off. Pinkie was Pinkie, nothing to worry about.

"Come on," Rainbow said. "Let's go."


Author's Note:

(I wrote this on my iPod, please ignore typos and formatting errors for the time being, as my computer's charger port is broken)
So that's Chapter Uno. I know I have some other projects going, but I was checking my iPhone's notes and found like 6 things worth of character crossover notes, so I decided to do a final, and I was on a roll.
I'm cutting there because it's getting late, and I want to do Kratos' part when I'm fully restored. Anyways, if you are confused by anything not having happened in the game, it happened in the anime. Never watched the anime? Xflamberge on YouTube has subs of all the episodes. If you like ToS, WATCH IT NOW. IT'S EPIC.
I want to have a bit of interaction with the readers. So, in the comments, the first person to correctly guess which pony I cast for each character, name a song you want to base a combat scene on (any genre- power metal, dubstep, symphonic, I don't mind), and I will do it. Limit one per person, so choose wisely!
I hope you all enjoy reading this Fanfiction as much as I'll enjoy watching it. I'll be also working on my other stories, so updated may take a while, but I WILL do everything I plan to do. Unless I die, but I doubt that'll happen before I finish this.
In the meantime, go read Tales Of Harmony by Starwind Dood here on Fimfiction.net because a) it's much better writing than mine, b) it's an original story, c) it needs WAY more likes than it has now, and d) it'll give you something to do while waiting for me to update. See ya next chapter!