• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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27.5: Derivative of a Constant

Metroid Equis

Chapter 27.5: Derivative of a Constant

[Canterlot. Approximately one year after Luna's return.]

"Alright, the Guard Report for this month is all set. Just finished it, sir!" a female unicorn Royal Guard spoke as she finished drafting the last few words on a large parchment. The Royal Guard had a decent sized Command Center right in the, coincidentally, center of the Royal Palace. This is where administration was taken care of, such as troop deployments, mapping patrol routes, customizing training regiments, as well as being a safe haven for the Princesses should the castle fall under attack. The gray mare in question, clad in Solar Guard armor, slammed the quill on the table as a show of accomplishment. The enchanted clock read 5:45 in the evening.

Maybe it's just me, but I enjoyed this kind of work. I'm Constant Function, by the way, and I was a Logistics Operator and Tactician in the Royal Guard. Everypony calls me Constance, though.

"Good work, Lieutenant Function," Captain Shining Armor replied as he continued with his administrative duties. Being Captain of the Guard was no easy task and Constance certainly did not envy his position. She then levitated the now rolled up scroll and placed in on Shining's desk as always. From here, he would deliver and discuss the report with the Princesses, as he always did on the last Friday of every month.

"Here you are, sir. I'm calling it quits for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow," she yawned, taking off her helmet which dissipated the cloaking magic of the armor, turning her coat back to its natural pink color and her eyes back to their deep browns. She shook her head gently to let her long but straight hair fall back into place: its natural ponytail form with the help of some elastic fabric. The mare was absolutely gorgeous.

"Erm... hold on, Lieutenant. I have a big favor to ask you."

"Sir?" she asked, turning to face Shining fully.

I've got some reputations to live up to, considering I come from a pretty impressive line of soldiers. My father, Continuous Function, is a reservist Warrant Officer in the Equestrian Vanguard. My grandfather, Piece-wise Function, was a Brigadier General in the Army... when Equestria had a large army. Hell, I'm pretty sure we've traced roots back to family that commanded assaults against Sombra's forces.

"You see, I'm going on a date with Cadence tonight and the reservations at the restaurant are in about an hour. I completely forgot about it during our usual affairs so I won't have time to deliver this to the Princesses. Would you do it for me?" he asked rather than ordered. Constance was ready to go home honestly, but she would feel guilty for turning down not her superior, but in this case Shining Armor as a pony. He had always treated her well and made her job enjoyable.

"Yeah... Yeah I can do that," she replied genuinely. Relief immediately washed over his features.

"Oh thank Celestia. You're a life-saver, Constance. I owe you one!" he replied enthusiastically and in much better spirits.

"Not a problem. You have fun tonight, I'll deal with the politics this time," Constance reassured him, taking the scroll off his desk and heading for the door, but not before putting her helmet back on which turned her into a generic grey mare with amber eyes. Not even her cutie mark of a straight line intercepting the vertical axis on a coordinate plane was visible. "Goodnight, Captain."

"Goodnight, Lieutenant!" Shining waved as he saw her off. As she exited the Command Center, she took a deep breath and exhaled, leaving a gentle smile on her face as she lazily trot towards the Combined Study, where private meetings with both Princesses would be held.

Having a military background does have it's perks though. Top MAT scores plus three years at Point Sol Military School in Canterlot ensured that once I passed basic, I was immediately promoted to a Lieutenant in the Guard. Based on my course of study, I was assigned as a Logistics Operator and Tactician position. I got to work out and train with my comrades but I also got to design drill plans, suggest deployments and routines, among other things. Sometimes I do wish I could just be a soldier though.

After a ten minute walk through the castle corridors, through the guard station, patrols, and seemingly endless salutes, Constance had arrived at the Combined Study, the large double doors emblazoned with Celestia's cutie mark on the left and Luna's on the right. She immediately gave two firm knocks, eager to see the ponies inside. As a Royal Guard, she interacted with the Princesses to some degree, but mainly overseeing logistics, she never truly formally met them.

"You may enter," the easily recognizable voice of Princess Celestia called out from behind the obstruction. Constance turned the doorknob and pushed the door inward, peeking in before letting herself in completely. Both Princesses were standing at a table overlooking some papers and when they turned around, they were quite surprised at the distinct lack of Shining Armor.

"Hmmm, I do believe we were expecting someone else at the moment. Nevertheless, is there something you need, soldier?" Celestia asked inquisitively. Luna appeared to be studying her closely. Constance saluted respectfully.

I felt conflicted... Under Princess Celestia's gaze, I felt at ease, yet under Luna's I felt scrutinized. Suddenly I wasn't so eager to do this presentation.

"F-Forgive me, Your Highnesses, but Captain Shining Armor had to attend to some... personal emergencies that arose and asked me to come in his stead. I just finished Guard Report not fifteen minutes ago, actually. I hope you understand," she replied. Celestia's gaze became much more at ease while Luna's remained constant, her eyes staring into her very being.

"So you're the one who drafts these magnificent reports! I feel it would be rude of us to continue calling you 'soldier,' as I do not believe we have met you personally," Celestia replied.

"Right! Where are my manners? I'm Lieutenant Constant Function, Alpha Regiment, Logistics Administration." She bowed her head respectfully before putting forward the rolled up scroll. "Here is the Guard Report, Your Highnesses."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Now, what can you tell us about this month?" Celestia asked, having the three of them convene to the central study table to lay out framework and schematics. Constance was easily able to find her words, even though Luna continued to scrutinize her very existence. Celestia asked most of the questions and did most of the reciprocal talking, although Princess Luna also asked key questions here and there.

Despite my initial entrance, the presentation went rather well. Even Princess Luna expressed admiration for my work, especially since I knew my shit, excuse my language. Hey, you're not part of Logistics Administration if you don't know not just your shit, but your variable, different types of shit.

After about an hour, the presentation was over and each party was satisfied of the outcome. Surprisingly, Luna commented that Constance would have to report to them more often, and that she was free to contact them whenever she needed something. The ability to skip bureaucracy and chain of command to get things done? Hell yes. She went home proud of herself that night.

Little did I know though, that that particular meeting would change my life forever. The next few months went on like normal with only one oddity: I started running into the Night Princess a little too often to be coincidental. As a soldier, true coincidences are rare at any rate. The training regiments had been buffed and the drills and war games became much more involved. I may not have been the common soldier, but war games saw me having to rally recruits to fight effectively. I may have been good when outnumbered, but I can't turn back the tide.

Hey, I didn't spend three years at Point Sol banging my head against the wall. Apparently this was enough to warrant a private audience with Princess Luna. I was surprised to learn that she essentially dug up all information involving my military career. She highlighted my commendations, marks of excellence, and overall performance in battle tactics and weaponized magic against multiple belligerents. Compared to how some of the other soldiers fought, I'm not sure what she saw in me, but it was enough for her to offer me a position in the Magickakorps as a potential squad leader. I accepted immediately for the sake of my career.

I really had no idea what I got myself into.

The months passed rapidly and it was easily noticeable that Basic Training in the Magickakorps was so much more brutal than in a regular military (all the training being at night and in classified locations of the Everfree Forest made things somewhat worse). Constance was sweating bullets and her armor felt like it weighed two tons. It was a game Princess Luna called "First Response," which simulated a scenario where a large strategic area, such as a city, was being attacked on multiple fronts and severely outnumbered the defending force. After beating back an attack on one front, they would immediately have to tuck tail and intercept an attack from another front, one which could come from directly across the defended area. The idea was that with such few numbers, dividing forces would ensure defeat.

While the soldiers' magical abilities improved drastically over the months (magic potency works similarly to weight lifting over extended periods of time) they were still far from able to long-range teleport with any degree of accuracy. Constance's muscles just wanted to fall off her skeleton and hide in a hole, as they had been at this for well over two hours, but she had a squad to lead and an objective to defend. Although they could not directly see her, Luna was always watching.

"Heh.... COME ON! THE *gasp* attack is coming north-west. Move out!" She ordered and, despite her body's protests, urged herself into a full gallop, along with her equally if not more exhausted twelve troops. Even if they had the ability to teleport longer distances, Luna would not let them. "Magic is an aid, not a crutch."

I thought the first month was brutal... but I could not even fathom something like this. The tactics are brilliant but Luna was stressing the worst case scenarios all the time.

The rear-most soldier collapsed, breathing extremely hard. Constance glanced back once she heard the thud.

"All of you, continue to the objective, I'll link up with you... heh.... G-Go!" she ordered before galloping to the downed soldier's side.

"Get UP soldier!" Constance used her magic to help the mare up and nudge her on.

"I-I can't..." the mare began to sob through the pain.

"WE ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING TH-THE BATTLE, PRIVATE. The price of failure will be worse than any pain you feel now! G-Get UP! That's an ORDER!" Constance used her magic along with physical nudges to get the soldier on her hooves. After a few seconds of coaxing through shaky legs and hooves, the both of them grunted through gallops and had to double-time it back to their squad. They were able to make it just in time before an opposing squadron of Magikakorps was to arrive at the objective in which the defense would 'lose the battle.'

The engagement began immediately as both sides took cover behind large trees and downed trunks. Lethal weaponized magic could be used safely as Princess Luna cast a spell over the battlefield which ensured that any hits would only wound and stun. Nopony would be killed.

"Mystic! Take Blastcap and finish off the three soldiers on the left. Flank around the branch arch!" Constance ordered, returning fire and scoring a headshot on an 'enemy' soldier.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"AAAAHHH!!" A shrill scream pierced the air amongst the fired shots and yelled battle orders as one of her soldiers took a shot to the chest.

"Cross! Treat her and get her back in the fight! I need everypony blasting!" she galloped with all her might to the other side of the defensive line to rally her troops and stay their resolve. This was not her own squad, as they were still in training. She was just designated a squad leader, so she was often given random troops under her command by rotation. The two troops she sent to finish off a firing position on the left were successfully engaging them and thinning out numbers.

"On it!" Cross said and went to treat the downed mare.

"MIDDLE RIGHT IS FALLING! QUASAR, GET A SHIELD UP THERE NOW OR WE'LL GET SPLIT! Sleet, take Blitz and Flux to counter their push! Strike them down where they stand!"

"With pleasure!" Sleet replied before taking command of the two troops and charging towards the enemy advance.

Most listened well, but the problem was that few had any inkling of tactical sense. They could shoot and fight... ferociously and very well actually. But not using mobility to one's advantage is the easiest way to get encircled. If we lost games due to tactical stupidity, I tended to lose it really quick. I'm surprised I hadn't been reprimanded for when I've bitched out those who were working under me at the time.

Hi, I'm Constance and I've got temper issues. Runs in the family. Shut up.

"Their ranks are thinning, Lieutenant!" a soldier from her right called out. Constance had been so focused in managing her group and ensuring they took as few casualties as possible, she did not notice that her two-pronged 'mini-counterattacks' were working marvelously. The last eight enemy troops had made the mistake of concentrating themselves too close to the defensive line, trying to gain area-strength in numbers. The line between who was attacking and defending was becoming more and more blurred by the minute.

But having a temper wasn't so bad... especially when in battle.

"Then let's finish 'em! Prairie-Drive Formation!" Constance ordered. Everypony in the Magickakorps knew exactly what that meant. Not a moment later, it was executed:

"MAGICKA!!!!!" all of Constance's remnant squad, including her yelled at the top of their lungs as they conjured their magical long-blades and bounded from their cover, galloping straight for their enemies' cover not even twenty feet away. The sudden battle cry and close-quarters rush scared the living shit out of attacking remnant and they screamed in fear with vain attempts to defend.

It was an unimaginable slaughter. Due to the magical field erected over the battlefield, the magic-blades would not slice through each other, but would feel like getting hit with enough electrical voltage and amperage to get stunned or knocked out. As the final attacker fell, a regal voice permeated through the land.


Constance's squad remnant ceased their actions as Princess Luna teleported in front of them, clad in her own armor sans helmet.

"First Lieutenant Constant Function... Out of all the runs these past months, thy leadership has ensured that this war game was won from the defender's perspective for the first time. Mag-nificent work... Captain," Luna complimented from the heart. Murmurs rose from her remaining troops which then turned into applause as they stamped the ground at her leadership and consequent field promotion.

"Nice work, Captain!"

"Way to go, Ma'am!"


"Saved our asses!!!"

It was a hard fight... and I honestly had never been so close to defeat and come back to win. It was a great day for all of us. The squad fought well, I must admit.

"All are dismissed for the night. You're all coming along slowly but steadily," Luna said, dispersing her units and all beginning to trot back to base, well beyond exhausted.

"Congrats, Captain... and, thanks back there," a mare commented from behind. Constance turned around and found the trooper without a helmet. A mare grey to the coat and distinct silver eyes with lightly faded, navy blue mane and tail had come to personally thank her. The rest of the squad helped the defeated 'enemies' off the ground and helped them walk it off back to base.

"You're... you're the soldier who fell behind." The mare's ears flattened on her head as she looked away sheepishly and shamefully.

"I felt like I couldn't go on. Everything just hurt so much and... and I wanted to thank you for getting me off my ass," she softly spoke, rubbing her armored left leg with her right. Constance gave a friendly nudge to her side.

"Hey, sometimes all we need is a swift kick in the ass to remind us what we need to do. What's your name, Private?" the newly promoted Captain asked. She knew her last name, but wanted to know her first.

But despite all the logistical and physical successes, they were not the most important 'successes' by any means. I'd find out later that I never wished to take any more of these promotions because of reasons. Ultimately, I would gain much more than a mere advancement in rank...

"I'm Starlight Noctus, Ma'am. But you can call me Starry Night."

Author's Note:

Yeah I lied about half-chapters/bonus scenes. Finished this and I had to share it. As a result the proposed half-chapter/bonus scene between chapters 28 and 29 will no longer happen. Let me know of any major errors and of any questions/comments you may have. Sound off below!

Ladies and Gents,

Constant Function!

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