• Published 14th Apr 2013
  • 2,172 Views, 54 Comments

Perhaps Death - WritingSpirit

The Doctor finds himself stuck in prison, unable to remember anything he had experienced prior to his awakening. With the help of his diary, enchanted with magic, he tries to piece his life back together, not knowing what might await him at the end.

  • ...

The Greatest Stallion Of The Century, In The Mind Of Twilight Sparkle

1024 AC, ? Month, ? Day, ? h/min/s

"... he wouldn't dare. He knows the consequences of escaping. One mistake like that would keep him here forever."

"We mustn't hesitate to take any chances. My sister has foresaw it, and if he does cause such chaos again..."

There were two of them.


"But he wouldn't go through that... would he?"

"He has no other choice. If he does proceeds as my sister stated, he'll have his chance of freedom, yet we don't have to worry for..."

Two figures.

Pretending like I'm blind.

Like I'm deaf.
Like I needed them.


"...you only... but this is the only way..."

"There must be something else... something... something we're missing..."

Two figures.
One was the esteemed Princess of the Night.
The other...
Never had I seen her before.


"He's coming to. It's best you leave for now."

They were only mere silhouettes, though the stranger Princess Luna was talking to gave me one last glance before trotting up the stairs. The shadows, it seems, have business concerning my presence; a business that I apparently should not know of. All I could do was sigh. Even if I have the slightest idea what their plans were, I'm still stuck behind a row of sturdy steel bars without any chance of escaping.

I have to admit, I feel rather... gloomy today, and I don't mean the nostalgia-filled, happy melancholy kind of gloomy. Whatever moods I pertained to in the past had been ripped away, probably leaving me to feel like the rest of the damned ponies in the dungeon. That being said, it seems the alicorn before me possesses some sort of interest, on what notion I'm not sure. Whatever it was, as you can tell, I'm not in the best mood for it.

"Ah, Doctor," she said, almost as if pleased. "I've been expecting you from your slumber."

Of course she did. She was the one that visited, if not fabricated, my queerly pointless, ridiculous dream of myself waking up in a quieter, lonelier version of my cell. You've read it correctly, she fabricated my dream. My dream. Really, who in the rightest mind would have a dream of the exact place he was confined in? Even when she did as such, she demanded respect for her. Respect? Her? It'll take the eradication of all the bowties in the world before I could trust her.

"What does she want?" I asked with a glower, curious about the stranger in the shadows.

"An audience with you," was her answer. "It appears the... disturbance you caused has brought concerns to my acquaintance. She has the intention of a confrontation, though I suspect you wouldn't agree to such a demand."

"So you do care about me after all, Your Majesty."

"It is my duty to care for thy subjects," she replied, apparently blind to the sarcasm of my statement. "The Doctor must know of such a privilege, must he not? To have watched the world in the millenniums long past... surely you must wonder what brought about your imprisonment, don't you?"

"Perhaps one of heresy?"

"Religion is the least of your problems, Doctor. Your need of repentance lies more in what you might call... national security."

"So neither of you hold any grudges on me?" I asked in sardonic innocence, to which Princess Luna shook her head no, still retaining her grin. You have to say, when she wears such a smile, you couldn't help but wonder what mischief and/or trickery has she plotted this time. Oh, the royal skepticism.

"What happened, pray tell, concerning me and the... security of Equestria?"


It was always like that with Princess Luna and her smile. She never had the intention of revealing whatever wrongs I've done that threatened the stability of Equestria in the first place, seeing how she wants everything to happen naturally and such. Is it a family tradition for the royal sisters to follow the superfluous laws of nature, or do they inherit some sort of genetic gift to, place it in basic terms, bugger me off? The aching in my head (which I thought it to be from my lack of sleep) was starting up, my hooves weakening and trembling like a two-legged chair. Immediately, I collapsed onto the stone floor, the visage of the cerulean alicorn obscured in a large blur as she said to me.

"Let the dreams happen. They will play out what you had forgotten and what you might see. Even in such languid intermissions of time, questions will be answered, Doctor."

"What if I don't learn anything?" I asked weakly, trying my best to hold up my eyelids. "W-What if these visions... amount to nothing? Would you tell me the reasons of my imprisonment then, or would you leave me as the confused pony I still am?"

"You will learn..." Princess Luna solemnly assured, staring off into space. "The Doctor...... always learns."

"Why wouldn't you tell me what is going on?"

"Because you hold secrets from yourself," the alicorn replied grimly, snapping out from her reverie. "The rest of us knew these secrets, too dark even for the closest of friends to disclose. Let it be forbidden that such condemned words spill from the mouths of others, for only you must discover it yourself."

That was the last thing I heard, before blacking out.

I must discover it myself...


I must...



1005 AC, Third Summer, 7, 20:36:11


Ah... the Sparkles.

I have to admit, they were an interesting bunch of ponies. Always prepared and on the go with life, with the -- forgive my innuendo -- spark of royalty always standing by them. Someday I will understand this strange, perhaps colorful household, if I was ever given the chance to examine them again at the dinner table. Just like now.

All I could was munch on my omelette softly, glancing about the table at the mad tea party that is dinner to Twilight Sparkle and her relatives. I could swear this family gives some sort of vibrant hope to the usual humdrum society of Canterlot, not to say that they were a wackier bunch than the rest, no! It's just... it's been a while since I've seen a family this lively, knowing how many ponies here were more engaged in their flaunting and... fashions and... euch...

Alright! Commence the observations!

There was Twilight Sparkle, the bookish mare with the intellect of a billion-year-old sage. Cute and charming, in more ways than one. She was also top-tier in her class of magic, having been tutored by Princess Celestia ever since she was young. As of yet, she was sitting rather awkwardly, perhaps from the humiliation of presenting her family to me in such disarray. I should mention, I would feel content to have them as a family.

The dragon beside her was Spike; a figure worth contemplating about. From what my companion said, he was hatched out of an egg after Twilight lost control of her magic. Despite a difference in species, he was treated as an unofficial little brother of the family and given a vegetarian appetite. I shudder to think of what would he become as a grown-up dragon, but that's for another time.

Then there was her mother, who goes by the name of Twilight Velvet. A writer capable of conjuring brilliant imaginations with such vivacity and finesse to captivate the pony mind, the adventures and life lessons she wrote about were admittedly stunning and unbelievably real, considering the situations her characters were put through. At least, that's how I feel it was after taking a sneak peek at some of her books. Aside from her lifelong dedication to literature, she can be pretty strict, yet she cares, like all mothers do.

"Not on the table, Night."

"Just a minute, dear. I'm on the verge of something incredible here..."

Ah, Night. The pony she was referring to was her husband and Twilight's (and probably Spike's) father, Night Light. He holds the title of Canterlot's Royal Astronomer, studying the positions of stars in the endless night sky. I must admit, I was rather impressed at the accuracy of the many diagrams and charts that replaced what should've been plates of food when I took a glance. It seems if Twilight inherited the looks of her mother, then she inherited the brains of her father and to a certain degree, probably his obsession over his line of work.

"Night Light! For Celestia's sake..."

"Alright, alright!"

Just as her father left the table with his tidbits of pens and paper, I turned to Twilight, watching only as she grows more anxious with every loud tick of the grandfather clock in the hallway. Huh... I was thinking her father was my companion's greatest stallion of the century, but it seems that assumption was a downer.

"What's taking him so long?" my companion blurted out suddenly. "He usually isn't this late!"

"It has been a month, dear," her mother somewhat reminded. "I'm sure he'll be exhausted from all the things he has to do at camp."

The younger Twilight just pouted in her chair, crossing her hooves just as she slowly chewed her dinner. Of course, the rest didn't seem to mind the supposedly 'late' arrival of the stallion, though I do have to admit, I was a little anxious on meeting him formally. If he's even half the stallion that my companion seemed to had portrayed him as, he'll earn at least a sliver of my respect. Just a sliver.

"So, Turner..." Twilight's mother began. "Care to tell us how you met Twilight?"

"Well... I guess I was heading for lunch at the nearby diner..." I began. "We just sorta... literally bumped into each other. After that, we keep heading to Daisy's for lunch, seeing how close it was from our school."

"So... you're an orphan, right?"

Almost as if insulted herself, Twilight Sparkle immediately smacked the head of her little 'brother' with the tip of her hoof. All I could do then was chuckle at them along with her mother, more so at the mare defending me than the dragon's innocent statement. I don't find it insulting any more, to be called an orphan. Even then, I always had Mrs. Hearthfire to watch over me and, of course, my fellow companions to accompany me.

"I guess you could say I am," I answered softly.

"So..." he continued after a moment of pondering. "How did you end up at the orphanage anyway?"

"Mrs. Hearthfire said she found me in a basket at the doorway. She asked around the neighborhood a little, to see if anyone saw the pony that placed me there, but we couldn't find much about the pony in the end."

"That's a shame," Twilight Velvet piped up. "It's alright, however. Hopefully you will find your parents one day."

Half of me would agree. The other would accuse me of being too sympathetic. Due to the fact of me being an immortal, always-regenerating Time Lord, I was expected not to care about such matters, having seen many left me before in my life, yet this pony protected me when I unexpectedly regenerated into the form of a foal! He or she should at least get a thank you from me for doing what they had done!

"Would you have a family of your own, if you had the chance?" came the voice of Night Light, who trotted back to the table with a silver tray of food instead of his astronomy gadgets. All I could do was wonder then about his words... what would it feel like? Having somepony to call family? Bah... enough of my sappy thoughts.

Of course I nodded. What, you want me to shake my head and probably get slaughtered by this family? If there is one thing I know from the Sparkles, it's that they hold family in high regard, even if they consist of a cosmic-obsessed father, a strict writer of a mother, a bookworm daughter and a draconic little brother. Okay, that seemed a little bit offensive to describe them, but you know what I mean. Strange and wacky, but still a family.

"Turner seems like the type to be independent," he continued, examining me closely. "It seems you've made a responsible friend, dear."

Twilight shrugged and stifled a smile, although I already knew in her mind she was keeping her opinions to herself. If I were her, I'd think of myself as the same: that my responsibility is like a comet to the stars; a special one of my traits yet also a tad rare sight to behold. Of course, when it comes to saving any world from impending doom, you could say that there would be a record-breaking meteor shower alongside it. That's how special it was to me. Her mother was ever the keener one. Being an author, I guess you could say she was somewhat a psychologist as well, seeing how she was narrowing her eyebrows at me like that. Ah, now that's another thing that Twilight Sparkle inherited: her sense of truth and lies.

The ringing of the doorbell (yes, we do have doorbells in Canterlot) snapped the attention of everypony in the room. With an overexcited gasp, followed by the incessantly annoying lurch of the chair, my companion galloped towards the door with the speed of the TARDIS itself! Fancy the excitement of Twilight Sparkle! She probably looked as if she had seen a golden, glazing hardcover 'All You Need To Know About Magic' book or something!

"He's back," Spike muttered aloud, reminding me of that great stallion my companion was already rambling on about. Now's the chance to finally meet him in person. Perhaps then I'll be the judge to see if ever there was a certain... dignity that this stallion seemed to have possessed. Who knows? He might not even give others the respect given by Twilight to him! I know a lot of rotten sod-offs who were this disgusting and trust me, I do not hesitate to punch them in the face.

"Excuse me," I softly spoke, standing from the table and trotting away from the confused glances of the remaining three attendees in the room. Slipping out into the hallway, I soon spotted his gallant entrance, made ever more with that determined smile. You know, the kind that makes the cheeks rigid. Judging from the raggedy vest he was wearing over his white chest, he was in the military, yet considering how Equestria is almost always peaceful, I'm fully certain he was a greenhorn to the horrors of war.

Twilight was standing there, in the midst of being released from his embrace. Judging from that bright smile on her face, the stallion was considerably affectionate to her, which only made me somewhat... somewhat... I can't think of a snappy word to describe it. A twinge in my gut? A spot of hatred cringing in my nerves? Yes, I know I should be happy if she ever had a super special somepony, but... just... keep y-your opinions to yourself. We're living in a monarchy, after all.

"You must be the stallion Twilight keeps talking about," he said to me, sticking out a hoof. "I guess you've earned my thanks. She can be quite a tough mare to deal with."

"Just doing what's needed," was my seemingly calm reply, glancing towards my pouting companion. Oh, I was far from calm, just to let you know. In fact, I was just thinking about how to tackle him down like those ponies in football matches. Tough mare to deal with? He's bloody lucky Twilight has been pretty close to him, or I'll make sure that darn white cheeks will be bruised as blue as his admittedly-glorious mane. Oh, violence... my common enemy, yet my close friend.

"It's best I leave for now. If you'll excuse me..."

"But it isn't even nine yet!" Twilight proclaimed. "You could stay a little longer, can you?"

"You do have somepony special to kill your boredom."

"Turner, what in the world are you talking about?"

I could only grit my teeth, glaring as the stallion left her standing there and headed towards the dining room. Couldn't he just help her settle things out between me and her? What kind of oh-so-great stallion would do that? Never was I this outraged since that blasted, buggering arse of a Dalek vaporized my bow tie! Yes, you heard me! My bow tie!!

"Really, Twilight Sparkle?" I questioned, feeling almost insulted. "Just... really?"


"Is he worth it?"

"Uh... Turner, what in the world are you--"

"Answer the question, Twilight Sparkle!!" I yelled, much to her shock. "Is. He. Worth. It?"

"What if he is?" she shot back. "Turner, what's wrong with you all of the sudden? Just a minute ago. you were perfectly fine, and now you're just throwing a tantrum like that?"

Throwing a tantrum...
She said it almost as if I haven't done that in a while.
So what if I throw a tantrum?
Why would she care anyway...?



"What do you mean 'enough'? You just want to leave without even apologizing to me?"

"You know I hate being played with!! You, of all ponies, should know it well!! So care to explain whatever the heck it was with that great stallion of yours?! Huh? The one that would just leave you to your problems?! If you think he's worth that much, why come running to me when you already have him?!"

"Turner, it's not like that--"

"Enough with your lies, Twilight Sparkle!!

Twilight Sparkle stopped with a gasp, staring at me with those wide, watery eyes, apparently unable to fathom whatever chaotic thoughts swirling in my mind. That doesn't matter, does it, considering she already has somepony to protect her for all eternity. Perhaps a last farewell should suffice?

"If you'll excuse me, I'll have to go now," I solemnly stated. "Also, do tell your mother she cooked a fine dinner tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it."

As I turned to leave and began my trot down the path underneath the brilliance of the night, I could hear the first of what would seem to be many sobs that would last throughout the hour. I knew the remaining inhabitants of the strange house were staring grimly at me through the window, almost as if preying upon me for what I've done. It's not my fault that she already has a super special somepony and having extramarital affairs, not that I'm saying they're married yet. If they were... only the more reason I have the right to be pissed.

"TURNER!!" I heard her call my name a few times, though I brushed it off. Even as I went further away, her voice grew only ever the more louder, ringing and resonating through the surrounding hills and city. I can imagine that our all-almighty Princess Celestia would've heard it even from her pompous, luxurious abode at the palace. Again, all I could do was ignore.


Twilight Sparkle.




You've disappointed me.


Let me tell you something now: few companions had ever disappointed me before. Never had any angered me up to this point, to be honest; a feat-- no, a record that Twilight Sparkle seemed to have achieved. You reap what you sow, Twilight Sparkle. You reap what you sow.
Twilight Sparkle.
Our friendship is at its denouement.
I'm sorry.


Author's Note:

Sorry if it took too long! Life's been pretty overwhelming these days!!