• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago

Dragon Angel Knight

Trying to get back into a bit of writing. Comments are welcomed!


Chrysalis wakes from her exile to find that Princess Twilight has crashed in the forest around her new home. What will the once proud Changeling Queen do?

Artwork by Jazzi_Mae, or Jazzi the Pegasus as I know her.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

There's quite a lot of typogrpahical errors. A lot of them are ones that a spellchecker will catch. It really doesn't take long, so it's sort of expected if you want to be taken seriously.

2377621 Thanks for catching that. Unfortunately, the word processor I've got doesn't do a good job of spell checking, so I don't usually know what's wrong til I get it to the site and my browser's spell check catches it. But, I didn't have internet for about a week, so... yeah.

Anyway, I'll go back through and edit it.

2378545 Ping me when it's done, and I'll se if I have an upthumb somewhere in my pockets! :pinkiehappy:

2383268 it should be mostly taken care of now. Let me know if you see anything else.

One that the spellchecker didn't catch.
Evan a freshly -> Even a freshly
Upthumb is in the mail, and should arrive in 2 to 5 business days... oh wait, it's already there.

lol, thanks ^_^ I'm glad you liked it

It does seem a little rushed, but it's not bad. Everyone is capable of redemption.

I agree. And it is a little rushed. But then again, most one-shots I've read are.

I like it. Call me greedy though, I would like to see more. :twilightsheepish:

I may write more for it, but this little one shot was what popped into my head while in the middle of a writers block for my other story.... Just can't seem to figure out how to continue that story along, y'know? And until I do figure that out, I don't think starting up a whole new story is a good idea.

Short and sweet. I liked it.

>>Alert! Plot Hole Detected!<<
How does Twilight know Chrysalis's name? She never told anyone what it was, and considering their level of intelligence, the changelings are unlikely to have told anyone either.

Also, you failed to capitalize the start of Twilight's name a few times in there.

I'm assuming that Celestia and Luna either knew Chrysalis personally once upon a time, or at least knew OF Chrysalis and they told Twilight what they knew about her.

And thanks for noticing the mistakes with Twilight's name.

that ending feels more like a cliff hanger than an ending but maybe thats just me wanting a continuation

I thought about continuing it, honestly. but if I do so, it'll have to be after I finish my other story. This was meant to be a one-shot, though, so it'll definitely be a whole new story.

I am whelmed. That is all.

I would definitely like to see a continuation of this, maybe add a little more depth into Chrysalis's banishment (or however you may word it),
and possibly some kind of psychological dilemma in which she is unsure of whether or not she can feel love or only take it (fairly bandwagony, but I still like the concept). Or you could have Twilight ask her about it as a culminating point. "Can changelings... Feel love?" That sort of thing.


4.9/5. I can't give it a five because It has not been continued yet. I hope that this is rectified soon, and thank you for flyin-wait, no. nevermind. Good story though, regardless of my shenanigans.


too bad it's finished I would've liked to see more.:twilightsmile:

I might be making a sequel. *shrug* I haven't entirely decided just yet.


Skip to 1:00:twilightsmile: and that explains my joy as to the possibility of a sequel to this lovely piece.

this would be a great story to have a sequel to maybe having chrysalis redeeming herself in front of the other princesses and having her and twilight develop a relationship of sorts who know the possibilities for sequels are endless as long as you have the imagination for them

I was planning on a sequel, but I wanted to get further along in my other stories before I did. I'm thinking 2 active stories is more than enough to work with at the moment.

2771864 yeah it is there are others that have 3 or more active stories their writing

Hey, if the author in question can handle it, good for them :twilightsmile:
Personally, I'd rather not bite off more than I can chew. I also don't want to disappoint anyone by making them wait any longer for an update than necessary.

2771891 very true and i understand what your saying ive had so many ideas about stories to write but i never really started any of them and some of them include my fan character being the son of either Celestia, Luna, Twilight, or a combination of the three and some of them are stories about an H.I.E and starting a heard with the mane six possibly chrysalis and maybe even the princesses

Sounds like some fun ideas :twilightsmile:
I'd suggest writing out an outline of what you want to do with the story first, if you were going to write something. Get your ideas out of your head and you'll be able to sort them out a bit easier.

2772065 thx for the advise ill do that soon enough but most of the time i get those ideas is when im going to sleep and during private moments around my house (not going into any more detail on that)

lol, it's fine. I'm not going to pry. And no problem. Anything I can do to help out a fellow fan of the series :scootangel:

2772134 thx oh and i got a question when i actually get to writing them do you wanna be my editor?

One thing, one thousand word one shots do not give this shipping justice. They need to be spread out.

I'm planning on writing up a sequel sometime after I get one of my other stories finished. But, it's been hard going with random bouts of writer's block hitting every couple of chapters or so...

Honestly. This is a good ship. However. You could make this great by making a legit story out of it. Plz. Do that. There's not many chrysalisxtwilight ships out there. That's my favorite after sombraxtwilight and nightmarextwilight.

We heavily agree with the Compatriot reader's below, this is an excellent START for a ship.
We would love to see either a sequel or maybe change the staus of this story to incomplete and make a true good story out of it.

I love this story and would humbly request more. Please sir. Can I have some more? :scootangel:

oh i loved it is there another chpter or another story to this jucy lil tale. :twilightsmile: in the works i mean

At the moment, no, unfortunately... I do have plans to continue this story at some point, but I have some stuff to work through IRL first.

4804287 well best of luck to u then and keep up the good work u do. :raritystarry:

This is a good little story but I would like more:twilightsheepish::twilightsmile::heart::heart::heart:

And Celestial blood means anypony who can claim to have blood ties to Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence.

So if Shining (blood-sibling to Twilight) and Cadence have a child, the nobles are dramatically outclassed? Take that, Blueblood!

Short and sweet. Always happy to find more stuff where Chryssie finds friendship and/or love.


I wouldn’t really tag it “romance”, but it was a good read, I don’t care.

Late to the party as always, but have some love and a fav. I don't care for or against any ship, but I do think the story was charming and well written. Thanks for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

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