• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 3,732 Views, 53 Comments

Eventide Falls - errant

Celestia may be immune to her enemies, but her friends are not.

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Chapter 4

Five mares watched the royal processional as it tracked across the sky, not looking away until it was finally lost to sight somewhere in the direction of Canterlot. Only after not so much as a gleam of the Princess was visible did Twilight Sparkle's closest friends look to each other, equal confusion, fear and sorrow written on each face. They stood like that for a long moment, no one seemingly inclined to speak. It was finally Applejack who broke the enthrallment, saying “Ah don't know about you gals, but ah’m about ready for today to be over. Ah'm all for headin' home.”
“Um, I don't really think I want to be alone tonight . . . if that's not a burden, that is,” Fluttershy's voice trailed off.
“I'm with Fluttershy on that,” replied a much-subdued Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Pinkie Pie mutely nodded their agreement.
“Why don't we all stay the night at my place?” asked Rainbow Dash. As the others merely stared at her for long enough to be awkward, she added, “What? There's plenty of room for everypony.”
“Erm, Rainbow, dear, you live on a cloud, and without . . . without,” Rarity's voice broke off.
“Without Twilight to cast her cloudwalking spell, the rest of us can't exactly spend the night at your house,” Fluttershy finished.
“Oh. Right, I kinda forgot that,” Rainbow replied, embarrassed.
“If I move the dress horses and such out of the way, there will be plenty of room at Carousel Boutique for us all. Will that suit everypony?” Rarity added. When the mares had all given their agreement, it was Rarity who lead the solemn ponies in a slow departure from the smoldering ruins of the library. The gold-armored guards had departed with their monarch and the gawking crowds had dispersed, leaving the five to their own thoughts. As they began passing through Ponyville on the way to the refuge of Rarity’s home, they became conscious of the glances and looks they were drawing from the residents of town. As it kept happening that none of those who watched when they thought they were unobserved would make eye contact with Rarity or her companions, it began to wear on all of their nerves. It was unsurprisingly Rainbow Dash who first voiced her displeasure. “What is wrong with everypony? Why are they all staring at us like that?” she exclaimed.
“I think maybe they feel sorry for us, since they know how close Twilight was to us,” Pinkie Pie ventured. Rainbow Dash whirled to face her, an uncharacteristic snarl plastered on her face, “Was? Was? Try is! We don’t know for sure that she’s gone, and I’m not giving up on her! The Princess herself said we don’t know for sure what happened here, and if you think that. . .”
“Simmer down, sugarcube,” Applejack interrupted, laying a restraining hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “She didn’t mean anything by it. None of us are giving up on Twilight. Are we, gals?”
“No, of course not. How could we ever give up on our best friend?” answered Fluttershy.
“I can’t give up on Twilight; how will I ever throw another party without all my friends?” added a mournful Pinkie Pie.
Rainbow’s belligerent gaze flicked from pony to pony before she finally snorted and turned away, muttering “Good. Because I’m not giving up. Not ever. I won’t believe she’s dead and gone till I see it with my own eyes.” Head bent low in annoyance, Rainbow headed off again towards Rarity’s shop, her friends trailing behind, subdued. Ignoring more pitying looks from Ponyville’s residents, the group of sorrowful ponies reached Carousel Boutique just as the sun sank below the horizon; the vibrantly beautiful red of dusk stood in counterpoint to the somber mood hanging over the five ponies who found their way into the front room of Rarity’s house, stumbling a little in the darkness while its owner sought out and lit a number of candles. The freshly kindled lights cast shadows from the profusion of clotheshorses and piles of fabric that littered the area. Rarity ducked her head a little, self-conscious of the mess.
“Please, everypony, forgive the clutter. It’s not usually this . . . unclean,” Rarity implored.
“Don’t worry, Rarity. I doubt anypony minds, given the circumstances. Its not like we’re throwing a party or anything,” replied a subdued Pinkie Pie.
“Messy? Hah! This is nothing; I’m used to my own mess. Twilight is the one who likes things to be organized,” said Rainbow Dash with a hint of her usual brashness, but the import of what she unintentionally said sank home a moment later, reducing her again to silence. Again laying a comforting hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder, Applejack tried to express what Rainbow had tried to say, “Sugarcube, she meant that we’re plum grateful for your hospitality; letting us stay at your place an’ all.”
“Oh, girls, I know how you feel. I’m in agreement with Fluttershy; after today, I don’t particularly want to be alone. You are all my very best friends, and after today I’ve never been happier to have you all,” Rarity replied, and she looked like she may have said more but she suddenly turned away and busied herself in tidying up, her magical aura enveloping a variety of items and moving them into less inconvenient positions. The rest of the ponies looked on for a moment, torn between saying something and leaving Rarity to her own devices for the moment. The latter won out and the others fanned out through the room, settling into likely looking spots Rarity had already straightened to her preference. As time passed none of them seemed inclined to say anything in particular, and the silence only thickened as Rarity seemed to be spending overly long in one position, seemingly bent over a single garment out of countless others. The five looked at each other, doubt and the beginnings of worry on their minds. By silent consent, it was Fluttershy who spoke, startling Rarity out of her apparent reverie, “Erm, Rarity, y-you’ve been spending an awful lot of time looking at that one dress. I-is anything wrong, that is, if you don’t mind me asking?” Instead of answering directly, Rarity turned around with deliberate slowness, tears glittering in her eyes and her hooves full of flowing fabric embroidered with patterns of stars and constellations. “Is that what I think it is?” asked Rainbow Dash, as if she were reluctant to hear the answer. As Rarity nodded a pained agreement, Applejack rose from her chosen resting spot and approached the teary unicorn. With great gentleness she took the fabric of the dress Rarity had made by hoof for her beloved friend from unresisting hooves and laid it delicately on the ground before softly nudging Rarity towards a pile of blankets nearer the other ponies. As the speechless mare settled herself down onto the waiting blankets, the others moved with an unspoken accord to move themselves, and their assortment of pillows and other makeshift bedding nearer to each other, with Rarity in the midst of all of them. The five ponies sat in silence that expressed their heartache more poignantly than any words could have, clinging to each other’s simple presences as the shadows lengthened and fitful sleep pulled them away from their waking nightmare.


The wind sliced like blades around her, her vibrant mane and tail drawn out behind her like banners as Rainbow Dash’s nimble form raced through Cloudsdale’s Coliseum. A fierce grin stretched across her face as she exulted in the speed and daring that was her birthright and she felt herself being propelled past her own formidable limits by the cheering crowds that thronged the stadium. As she turned sharply in midair to ascend to an altitude sufficient for her to execute her signature move, the Sonic Rainboom, she glanced towards where she knew her friends were seated; even though she’d never admit it aloud, the presence and support of her friends was the most important thing to her and she allowed herself to divert her gaze briefly to the glowing faces of her friends. There they were, like always: Faithful Applejack, gentle Fluttershy, talented Rarity, mirthful Pinkie Pie. She had almost reached her starting position for the Sonic Rainboom when a sudden thought gripped her heart like a vice, Wait, what about Twilight? Why isn’t she here?! As she pivoted in midair to begin her dive she saw again that one of her friends was conspicuous by her absence. A sudden and terrible fear that she had never experienced before welled up inside her, and to her horror she found that her wings were paralyzed against her body; she plummeted helplessly, quickly falling out of sight of the spectators. Despite her desperate struggles and heartpounding panic, she just couldn’t get her wings to cooperate with flying. As the ground came hurtling towards her with terrifying speed she closed her eyes and never noticed when the darkness behind closed eyelids passed into a greater darkness.


The pleasant midday sun that shone warmly down on Applejack filled her nose with the familiar and pleasant scent of apples in bloom; a scent that reminded her of home and safety and happiness. As her hind legs connected solidly with one of scores of apple trees she was rewarded with the hollow sound of many more apples finding their way into the waiting bucket Twilight had sat their for her. She took a brief pause from her labor to wipe sweat from her face and send a silent wave of gratitude towards Twilight, who had volunteered again to help her with applebuck season. No sooner had the thought crossed her mind, however, than the sky suddenly darkened. As Applejack stared up at the now-cloudy sky in confusion she shivered and was shocked to see that her breath was now visible in midair. Now seriously unnerved, the orange pony looked around the clearing for any sign of Twilight, hoping the ever-intellectual pony would have an explanation or at least provide some welcome company amongst the strangeness. Try as she might, however, she could find no trace of her friend; all that was visible was acres of apple trees shrouded in unnatural darkness. Fighting down a rising tide of unease, she called aloud for Twilight; once, twice, and again, but she heard no response as her voice dwindled to nothingness amongst endless dark corridors of branches. Taking courage firmly in hoof she set off down a path at random, determined to find her missing friend and get to the bottom of this creepiness on her own apple farm, of all places. Scarcely a dozen steps had she taken away from the clearing where she had been working before she was overwhelmed by the encroaching shadows and sibilant whispers that seemed to sigh through the empty trees, bare branches waving in an intangible wind. Reluctantly she turned back, and was shocked to see no clearing and no path behind her, just a wall of darkness. Turning again she began slowly walking deeper into the darkness, until she seemed to be walking in nothing, alone in a black oblivion. Slowly even the sound of her hooves faded, then her breathing, and then there was no orange pony at all; just a perfect void.


Pinkie Pie crouched in Twilight’s library, darkened in its caretakers absence. That didn’t concern the happy-go-lucky Pinkie, though; she wanted to surprise her friend with a boisterous and cheerful welcome after she had been away in Canterlot for several days. Pinkie Pie had contrived to stream the whole place in banners and ornaments and she had a whole array of party implements and noisemakers ready at hand to celebrate as an unsuspecting Twilight came in, expecting only silence and solitude. Well, Pinkie was having none of that; only the very best welcome home party would do for her good friend Twilight Sparkle! So she crouched in the empty library with only shelves of books for company as the light gradually faded from the window and night finally fell. Still Pinkie kept her vigil, waiting for the perfect opportunity to surprise Twilight and make her smile. So she waited, while the light dawned again, and again, and again, and again. Pinkie had long ago ceased to be aware of her surroundings in the library. The bookshelves, the walls, the ceiling and even the floor evaporated like dew, but Pinkie’s attention was riveted on the door that Twilight would come through any second now. Any second now. Any . . . second . . . now . . .


Rarity woke from her uneasy sleep suddenly, sweat beading along her flank and a nameless terror choking her mind as she thrashed about for a moment to extricate herself from the tangles of bedstuff that entwined her, and that had briefly, in her mind, possessed sharp, painful claws. She heaved herself to a sitting position, and was surprised to see four other pairs of eyes staring concernedly back at her. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack all huddled close together, covered by the same blanket and haunted expressions in the backs of their understanding eyes. Without asking, Pinkie Pie maneuvered so that there was room for one more in their small island of friendship. Gratefully, Rarity moved into the spot vacated for her, drawing the blanket back across her friends. With surprising gentleness Rainbow Dash asked a shaken Rarity, “Was it bad?” At her trembling “Yes,” Rainbow Dash merely moved slightly closer to a still distraught Rarity, letting the warmth of her nearness comfort the frightened unicorn. Fluttershy did the same on her other side. Without any more words passing, the five slowly drifted back to sleep, lulled by the comforting presence of the others. And this time, they did not dream.