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Pen Dragon

"A new world awaits for you... A new beginning... With infinite possibilities... Until all six are united as one..." - Death

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**IMPORTANT MESSAGE** Hate Speech, and Suicide. · 8:20pm March 5th

WARNING: This blog contains topics of Suicide and Hate Speech. If you are sensitive to such topics or are uncomfortable. This is the time for you to leave.

For those who remain, I want you all to know that this isn’t a blog post about me and for the sake of respecting the one involved and following the rules, I will not be adding her name to this blog and I will not add the names of the individuals who had targeted her with their bigotry, hate speech, and discrimination.

Just know that from this point onward. There is no turning back and whether you hate me or support my cause is up to you. One way or another this needs to be said and if no one will do it.

I will…

About a month ago, someone had almost committed suicide because of the actions of former friends of hers. You all may know who this person is and you may know who was involved. Because I definitely know who they are. At least the obvious ones.

The reason why she was targeted was because she was transitioning and she wrote a heart felt message about coming out and sharing her story with everyone and these people that used to be her friend. They weren’t as accepting, and told her that she was making a mistake, and threatened to come after her. Using their “religion” and. “sexism”as an excuse to attack her.

Making her question her decision and posting blog posts of their hatred and lies and using their followers to harass her. Using slang to discriminate against her that I won’t use because it’s wrong. It honestly embarrasses me that they would use their religion as an excuse to hate people who just want to be themselves. They nearly drove this innocent brony into making a mistake that she wouldn’t be able to take back.

Thankfully that didn’t happen and she’s getting the help she needs now. What I can’t abide by though is that these asshats are still roaming around when they should be BANNED!!! It disgusts me that people like them actually exist and they STILL believe they’re in the right!? A person almost took their own life because of them. And to those morons who are out there. I hope you are reading this because I want you to know you are a disgrace to this fandom, an embarrassment to your own religion, and are a horrible human being. How dare you weaponize your own religion to target this person who just wanted to be accepted!

This site is called “Friendship is Magic” Meaning there is friendship for ALL! Everyone! If you didn’t want to be friends then anymore that is fine, but to attack people is an absolute disgrace. I hope they feel regret reading this and if not, well… I said what I needed to say.

As for our Moderator’s and Admins, they are complete idiots who don’t really care about this site anymore. It’s their job to enforce the rules when they are broken and the fact these assholes are still on this site skulking around like little termites is an insult to this and to themselves.

This is supposed to be a safe space, a place for everyone to come together and read stories, write blogs, make friends, write stories and so on! If you do read this blog and you want to make things right with the community moderators. GET. THEM. OFF. THIS. SITE!

For those of you out there who are going through a difficult time, or have these thoughts of ending it all. I ask and beg of you to get help, your life is precious, all life is… ending it won’t solve anything.

Everyone who believes that we need to make a change sign this petition.


Sign it and help stop the hate and let’s make this site a fun and safe place for everyone.

Comments ( 114 )

Ничего не понятно, но очень интересно

doomie-22 #2 · March 5th · · 6 ·

Shit like this is exactly why I am so glad I left religion nearly 20 years ago. Best decision of my life.

GTthe4th #3 · March 5th · · 9 ·

I was basically at ground zero for the whole situation. Simply put, this whole thing sucked from start to “finish”, and it should have never happened in the first place.

The people who targeted her are laughing at the rest of us, and outright daring us and others like us to come after them, because they know they won’t be banned because of “free speech”. They wear their titles of transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, and terrorism with pride, and openly spread their bigotry and hate without fear of punishment or comeuppance.

I’ve reported them many, many, many times. I’ve BEGGED the admins and moderators to do something, ANYTHING, but received no reply. Instead they ignored my reports and the hundreds of other reports that came pouring in, focusing instead on story reviews and competitions.

The staff do not care about this site anymore, and the rules are an absolute joke if they aren’t being enforced. They don’t have any guts or spine to stand up and say that enough is enough. It’s up to the site members to create their groups and moderate them as best as they can, because that’s the only way there’s going to be safe spaces on this site anymore while the staff plug their ears and cover their eyes. In fact, the only reason why I’m still around on this site at all is because I KNOW that there’s still good people here and that it’s a tiny but loud minority that are spreading hate.

Honestly, yeah. I have no idea why the mods never did anything about those certain unnamed people. They never even acknowledged what happened.

Well for now, we need to make noise and a lot of it. Spread this blog and petition out there. Share it with everyone.

GTthe4th #6 · March 5th · · 11 ·

Because the staff is f*cking spineless, that’s why. They’re afraid of a public outcry if they start actually doing their job by banning the people who are a threat to the community.

If the bigots, hate-spreaders, Nazis, and zealots are the ones screaming “not fair” and “mod abuse” because a few of their well-connected buddy-buddies got kicked out, that is not an outcry, that’s called just desserts. THEY HAVE NO PLACE ON THIS SITE.

GTthe4th #7 · March 5th · · 4 ·

Dude, I’ve tried. I’ve talked with multiple big-name authors, I’ve spoken with group leaders, I’ve spread the word on Discord, and I’ve sent in report after report after report. This entire situation had consumed my mind for months, and it was one of the many reasons why I had fallen into depression.

All I want is for it to end, and for people to be happy and safe on this site again, instead of constantly in fear of being targeted by hate...

All I can say is share this blog post. Do what you can and keep at it. If we stop, if we give up, then nothing will change and our efforts will have been for nothing.

Artist #9 · March 5th · · 1 ·

I agree with you on that.

I’m been bullied and harassed on this site as long as I can remember.

I’m glad, spread the word, share this post to everyone.

Artist #11 · March 5th · · 3 ·

I unfortunately cannot sign the petition, but I hope that others will and get these motherfucking losers off the site, so that people who are transitioning, or even people with disabilities, do not need to live in fear of those losers.

I swear there is a special place in hell for people like that.

It’s fine if you don’t sign, as long as you spread this like fire. Spread it so we can get these asshats out of here. And prevent this shit from happening to anyone else.

Just posted a thread in my group. Hopefully that will help.

Yeah I gave the "person" in question so much crap for their bigotry they blocked me lmao. They gonna burn in hell for all the hate they spread.

Shit, I'll sign.

I seen people on this site spread hate before and I would also like to see em gone. I wasn't present for it, but the situation you describe sounds awful. Something's definitely gotta be done.

Alright. This isn't about the staff, this isn't about the situation, this is about you all still being angry that you didn't get the outcome you wanted.

As idiotic as the statements were, the site's Rules were not violated. The individuals in question did NOT encourage the person to hurt herself, nor did they express enjoyment when they heard of her plans for suicide. True, at least one of them still maintains they did nothing wrong, and I totally understand the frustration with them, for I feel it as well.

BUT...apart from being insensitive, and inappropriate, I repeat, they did not violate Site Rules, so they did nothing to warrant being banned.

I have had the privilege of being on this site and being a part of this fandom for over ten years. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last, as you all well know. This particular situation is over, as at least one of the individuals offered an apology, though as far as I know it was rejected.

This blog serves no good purpose, as it's only stirring up rage and directing anger to members who have already been dealt with, which is in itself a violation of Site Rules.

Pretty sure there's a zero hate speech rule, which BOTH of them have violated. So this is outright untrue.

Artist #18 · March 5th · · 8 ·

Listen, I’ve already blocked you for this exact reason you don’t seem to understand the bullying that some people receive on this site can actually lead them to kill themselves, I mean, I’ve also been bullied on the site multiple times, somebody even told me I needed to die did I do it of course not, because I understood that if I died, my parents would be very sad and upset, but the bullies would be happy because they would be rid of me, so I decided not to give them that privilege.

And I agree with the original post those people need to burn in hell for what they did.

You are missing the point, it’s not just about what happened before. Think about what will happen afterwards, or the next. This time it ended with no taking their life, but what about the next!? What about the one after that!?

You should be ashamed that this doesn’t bother you. Bullying is wrong and Hate Speech is a violation of the site rules!!! You jerk!

This is about making the site a safe place. If this petition isn’t good enough, then maybe we need one to change the site rules

BradyBunch #20 · March 5th · · 28 ·

I was concerned about this person's outcome. I was scared that his path was leading him into a demographic where a full 50% of the people in it committed suicide, irrespective of the support they received. He's my friend, and I simply let him know that it wasn't going to end up well. When others told me that I was transphobic and going to hell for that, I simply accepted the label they gave me. He was also suffering from depression, and the stress on the body from "transitioning" doesn't make it better. If he really contemplated ending it all because of me, then I was right to warn him. I'm glad to hear he's doing okay, and I hope he understands and gets better in time. I don't like seeing him in pain; I've known him for too long. If you think I'm celebrating his attempted suicide, you're wrong.

Devona #21 · March 5th · · 2 ·

Yeah, I was there for the whole situation. I tend to be incredibly withdrawn and barely step out of my small circle of friends over here, but I just had to write something in this case.

In case anyone's wondering, I think one of the minor mods clarified on their user page that at least one of the people involved in the whole harassment campaign received a "warning", whatever that may mean. Why no further action was ever taken is well beyond me, especially since, again, in the case of at least one of those people such hate speech is basically a common occurence here.

If you really are her friend, and you care about her like you claim. You would support her and her decision because it doesn’t affect you. It’s her that’s struggling and it’s her that lost you as a friend and your blogs tell another story. Your comments tell another story. You either are her friend or not.

meh, religion in and of itself is nothing but a way to try and understand the world, idiots that enforce it tough, that's a different problem

I don't support his decision. I care about him enough to warn him. He's a son of God, and he deserves the best.

unfortunately if they would do that it will either require them to ban everyone that starts making noise or to choose the simpler way of restricted access based on location and country, and that will nuke lots of people that just want to play cool over a hobby regardless of their agendas

If you were really a son of god. You’d love her no matter what. “Love thy Neighbor “

The main reason people who go down that path are led to suicide is because of people like you. People who can't accept them for who they are and people who refuse to support them. Simply dismissing them as having a medical condition ignores the real feelings beneath.

You may think you are doing her a favor by trying to steer her clear of the path of transgenderism.

Look where it nearly got them. Imagine what could've happened had you supported their decision.

You are wrong.

Bullying and harassment should hold a punishment. If they did what you say they’re guilty of, they should be banned.

HOWEVER, simply holding views that people don’t like shouldn’t be a ban-able offense. That’s stupid. I don’t care what anyone has to say about it, banning people for views alone (which I have seen calls for in this very reply thread) is worse than the people who hold said views.

Whether or not I or anyone else agrees or disagrees, ain't happening mate. Most happened here was them doing a temp ban on Aryanne and taking nsfw pics off stories.

This is supposed to be a safe space, a place for everyone to come together and read stories, write blogs, make friends, write stories and so on!

And you can do those things and not make this site a "safe space."

Everyone is fine to have their own views, and you shouldn’t ever force your own on them. However, telling lies to people and having your followers harass someone is wrong and should be banned.

Yes that is very wrong and as I said in the private message in 2017 I got bullied so bad just because I told some guy to fuck off because he gave me some criticism on my story and now people are telling me I’m playing the victim when it is themselves who are playing the victims not me.

Who loves the neighbor more? The one who goes "All's well in Zion, do as thou wilt?" Or the one who points out pitfalls, mistakes, and traps?

"having your followers harass someone is wrong and should be banned"

I dunno, man, it kinda seemed like you were implying the same thing against me in this exact blog.

Artist #34 · March 5th · · 3 ·

That’s exactly what he was implying, you harassed this poor girl almost to the point where she would rather take her own life, than face a loser like you.

I mean seriously you and a man undercover should be banned for what you did, and when you do, I will celebrate and hope that you never return.

Soaring #35 · March 5th · · 4 ·

Agreed, also the mods have already resolved this already. I don't know why OP thought it would be a good idea to post this, since this basically shows the potential rule breaker that if he wants attention, he can do this to anyone else because it upsets so many people (even though he's been warned by site staff to not do this if he wants to stay on the site).

Also, OP, just going to give you a heads up that spamming this in groups that don't allow it is pretty ironic. You want admins to step in to handle a rule breaker, but you're also breaking group rules and site rules even (rule 2 under the Blogs subheading).

POV, OP, you could've had a constructive blog talking about how hate is bad relative to a story you were working on that talks about the subject, or hell, even talking about it through an article you found, but instead, you reference this whole situation to try and spark a fire. It worked... I guess?


Well, there goes BradyBunch.

Well done, mods. Glad I was proven wrong with the first part of my message.

Those cowardly bigots can go to hell, it’s not their place to tell anyone how they live their lives and it’s pathetic to hide behind their religion to do it.

Morgan83 #37 · March 5th · · 1 ·

Ah....crap. I'm unfortunately going to chime in here.

As an outside observer I cannot help but note a couple of things. But before I address that, I'm going to make it very clear my stance on all this.

I am agnostic. While I do believe in the supernatural, I do not attribute it to any one singular all powerful being. Also, I do not give a damn who or what you are. Just be you, and be honest, and you'll get the same commitment from me.

Now I have waited in the wings, reading the arguments, reading the counter-arguments. And I have to say:

Whether or not someone decides to become trans is their choice. It does not matter how much one thinks the power of God can save their immortal souls, you shouldn't denigrate that person.

Nor do I like the term "Hate Speech". I often find the usage of such terminology often goes hand in hand with its own hate. You don't have to agree with someone, just block and move on.

That being said, I have to note at least one(Brady) of the perpetrators of this event, seems genuine in their worry for this person, perspectives not withstanding.

The victim has obviously had a rough go of it, and I truly wish them the best, no matter the path they choose.

I get it. We want to protect. To save. But I cannot help but think that the vitriol in this thread is indicative of a larger problem. The lack of open mindedness. This goes for EVERYONE.

Said my piece, I won't be responding further.

Artist #38 · March 5th · · 6 ·

I agree with you, that’s why when I think about Christianity or even talk about it it makes me wanna vomit, because there was nothing worse than having somebody push their religion onto you, trust me I’ve had that done so many times already and Christians tell me just because I’ve has a disability I’m inspiring and that they should pray for me.

Fuck them all.

I've witnessed directly the site staff try their best to sweep this under the rug. They've even mocked the situation and this petition in the official Discord. The site is currently unwelcoming to trans individuals, which this situation and the dislike ratio of trans stories can attest to.

If allowing for no exceptions to the two warning system results in a suicide, there is clear evidence that such a system is not effective enough. Their actions in this case have set a precedent that any user who wants to send death threats to protected groups will face at most a warning and a post removal after a month delay. Psychologically, this only encourages further hate.

While additional supportive measures could have been directed towards the victim, there is an equal necessity for preventative measures from those in power. Pointing to only the former is a deflection of responsibility. Had the user been banned at the first instance of hate, the victim would have felt supported by her site, and the suicide could have been prevented. Additionally, it would have set a proper precedent to deter others from engaging in hate speech in the future.

All this has been ignored by the staff. While I doubt this petition will result in meaningful change, it is important that these concerns not be suppressed.

Read Brady's blogs.

Wanderer D

5771036 She doesn't need your thoughts on this anymore and made it clear. She also identifies as "her", so your continuous disregard for her identity strikes me as intentional and callous, not to mention your intentional misrepresentation of numbers.

This blog is about the frustration people here have about how things ended up. Whether they agree or not with the end result is up to them, and they are free to express their frustration and their wishes to have clear accountability. You are not helping by coming here and instigating more antagonism by trying to make things about you. I suggest you leave.

Alondro #42 · March 5th · · 23 ·

5771040 No, it's because they have damaged minds. And coddling them will NEVER FIX IT. Scientific studies bear this out. They are not receiving REAL treatment. They are being told essentially to listen to the voices in the walls and are doing things that result in PERMANENT and IRREVERSIBLE physiological damage.

We do not tell people with anorexia, "YES! Totally lose 30 more pounds!" And yet, that is PRECISELY what is done in this current mad obsession with self-mutilation and DESTROYING children's bodies. As many know, I WAS A DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGIST FOR 20 YEARS. I KNOW the long-term effects of these things, because the animal studies have been done for half a century! The entire West is being LIED TO by a cult of maniacs led by the most horrendously evil misanthropes the world has even seen, who wish to perform their social engineering experiments on the most vulnerable with utter impunity.

But their end is coming. Their arrogance has sealed their destruction.

He'll always be a guy, no matter what he chooses to call himself. It's not a matter of hate or bigotry or whatnot, it's about recognizing him for what he is. And thanks for suggesting I leave, but no, I won't.

Wanderer D

5771060 Then let me make the decision for you.

Comment posted by Artist deleted March 5th

Thank you for understanding the purpose of this blog.

Look I don’t want to attack Christianity itself just the bigots who abuse it and gave God and Jesus a bad name over the centuries.

And to be honest I’m sort of a Christian myself, but more open minded and tolerant so I never attack anyone for their differences and I like to believe there are other Christians who think the same, so I hope you don’t judge our whole community for what the pieces of shit have done.

Artist #48 · March 5th · · 6 ·

I think it is done, Brady Bunch has been banned, let us all rejoice, and hope it is permanently.

Artist #50 · March 5th · · 6 ·

Well, if you say that you are open-minded, then yes, then it is only the people who are of pure evil heart that I do not like.

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