• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Being a Better Writer: Finding Your Writing Strengths · 8:20pm May 13th

Welcome back, writers! It’s late, but it’s new! That’s right, the internet is up at my new place and that means more Being a Better Writer!

Really I think I did all right with just one classic post during the move. I probably could have gotten away with one today, but I kind of figured you’d all be alright with a new one even if it was a little late. But before we dive into that, let’s have some news!

First and foremost: Axtara – Magic and Mischief. The Beta is done. Almost. Now that I have the internet, all I need to do is make the final checks and changes requested/noted by the Beta crew, and then I can move on to the copy edit! Huzzah!

Also, now that I have the internet, I can confer with the cover artist and start getting details and linework hashed out. Which means … Yes. I can finally start getting a release date figured out.

I truly am sorry this has taken so long and been subject to so many delays. I really am. I would have loved to have had this adventure out some time ago and been hard at work on whatever book was winning the Patreon Supporter Vote (The Phoenix, at the moment), but … Well, yeah, there’s a lot of stuff I wish would have happened differently in the last seven months.

I’ll probably apologize again before this is all over, because I truly am sorry. But outside of apology, all I can do is keep working to get this out as quickly as possible!

Now, I do have other news. This last week, I’ve been working on my submissions for Glory and Honor, the next LTUE Benefit Anthology. The call expires at the end of this month, so if you’re thinking about submitting, you’d best hurry up!

Patreon Supporters, take note: I tend to drop at least one of my submissions (in its pre-edited state) on Patreon as a Supporter Reward, so there will be some shorts coming your way in the next few weeks. One of which ended up a messy novella that I definitely won’t be submitting (it’s incoherent with its theme, needs more character and character development, but the foundation is a solid idea so it’s now sitting in a category like The Phoenix and Strange Catch) but you may enjoy seeing. Especially as it’s a not great result that needs fixing.

Actually, now that I think about it, I could do a really cool series for Being a Better Writer this summer where I show the editing process on it, going from the early draft and picking out its biggest problems and then correcting them. Would that be something you guys are interested in?

Let’s see, final bits of news from the internet drought. A few new nice reviews, including a couple that lauded much praise on Colony and the UNSEC Trilogy as a whole over on Amazon and Goodreads. And next week there’s going to be a sale on some books. More on that as the date nears, but it’ll be a good chance to pick some titles up on the anniversary of their release.

Okay, that’s all the news. Whew! Let’s talk writing. Specifically, yours.

That’s right: Today’s post is dedicated to you. The reader coming here to learn how to further your writing craft. Yes, today I want to talk less about things like character development or weaving subplots into our stories (all stuff we’ve talked about before) in favor of discussing instead something personally relevant to every writer and author out there: identifying your personal writing strengths.

In other words, this post is all about you. So hit that jump, and let’s talk.

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Comments ( 1 )

I just can't help but think of those signs around banks "Substantial penalty for early withdrawal."

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