• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
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Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).

More Blog Posts376

  • 22 weeks
    Dream log, epic Fluttercord edition

    Had a dream during a nap that is perfectly suited to be a story; I'm not even sure I need to tweak it.

    So in the dream, Fluttershy was dying of old age, and Discord couldn't fix it. (She also had insulin-resistant diabetes, but that's kind of less important.) Discord was very upset by this, and decided to take drastic steps to prevent it.

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  • 32 weeks
    Dammit, just discovered a friend here's been dead for two years...

    Today I learned that Jordan died in April 2021, and I had no idea. I was re-reading some of my older fanfics, saw his comments, thought, "Huh, I wonder how Jordan's doing", and the answer is, he's not. Dammit.

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  • 33 weeks

    "The God of Breaking Rules In The Land of the Dead" is one of my oldest stories on this site. It's not my oldest incomplete -- "The King Who Would Be Man" and "Stumble In My Footsteps" are both older, all part of my initial rush in 2013-14 when I'd first gotten into the fandom and the writing came like a river. But it is old, posted almost 10 years ago (closer to 9 years, 11 months), and

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  • 34 weeks
    I'm back, bitches!

    I don't know for how long, because I never know these things.

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  • 83 weeks
    A thing y'all should maybe know

    I may or may not make the change here on Fimfiction, but on Archive of our Own and Fanfiction.net, I am changing my handle to Kaleidolon. Mainly as a branding differentiator between fanfic and profic. It's not like I can hide that Alara J Rogers writes fanfic, not after posting it to the Internet for literally 29 years, but when I get published in real life I want it to be slightly

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Alara Rogers' MLP Fanfic · 3:48pm Jan 2nd, 2014

Since FIMfiction doesn't have any convenient way of tracking series, aside possibly from creating groups and man, I would be overloading on groups, I've spent the morning creating series pages for my fanfic via my blog... which begs the question, what about the stuff that doesn't have a series? So here is all my MLP fanfic. I will try to keep this page updated as I post more fics.

(A note on terminology: I refer to relationships that are non-romantic as "ampersands" and express them with, what else, an ampersand (&). Romantic or sexual relationships are ships and expressed with a slash (/). If it comes up, heterosexual ships are het, male/male ships are slash and female/female ships are femslash, but right now, despite a lengthy track record of writing slash and a slightly less lengthy track record of femslash, my interests in this fandom are primarily het ships. I don't rule out the possibility of writing non-het ships, I just don't have much of an interest in doing any in this fandom at this time.)

Series: Next of Kin to Chaos: Discord is Q. After being told to leave the Continuum while his fate is being debated, and after exposing the Enterprise crew to the Borg, a bored Q returns to Equestria and is promptly sucked back into his life as Discord. Unable to return to the Continuum for the moment, he decides to embrace the world he once tormented as his new home... maybe after tormenting it a bit again. Ships include past, unconsummated Discord/Celestia but nothing currently; ampersands (intense platonic relationships, whether family, friendly or frenemy) include Discord & Fluttershy, Discord & Pinkie Pie, Discord & Twilight Sparkle.

Standalone: Stumble in My Footsteps: Choco Pie, Element of Laughter and the only stallion in the Mane 6, starts cracking up after Eris the pink draconequus singles him in particular out to torment. Characters are not OCs or genderswaps. Trust me. Ship is "Choco Pie"/Fluttershy, which would technically speaking go under a different name except spoilers. Story is INCOMPLETE as of December 22, 2015.

Standalone: The God of Breaking Rules In The Land of the Dead: A myth of ancient Equestria. The God of Breaking Rules loves a mortal mare, and when she dies, he is willing to sacrifice everything to bring her back. Everything. Ship is Discord/Celestia. Story is INCOMPLETE as of December 22, 2015.

Series: The Last Draconequus: The life and times of the self-proclaimed God of Chaos. Features Discord/Celestia and goes out of its way to avoid/stomp all over the most common tropes for that relationship. The centerpiece, the story that gives the series its name, will probably be novel-length; I'm calling this a series because there are side stories, largely because in a story about a relationship sex is actually relevant to character development but I don't want to declare the whole series mature, so the sexy stories are pulled out to the side. Ampersands include Discord & Luna, Discord & Celestia's dad, Discord & his mom, Celestia & her dad, and obviously Celestia & Luna.

Series: Princess Twilight Sparkle Endcaps: Stories set before, after, in or around the episode "Princess Twilight Sparkle". Uses continuity from "Last Draconequus" and leads into "Elements of Opposition".

Series: Fourth Seasonal: Stories taking place immediately before, during or after the fourth season of MLP:FiM, canon compliant. "Princess Twilight Sparkle Endcaps" is a subset of this series.

Series: Elements of Opposition: Discord traveled to an alternate universe to make havoc without Fluttershy finding out. This turned out to be a very, very, very bad idea. Series is rated mature for torture and rape. Ships include past Discord/Celestia, current totally screwed up and twisted Fluttershy(Fluttercruel)/Discord (nonconsensual), unacknowledged normal Fluttershy/Discord (unacknowledged meaning the characters haven't admitted it to each other or maybe themselves), aaand I sorta kinda might do something else but we'll see. (I don't normally describe a noncon relationship as a ship, but in this case it counts.) Ampersands have yet to be defined but very likely there will be Discord & Spike, among others.

Series: Fifth Seasonal: Stories taking place immediately before, during or after the fifth season of MLP:FiM, canon compliant.

Standalone: Ice: Twilight, Discord and Spike are on Earth. Except it's Antarctica. And Equestrians lose their magic on Earth. And it's very, very, very cold in Antarctica. No ships, ampersands connect all three characters. Story is COMPLETE. I may write a sequel or expansion but we'll see.

Standalone: Robot Scootaloo: Parody of "Robot Chicken." After Scootaloo falls off her scooter and bumps her head, Discord "rescues" her, makes her into a cyborg, and forces her to watch brief fanfic parodies. Story is INCOMPLETE as of December 22, 2015.

Standalone: Trinity: Three poems. "I saw you die" - Luna, speaking to Discord, set in continuity of "Last Draconequus." "Hollow" - Celestia, canon-based. "Still Life" - Discord, canon-based. Collection is COMPLETE.

Standalone: Not The Hero: A true reality warper has come to Equestria, manifesting as a Gary Stu -- a Human in Equestria Seventh Element named Anon who has warped the entire world of Equestria to fit his fantasies. Only Discord, unreformed and recently escaped from his stone prison, knows the truth and is able to fight him. Begins right after "A Canterlot Wedding" and before "The Crystal Empire". Story is INCOMPLETE as of December 22, 2015.

Standalone: King Stuffypants the Alicorn and the Land of Draconequuses: Belongs to Lopoddity's Pandora-verse, where Discord and Twilight have a child named Pandora. Pandora wants to know if draconequuses have their own country. After Discord's attempt to correct her pronounciation is mistaken by Pandora for the name of the country, Discord tells her a bedtime story about the fate of the country Draconequui and all the draconequuses that ungrammatically lived within it. And dad-trolls the heck out of her in general. Written with permission. Story is COMPLETE.

Standalone: Sleeping Sickness: Takes place sometime after the end of Season 4, but it's deliberately unclear when. Discord can't wake up. Fortunately Fluttershy and Celestia are there for him. He loves them, and it feels so good to just give in to his weakness, to sleep and let the ponies he loves take care of him. They'll make sure he's okay... right? (Spoiler alert: that is not what is really going on.) This is a horror story, not fluff; mind the tags. Story is COMPLETE.

Things I have learned from this (most of which I already knew):

- I cannot actually finish anything. Almost all of my standalones are WIPs; most of my series contain completed fics and also uncompleted ones.
- I am obviously a Discord/Celestia shipper. Probably because I am a Picard/Q shipper. But since I don't see Discord as any more monogamous than Q is, I'm open to other ships.
- Currently no interest in writing m/m Discord ships. I finally have a fandom where almost all the cool characters are female! Q can go sex up Picard if I want dude on dude action, but a fandom where almost all the cool characters are female and practically every ship I can think of with my favorite male character is going to be het is my lifelong dream, mainly because I am a woman and I like to write about women, so sue me. Dunno why more women don't feel this way. That being said I cannot imagine that Discord could possibly be anything other than try-sexual (as in, he'll try anything, twice, more than that if it didn't bore him), so I'm not going to rule it out.
- Kind of a one-trick ponylover (draconequuslover?); I have no stories that aren't about Discord and currently no plans for anything different, though the CMC appeal to me and I might do something with them because they are adorable.

For those who are interested, this link will take you to pretty much all my fanfics in all fandoms (well, except for the ones I forgot to upload there on the grounds that they're over 20 years old.) My major fandoms besides MLP are Star Trek (TNG era primarily), X-Men (mostly comicverse), and Farscape, and I used to be really into Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets but that was a while ago. Favorite characters are Q, Magneto and Scorpius; secondary favorites are Picard, Janeway, Seven of Nine and Spock in ST, Charles Xavier and Mystique in X-Men, and I also had a deep and abiding love for Mew and Mewtwo from Pokemon at one point but only ever wrote one fanfic.

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