• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 minutes ago


I mostly post mature works. There may still be some worksafe posts though. For my non-pony smut works visit my Ao3 page.

More Blog Posts45

  • 153 weeks
    I'm attending the Barcast today!

    I'm pleased and flattered to announce, if you haven't heard already, that I'll be appearing as a guest on The Barcast, an 18+ pony-themed podcast.

    I'm as surprised as anyone, but apparently people would like to hear from me!

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  • 170 weeks
    Yes I'm alive, here's a new story!

    Been radio silence for a long time, I know. Fanfiction has been low priority for me for a while, but I've been working on it a lot more lately. I can't promise anything steady or consistent, but I'd like to at least finish a couple of the stories I've already started here, as well as another new one I've got on the back burner. In the meantime, though, have an all-new, stand-alone story.

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    5 comments · 432 views
  • 343 weeks
    NaNoWriMo and No-Clop November, or "How I'm attempting to get out of my rut."

    As you may know, today marks the beginning of National Novel Writing Month, a challenge to write 50,000 words over the course of the month of November.

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  • 384 weeks
    New Story: Strictly Academic Curiosity

    Greetings followers,

    Growth Spurts has unfortunately been giving me writer's block lately, so I found myself tinkering with other projects for a while, and it actually resulted in me publishing a new story!

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  • 412 weeks
    Growth Spurts Chapter 8

    It should be live now. Shorter and less sexy this time, but, at least it didn't take me nine months! Haha....ha....ahem.

    Warning, lots of talk about unusual dicks and their potential for going in butts.

    Not much else to say this time. The steam summer sale came and went, didn't really get too much. Couple of new tower defense games, of varying quality. Won't bore y'all with that.

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Growth Spurts Chapter 7 (finally) · 11:04pm Mar 10th, 2016

After a couple of months too long, chapter seven of Growth Spurts is finally finished and live.

Be warned, it's about 17,000 words of the most gratuitous, self-indulgent, and downright filthy porn I've ever written.

Apologies again for the long wait. The sheer length that the thing ballooned into was obviously was a factor, but so was real life. Numerous bouts of writer's block, long periods of being hooked on XCOM 2 and Darkest Dungeon and Marvel Puzzle Quest, a naturally slow writing pace, and the occasional stretch of heavy workload at my job all played a part in the delay. But these are simply excuses. As always, I will continue striving to do better.

I'd like to give huge extra special thanks this time to a couple of fellow writers. Firstly Ariamaki, for going above and beyond his usual role as sounding board and brainstorming partner and actively helping write the really kinky bits. It's way better now than anything I would've written solo. And secondly ChuckFinley for some truly hardcore editing skills that kept this monster from being even wordier than it already is. Both of these guys are awesome and y'all should read their stuff if you're not already.

I'd also like to thank everyone who added this fic to libraries with names like "on hiatus," "abandoned," and "deadfics." I got a string of them in fairly quick succession not long ago, and it did an unbelievably good job of kicking my ass out of the depths of writer's block. So thank you, whoever you are, for motivating me to get my fic off those libraries! :twilightblush:

Anyway, on to the next one. I'll try my damnedest not to take nine months to write it this time.


(PS: It should go without saying, but it's worth noting that this fic obviously kinda has to ignore Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Not so much for the cutie mark bits, but more the dramatic character shifts in Diamond and Silver. Just thought I'd make a note of it.)

Report CarcinoGeneticist · 671 views · Story: Growth Spurts ·
Comments ( 13 )

Also, since I know you're a homestuck, are you hype for the end coming next month?

So hype. I've been re-binging on the music a lot lately and just finished a fresh read-through not long ago. Can't wait to see how it all wraps up, as well as see how the adventure game turns out.

Sweet! Man I hope no one blames you for getting caught up in Dankest Dungeon and XCOM 2. Easily two of the best games released in the last 3 years.

Speaking of dead fics and Ariamaki, somebody get that guy to go finish Four of Two already! Easily the best mature TwiLestia on the site.

Sticking with your story lore, and thus, the shows lore at the time you started it, it's the best decision any writer should make.

Son of a gun, it lives! Glad to have you back on the scene, Gene :pinkiehappy:

I just now realized your name isn't CryoGynecologist

Seen enough about X-COM to really wish I had the money to buy it already, but I am curious about Darkest Dungeon...


Much like XCOM it is a game that actively hates you and wants you to fail.

That being said it's a fun turn-based RPG dungeon crawler with a very gothic/occult motif going on, and heavy focus on the mental stress of dungeoneering and seeing an endless stream of otherworldly horrors. If you like aggressively challenging games I'd recommend it.

:ajbemused: You mean your story, which was started in 2013, cannot keep pace with sudden and poorly thought out shifts in canon? You hack.

In all seriousness, your characterization needs to be consistent. Diamond Tiara started the story as a bitch, suddenly shifting that in the space of one chapter would be horrible.


I've learned never to underestimate the stupidity of the average person, especially on the internet, so I figured it was worth noting just in case.

3802766 You're assuming said stupid people read associated blogs. :facehoof: Oh, dear.

....Touché, salesman.....

long periods of being hooked on XCOM 2

A common but entirely understandable affliction.

(PS: It should go without saying, but it's worth noting that this fic obviously kinda has to ignore Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Not so much for the cutie mark bits, but more the dramatic character shifts in Diamond and Silver. Just thought I'd make a note of it.)

Something a little more gradual than that episode's abrupt heel-face turn can only be for the better anyway.

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