• Member Since 27th Jul, 2011
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Andrew Joshua Talon

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Battle of the Weebs · 4:26pm Jun 22nd, 2021

Pinkie: "Come on Fluttershy! Let's watch some Naruto!"

Fluttershy: "We could watch, um, my compost heap. It's the same thing."

Pinkie Pie: "Did you just call my anime tastes garbage?"

Fluttershy: "Oh no, garbage can be recycled. Compost just needs to be repurposed altogether."

Twilight: "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are doing something I've never seen either of them do, and it scares me."

Dash: "What?"

Twilight: "They seem to be... angry with each other."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh, they're both being manega nerds."


Twilight: "Wait, they like Manega?!"

Pinkie: "It's fun and hopeful and ORANGE!"

Twilight: "I love manega!"

Dash: "I'm so not surprised..."

Twilight: "My favorite manega are My Stable Academia, and Changeling Slayer."

Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stop cold.

Fluttershy: "... What?"

Twilight: "What did I say?"

Pinkie Pie: "She..she has no good taste in Manega? What next you enjoy One Piece?"

Twilight: "What's wrong with One Piece?!"

Fluttershy: "It started out good but it's gone on way too long. There's just too much to keep track of and the original charm has been buried."

Pinkie Pie: "Plus how many more powers can Luffy pull out of his rubber flank?"

Fluttershy: "And while My Stable Academia has good heroes, it has no good villains. The key to any superhero story."

Pinkie Pie: "Look at One Buck Stallion."

Both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie nod. Twilight gapes at them in disbelief.

Twilight: "What?! Luffy's powers are great! He's one of the most brilliant characters in the story!"

Rainbow Dash: "Ugh. I can feel myself turning back into a virgin listening to these nerds."

Pinkie: "HEY! You can't talk! You like Daring Do! It's a series for colts and fillies, not adults!"

Dash: "No it isn't!"

Applejack: "...My friends are all weirdos."

Rarity: "I know right?"

Applejack: "You cosplay!"

Rarity: "It's a great source of income! And creativity! Realizing costumes from 2D into 3D!"

Ten minutes of arguing later.

Twilight: "You know what? After all our debate, I think we can all agree on one thing here, I hope." She holds up a pony version of Nezuko from Demon Slayer. "She's the best."

Fluttershy: "..." Holds up Gally/Alita from Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm "Sorry... We can't agree, Twilight. Gally is the best."

Twilight: "Gally is the best, but Nezuko is the best because we have to protect her."

Pinkie Pie: "Nuh uh!" Holds up Homura Akemi in pony form, who looks confused "Homura is the best because she never gives up, no matter what!"


Pinkie: "NO MINE IS!"

Fluttershy: "MINE!"

Dash is still offended over that Daring Do crack but can't pull away from watching the mayhem. Applejack has just about lost her patience. Rarity though explodes first.

Rarity: "GIRLS!"

Everypony looks over at Rarity, who glares.

Rarity: "Honestly, can't you see that all of your favorite characters are wonderful in their own ways? And that you all have different tastes? And there's nothing wrong with that!"

The three ponies stare at her.

Rarity: "There is something of value in each of your favorite manega. And you can all bond over the ones you can all enjoy!"

Twilight: "... Well, they are. I-I mean, Homura never gives up."

Pinkie Pie: "Gally is very strong and cool!"

Fluttershy: "And Nezuko does her best and loves her big brother very much."

Pinkie Pie: "..." Sobs as she tosses Homura offscreen"I'M SORRY FLUTTERSHY! I WAS A BIG MEANIE!" Hugs her "AND I'M SORRY TWILIGHT!" She yanks her into the hug.

Fluttershy: "I forgive you."

Applejack: Stares at Twilight, and narrows her eyes when Twilight smirks like Light Yagami.

Fluttershy: "I'm sorry too, Pinkie Pie."

Twilight: "I'm sorry too, you both!" Under her breath"Ku ku ku... Just as planned."

Applejack: Bonks Twilight on the head "None o' that!"

Twilight: "OW!"

Rarity: "Wonderful... We all like what we like. And there's nothing wrong with that. Now..." In a flourish, she's now dressed as Satsuki Kiryuin from Kill la Kill! "Let's enjoy ourselves!"

Applejack: "... Aw, what the heck." Pulls on a Jotaro costume from JoJo Bizarre Adventure Part 3 "Yare yare daze..."

Dash: "You freaking nerds!"

Pinkie: "Wanna join in, Dash?"

Dash: "... Aw, what the heck!" She pulls on a red plugsuit and puts on neural connectors "LET'S GO!"

Snips and Snails appear, dramatically!

Snips: "HEY! I heard you're manega fans!"

Fluttershy: "Oh yes, we are!"

Snails: "So are we!"

Pinkie Pie: "WOW! I DIDN'T KNOW! I need to update that!" Thinks really hard!

Twilight: "What's your favorite manega?"

Snips and Snails: "Eromanega Sensei!"

Dead silence

Fluttershy: "... Get out."

- - -

Just something random. It's a bit too silly for a full on story... At the moment, anyway.

Comments ( 27 )

Pinkie Pie: "Nuh uh!" Holds up Homura Akemi in pony form, who looks confused "Homura is the best because she never gives up, no matter what!"

"... Okay, I only go back a few weeks at most. How did this happen?"
:pinkiehappy: "Oh, you're just here for a gag. Have fun with your eternal struggle!"
"Wait, wha—"

Also, I have assume Dash knows very little about NGE. Though the mental image of an armored titan with the mind of Windy Whistles is... certainly something. :twilightoops:

Okay if no one else says it I will. This so should become a story!


Rarity's favorite is clearly Rose of Versailles.
Celestia is either a fan of Oh My Goddess, or greatly annoyed by it.
Luna: Sailor Moon is too obvious. I want to say she adores The Filly Who Leapt Through Time and classic Mazinger Z and Grendizer.
Scootaloo: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
Sweetie Belle: Ghost in the Shell.
Applebloom: Spice and Wolf.
Cheerilee: K-On! and Great Teacher Onizuka and Azumanga Daioh.
Flurry Heart adores Jubei-Chan the Ninja Girl. Having unwanted destiny thrust upon you is something she certainly understands.
Little Cheese doesn't completely understand it, but he loves Ouran Koukou Host Club.
Pound and Pumpkin rather fiercely debate whether "Voltron" or the original uncensored Beast King Golion is better.
Granny Smith and Grand Pear have a regular get together to slowly watch through Case Closed/Detective Conan. It's better than Matlock!
Cadance thinks Shimoneta is hilarious. And she finds https://www.themarysue.com/sex-ed-120-manga-review/ useful.
Shining loves The Slayers and got into a bit of trouble for outright ripping off storylines and characters for his O&O campaigns as a colt.

Gallus got hooked on Lone Wolf and Cub when he found it in the School of Friendship Library. (Maybe Sunset Shimmer snuck through the mirror and put it in the library there as a prank)
Sandbar loves My Bride is a Mermaid.
Ocellus took a liking to Attack on Titan. She's also scared of the past sins of her people catching up to them and using shapeshifting for war and violence.
Yona loves Vinland Saga and hopes it gets fully dubbed into Yak (rather like how I wish it got fully dubbed into accurate Old Norse and Anglo-Saxon).
Silverstream took a liking to Arpeggio of Blue Steel.
Smolder loves Ranma 1/2 after she found Professor Fluttershy's copy in her desk.

I thought Fluttershy would like something like Monster Girl Doctor.

Uh, wut.

I get like none of those references.
The only show I've watched that is technically considered anime in any serious amount is Wakfu. So, wut.

Fact, I'm not an anime or manga fan, lot of these I know nothing about.

Only manga I'm currently reading are Cells At Work (and the Code Black spinoff) and Please Don't Bully Me, Nagatoro.

To Your Eternity and OddTaxi are solid

And yet none of them are fans of Berserk, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yu Yu Hakusho or Speed Racer.

They are, those just aren't their favorites.

Come on Pinkie, Gatekeeping? I expected better of you...

... Girls Ünd Panzer, anyone?



Canterlot High on the other side should really have a team.

My problem with anime fandom is that it's a young person's game. I mean, when I stopped watching in the early 90s, I'd seen everything available up till then (my favourite was Wicked City), but now, where would I start? I've headr of some of those, seen some, but there's no way I could find the time to watch enough of all of them to have an intelligent opinion.

Well it's not like you have to keep up with every anime. You just need to find one show or manga you like and keep up with it.

Aside from the fact that I still wouldn't know half of their references (due to not checking them all out), that is how I ended up with all of these light novels.

Your list is highly chaotic with generational influences. As is, I don't think the grandfathers know of anything more recent than Mazinger, and are more likely to be touched by Astroboy. Case Closed is like Scooby Doo.

All ages can enjoy FMA.


I do not know what you mean by "chaotic," but IMO, Granny Smith's curiosity was piqued after Applebloom accidentally called her "Obaasan" on reflex.

I was going to go onto a long winded explanation, but suffice to say that I'm barely 40 and I can't muster the interest to watch Ladybug despite abundant recommendation, firstly because I find the artistic style to be repulsive, and secondly because I can't muster enough interest in the adventures of a fourteen year old that I can't relate to. And when I was a kid, my grandpa would sit down with me and watch whatever I would watch, but the only cartoons he would put on himself would be old Hanna Barbera. Your artistic tastes crystallize during your early adulthood, making it hard for you to appreciate new genres and expressions as you grow older.

Edit: I just started watching Rick And Morty. Is it wrong that I feel like I can relate to either of the main characters?


My father was 70 when I got him hooked on Space Battleship Yamato 2199. He passed away last year, before I ever got the chance to persuade him to try a Captain Okita cosplay.

A. I am a brony and I know I'm not that old among us. Nonetheless, I never saw it the way a kid would. I can't. Something that helps me to watch it is that is filmed on virtual cell animation, whereas modern 3d animation tends to break the immersion for me.

B. "Space Battleship Yamato" is an icon of 1970's scifi. Even if your pa never came across the specific series, it resonates very strongly among anyone who ever enjoyed pulp scifi. I bet your dad watched "into the Black Hole" and loved it as much as I did.

Slayers is fucking awesome. Man, I wonder what happened to ContraBardus.

I can really see the girls doing this. Heck, I like to imagine that the Trio are, as they sit there stoned, mentally debating which iteration of Ultraman is best. Yes I know, tokusatsu and not manga or anime, but I grew up watching it along with Spectreman, Johnny Sokko, and Space Giants.

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