• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon

More Blog Posts243

  • 7 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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    23 comments · 1,463 views
  • 8 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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    23 comments · 1,012 views
  • 11 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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    38 comments · 1,054 views
  • 23 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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    15 comments · 1,021 views
  • 31 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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    3 comments · 724 views

later, nerds (affectionate) · 3:42am Jan 15th, 2022

Hi, everyone! 

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m not going to sugar coat it or anything: essentially, I’ve decided that my time here on Fimfiction should come to an end. Starting today, I will no longer be uploading new stories, or updating old stories here. I’ll be permanently moving to my personal website exclusively. 

A long time ago, when I thought of the day I’d leave, I always figured I’d do so quietly and just fade away, but I owe it to all of you and to myself to actually make a proper departure post—also, Rarity would not be proud if I took off without so much as a teensy dramatic exit. 

Besides, I’ve devoted most of my twenties to this place and this community. It wouldn’t be right to leave and pretend it wasn’t meaningful. My entire shtick here has always been to be painfully transparent with you all, so it’s only fitting I keep doing that until the end. 

I’m going to get the bad out of the way, because ultimately I want this post to end on a high-note. 

The reality is that, for a while now, Fimfiction has been associated with negative memories for me—both for internal and for external reasons. It’s the reality of being in a single place for so long: there will be good and bad, beautiful and ugly. I don’t want to go into details, but the last few years have been difficult for this community, and it turns out that as much as I tried to move past it, the negative memories won out in the end. 

It got better for a time, especially with my new website out, but even since then, every time I post a new story there, and then have to think of coming here, the bad feelings come again, opening up wounds I’ve been slowly trying to heal. 

And I think that’s the crux of it, isn’t it? A lot of the wounds I’m healing from are wounds that have been inflicted through most of my twenties, and are wounds that in some way or another, are tied to this website. Not all of them, but a lot. I won’t ever heal or be better if I keep having to come back here and have them be re-opened. 

I said this before in a past blog, and in the blog on my new website, but I miss wanting to write. I miss wanting to write without the baggage that comes with being inexorably tied to something for nearly ten years. 

Which is what this is: what I need to do to learn to love writing again.

I miss being excited to read comments and to engage my audience. I’ve been blessed to have people comment on my website now, and the difference is staggering in how I feel. I’d forgotten what it felt like to get a comment without immediately feeling apprehension. I’ve been able to reply to virtually every comment I’ve gotten there! It’s so nice!!! 

Whereas here, I have dozens of unread PMs and comments here because I’ve recently just had so many negative experiences here and surrounding this website in the recent years, that it’s hard for me to look past it and engage. In just a few weeks, my website highlighted just how much being here isn't good for my mental health anymore.

It’s not fair for you for me to try and stay here, and it’s not fair for me. 

Admittedly, it also doesn’t help that I have many disagreements with how some things have been handled in the past on the website—again, don’t want to drag up drama so I won’t, but people who know know. It’s clear that in a lot of ways I don’t vibe with, uh, ‘management’ anymore (except for one mod who I love dearly [tu sabes quien eres]) so I feel at peace with bowing out. 

But it’s not as if to say that leaving here so… forcefully isn’t painful or difficult. Because it is, and it’s important to me to stress that it’s difficult because Fimfiction and this community, all the readers here who’ve supported me… I wouldn’t be who I am without you, the good and the bad. 

Fimfiction is my home. Or was, after this. As I’m writing this, it still is. 

Fimfiction forced me to grow as a writer. Fimfiction formed me as a writer and as a storyteller. If I hadn’t had this home and this community, I wouldn’t be blessed to have such a strong support system of friends, or so many wonderful patrons who support me through the highs and the lows. Hell, I wouldn’t be living in the States right now if it wasn’t for the connections I made here. 

I’m so grateful for everyone who’s been here with me from the start, and though I’m now moving my stories to my website permanently and will not be uploading here anymore, I want to thank everyone who’s ever supported me here. 

You are all the reason I’ve pushed through the bad, and in a way, it’s because I want to deliver better products to you that I’m making this difficult decision. 

I know you’ll all probably have a lot of questions, so I’m going to try and consolidate as many answers here as I can think of. 

# So, what does this mean for your writing? Are you not writing anymore?

All this means is I will not be uploading stories on Fimfiction anymore. I will still be writing MLP fics, because I want to! They’ll all just be going on my personal website from now on (and maybe in the future I’ll post on Ao3 idk?). 

# What about your unfinished stories like TEC or Sapphire? 

TEC and Sapphire will no longer be updated here, or if they are, it will be in batches. That is to say, I’ll write ten chapters which will all be posted on my website, and once I have a backlog, they’ll be uploaded here in a bunch. 

# What are some methods of finding out when you post a new story or update now that we don’t have the convenience of Fimfiction? 

Well, luckily, Hollow Shades has a ton of solutions for that! It has RSS Feeds enabled, and it also has a subscription option where you’ll get an e-mail whenever I upload a story or update a story. Additionally, you can also follow my Twitter if you want to know when I update or post something. For those of you who are patrons, then you’ll get notifications via the Patreon system, and if you’re in the Patreon Discord Server, you should already know that I announce when I post stuff there, too. 

# What if we need to contact you? Will you still be checking PMs?

Unfortunately, I will no longer be logging into the account after this. If I’m going to make a huge post to say I’m leaving, then the least I could do is make good on my word (except for when I’m going to maybe batch update TEC/Sapphire). If you need to contact me, feel free to DM me on Twitter or you can leave a comment on one of the blogs on Hollow Shades. 

# But, Mono! What about the cool features like tracking what chapters I’ve read?! And stuff like that?! 

We have something for that, too! 

There’s an option on the top right corner of the website where you can “log in” and authenticate yourself with either Discord, Google, Twitch, or Patreon. This will create a subscriber account linked to your  account, and will allow you to mark chapters/stories as read and use your custom formatting/bookmarks across devices. 

# Mono, ily, but I probably won’t follow you to the new website.

Hey, that’s okay! Thank you for your time so far! Follow your heart’s desire, friend. 

# Mono, ily, and I’ll be following you to the website! How else can I support you? 

Well, just following me over there is really nice and I’m super grateful! I’m also working hard on launching a webcomic called “The Last Resort”, which will premiere next month! Here is the link so you can check it out! 

I will also be vending at Everfree Northwest this year! 

# Mono… Did your totally original comic The Last Resort start as a RariTwi AU? 


# Mono!!! What about the upcoming physical books?! 

Those are still coming out through Ministry of Image and Ponyfeather Publishing. I’ll be announcing it on my website and my Twitter, but you can also follow RBDash47 for updates on the Ponyfeather versions, and I believe Ministry has a newsletter.

# Mono… Will this make you happy? 

Yeah, honestly. It will. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it’s for the best. 


Okay, come on, dear, you read my stories, who are you trying to kid? You LOVE being sad. And also happy. My stories are complicated. 

This is complicated. ANYWAY, DON’T BE SAD!!! 

# BUT MONO!!!!


Seriously, though. 

I know I’m still going to write, but I’m not gonna do it here anymore, so genuinely from the depths of my heart, thank you to everyone here who’s supported me. 

To those who read Injuring Eternity, an amateur story from a new writer who didn’t know what she was doing. 

To those of you who saw The Enchanted Library one-shot and decided to stick along as I stumbled my way through writing the multichapter.

To those of you who have seen me grow from noob writer writing little fluffy ficlets, to an established writer actually tackling difficult and complicated topics, and now back to writing fluffy ficlets. 

To those of you especially who stuck with me through The Enchanted Kingdom and didn’t give up on me and my ideas and trusted me to pull it off and waited for the amazing pay-off. 

To all those of you who have commented, and liked, and favorited and everything else, helping me push through the dozens of times I wanted to quit. 

But most of all, thank you to the RariTwi fandom, and to all you amazing people who saw me, probably thought “man, this chick REALLY wants Rarity and Twilight to kiss… Count me in!” and then clicked follow. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

And to those who follow me on my website and on my new adventures, well, let me say IT’S GOING TO BE GOOOD!

Oh, also, one last thing!

Not only is RariTwi actually the best ship in this entire fandom, and every other ship is inferior, but god damn if I didn’t grab this ship from the depths of unpopularity and made it be one of the more active ships on this website!!!!!

I said what I said!!!!

Signing off for the last time with lots of love and gratitude,


Report Monochromatic · 3,579 views ·
Comments ( 65 )
Site Blogger


Site Blogger

jk love you

Join me in the void of not existing

Good luck Mono, we'll miss you:twilightsmile::fluttercry:

To those who read Injuring Eternity, an amateur story from a new writer who didn’t know what she was doing.

That wasn't amateur, that was you tearing my heart out and making me beg for more.

Anyway, I'll be sure to keep up with your stories on your personal website ;3

And also say hello often in your discord. And also in person when you attend EFNW!

To Hollow Shades we go.
Jokes aside im glad that your doing what is best for you. Already using the new website and looking forward to seeing what comes next.


I suppose I’ll just have to tag along and follow the RariTwi!

Sayonara, Great Heart. Find your way to the top of the tower.

Goodbye Mono! We'll miss you!! (They said, knowing full well that they were already using the new website)

For real though, this is a move I'm happy to see you make, and I'm looking forward to the next stages in your creative journeys.

I’m sad that you have to leave Fimfiction, but no matter where you publish them, I’ll always be hungry for your brilliant creations. Good luck on your next journey!

I've been meaning to read more of your fic, so I'll head on over to your personal site and check it out! Writing/fanfic is supposed to be fun, so I 100% support your choice to eliminate unneeded stress in your life.

Take care, and I"ll see you there :)


See you soon mono.

Best of luck in your creative endeavors, Mono.

It's been a blast. Thank you for being around for as long - and for the stories, both past and continuing.

guess ill have to figure out how rss feeds work now. see you there mono, and take care

I'll make sure to check that website. Such good raritwi content cannot be forgotten<3

Good luck Mono, hopefully see you around! :heart:

Sucks that there won't be anymore stories here, I'll miss your writing.

The place won't be the same without you here, while I've not read all your stuff you are, and have been, one of my favorite writers on here and I love your positive behavior and just silliness.

A light has gone out here but relit elsewhere and I am glad you've not let things fully extinguish your wonderful light.

Whatever may come. What ever silly, romantic, fun or anything else yoi write I know it will be great because you are a great writer and helped make this place great.

See you on the new site yoi silly little shipper.


I'm sorry for the negative experiences you've had here, but I'm glad you seem to be in a good place despite whatever may have happened. Thank you for sharing your ideas and stories with us, and best of luck on your future.

damn it's a good thing we became roommates before you did this otherwise i'd have no way to bully you

help me she literally waits for opportunities for us to be alone in situations where i can't escape (such as when i'm driving) so that she can read her fanfics to me OUT LOUD

—There is nothing more to explore here.

That is incredible oh my god 😂

Admittedly I've only read some of your ficlets thus far, but your Enchanted series is in one of my Read Later shelves, the original being in my 'Need to Read SOON' shelf. Guess when I'm done reading what's here I'll hop over to your site and continue. But for now—

It was great to have you here, and best of luck in all your future endeavors! :heart:

I will miss seeing your updates on FIMfic. Guess I have to go back to a different time when RSS feeds were common.

Site Blogger

Ahem. *Takes moment to dust off and straighten his metaphorical tie with only the most appropriate haughtiness.* If you'll pardon me for a moment, I must act in a profoundly exaggerated and melodramatic manner, including hand waving, foot stomping, and shrieking into the moonlit skies, possibly with an attempt at weeping and much chugging of root beer (because I'm a teetotaler) and copious ice cream consumption, possibly with a fainting couch.


NOOOOOO!!!!! Mono! Do not make me follow you into the dark wreck of an otherworld that is the land of NotFIMFic! I'll have to because I like your stories and want to keep reviewing them and the world outside FIMFiction is evil! Don't go to the dark side, p-p-p-p-please!


*Straightens his hair, fixes his metaphorical tie again, sips his blueberry soda.*

But seriously: godspeed, Mono. You may not be here, but I can assure you I'll make an effort to review your stories on the new site from time to time. The people of FIMFiction will not be deprived of their RariTwi crack if I can help it.

Do I still have to return your stand mixer

because I might have traded it for weed

which turned out to be oregano

Even though I follow you on Hollow Shades, I’ll still miss something about you being here. But I hope this move super helps and this site is lesser without you.

Ya know, it makes sense. There's been more and more negativity on this site for a while now. It's kinda sad, but I can't blame you. I've loved the stories I've read of yours - TEK actually got me back into fanfiction - I'd drifted away after losing interest in a different epic fic on here about a prismatic horse flying the opposite of west, and TEK was just the kind of fluff I needed, and managed to become a great story too. So... Thanks for being part of the reason I came back to this site, myself.

I guess I'll have to at least swing by your new site, check it out and such. Good luck on all your future endeavors!

Thanks for the great fics and greater moments of emotional vulnerability caused by said fics. Can't wait to read what goes up on Hollow Shades.

See You Raritwi Shipper...

Good luck with the new site Mono. It’ll suck not seeing you on Fimfiction, but I’m glad you’ll be happier on your own personal one.

Exactly what Wood said. Farewell friend, may you find many pleasant things in life

Your new site... Does It mean that Someone To Hold On To or Bodyguard AU will be continued there too? Or that stories are totally forgotten?

I respect your decision.


I mean, I get it. This is your decision. You're the only one who gets to make it, and the rest of us can merely watch as you go your own way.

Regardless: megacrap.

Best of luck, Mono

Goodbye to this wasteland FLY FREE

…you know, I think it says a lot that even though I’m really not a shipping person, and virtually any romance that has that front and centre and isn’t much else faces an uphill battle for me… it says a lot that despite that, not only have I read quite a lot of your RariTwi oneshots, I actually always look forward to reading a new one.

Your writing and choice of tone and style is so sincerely positive, and makes it looks effortless (it isn’t, I’m sure). For that reason alone, though I’m sad you’re going, I totally understand, and even support, if it means more of them. Even if it does probably mean I’ll be very slow checking out any new works (knowing me, it’ll probably end up being prompted by PaulArasan reviewing one, me following the link, and remembering there’s tons mons to read, and diving in :twilightsheepish:). That doesn’t matter.

Godspeed you, Mono - we may not know each other really, nor may I be a longtime presence around the website and especially your stories, but they and you have been a true gem to have!

So long and thanks for all the Raritwi.

If you have to go out, this is the way to do it. Thanks for all the horsewords and the forwarding address. :twilightsmile::raritystarry:

And as yet another fantastic writer leaves, this place becomes more pale and desolate. Be well Mono I shall follow you there.

Author Interviewer

Goodbye and good luck, Mono!

Tbh I initially joined this site just to be able to comment on your works hahaha

I am so out of the loop when it comes to anything beyond the actual stories I read here, and it seems I should be thankful for it.

But regardless, of course I will continue to visit your new site to see what you might do…. Who doesn’t need a fluffy ficlet in their life? I just need to get better at tracking the new posts there, so forgive me if my responses come late!

Good luck Mono! I'll definitely follow you on your website as well (no way am I not commenting on every chapter of TEL and TEK when I finally read them. Hell nah.)

Thank you for so many good RariTwi goodness as well~

B-but Mono... :twilightoops:

Well, now I have to track one more website. See what you've done :twilightsheepish:

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