Star Trek Ponies 504 members · 101 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Admin

Our Rule:
As far as rules go, I'd like to run things pretty lightly, so I'm just going to have one rule:
Rule 1: Don't be a **** here.
I'm hoping this will be enough, as any other rules I might write up would only be explanations of what is or isn't being a ****. Past that, you are expected to follow all the rules of this website.

Group Admin

Our Policies:
Policy 1: Adding Stories To Our Folders
All members are allowed to add stories to our folders; please put them in the folder for the Star Trek series involved, or if you can't decide which is most suitable, put them in the Other folder, which is also for 'generic thematic Star Trek crossovers'
When you add a story: leave a comment on the story saying that you have added it to our group, and a link to our page at
Here's a sample:

This story has been added to the folders of our group, Star Trek Ponies[/url

Copy and paste that, add a ] to the end, and it's good.

Policy 2: Adding your own story to the group
Feel free! Just link to the group, either in the 'author's notes' section on a chapter, or in a comment on the story itself.

Policy 3: Promoting The Group
In addition to using comments on Star Trek crossover stories, you may come across someone at Fimfiction who is a Star Trek fan who may not have heard about our group. If possible, leave a link in a comment on their user page; this way we are less likely to bombard the uninterested with comments that annoy them.

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