The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,364 stories

Black Diamonds: Non-Mature Fics Only

Diamond could feel her mind going. The room would be out of oxygen in a matter of seconds, and it was becoming clearer with every passing second that there was only one way this would end. She teetered over to the shadowy figure, her vision blurry from lack of oxygen. "I'll do it," she said, her voice weak and her speech slurred.

The figure stopped inhaling and released the oxygen back into the room. "Good," it said, grabbing hold of Diamond's chin as it leaned forward. She trembled as its menacing red eyes looked over her face, finding it no easier to breathe even with the oxygen back in the room. "You have blue eyes," it said, letting go of her chin. A devilish green glow appeared across its face, resembling a smile of dangerously sharp teeth. "How delicious." It pulled out a fork from its cloak and raised it high in the air, becoming the last thing Diamond saw before the metal instrument plunged straight into her eyeball.

Even in the darkness, Diamond still finds a way to shine. If you're looking for a grim, horrific tale where Diamond has to overcome (or be the source of) a seriously morbid conflict, look no further than this folder. However, if you're looking for a story where Diamond gets brutally and pointlessly murdered while other characters do more interesting things, you may want to try looking in a different group. That's not exactly what we mean by 'dark' and 'horror'.