Human in Equestria 16,876 members · 17,071 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Or any fic with this guy in Equestria.

I know about Time and Time Again by Golden Script but that is kind of dead, just like King of Angels, two great fics left in the dust. :applecry:

Skyboss has one he's waiting on having approved in the Displaced group

Someone leave a link to the stories mentioned by the one who started this thread pls

4791376 Time and Time Again by Golden Script
The King of Angels by Wheenesss
here you go you lazy bum you :rainbowkiss:
Also the King of Angels doesn't involve time magic, it's just a good HiE that i love. :rainbowwild:
As for Time and Time Agian it was re-written twice, now it's dead.

4791317 Is this character from Wakfu?

4791492 The name is on the pic, but yes Nox the Xelor Villain for the first season of French cartoon named Wakfu.

4791495 Ah, ok.
He's a bad guy, right? I could only imagine what would happen to Equestria if he came...

4791496 He would fuck shit up. :pinkiecrazy:
Give the show a try, it's very good.
He would fit in Equestria as his goal is to devour energy, and seeing as in the show he took down a full grown dragoon and in the end he did achieve his goal, he would definitely give the Princesses run for their money.

4791503 I watched the show already, and it's really good.
Although, who would be brave enough to stop him? Or maybe he'll have a change of heart?

A Life is Strange crossover could be great if you simply pretend the ending never happened.

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