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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
Spike notices Starlight hanging around him an awful lot just days after her reformation, and is determined to find out why.
6-D Pegasus · 7.3k words  ·  276  5 · 5.2k views

Review: Erasure

Tags: Sad, Slice of Life

Summary:  Cannon fiction right here.  How come Hasbro didn’t do this to the TV show?

Review:  My word. How did you write this? I have so many questions.  Perfection!!! That’s what this is… All characters are completely spot on.  The only thing I have a problem with this fiction though is no no no no no no without a comma which is a grammar issue by the way.  I had to read this five times to see if there is justice in what I'm about to do.

 I give this fiction….


Thanks so much for the review, glad you loved it as much as you did! And the subsequent fave and watch! What were some things (in addition to characterization, if any) in particular you thought were done realllyyy well, and what things could've been done better? (and yeah I'm contemplating editing the no no no to have commas since another one in a review trade pointed it out as well).

Honestly I think what would've fit more is if I just did "Nonononono" since in my head I was hearing them muttering or shouting the string of "no"s in rapid succession without enough space for a comma. Why I didn't think of just removing the spaces too is beyond me :3

And I'd be happy to hear any questions too if you'd like! :twilightsmile:

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