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My father tested positive for Covid while on our Disney Florida vacation:

This is my brain at 7:30 in the morning today:


My mom and I tested negative and unless my dad is feeling better when we leave, if not we are stuck in Florida.

Me and my mom are following guidelines and wearing masks, staying 6ft apart and we are all vaccinated including my father.

Great way to spend my birthday vacation, my dad feels so bad thinking that my vacation before school starts is ruined.

I need some positive remarks right now, wish me and my family luck!

Orlando. We are in Disneyworld doing a vacation until September 3rd.

Also celebrating my birthday here September 1st. But now my dad feels bad because he can’t do anything, because his tickets are canceled. He can’t leave the hotel.

Hope your dad makes a quick and safe recovery! Wishing you all the absolute best!

Wow. Well, I wish you and your family luck and hope that your dad feels better so that all of you can return to your normal lives. Nothing is probably worse than getting your vacation ruined. Stay awesome, be awesome and be safe:rainbowdetermined2:

Happy early birthday though

Imma send hugs

Florida is my state and its saddening that the virus is still ruining things there

Good luck with what comes next.

i present to you
(Drumroll pleaaase!)

Also, hope your dad gets better soon! Good luck in Florida!
Edit: Happy early birthday, also!

I think I've had it twice according to my Drs the symptoms vary widely with luck your dad will get the light variety. that seems to be going around in the area I'm more toward Tampa. Luck and prayers to you and yours.👍

My prayers to your father's swift recovery

I had it at the beginning of the year. Thing 1, you're going to be fine, staying positive is extremely important. Thing 2, let him sleep (high quality sleep, so no interruptions), the first day, I slept about 20 hours (it was 16-20 hours), sleep is also extremely important. Thing 3, (assuming he's not allergic), chicken noodle soup and ginger ale are your friends, also fresh clean water is your best friend; seriously, he needs to drink a lot of clean, quality water. When I say water, I mean water, not tea (though some can be had), not coffee, not juice, just water. I know, it seems scary, and things seem bad, but trust me, my family and I went through it. You can make it through just fine, just stay positive, and act sensibly. Also, remember, while he does need things, he's sick, wear the appropriate PPE (mask, gloves, googles), wash your hands before and after interacting with him, and try to stay as non-physical as possible, though communication via electronic means should be fine. He should hopefully be (mostly) healed in a few days, though, there might be a lingering cough. Remember, your father needs support, both physically (rest, water, food, medicine, ect) and emotionally (simply being there, talking to him, if you're religious than prayer, ect), but you also need to protect yourself. You can make it.

(For me, 1 day of basically pure sleep, 1 day of a slightly worse cold, then 28 days of trying to ditch a cough, the first 7 of those 28 days being the worst).


And mine too. Prayers that is.


Sue Disney, please...

Not gonna lie; he is gonna feel bad up to day 8. After that, the symptoms will ebb in intensity until day 20, when it wears off. After that, he should be immune until the next vaccine comes out in the fall. The best thing to do is treated like a common cold; take pain-killers, keep decongestants handy, keep hydrating, and keep that mask on outside the door.

My family had it in June when my brother came back positive from a water polo tournament. We were prepared in case it spread. It IS possible to avoid infection while staying in contact with someone positive, but masks, sanitizer, and following the 6-foot rule are musts.

That sucks, hopefully it's more recent variants rather than older ones (though the chances of it being older variants are kinda slim I think) since the more recent versions are suppose to be less dangerous. All the same I hope he feels better soon, and any lingering effects are minimal to none.

Like the others have said, just make sure your father gets lots of rest, stay hydrated, and some interaction every now and again, especially since it sounds like he might need it. Just let him know that it isn't his fault, and you guys will figure out other ways to possibly include him on the vacation, granted it will probably be just indoor games.

I can attest to what Just Defender is saying, it is possible to avoid infection while with someone who is infected, I know I did. I live in a household with my parents, two siblings, and my grandmother; and, with the exception of my grandmother (though she was never actually tested) and myself, everyone in the household caught covid in early 2021. Somehow despite living with my family, and even sharing a bedroom with one of them for a time, I tested negative.

Also, Happy Early Birthday! :pinkiehappy:

Well since you are in Florida, at least you don’t have to pay taxes.

Bud, I hate to say it, but last I checked covid is in the same family as either the common cold or influenza. (Forgot which.)
In either case, vaccines don't mean a whole lot to those things.
Hpv? Yeah. But with covid, and as someone who has had it and the flu I can say this, natural immunity is more effective in the long run.

Stay active get some sun, drink water, eat right, and most importantly stay calm.
Stress builds disease and lowers defenses.
Have a good day, dude.

Trust in the Lord and know that he will make everything turn out in the end

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon.

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