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Group Admin

This thread isn't just about rating stories as good or bad.

It's about rating them by HOW TREE THEY ARE.

TThe Firries
Rarity can (just barely) accept that Fluttershy would like to be a tree. The several hundred other ponies at the convention are giving her some trouble.
Estee · 11k words  ·  256  10 · 2.6k views

This story is all about Fluttershy wanting to be a tree, and a whole lot of other ponies wanting to be trees too! :yay:
Tree score: FOREST! 🌳🌲🌲

TDante's Inferno, Canto Thirteen
Like all the other high schools in the country, Canterlot High has a new Mandatory Moral Education program. The VR technology is very advanced! The morals...maybe not so much.
Mockingbirb · 1.2k words  ·  9  2 · 385 views

In this story, CHS students are forced to play an 'educational' VR game, in which Wallflower Blush is a tree, and Fluttershy wishes she could be one too.
Tree score: Tree and a shrub, I guess. 🌳🥀

EThe Fluttershy Effect (Chaos Theory in Action, With Several Impossible Practical Applications)
Fluttershy's friends might call the gentle pegasus sensitive. But they don't know the half of it. What is she always so afraid of, anyway? And why is SHE the one pony who can go toe-to-toe with the Avatar of Chaos himself?
Mockingbirb · 2.6k words  ·  321  5 · 4.4k views

Fluttershy wishes she could be a tree. In the plot it might be a minor point, but in the story as a whole her wish illustrates something about her personality and her circumstances.

Tree score: Branch 🎋

TSonata Dusk's Ominous New Taco Special
Sonata whispered, "The love between Twilight and her favorite food is so beautiful. You shouldn't try to keep them apart."
Mockingbirb · 3.2k words  ·  31  4 · 1.2k views

Fluttershy wants to become a tree, and for a few days she really becomes one. But that's just part of a B plot.

Tree score: Tree, temporarily 🌳

Group Admin

I almost kicked AtomicClop's "I Can't Believe It's Not Buttershy" out of the group, but Atomic pointed out that in the story's very beginning, Fluttershy places a personals ad mentioning her "arboreal aspirations." So I guess as its rating for levels of TREE content it gets...a twig, or maybe half a leaf. 🍃

[Adult story embed hidden]

Comment posted by Mockingbirb deleted Mar 4th, 2023
Comment posted by Mockingbirb deleted Mar 4th, 2023
Group Admin

That feeling when I hit the 'post comment' button by mistake with no actual post, so now the topic might have empty comments or 'comment...deleted' just sitting there forever, idk.

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