
Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results

Names · 12:46am Aug 28th, 2016

I'm going to carve out my kingdom in Mount and Blade: Warband. But, first, I need a name before I can even begin to rebuild my army.

Should it be:

The Republic of Veldaria
The Veldarian Empire?


HELP WANTED · 3:53pm Apr 19th, 2017

Right now, among other things, I'm working on a Fleur story. It's going all well and good, and I'm getting ready to finish editing the third chapter so I can start a fourth, but there's a problem. See, Fleur is a Prench mare, because of that she uses French words when she talks. Your boy doesn't know french, not even a little bit. So, instead of getting everything wrong in google docs and getting screamed at by frenchmen and women, I figured that I'd ask to see if any french speakers would be

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Helping a friend out · 9:24pm Apr 24th, 2017

Most of friends are in high school now, and one of them has started a GoFundMe campaign early to raise money for housing in the college years.

Here's a link to it:

Help some high schoolers out before the student loans bite! Spread the word!


Question · 3:29am Feb 28th, 2017

I'm still having kind of a hard time trying to figure out how to write each chapter of the 75-follower special. It's definitely no easy breeze for me to do it, considering as to how the root of the situation stems directly from the fact that the entire plot, including currently unused ideas, are provided only from followers. Because of this, it's been getting harder and harder to piece together each scene into a readable (and enjoyable) story.

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A Serious Talk · 3:43am Jul 28th, 2019

Hey there everyone its Sanguine and I have some Important news. You see...I NEED help. I am a nonficiton fan, but love to come up with fiction. However, due to this I have a much harder time coming up with the "Flesh" of my works. Let me explain what I mean by "flesh". I use what I call "Skeletal Writing" meaning that I create the frame before any of the in between parts like detail and description. I am alright at the big picture, but when it comes to fleshing out the

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Report Sanguine Blade · 210 views · #Help Wanted

In need of a proofreader · 8:17pm Feb 18th, 2023

I wanna get back into story writing but I need someone or a few people to help me with proofreading.

If you are a fan of my work and want to help me? DM me and we can discuss terms and conditions.

Please don't waste my time, I have no intention to waste yours


Looking for help with Tumblr · 5:51am Apr 13th, 2016

The almighty bread god brought it to my attention, that my Tumblr page is messed up, and it doesn't work for some of you guys.

I'm having problems with that thing from the start, so I want to ask if any of you guys could lend me some help with it so that it could actually be used for its intended purpose of letting all of you pose your burning questions.

Thanks for the help in advance!


Help A Friend In Need · 4:40pm Nov 26th, 2019

Okay, so a user by the name of Midknight_Stardust is facing a serious financial crisis. If he don't get his bill paid by the end of the week, he's gonna get evicted from his home. His blog is down below.

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Yo. Anyone wanna help me out? I need an editor or proofreader.... ok both.. I need both. · 10:49pm Sep 6th, 2016

OK, lemme get down to brass tacks.

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In need if a proofreader · 3:10pm Jan 26th, 2023

So, my proofreader GoldenHeartofMorioh just enrolled into college, so he's gonna be inactive for a while.

In the meantime, I'm gonna need a proofreader for my stories until he finishes. So, if anybody is interested, then feel free to DM me.


Need an Editor or two · 12:50am Sep 16th, 2016

I posted a Help Wanted post in the group "Looking for Editors", but it seems no one is interested. Ill post what I posted there here.

Hey. Ill just be brief about it.

I have a one-shot in the works, set in a WW2 setting in Equestria, and I can't work on it anymore. I thought it was Writers Block, but I've figured out its because I need someones else's help on it. So, here are the details.

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Need a Proof-reader · 12:31am Jul 31st, 2016

:derpyderp1:Mis'a gramer is willy willy baad. How Baad u alsk? :derpytongue2:

I just finished a 14,000 word drama/romance/alternate universe FanFic that explains the current California Drought using the ponies of Equestria (some old some new OCs) and is rated "E." Is it a good story? I think it is since it is inspired by real events in this world and a few personal experiences. However, I need a second pair of eyes to proof-read. Especially my grammar and punctuation. :twistnerd:

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Prereaders Wanted! · 1:32am May 2nd, 2018

Heya Wolfpack!

I was hoping I could get some opinions on the new story I’ve been collabing on with a fellow writer on here. Any and all help will be appreciated! :pinkiehappy:

Send a PM my way if you’re interested. And if you don't get selected, please don't have any hard feelings, I don't want to release the fic till I get some general feedback.



Help Wanted: Editers and Proofreaders Needed!!! · 2:26pm Dec 31st, 2019

Hello again to all of my faithful followers and supporters. I have a mission and I need your help to do it. As of now, I have pushed myself to perfect my writing style as much as I can, and it has come to my attention that there is still more room for improvement. However, I cannot reach these new heights on my own, and thus, I am asking some of you for help in making my stories even better then they already are.

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Pre-readers/editors Wanted · 6:57pm Aug 19th, 2016

Hey everypony! I've been working on "An Unexpected Twilight" and I've decided to try to get pre-readers. Usually I just look in the comments for anyone who edits it there, but I want to make the chapter look good before I post it from now on. It isn't done yet, but I'm mostly through with it. So, anyone who would like to read it before and give me input on the way the chapter goes and help any errors get fixed just send me a message. I'm busy with school going on now, but I want the wait to be

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Looking for Editor · 2:46pm Mar 7th, 2019

Looking for an editor for a NSFW Clop Gay Story.

It involves Spike and Discord and is a one shot. I am looking for someone who can edit grammar & Punctuation. While also pre-reading to make sure the flow is working well for the story. If you are interested PM Me.


Really could use some help saving Pony-Me's sequel story right now. · 5:17am Apr 1st, 2020

No, this is not an April Fool's joke. Into Equestria's basically on life support right now. Ignore the upcoming April Fool's chapter coming out soon.

I've got a couple points that I need to get across concerning the story:

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A CALL TO ACTION · 3:58am May 13th, 2016


awesome new story idea! · 7:29pm Oct 7th, 2017

I got a lightbulb going off over my head today. I wanna write a story about the worst, most irredeemable ponies in equestria. Ones like Svengallope, or suri polomare. It will be rated mature. It will be tagged dark. and a couple other things.

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Call for volunteers: Never The Final Word · 6:32pm Sep 28th, 2017

If you're a fan of Never The Final Word, the commentfic anthology I curate, you might have noticed a sad anniversary: yesterday marks one year since it last updated.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 50 results