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Hinterlands Sequel: Bounty Hunters and Necromancers and Serial Killers, Oh My! · 3:02pm Nov 30th, 2021

Christmas is approaching! And what other way to celebrate the season than the tale of a necromancer, recently released from jail in a time of political turmoil, struggling to find her place in a world that hates her kind while crashing with the bounty hunter who turned her in?

TUrban Wilds
One's an impulsive bounty hunter with a thirst for adrenaline. The other's a reformed necromancer given a second chance at life. Together, they fight the necromancer's self-doubt (and also crime).
Rambling Writer · 75k words  ·  254  3 · 1.7k views

...I sure hope I didn't make the second story about Amanita and Bitterroot sound more exciting than it actually is.

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