
North of Canterlot, in the far marches of Equestria near the border with the Griffon tribes, there is a mountain that flies.

West of Canterlot, beyond the Galloping Mountains and a desert painted in the pastel hues of a faded rainbow, a tower sits at the edge of the world.

South of Canterlot, past the Everfree forest and the desolate badlands, a city of gardens waits to be born.

The Lost Cities Challenge! Awesome authors who have taken it upon themselves to explore other abandoned places:

- The Land of Glass and Stone, by RazgrizS57
- The City that Breathes, by Pearple Prose
- Aletheia, by Foehn
- Far Kobresia, by Baal Bunny
- Keskiyönnon, by Bradel
- Unknown Architecture, by Not_A_Hat
- The Gentle People, by Bad Horse
- The Seal of Wax and Glass, by DuncanR

Dramatic Reading by Illya Leonov: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4.

Royal Canterlot Library interview for Lost Cities.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Lost Cities

Once upon a time there was a high tower at the edge of the world. The ponies who lived there thought it would last forever.

It did not. Neither did the great pegasus cloud fortresses, or the earth ponies's mighty metropolises, or even Everfree, home of the Sisters and the glorious capital from which they ruled an empire. Cities, it seems, are as mortal as ponies – they are born, they live, and someday they must die.

But the world goes on. The stories never end.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Changeling of the Guard

This is a collection of various stories, short and otherwise, to go along with The Changeling of the Guard.

They aren't absolutely necessary, but the intention is to provide some background or additional material. Things like Topaz's research notes on Changelings, stories involving the other characters, and various insane things Idol has done that don't quite fit into the main plot. They might be chipper, they might be sad, but they're all canon to the main fic... or to whoever from the story is relating them.

Chapter 1 is the Nurse, mentioned briefly in Moonlighting, who brought Idol the Nymph.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Never The Final Word (Vol. 1)

As with its predecessor, this is an open anthology of minifics which continue or revisit other authors' fanfics—embracing and extending, and reflecting on questions raised by the work. Due to the nature of the collection, this contains spoilers for other authors' stories, though each chapter contains a link to let you read the source first (and a spoilered summary, if you want to jump right in.)
Note that spoilers in author's notes do not currently work. As such, using the Light color scheme is strongly recommended to keep the source spoilers unseen by those who wish to avoid them.

And remember, if you find a comment fic somewhere on the site, submissions via DM are always open!

Chapters (214)

This story is a sequel to The Skyla Pseudonym

A miscellany of stories from Twilight's accidental kingdom in the Undiscovered West, and possibly elsewhere if the fancy takes me. Not necessarily connected to each other or in chronological order. Marked as complete, but there's a slight chance I may add chapters.

Audio version by VisualPony, HERE!

Chapters (6)

The following are my submissions to the various Writeoff Contests and other interesting story bits that I can't fit anywhere else. Genres and characters will vary.

Chapters (54)

There's a story behind every Magic card, but they probably don't have quite as many ponies in them as these do. Set throughout Equestrian probability space, each of these stories was inspired by a card chosen through Gatherer's Random Card function. As such, categories and characters will vary.

Done for One-Shotober.

Chapters (32)

Two silly short stories about Luna, Celestia, fashion, and legal theory. "Slice of life stories if your life is crazy royalty cake with cinnamon sprinkles." - JadeCriminal@SpaceBattles.com

6/17/2020: Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Go to the Equestria Daily story page to see the stories in this set by Georg and Dennis the Menace. (If you can't access the page, it's because your school blocks google docs.)

(This is not "incomplete"; it's an open-ended anthology.)

Chapters (2)

The short description says most of it.

I always have a bunch of concepts popping up in my head. Most of them don't last more than a few minutes before i dismiss them as stupid. Some are keepers and might someday evolve into written pieces. Then there are those in between that are either very short or where the ideas stops after the intro and/or concept. This is a collection of a few of the ones I can remember.

Chapters (30)

When a story touches you deeply, sometimes the only appropriate reaction is to respond in kind.

This is an open anthology of minifics which continue or revisit other authors' fanfics — embracing and extending, and reflecting on questions raised by the work. Due to the nature of the collection, this contains spoilers for other authors' stories, though each chapter contains a link to let you read the source first (and a spoilered summary, if you want to jump right in).

Sept. 2017 note: This anthology is closed, but the project continues with Never The Final Word, Vol. 2 — now curated by FanOfMostEverything.

Many of the included chapters are reviewed by Present Perfect here. Several are Highly Recommended by Titanium Dragon!

Chapters (38)