• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



Each of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony are affected differently by a failed mission and all six end up in the hospital. Their recovery will take a while but Equestria will go on. So will their lives, more or less.

With cooperation from AnneHairball

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Beautiful. Just.... beautiful. I would have thought their reactions would have been more severe, but I guess with their friends helping them, they'll get through it just fine.


It was shorter than I expected it to be, which sort of detracted from the overall feeling of the story. But still:

I want this to be a bit longer, and continue on afterwards. It feels like we just reached the end of the third chapter of an 8 chapter tale...

Wonderful story. If I may so bold as to ask, what inspired you to write it?

2611858 You know how these things go. I think it was a comment on a piece of art on a different website.

Certainly this story teaches something. Its profound and important.

Many people reading it would imagine that something bad could happen to them and they think about what it would be like to experience losing important abilities.

I have news. You *will* lose important abilities. The alternative is to die young. The journey of life always ends on a downer. Being able to deal with the inevitable while keeping up a good attitude is the long term key to happiness. I really like how the characters did not do the usual screaming and thrashing around, for a change. There are tons of fics where rainbow loses a wing, and in none of them does she shrug it off and run over to help AJ like this. Not that she isn't devastated, its just that she's in good company. As are we all.

There's really nothing to be said, other than great story!

Ooooh this one needs a follow up!

Nice. Short, but thoughtful.

AJ+Rainbow reminds me a bit of the one-winged angels in Nissan in Xenogears.

Well, I was browsing your bookshelf and I ran across a story that has a description which entices me to read, and a title identical to one of my own, a completely different story. I must download to my dumbphone immediately and read eventually.

Ehh...it was okay.

The injuries, very conveniently, hit them where it would hurt them the most. Of course the ace flyer would lose a wing. Of course the magical prodigy would lose her magic. Of course the singer and laugher would lose her voice. Not that it makes the story any worse, but...it didn't do it for me. Sorry.

This did nothing but make me roll my eyes.

I was expecting a tragedy from the description, but not one of ineptitude. Bombs going off in Equestria, and Celestia sends in civilians?! I just couldn't buy in after that.

When was the last time the Equestrian military was more competent than six girls?

This is one of my favorite stories, I wish the comments didn’t have so much bashing. I would agree that some kind of monster attack that creates an explosion to put them in the hospital probably would have been better though.
I just can’t help but think of solutions:
Pinkie and Applejack could be helped by technology.
Dash and Rarity could be helped by magic- a magic eye just like in Harry Potter?
Fluttershy could be helped by some new kind of telepathy magic.
And Twilight wouldn’t stop studying until she came up with something else for herself.
Happy Fanon ending!

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