• Published 6th May 2013
  • 2,427 Views, 204 Comments

Steamlord: The Ink Mechanic - The Psychopath

Steamlord's influence grows as he learns of similar creations roaming about the Nether Mountains

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Special: Secret operation

Author's Note:

This is a short bonus. It's all you need to know

Steamlord and the Knights had left to find the Ink mechanic again, and while this was happening, the entire ship had been left in its dark and dreary state of loneliness, save for two characters that remained behind. Centurion had stayed behind, not because Steamlord wanted it to guard the ship, but because it was started to develop mechanical ticks reminiscent of when the three knights started to become "sentient". It stood in front of the medical room where Sunrise had been nursed back to health during her young years. The door was wide open, and said dragon was looking at the table with nostalgia. She would occasionally pass a claw across it for reasons unknown to the permanent resident. When she thought about it, Steamlord himself did not change since he adopted her on this table. Would he live forever? Would she?

"What troubles you, Sunrise? You do not wish to proceed?"

"I...still do...It's just...I'm simply reminiscing."

"I do not comprehend this 'nostalgia' concept that many organics talk about."

"And pray that you do not."

"As an A.I. I am incapable of religious customaries. I can create a deity if need be to commence 'false prayers'."

"But you still have a sense of humor. Now, about the procedure--"

"Yes. You have already undergone this procedure five times previously. As an added measure, I have taken dna samples from previous iterations. I have concluded, from the recent batch, that your immunity to a disease fatal to dragons in all cases is not due to a genetic adaptation passed down from the parents, but that you are the first step on the evolutionary chain of dragon kind. The disease is, therefore, incapable of infecting you properly, and your immunitary system has manage to create antibodies. This means that your blood cannot be synthesized to create cures for other draconian species, sub-species, and cousins.

Furthermore, as an evolutionary step, your genes are extremely susceptible to outside manipulations. Keeping your previous dna samples allows me to create a fail-safe and revert any changes, however, even if these changes are applied, doing so will cause Steamlord to become suspicious. I suggest you remain as you are."

"We've already talked over this. I want to be more like him."

"By injecting yourself with human dna and having them applied to your genetic sequence and have your molecular structure rebuilt by the nano-machines to accommodate? Previous studies of literature has deemed one to be cautious. If ever you were to obtain off-spring, they could develop into a vast culture that would--"

"I WON'T be having children! Now just get on with the process. This is the last one, right?"

"Affirmative. All traits linked to mammal reproduction traits have been cast out to allow only skeletal re-adaptations and more...forming. The draconic features are implemented and remain, as always. In essence, you are becoming a humanoid dragon, but each operation can have dire consequences."

Sunrise got onto the table and lied down, readying herself.

"I trust you you completely, SS. Let's do this."

Arms lowered from the ceiling and began disinfecting certain spots on the dragon's body and readied some syringes for their intended role. Centurion looked at the scene from the corner of the doorway. Despite his static posture and emotionless face, he seemed uneasy with the prospect of the dragon mutating her body to look more like her father, but it was her choice.

Comments ( 73 )

Interesting, though I do believe that Steamlord has sub-par genetic facilities when compared to a much more powerful and wealthier organization. That being said, Sunrise is a weirdo.

4055565 Those actually aren't genetic facilities. He was never for genetic modifications. Why do you think Security System had all those bionics installed into him? In reality, SS is compensating for Sunrise's need to fit in with her father and her genetic freedom (due to her being the start of a new line of dragons) and uses the medical table and the nanobots to directly modify her body progressively. She doesn't need to do it all the time as the changes are "permanent" in the sense that she'll remain as she is unless SS reverts and purifies her genetic structure.

She just wants to fit in.

4055614 I'm all for genetic modification. I'm for many things, and it's what makes my head cannon nigh unstoppable on a bad day.

4055799 Then you'll love them.

4055930 Them? Some insane creation of yours? If they're some sort of unstoppable death machines that know no weakness, Imma get Captain Overpowered in.

4055931 Here. I wrote this while my brain was overheated so I'm not sure how good it really is.

4055950 Will read later.

4055965 There are two one-shots I made of them in case you want some insight before reading it.

4055974 Link? Also, wanna collab at some point? I could do with writing a story or two, would certainly calm down the maelstrom of ideas.

4056000 Depends on what it is and what it's about. Since I'm not feeling inspired for my recent story, it could change.

4056011 Aliens, Equestria, things and reasons, because, and Epic gun fights.

4056033 Aliens? I might be able to employ the Lux Terrarorium and develop them, but they're a vast and complicated organization.

4056036 My aliens are synth-organics, that is to say, they are robots that imitate organic life to an R, they also evolved from basic nanobots and have an affinity for team work, community, kindness, nature, the environment, and scientific pursuit and self betterment.

4056039 There are five different races with an immense variety in culture and appearances as well as many other things. They also have an immunity to the "Influence" created by the Entities of loss. Aka, the Gods and fallen gods. There! Now I've recreated their unique, shared trait.

4107773 I was more careful this time, though. Steamlord was really old so there were obvious mistakes I did back then. Now, it's mostly typos.

Also, she didn't protect it because she didn't know how. She could have used the barrier, but she needs perfect concentration and whatnot and she doesn't know the dimensions of the ship.

Twilight isn't really very clever when it comes down to situational magic usage.
E.g. (Newest episode Spoiler alert)
In the maud pie episode when pinkie was stuck in the rocks she could have levitated the rocks away from pinkie or teleported to pinkie and physically helped her.
I mean jeez twilight, magical talent my ass!

Time for my feedback regarding the story !
Overall : Not bad, really like the new caracters in this story.
I give it 7.80 out of 10.

4424454 Funfact: Ink Mechanic is an old character converted to fit the mlp 'verse. The original is vastly more intelligent, has his own robotic army, and searches for relics and information regarding his extinct race as well as information regarding other races, just for safe keeping.

:rainbowderp: wow.... mind blowing...

Now for sequel of the sequel! or is it threquel? dang my head hurts....

P.S. This story is sooo good, gotta love Centurion *thumps up*

5592528 Haven't made it yet. Yer gon' have to wait.


I know *shrug*

5657265 I generally avoid using the 'curse' words if it's not part of that particular character's traits.

6120958 Pfff. No. I based them off a race of super aliens I'm planning on using in a book. They'll be nothing like the aliens, so don't worry about extreme powers or entire planets carved out to be mobile planet-fortesses.

6120981 no I cant remember the exact name but I mean the project that created ultron.

6121080 Oh. That. No. It's nothing like that.

When is a part 3 coming out?

6659421 I almost have the full idea, in fact I made a brief cameo in one of my recent stories that could explain something, but with the fact that no one EVER comments on my stories leaves me with a pale ardor of my actual envy to write, because I'm not having fun like that. So, if I ended up starting the story, I know that no one would say anything about it, preventing my excitement from updating the story every day to see what people might say next and making it look dead.

Well I like the story and would comment when I saw appropriate. ;P

6661989 I've got, like, three or four stories that follow this problem.

Ah I see. Well just letting you know there's at least one pony awaiting a part three if you ever wanna make one.

6662133 I do want to make one, but I don't know if I could ever finish it. 680 followers and barely a peep from the vast majority of them.

It's all up to you but I'm still here for if you do.


I Also like this story but I'm not an energetic commenter so to speak.

7224528 Y U REPLY TO TWO-YEAR OLD COMMENT? The user might be gone by now!

7224542 Because Wynaut

7224542 Because responses must be made god dammit!


7400184 I didn't see it until now, so yes. I did. I let the comment age and ripen.


7403229 ... Dammit! Well, I can't argue with that illogic. (Eh? Eh?)

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