• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 18,983 Views, 1,562 Comments

Then You Saw Her - Possiblydominator

Romance story w/ Ditzy written from the 2nd Person POV. Deals with issues of the heart and of life.

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Chapter 11: Nightmare Night

“Hmm,” you sigh, shifting around in the bed. As you try to move, you feel a familiar presence next to you. You open your eyes up to see Ditzy laying there next to you, arms wrapped around you and sporting an interesting case of bedmane; the perfect way to start your day. Smiling a little, you reach out and kiss her on the forehead and she responded with a little moan of contentment as she snuggled back up next to you. You turn around and take a peek at the time on the alarm clock. Ten o’clock, it’s gettin’ late, you think to yourself. Eh, who cares?

Turning back towards Ditzy, you wrap your arm around her and pull her in tighter. You take a deep breath of contentment, trying to relax with your lover right next to you, attempting to get a few more minutes of sleep in before you are forcibly woken up by outside factors. Closing your eyes, you picture a serene beach, trying to get caught up in the view inside your mind and let your consciousness lull itself back into blissful slumber. But as you try to do this, other nagging thoughts foil your zen-like state, dragging your mind up closer to the surface with each passing second. As the nagging brought about anxiety, you determine that going back to sleep is useless. The time had come to start your day. Buck you too, brain, you thought with malice.

Moving a little, you gently gave Ditzy another kiss, so as to not to wake her. “Good morning Cutie,” you whisper to her. Using flexibility you never knew you had, you move yourself with painstaking slowness out from beside Ditzy. Now that you were outside her arms, the second part of the challenge began: how to get off the bed without Ditzy noticing the shift in weight. Taking one hoof off the bed, you carefully set it down on the ground. As you slide yourself further toward the edge, you shift more weight onto the floor. Hearing a sigh, you whip your head around to see if you had woken Ditzy. But as soon as she appeared to rise, she fell again, arms searching unconsciously for you. Now in the final steps, you inch off the bed, letting up the weight in a slow manner. After a while, you manage to get yourself all the way off the bed. Tiphoofing out the door, you cast one last look at Ditzy and give a little smile as the light shining through the windows seems to capture a moment of peaceful joy and happiness. This really is the perfect way to start any day.

You head downstairs to make yourself a slight breakfast before conquering the day. Feeling good about yourself, you march into the kitchen and open the pantry. Muffins, more muffins, a pear, assorted vegetables, yet more muffins, and some grapes. You sigh. The mare sure loves her muffins, too bad nothing looks tasty in the morning.

“Helping yourself to our food?” a voice asked.

“Hmm? Oh, morning Sparkler. Didn’t hear you walk in.”

“Yeah, I’m good like that. Happy Nightmare Night by the way.”

Arghh, that’s it! That’s what I was forgetting! you scold yourself. You knew something was nagging on your mind. “Wow,” you say softly, rubbing your eyes. “I forgot all about that. But Happy Nightmare Night to you, too.”

“Thanks.” Suddenly, she had the look of a pony that just remembered something important. “Oh, by the way, this letter came for you yesterday. Sorry I forgot.”

You took a look at the letter and saw it was from your father. You turn to Sparkler. “It’s fine, thanks anyway,” you tell her. You open it up, set it on the table and read over it quickly.

Dear Son,

I got your letter, you have no idea how much it means to hear from my colts again. Thank you again for forgiving me. Some ponies say it is easier for ask for forgiveness than ask for permission, but when you have been begging for forgiveness as long as I have, it becomes unbearable. I never told you that I was going away. I never told you that you would have to raise yourselves. I never told you I would abandon you. I want you to know that I regret every minute of it, but I’m too far gone for it to make any difference now.

I hope this letter reaches you by Nightmare Night, it was always my favorite holiday and I recall it was yours as well. Believe me, I still have the pictures of you wearing all your costumes. You might not like to be reminded of them, but I thought you looked adorable in them. Make sure you have fun on Nightmare Night, especially with that mare-friend of yours. From what you’ve told me, she sounds great.


P.S. Make sure Wingsley doesn’t eat too much candy.

After finishing the letter, Sparkler spoke up. “Hey, um, sorry about that whole deal of me freaking out at you. I know it was some time ago, and I’d like to say that I guess I was wrong thinking of you like that.”

“Sparkler, it’s fine. It’s in the past,” you reassure her.

“Yeah, well...” She shrugged. “Did you know Wingsley snores?” You and Wingsley had both spent the night at Ditzy’s house. It was an occasional thing that happened from time to time. Dinky and Wingsley wanted to sleep in the same room as Sparker last night, much to the dismay of Sparkler it seems.

“I’ve lived in a house with him all my life, so yeah, I know. I think he gets it from my dad. He’s surprisingly loud for a little guy.”

“No kidding,” Sparkler laughed.

“Yeah, I think he might be part dragon,” you continue, also laughing. Sparkler shared in this laugh as well. It was good that she was opening up to you, given her mistrust for you a month prior. She may not feel the same way she did before, but she can’t trust you completely because of her ingrained personality traits caused from years of betrayal.

“So do you really love my mom?” Sparkler asked in hushed tones, looking around like she didn’t want to get caught uttering those words.

“Of course I-” You get cut off when you hear hoofsteps coming down the stairs, causing your heart to jump into your throat and your breathing to escalate. You feel like you aged a few years in that moment.

“Ya~awn!” Ditzy came slowly down the stairs, sleep around her eyes. “Morning everypony, did I miss anything?”

“No, mom,” Sparkler answered. “Sleep well?” Ditzy gave her a kiss on the forehead and responded with an affirmative grunt. Walking over to you, Ditzy looked at you carefully.

“You alright? You look like you had a panic attack,” she asked you in a kind-hearted voice. Behind her, Sparkler rolled her eyes and suppressed a laugh.

“I’m fine,” you laugh, trying to clear the tension. “By the way, Happy Nightmare Night!”

“Thank you,” she said sweetly, giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Are Dinky and Wingsley up?”

“No,” Sparkler answered. “They’re still out cold.”

Ditzy sighed. “I’ll go wake them. You two play nice, alright?” She gave a smile back towards both of you.

“Fine, mom,” Sparkler said in mock sarcasm, giving you a smile.

Upon realizing it was Nightmare Night, Dinky and Wingsley rushed downstairs as if doing so would make the fun of Nightmare Night come sooner. Reaching the bottom of the staircase, they raced around, excited as can be. Wingsley rushed over to you and gave you a quick hug, while Dinky went and gave a hug to her bigger sister. “Sleep well, Wingsley?” you ask your brother.

“Yeah! We got our sleeping bags and went into Sparkler’s room, it was great!”

“I’m pretty sure I could hear you across the house because of how loud you snore. I can only imagine how it was for her.”

“Hey!” Wingsely interjected. “I do not snore!”

“Sure you don’t,” you laugh. “But I take it you kids are ready for Nightmare Night, right?”

“Yeah!” they shouted in unison. “Can we put on our costumes?”

“No, not yet,” you answer. “Once it’s time for trick-or-treating you can.”

“Alright,” said Wingsley, downtrodden.

From behind you, you hear a knock on the door. Still being early, you weren’t sure who it could be. Turning, you trot to the door and answer it. Standing outside was Prevailing Wind, who looked at your disheveled appearance and asked simply with a playful smile, “Rough night?” Taking a look around to make sure none of the kids heard him, you give him a scowl and motion for him to come in.

“Hey, nothing happened! The kids were home,” you say defensively. Prevailing Wind became friends with Ditzy after you came around. Since then, as a group, yourself, Ditzy, Prevailing, and Carrot Top started to hang out more. And Ditzy invited both Carrot Top and Prevailing to her house for Nightmare Night. It was nice that your girlfriend, your best friend, and her best friend could all be one big group of friends.

“Hey big guy, how are you doin’?” Prevailing asked Wingsley. In the past few months, Prevailing had been dropping by your house to hang out more often, and over time, Wingsley started to like Prevailing. Even though you wished Prevailing didn’t tell so many adult jokes to him.

“Hey Prevailing!” Wingsley exclaimed. “Are you going with us tonight for trick-or-treating?”

“You know it,” Prevailing answered, giving him a little rub on the head.

“Hi, Prevailing!” Dinky also said, rushing over.

“Hey, Dinky,” he laughed, finding it amusing how both the foals were all over him. “Have you two been having fun?”

“Only the best time ever!” Wingsley answered enthusiastically.

“That’s good to hear,” Prevailing said. As the kids go off to play by themselves, some game that only they knew the rules to, you trot over to Prevailing.

“I had no idea you were good with kids,” you tell him.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” Prevailing said with a grin as you both trotted over to the table to have a seat.

“Yeah, and a lot of stuff that I wish I didn’t know,” you respond with a laugh.

“Hey, I only told you about that night in Canterlot ‘cause I needed to get it off my chest,” he stated defensively.

Knowing some of Prevailing’s, dare say, intimate secrets gave you leverage over him at times, by always reminding him about those careless moments. Since times like this didn’t come around very often, and as his best friend you were going to make sure to give him hell.

“Yeah, so apparently that was some party, lots of nice mares around, right? Little bit to drink, it seems. So how did you, with your cunning eye for detail, not realize the ‘big surprise’ that ‘mare’ had for you?” Your mouth creeps into a dastardly grin, knowing that you could drive this knife in and twist it.

“It’s not like I go and check for myself.” He turned his head to the side, blushing.

“Not to mention that you didn’t realize it until the morning after,” you let your voice trail off, allowing the power of your words to take effect.

“I had a little bit to drink that night. It could have happened to anypony.”

“Sure it could,” you whisper to him with a slight chuckle. “I imagine that was an awkward wake-up call. How fast did you run out the door?”

“I jumped out the window,” he corrected you flatly. “You are never going to let me forget this, are you?”

“Not on your life.” You burst out laughing. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Ditzy walk around the corner from the hallway, smiling seeing both of you there.

“Hiya, Prevailing!” Ditzy said enthusiastically. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Yeah, I just came in few minutes ago. You have no idea how happy I am to see you, saving me from your demon of a boyfriend.” Giving a gesture your way, you put your hoof dramatically to your heart as if you were wounded.

Ditzy stared at you, giving you a mock unapproving look. “Play nice now,” she told you and you couldn’t help but smile. Prevailing rolled his eyes. Ditzy continued and turned her attention to Prevailing. “So what’s new?”

“Well, just keeping this guy in line at work,” he said as he gestured towards you. “Other than that, I can’t say anything is new. Oh, is Carrot Top coming today?” This prompts an eyebrow raise from Ditzy.

“Yes she will be, why?”

“No reason,” Prevailing tried to say with a straight face. You give Ditzy a knowledgeable look and she responded in turn with one of her own. As much as Prevailing tried to cover up his intentions, you could see right through him.

Closer to nightfall, you motion to Prevailing to help you bring in the pumpkins you had stored for Nightmare Night for carving. After a few trips back and forth, the pumpkins are set up on the table ready to be distributed and carved.

“Alright everypony!” you exclaim, “Come and get your hooves on one of these pumpkins. Hurry before Prevailing and I steal all of them!”

You hear little hooves rushing toward you from the next room, and within moments Wingsley and Dinky stumble in through the doorway and fall on the floor in front of the pumpkins.

“Alright!” Wingsley proclaimed, pointing towards the largest pumpkin “This one’s mine, I call dibs!”

“Awww,” Dinky cried, “I wanted that one.”

“Oh,” Wingsley said. “Well, you could have it if you want. I’d rather you have it anyway, I don’t need a pumpkin this big anyway.”

“Really?” Dinky gasped. “Oh my gosh Wingsley, you’re so nice!” At that, Dinky grabbed Wingsley and gave him a huge hug.

Wingsley’s cheeks went bright red when Dinky grasped him in her arms. “Oh, uh...” he started. “Don’t mention it Dinky, you deserve it.”

You can’t help but allow yourself to smile widely, these two are so adorable. It makes your heart warm to know that your brother and Ditzy’s little filly get along so well together.

Just as Dinky and Wingsley began to settle down with their pumpkins, Ditzy walked in with Sparkler close behind.

“Okay then, it looks like everypony is here. Let’s start carving.”

Prevailing walked up next to Wingsley with a carving tool. “Hey Wingsley, let’s see what we can do with this pumpkin of yours.”

“Cool! I want it to look like a scary pony, with a tooth missing! And an eye patch! No, wait. I want it to have big spooky eyes! Erm, I don’t know, what do you think is spookier Prevailing?”

“Haha, well an eye patch sure is scary. Maybe we can give it a mean lookin’ smile, that’ll scare anypony!”

“Okay! That sounds great, now how do I use this thingy?”

Prevailing began helping Wingsley carve his pumpkin as you took a seat beside Dinky and Sparkler to help them with theirs. Ditzy stood right above you to help her little fillies enjoy their pumpkin carving to the fullest.

“So you two, what do you want on your pumpkins?” you ask, “Something spooky? Or maybe a silly face? What do ya say?”

“I wanna make one like Wingsley! His is super scary,” Dinky exclaimed, pointing a hoof toward Prevailing and Wingsley, who had already somehow created one of the most terrifying jack-o-lanterns you had ever seen. The eyes stared angrily at you, almost as if the carved pumpkin could look into your soul and bring out all your fears. The mouth featured a pointy-toothed grin, and they had somehow used the inside of the pumpkin in a way to make it look like the jack-o-lantern was consuming something orange and disgusting.

“Uhh,” you started, “are you sure you wouldn’t rather carve out a flower? Or maybe a star?”

“No!” Dinky shouted, “I want something really scary, can you help me mommy?”

“Of course my little muffin, we’ll make an even scarier jack-o-lantern than Wingsley by a long shot.”

Ditzy moved in close next to Dinky with another carving tool, a determined look on her face. So, it’s a contest then eh? Alright, I’ll play. You think to yourself.

“Okay Sparkler, do you want a scary face too? I bet we can make an even better one than everypony else in here.”

“Umm, no,” she stated flatly.

“Oh, okay then. What would you like?”

Sparkler leaned in close to your ear to whisper something that nopony else in the room could hear.

“Really?” you ask. “Are you sure we can do something like that?”

Sparkler simply nods her head yes, grabed the carving tool from your hoof, and began working on the pumpkin to create her masterpiece. All you can do is watch intently as she worked her will on the orange surface, gently cutting her way through layers of the pumpkin to create the illusion of shadows on the image. She worked intently on her own as you watch in awe; she has the gentle touch of a filly, but the creativity of any old pony philosopher. After a few minutes of hard work, she finally backs away from the pumpkin, a satisfied grin on her face.

“There,” she said, “that’s it.”


Words could not describe the creation Sparkler had put onto the surface of the pumpkin. In short, she had created a beautifully detailed half-moon that faded into the darkness of the other half. On one side, an asteroid was crashing into the moon, and bits of rock were strewn about in the space she had created. If that weren’t enough, she had carved in little stars all around the pumpkin’s surface, all at varying depths in the skin so that when a candle was lit and put inside, rays of light shone through at different levels all around the jack-o-lantern.

At this point, every pony in the room was staring in awe at Sparkler’s creation.

“Um, did I do something wrong?” Sparkler asked. “Was it supposed to be scary? I’m sorry, I can restart.”

“NO!!” everypony in the room shouted in unison.

“Sparkler,” Ditzy started, “this is amazing. It’s a piece of art.”

Sparkler’s cheeks turned a bright red at the compliment. “Well thanks mommy, I just tried my hardest. But I think you and Dinky did a good job too, and Wingsley’s is super scary as well.”

Suddenly there came a knock on the door, and a voice from beyond it shouting, “Hey, open up! The party is here!”

Carrot Top, fantastic... you think sarcastically, but manage to keep your emotions to yourself. Carrot Top might be Ditzy’s best friend, but one can only take so many snide remarks before they get fed up. “Evening Carrot Top,” you say politely.

“Evening Carrot Top, glad you could make it,” Ditzy said sincerely as she went over and gave her friend a tight hug.

“Evening Ditzy,” she replies. As the hug ended, she turns her attention towards you. “Morning ‘Stud-Muffin,’ she greets you, mocking the pet-name Ditzy had for you. Ditzy gave her a disapproving glare. “Have a restful night?” she asked with a glimmer of mischievousness.

“Hey!” you both say simultaneously. “Nothing happened last night!”

“Aww, that’s too bad,” she said. mock pouting. “Is something going on between you two?”

“No,” you state defensively, “For the last time, the kids were home.”

“I don’t see why that’s a big deal. Didn’t Sparkler walk in on you two the first time?”

“Carrot Top, please,” Ditzy pleaded with her, trying to get her to quiet down. “Do you want the kids to hear you?”

“Fine, fine. It’s just fun messing with you two.”

“I’ve noticed,” you say flatly. The night was approaching and it would only be a matter of time before Wingsley and Dinky would be clamoring around you, trying to get you to begin trick-or-treating. In order to avoid that sudden outburst of energy, you decide that it would be smart to get preparations underway. “Hey guys, do you think we should get our costumes on? I think the kids are gettin’ antsy.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” Ditzy agrees. “I have your costume upstairs; we should leave these two lovebirds alone for a while.” You give a wink back to Prevailing.

“I still can’t believe you talked me into wearing this,” you complain.

“I thought we went over this. All I have to do is just give you this look,” she proceeded to demonstrate by giving a tiny pout and stared back up and to the right of you with her big eyes, watering slightly. She continued, “And after that, you just fall to pieces.”

“So true,” you sigh. “But why a duffle bag?”

“Because I’m going as paper bags. And I needed somepony who’s willing to have a matching costume.”

“So in essence, you needed somepony like me?”

“Yep. But don’t worry, you pull off the look,” she commented with a little giggle.

“Well, not as well as you do, you look downright adorable.”

She gazed at herself in the mirror and agreed, “Yeah, I really do.” While she was looking away, you take the opportunity to grab her in an embrace and throw her down on the bed behind her. Taken her by surprise, Ditzy let out an ‘Eep!’ and a giggle as you both landed on the bed. Laughing like a couple of school foals, you take turns kissing each other delicately. As you kiss her on her neck, Ditzy whispers to you, “We can’t do this now, you know we can’t.”

You whisper back, “I know, that won’t stop me from doing this.” You wrap your arms around her and bring her in for a deep, passionate kiss. Closing your eyes, you hold her and let the kiss connect you and her together as one. Rubbing her soft cheek, the kiss continues on and on as you try to express how you truly feel about her through this physical interaction; all of the passion, all the love you feel for her, broken down into a few short minutes. “You know,” she said, smiling in between kisses, “I never thought I would be seduced by a stallion wearing a duffle bag.”

“What can I tell you?” You kiss her again. “I’m not your average pony.”

“No, you really aren’t.” She smiles back up at you. “You’re something better.” Kissing you again, you take the compliment to heart. She continues, “When you learned that I had two daughters, most ponies would have run and never looked back. Yet you stayed, why?”

“Because I care about you, and your daughters mean the world to you, therefore they mean the world to me as well. Your children were a part of who you were. I saw how happy you and Dinky were together, and that made me...” you stop yourself from going any further with your sentence.

“That made you...?” She made a motion with her hoof for you to finish your sentence, almost as if she was fishing for a certain response. You aren’t ready to tell her how you feel, how you actually feel about her. The blind, hopeless, head-over-hooves, heart-stopping love you have for her that grows with each passing day. To try to get her mind off of that, you roll on top of her and give her the biggest kiss of the early evening. Finishing the kiss soon enough to leave her wanting more, you bring your head up and she tries to follow you, extending the kiss. But before long the contact breaks and you stare at each other. Pity that the moment had to end.

“We should get going before Carrot Top gets any ideas,” you sigh, audibly sad that you both have to get up.

“I suppose you are right,” Ditzy sighed.

You walk downstairs with Ditzy, making a few small adjustments to your costume. Still on the stairs, you spy Prevailing shamelessly flirting with Carrot Top. You see that they had put on their costumes; Prevailing was wearing a full body medieval knight outfit; and Carrot Top was in a distracting devil outfit, although you couldn’t say that the choice didn’t suit her. Ditzy was following behind you in an outfit of paper bags in conjunction with your duffle bag. Dinky was wearing a cute firefighter outfit and Wingsley was shuffling around in a griffon costume way too big for him.

“Come on kids, ready to go out for Nightmare Night?” you call behind you, causing Wingsley and Dinky to perk their heads up. Seeing their eyes go wide, they run up to you.

“Do you have your candy bags?” Ditzy asked, making sure that they didn’t forget anything.

“Yep,” Dinky answered. “Come on let’s go!”

“Hey Mom, you know I’m going out with my friends tonight, right?” Sparkler asked.

“I remember, give me a kiss and I’ll let you go.”

“Thanks Mom.” Sparkler rushed over to her mother, gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran off.

“Have fun and be safe!” Ditzy called out to her daughter. Turning back to Dinky and Wingsley she asked, “Alright kids, you lead the way. Where do you want to go first?” Both Wingsley and Dinky ran into the night ahead of you, waving you along to follow. Giving a nod to the group, as one you all march towards them. You walk alongside Ditzy, the two of you staring into each others’ eyes as you both enjoy the bracingly cool air. Busy enjoying the thrill of Nightmare Night, you are thankful she doesn’t notice the sneers and cruel-spirited laughs she gets as she walks along.

How many of them are there? Have they always been doing that? you wonder as you continue to walk, disturbed. This is the first you have seen of ponies that were intentionally cruel to Ditzy since that eventful day in the post office. You try to turn your attention away from them to hopefully not make Ditzy aware of the ponies around her. Yet even as you try to pull away, your thoughts keep going back to them and how they were laughing at Ditzy for no reason. How they look down upon her, feel superior to her for no reason. You can tell how they judge her without truly knowing her, like she was one big joke. They had a false image of her, ‘the dumb mare Derpy Hooves.’ The mere thought of how they saw of her is intolerable.

“Hey there,” Ditzy said, bringing you back to reality. “You alright? You zoned out there for a second.” She turned her head to look over at you, generally concerned.

Turning to her, you give her a big smile. “I’m fine knowing you’re here.” With that, you give her a delicate kiss on the lips. Let them look, you smile to yourself. If only they knew how jealous they should be right now.

The first few houses you went to were generally nice, the ponies inside commented on the children’s costumes and gave a sufficient amount of candy to each. “Thank you,” they both said in unison, smiling up at the ponies with their adorable childlike smiles.

“You’re welcome,” they said. “Enjoy your Nightmare Night.”

Walking to the next few houses, you turn to Wingsley and ask, “So, few houses done, how much candy do you have?” He opens his bag to reveal it is about a quarter filled. “Wow, that’s a lot for how long we’ve been out here. You’re gonna have a lot of loot by the end of the night. Do you think you’re gonna need another bag?” you ask him.

“Already got another right here,” Wingsley commented, gesturing with his head to another bag he had in his possession. “I’m ready for anything!”

“Atta’ boy,” you respond with a chuckle. “Now get up there and see what else you can get.” You point to the house directly ahead of you. Wingsley and Dinky both run up to the door and knock, while you stand behind them some distance away next to Ditzy. She smiles up at you and rests her head on your neck while you both watch your foals enjoy their first Nightmare Night together. Amidst the overall chaos of the night, these moments had a peace to them. Children bubbling with energy, waiting after they rung the doorbell to get their treats for the night.

The door opened and there stood a mare at the door frame. “Nightmare Night. What a fright, give us something sweet to bite!” Wingsley and Dinky shouted. The mare looked at the kids and then up to you. Staring at you for a few seconds, her eyes squinted into a scowl and just as she opened the door, she slammed it shut. Wingsley and Dinky looked at each other in shock, completely stunned at what just happened. You knew what had happened all too well; it was unfortunate that Wingsley would be subjected to it as well. Being in her presence, you feel Ditzy shift her hooves. A shiver goes through your body. “Um, big bro? What happened?” Wingsley asked uncertainly.

“Don’t worry about it, probably somepony who is just angry on Nightmare Night,” you lie through your teeth. “Let’s head on to the next few houses.”

Prevailing and Carrot Top both tried to comfort Ditzy in their own ways. You gave them credit for being supportive, yet it didn’t really seem to help her. That one incident was not the only incident that night, just one of the more subtle ones. As you walk along, a pony from alongside comments, “Hey featherbrain, did you misplace your costume with your lunch?” Trying to not devolve into physical violence like last time, you attempt to ignore him and silently comfort Ditzy. Carrot Top, on the other hoof, is vocal in her rebuttal.

“Hey buddy! How about you come back here and say that again and I’ll beat your flank six ways to Tuesday!” The stallion didn’t respond, and after awhile, you all continue on.

“Ditzy, you okay?” you ask her quietly. She only shakes her head. It was going to be a rough night.

Walking from house to house wasn’t doing anything to help the general mood of the evening, even to the kids. Thankfully, Prevailing spoke up. “Hey you know what guys, let’s head to the festivities, little bit of apple bobbing, dancing,” he bent down to whisper to Wingsley and Dinky, “and most likely a lot of candy.”

“I’m in,” Wingsley said flatly. “That sounds good to me.”

“I like the sound of that,” Carrot Top added.

“What do you say, Ditzy? Sound good?”

She nodded and wiped her eye, “Yeah, I’d like that.”

“I guess that settles that,” Prevailing victoriously stated. “Come on everypony, let’s go!” You follow Prevailing into the center of the town, keeping your gaze and attention forward and on Ditzy. “Now come on guys, we’ve got to have a little fun tonight, it’s Nightmare Night!”

“Yeah,” Carrot Top agreed. “We can go apple bobbing, I know how much you love doing that.” Carrot Top stood next to Ditzy in her quest to make her feel better. While it was true that Carrot Top really got under your skin, it was an undoubtable fact that she was a good friend.

You met Twilight Sparkle close to the heart of the festival. Stopping, you exchange pleasantries with her. “Hey Twilight, happy Nightmare Night.”

“Happy Nightmare Night to you as well. I hope you two are enjoying your night,” she commented kindly, not knowing what happened previously.

“It’s been,” you pause, “interesting.” You believe Twilight can see the slight hurt in your faces because directly after she gave you a sad-looking smile.

“Well I hope you two have fun,” she sighed.

“We will,” Ditzy responded. Twilight waved goodbye to both of you and ran off into the crowd.

You all keep walking into town square and there were festivities galore. Everywhere you looked, there was a different activity to do. Bobbing for apples, dancing, arcade games and so on. While there, you spot Pinkie Pie, who was dressed up in a ridiculous chicken costume and taking the role quite seriously. Pinkie with enough candy to kill a mortal pony, this can only end well, you chuckle to yourself. “Hey Pinkie, how’s it going?”

“It’s just going SUPER!” she exclaimed in her usual happy voice. “I’m leading these little fillies and colts on a quest to get as much candy as we possibly can.”

“Isn’t it a little dangerous to have a bunch of kids running around eating way too much candy?” you ask her.

“Of course not, silly,” she laughed a little at your statement. “There’s no such thing as too much candy.”

Upon hearing this, Dinky and Wingsley both jumped onto the ‘Pinkie Bandwagon.’ “Hey big brother?” Wingsley asked. “Do you think we could go with Pinkie? Ya’ know, to get a little bit more candy.” That was an understatement. “I mean, Dinky and I will be together and we’ll be right here in town so we’ll be safe.”

You look at Ditzy, who responds with a smile that reflected a light-hearted happiness she hadn’t been showing so far that night. You turn back toward them. “I guess it’s alright with me if it’s alright with Pinkie, just don’t eat too much candy,” you warn.

“It’s fine with me,” Pinkie spoke up.

“And don’t worry, we won’t!” they called as they ran with Pinkie.

As you and Ditzy watched them run off into the distance, Ditzy tapped you on the shoulder and spoke up. “You know that they’re gonna eat a lot of candy, right?”

“Oh without a doubt,” you respond.

“Hey Ditzy,” Prevailing interrupted. “Mind if I steal your boyfriend away for a little while?”

“Go ahead,” Ditzy said with a chuckle. “It’s fine, you can go and hang out. I’ll stay here with Carrot Top.”

“Thanks. Don’t worry we’ll be back-” Prevailing was cut off by a sudden crack of thunder. The wind picked up and the sky darkened. Out of nowhere, a single carriage shot out of the sky. At the sight of it, you were struck by a sudden fear. From the ground, you can’t make out who it is, but you know it is powerful.

‘It’ was wearing a brown cloak to conceal its face. Turning your gaze, you see who was pulling the carriage: a pair of dark grey stallions, each with piercing orange eyes that were comparable to dragon eyes. They were pegasi; well, they looked like pegasi, sort of. Their wings were not normal wings. Rather, they had bat-like wings, frail-looking, yet terrifying. The pony in the carriage turned its head, throwing the hood of its cowl down. Underneath, you can now see that it is Princess Luna. You are stunned, what was a princess doing here? Your legs lock beneath you as you see her cloak transform into a cloud of bats and fly away. Right next to you, Prevailing put a hoof on your shoulder and put weight on it, forcing you to the ground. You look at him questioningly, but with his eyes he communicates that you should bow in respect. Realizing how clueless you are, you drop to the ground, partly in fear, partly because royalty is in front of you.

The lunar princess spoke in a voice that rattled your brain and eardrums, “Citizens of Ponyville! We have graced your tiny village with our presence, so that you might behold the real princess of the night! A creature of nightmares no longer, but instead a pony who desires your love and admiration! Together, we shall change this dreadful celebration into a bright and glorious feast!

My ears! Are they bleeding? Am I deaf? Thoughts race around in your brain as you try to recover from the booming voice of the princess. The ringing in your ears quiets down, allowing you to hear what Pinkie said next.

“Did you hear that, everypony? Nightmare Moon says she's gonna feast on us all!”

Dammit Pinkie, do you want to start a riot? On cue, ponies all around screamed and ran in fear. Panic ran rampant. Hmph, I guess she does. You think that you hear the princess say something else, but can’t really make it out since you are still somewhat recovering. Looking to Prevailing, you see that he is in a similar state. The crippling sonic attack appears to have left most ponies close to you debilitated. There was a fifty percent chance that Prevailing could hear you if you tried to converse with him; maybe that helmet of his protected him a little. As it turned out, he could hear, at least enough to communicate.

“HEY LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!” he shouted.

“SURE!” you respond. “WHERE’S DITZY?”

“SHE’S SAFE OVER THERE!” he pointed. Sure enough she was safe, and with the princess leaving, you were sure the situation would calm down.

You and Prevailing make your way away from the main festivities and decide to walk along the roads, enjoying the decorations. “HEY PREVAILING, WHAT DO YOU THINK THE DEAL IS WITH THE PRINCESS?”

Cringing slightly, Prevailing said in an even tone, “I think that the princess isn’t that good on making entrances, and I also think that my hearing has finally cleared, how about you? That is, unless you want another chance to hurt my ears.”

“Whoops,” you say.

“But anyway, come on, let’s just relax and hang out. It’s Nightmare Night, we’re supposed to do this.”

“But you do this every night,” you comment.

“Details, details,” he responded.

You walk with Prevailing around the town for a while. According to him, you need to loosen up a little; and according to you, he needs to stop leering at anything that moved. The two of you exchange lighthearted blows to each other and your egos. It was a good time, a time for you two to just relax.

“Hey, I know you!” Some stallion stops you.

“What do you mean? I don’t-” you stop short. You did know him, somewhat, unfortunately.

“Yeah, I remember you. How could I not, since you tried to protect that featherbrain.”

It’s him from all those months ago. That time I lost my temper, I can’t believe I’d ever see him again. This might be a small town, but it’s surprising how little you see of someponies.

“So you screwin’ that featherbrain now, are ya’?” he asked in a condescending tone.

“Hey buddy, get lost,” Prevailing cut in.

“Yeah? Whatcha’ gonna do about it? I’ve got to pay this guy back for something he did to me.”

“And what exactly did he do?” Prevailing asked threateningly.

“Prevailing, let’s just get out of here,” you urge him.

“Knocked me out when I wasn’t lookin,’ cheeky bastard.”

“I’m sure he had a good reason for it,” Prevailing commented, “so how about you back off?”

“Oh, so you fight Derpy’s battles as well. Why you’d even waste your time with anypony like that, I have no idea.”

“Why do you have to constantly talk down to her?” you ask him just short of shouting.

“I don’t need to explain to you, besides you aren’t any different. It’s not that hard to take advantage of a retarded mare,” he laughed.

“Why you little...” you growl as you approach him, only to be held back by Prevailing. “You talk about her like you’re better than she is, and yet all I see of you is a pathetic stallion! You talk a lot, but you don’t back it up! Yeah, I might have hit you but I don’t regret doing it! Somepony needed to put you in your place!”

“You’ve got a lot of nerve talking to me like that.” He stepped forward, only to be stopped by Prevailing. He looked at Prevailing and then back to you. “This isn’t the last I’ve seen of you,” he warned before stalking off.

“The things I want to do to him,” you growl between clenched teeth.

“You shouldn’t say stuff like that, just like he shouldn’t say stuff about Ditzy. He probably has a family and friends as well. He might be an arrogant asshole, but he’s still a pony. Try not to think about it, it’s bad to keep that mindset.”

“I suppose you’re right,” you grumble.

“You know, when I was younger, I had a really good friend,” Prevailing said.

“Like that ‘mare’ back in Canterlot kind of friend?” you respond with a smirk.

“No, no.” Prevailing shook his head, his tone becoming serious. “I knew a guy, one of the smartest I’ve ever met. He would always know what to say in these kinds of situations, and some of it kinda rubbed off on me. If he was here, he’d probably say something like: Life is not a fair experience, no matter where you go. Some ponies will always lord over others like they feel entitled somehow. How somepony is viewed is not directly related to who they are as a pony. Just like Ditzy, you know who she really is even though she is viewed so negatively. You love her for who she is, not for what she is viewed as.”

“Wait, when did I say I loved her?” you ask nervously.

“It’s written all over you, I noticed it a long time ago, but that’s not important right now.”

“It’s not?”

“No, I can read you like a book, it’s not news.” He continued, “For all the injustices in the world, all it takes is one pony to step up and stand against it. Others are going to criticize you, others will berate you. All you have to do is stand up against the crowd and expose the truth for what it is.”

After a moment of silent thought, you comment, “That was awfully philosophical of you, Prevailing. I think I’d like to meet this pony you talk about, who can make you less snide on occasion.”

“I don’t think you’d want to meet him really. It was a lifetime ago since I last spoke to him.” He stared off into space, sighing deeply before returning to the conversation. “Anyway, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be with Ditzy. No-pony should be allowed to tell you how to live your life.”

“But what if it just isn’t meant to be? What if she finds somepony else? What if-” Prevailing cut you off.

“Good thing I don’t believe in fate, and neither should you. Now it’s not my place to say, but I’m pretty sure she likes you a ‘whole lot’ too, so you shouldn’t worry about that.”

“You think she feels the same way?” you ask him.

“I’m going to let you find out that one on your own.”

“Prevailing?” you say after a considerable silence.

“Yeah?” he replied.

“I really needed to hear that, thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. Hey, shouldn’t we be getting back soon?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. Don’t want her to think Nightmare Moon gobbled us up,” you laugh.

After tucking Wingsley into bed, which was no easy task, you too decide it is time to crash for the night. Looking over at the clock, you see it reads one AM; the only problem is you aren’t tired. Lying awake staring at your ceiling, you decide that you might as well get something done. You rub your eyes, rolling out of bed and walking to your desk. Getting out your quill you begin to draft a letter to your father.

Dear Dad,

I got your letter on Nightmare Night, how lucky is that? I can’t say I remember some of my earlier costumes for Nightmare Night, but the past is the past. Speaking of the past, something from a few months back came back to bite me. Let’s just say it was a crazy night...