• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 17,932 Views, 757 Comments

(Re)Birth Through Fire - Spacecowboy

[Philomena x Human][Rom][Adv][Dark][Hu] Jason has spent countless lives in Equestria, each of them being more troubling than the last. This life, however, presents a new set of challenges

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Chapter 2 - First Impressions Are Not Good Impressions

“Sister!” Luna barged in, interrupting Jason, “Are you okay? We heard word of an attack from the guards, but–” she paused, noticing Jason’s new appearance. “It would seem they were not exaggerating due to stress… what in Tartarus happened?”

Jason suppressed a shudder at her arrival, fear briefly surging through him as he forced the emotion down. For an unknown reason, he was afraid of Luna, even though he knew her to be a mostly quiet individual. “Uh, hi, Luna. How’s it going?” he waved, smiling as if nothing were wrong.

“How am I?” she barks, her tone implying a lack of sanity on his part. “I am woken up in the middle of my rest and informed that not only as an assassin attacked my sister, but they killed my friend. Then, my friend supposedly caught on fire, and from there things just get even worse! So, how do you think I am doing, Jason?” her anger subsides as she notices the glance Celestia is giving her. “I am sorry, but I am indeed glad to see you both well and… unharmed.” she hesitates at the end, looking at Jason’s wings and hair.

Jason merely points at Philomena, keeping his eyes fixed on Luna. “Her fault. It’s a long story, but basically… I’ve been here a thousand years, anytime I die I’m reborn, and birdbrains over here apparently influenced some magic in me and this,” he motioned with his hands to the changes, “happened as a result.”

Celestia motioned for Luna to sit down. “Sister, take a seat please. Jason is in the middle of explaining some of what he recalls, and we were just getting to what brought him here a few years ago.”

Luna takes a seat, opting to recline on a chair across from Jason, causing him to have to force down another shudder of fear. “You mean when you found him, weapon in hand, watching me with Philomena on his shoulder?”

Jason just cringed, recalling that specific moment with acute clarity. “Yeah… that day. As I was telling your sister, I was on my way back…”

The sun was low on the horizon as Jason took in the sight before him. This was the closest he had ever been to the place, and now that details could be made out, he could not help but be amazed. The castle that seemed impossibly perched on the mountain gleamed in the waning sunlight, its spires and towers catching the light and reflecting it, and the town surrounding the castle also was rather majestic. Vaguely recalling a fairytale from his childhood, it seemed like a place that belonged within one.

The whispered words had spoken of a sister to the ruler of Equestria, who had recently returned. Although supposedly ‘redeemed’ in the eyes of the ruler, many ponies and other species alike claimed that she was still evil, simply fooling everyone as she bided her time. Much like in the past, Jason could not help but find himself drawn to such events.

After a few short hours night was upon him, and Jason began walking up the path carved into the mountainside to the city. Nighttime was the same everywhere; the regular ponies went to sleep and the guard came out to play. He had a few close calls, but managed to go unseen as he quietly entered the streets.

Keeping to the shadows and suppressing the fear that came with the darkness, he moved closer to the castle. The streets were mostly empty, only the passing guard or random pony hustling to an unknown location broke the silence. The size of the city made Jason uneasy, this was easily the largest settlement of any kind he had been within.

Two guards were posted outside the entrance, both attentive with their focus towards the street. Looking around just barely out of their sight, he tried to locate another way in. His eyes rapidly scanned the surroundings, taking note of the gate’s high fence serving as a wall to an interior courtyard. The other sides were surrounded by actual walls of a rather high height, if Jason had to guess they were easily three times his height.

Not noticing a way inside, he settled on a diversion. Picking up a small handful of pebbles, he took careful aim at the furthest guard, carefully letting a small stone loose. It went a far wide, hitting the metal fence with a sharp clang. Both heads turned towards the noise as Jason threw another pebble, this one striking off the guard’s helmet. Repressing a snicker, he watched as they both looked around in confusion.

It only took Jason three more stones to get one of the guards to leave his post, leaving his fellow-in-arms alone. Luckily, both were earth ponies, so he did not have to worry about being spotted by them from the sky or via spell.

Watching the head of the guard bob back and forth as he walked further away from the gate, Jason rushed forward and hit the guard on the helmet, hard. A clear ringing sound rang from the strike as the guard dropped to the ground, out cold. Jason hurried inside, shaking his hand to regain some of the feeling in it.

“Hah!” Luna exclaimed, a hoof raised in the air as she interrupted Jason’s narrative. “I recall those two guards! I do believe they attempted to claim that an invisible monster knocked him unconscious. Nopony truly knew what had distracted his partner, but come to find out it was mere pebbles?” she laughed uncontrollably.

“Yes, well, one can presume they would rather claim that something big and bad knocked them out rather than having to say ‘Sir, I was tricked into abandoning my post while my partner got knocked unconscious by an unknown entity that later turned out to be a rather harmless human.’” Jason snorted, shaking a little as he contained laughter. “Yeah, I’m sure that went over really well with Shining Armor.”

“Indeed. I do find it odd though, you said that whispered words of my sister still being… it is what drew you here?” he nodded his head, “And you truly had no plan? Surprising.”

Jason couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Yeah, even with all that time behind me, sometimes I forgot the simplest of things.” his expression turned dour, “At least this time it didn’t end with my death… those were the worst.”

Luna nodded her head, having a brief understanding of his circumstances now. “I could imagine as much. When Celestia had to banish us, I still felt it even though Nightmare Moon was the one still in control. It was unimaginably painful…” Luna trailed off, lost in thought. Shaking her head, she sadly smiled. “Sorry, I still find myself lost in the past on occasion.”

Celestia joined in Luna’s sad smile, equally pained at the reminder of that time. She turned to Jason and asked him a question. “So, if you had no idea where my sister was going to be, how did you manage to find her?”

Jason let out a short laugh, leaning back as he did so. “Pure luck, really. You see, when I got inside…”

As he entered the foyer, he couldn’t help but be further amazed at just how decorative and expensive everything looked. One could purchase a village with just one decorative pillar within these halls it looked like to him. Without an idea of where to go from this point, Jason randomly wandered through the halls.

After a few minutes of having to duck into an empty storeroom and what looked to be a dining room to avoid patrols, Jason realized just how stupid this idea was. He still had a good idea of the layout of the castle that he had already been through, but without a notion of where he needed to go, he was thoroughly lost.

Just as he was prepared to backtrack his steps and leave, he heard a few guards coming around the corner. “They didn’t get a good look at the intruder, but we’ve got guards combing the corridors in case whoever it was slipped in. I swear, told the Captain they weren’t ready for the gate posting yet..” a male voice trailed off as he listened in from within a storage closet.

A second voice chimed in, this one a female. “Yeah, greenhorns. D’ya know where Nightmare Moon is at right now? She could be behind it.” the sound of a hoof ringing off a helmet rang in the air.

“How many times do we need to say it? You will refer to her as Princess Luna! Do you really want to go up before the Captain and have to explain yourself? Because I certainly don’t.” a pause happened, and then the speaker continued. “Besides, Princess Luna is currently in her garden last I heard, the one just down the hall. Now c’mon, we have to continue searching.”

The clopping of hooves reached Jason’s ears as he processed this new information. With a destination now in mind, he slowly eased out of the closet, checking the halls for any ponies that might be on the lookout. It came as no surprise to him that his entrance had not gone without notice, although it seemed to be a relatively small response, as this was only the third patrol he had avoided so far.

Setting off towards the location the guard had specified, Jason also thought on what had been said. Much like the words had said, this Princess Celestia’s sister had indeed returned, although she was apparently being called Princess Luna rather than Nightmare Moon. Which one she was though, that is what mattered the most. After all, if she truly were redeemed, then there was no point to his actions.

Quietly, he came into the hallway, a gentle breeze denoting an open area ahead blew past him. The light wind ruffled his clothes as he inched forward, staying as close to the wall as possible. Walking into the moonlight, a dark figure lay ahead, sitting at the edge of a pool of water. As she lifted her head, Jason realized it had to be her; the wings and horn gave it away.

He quickly turned his gaze to focus on the sudden weight that had settled on his shoulder, doing his best to not make a sound. Even in the darkness, the bright mix of reds and oranges swirled together was readily apparent to him as two beady eyes met him. Although the eyes of an avian, they were filled with intelligence, and Jason couldn’t help but gulp.

Strangely, he found a sort of understanding with this brightly colored bird, who after a moment, simply remained on his shoulder, closing its wings tightly to its side as it perched on Jason’s shoulder. Weapon in hand, he turned back to look at her, and his eye caught hers.

Numerous things happened in the next instance. Jason’s eyes met Luna’s, and he went rigid in fear. Fragmented memories of a time he thought long since buried returned, a darkness that had lasted what felt an eternity. The embodiment of the night ponified dredged these memories up to the surface of his mind, causing him to have a massive panic attack. His muscles all locked in place, his mouth partway open in shock, and Jason went completely unresponsive.

Luna opened her mouth, but before she could utter a word, Celestia’s reverberating voice reached her ears. “Sister! There is an intruder within the cast–” her words cut off as she noticed Jason, immediately reacting by surrounding him within a nimbus of magic.

“...and that’s that. Not my best moment.” Jason finished, thinking back on that night. For some reason, even after over two years of therapy, Luna instilled a fear deep within him. At least he was finally to the point to where he could be within the same room as her.

“Indeed, I remember how quickly Celestia bundled you up, even with Philomena resting on your shoulder. She was rather overbearing for quite some time after my return.” she chuckled at Celestia’s expense, who in turn pretended to be offended and stuck up her muzzle.

“Indeed I was… there, I admitted it, are you happy?” Celestia grunted at Luna, who simply replied by sticking her tongue out at her sister. “But, I think the only thing that truly saved you from immediate harm, Jason, was that Philomena was so accepting of you from the start. It’s readily clear why now, but until that point she was hostile at worst, and ignored others at best.” Celestia finished, glaring mockingly at the offending avian.

Jason laughed, giving yet more attention to Philomena. “Yeah, it does make sense. We’re going to have to get Twilight here as soon as possible, though. She’d probably be able to get to the bottom of what’s going on…” he trailed off, thoughts once more turning grim. “You’ve got an assassin to interrogate, Celestia. There’ll be more time for me to recount stuff later, but that really should be taken care of.”

Celestia and Luna both grew grim at his words. “Indeed…” Luna began, a sigh escaping from her lips, “I knew that the Cult of the Nocti Lunarum,” her face twisted with a rather large amount of disgust, “was still active, as Celestia had them tracked since Nightmare Moon’s banishment. However, if they are openly attacking my sister, then who knows what else they many have planned.”

“Luna, they also used Night’s Bane.” Luna whistled at Celestia’s words. “Indeed, it’s no easy feat to acquire or grow the necessary ingredients for me. That amount of resources scares me, as the latest intel reports on them showed only a hoof-full of ponies, and none with enough influence or wealth to acquire the poison either way.” Celestia said, a weight within her voice.

“Go, sister. Interrogate the vermin… I’m afraid my methods are no longer considered to be legal, and I have no interest in bantering with him.” Luna quietly spoke, a smoldering rage hidden within the depth of her words. Celestia nodded before getting up and walking to Jason.

“We’ll talk more later. Knowing some of this may help us get you past your issues, as well as expose more…” she looked at him with a slightly hurt expression. “I truly wish you would’ve trusted us both with this information sooner, Jason. Take care.” She quickly hugged him before doing the same with Luna, then walked out the door.

“So,” Luna began, sitting on the edge of her seat, “mind filling me in on what I missed?”

Celestia walked next to Shining Armor, who had just finished compiling reports of the sweep of the castle. “Princess, there were no other ponies or any other species found within the castle and the immediate area. After looking through the prisoner’s belongings, the only weapon was the dagger that reportedly struck Jason.” he frowned as he recounted the next segment. “However, it was consumed apparently when Jason… burst into fire and reincarnated?”

“Yes, that did indeed happen, Shining.” Celestia sighed in relief. “I’m glad that you agreed to be the acting Captain until Captain Stone returns. This… event that has happened, having you in charge of the guard lets me rest a bit easier.” she spoke softly as they descended into an area of the castle that smelled of the earth. Before he could offer up a rebuttal, Celestia continued. “I know, the initial attack went unnoticed and the only one to act in time was Jason. However, now that you know that there is a valid threat, I know that you are the best choice to be in charge of Luna and I’s safety.”

Shining simply sighed as they entered in the little used cell block that was buried deep into the mountain underneath the main barracks. Two guards posted at the entrance saluted them as they arrived. “Princess, Prin– sorry, Captain Armor, the prisoner is secured in the third cell.” he reported to them, holding a sharp salute while remaining at attention.

“At easy, Sergeant, and thank you. The princess and I have it from here.” Shining spoke, causing the soldier to open the door for them. Celestia couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the guard’s slip-up with Shining’s title.

“If this is just the beginning, I might just have to stick around… Oh man, Cadance is not going to like that.” Shining groaned as they entered the cell block.

“Something tells me she’d be more cross with you if something were to happen to her aunt though, don’t you?” Celestia stopped with the chatter as they came up to the cell containing the assassin. Taking a moment to compose herself, she used her magic to open up the door, walking in with Shining on his heels.

The prisoner was shackled spread eagle against the back wall, each limb secured with magically fortified metal buckles. A grade-AAA ring inhibitor was firmly locked on his horn, and his mouth gagged to prevent anything from being said. That, coupled with the most secure location within Equestria for prisoners, made for a complete and thorough prison.

Celestia simply stood there, examining him. She noted that his handling had been less than good, which came as no surprise to her. After all, the fool had made an attempt on her life, she was probably lucky that he was conscious still. His grey mane blended in nearly seamlessly with his coat, his mark that of a dagger with a drop of liquid on its tip.

“So.” she simply stated, authority carried in her voice. “You thought that you could simply walk into my court, disrupt my ponies’ time to bring their grievances to me, and then make an attempt on my life? Utterly egotistical of you, and utterly moronic.” she leaned in close to his face, noticing the burning hatred in his yellow eyes. “What. Was. Your. Purpose?”

The assassin simply laughed, a muffled sound coming through the gag in his mouth. Once it ended, Shining removed the gag, leveling a spear at the unicorn’s neck. “Our Princess asked you a question, cretin. Now, your name,” he brought the spear tip to touch the neck of the stallion, “and your purpose.”

“The Nocti Lunarum have no need for names, and our purpose is clear. Death to the Sun Tyrant so that Her Radiant Majesty of the Night can reclaim Her rightful place as the sole ruler of our country and lead us into glory!” he loudly exclaimed, his complete belief and fanaticism to Nightmare Moon showing in his words as every reference to her sounded like a deity. Shining replied by slapping the assassin’s face with the flat side of the spear’s blade, unamused by the rhetoric spouted.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You got the hots for Nightmare Moon who, might I remind you, is gone!” Shining exclaimed, noting the increase of anger at his words at his denial of Nightmare Moon’s existence. Celestia simply watched, a passive expression on her face as Shining worked on getting details from the prisoner.

“You. Are. Wrong! She exists even now, waiting to take back the vessel that is rightly hers. And when she does…” he madly laughed, tossing his head back as far as the restraints allowed. “I am merely the vanguard, the first of many who plan to see your Precious Princesses gone so that the Queen may take Her place once more!”

Celestia motioned to Shining Armor, erecting a barrier blocking sounds between them and the prisoner. “I must write a letter to your sister. As the newest Princess of Equestria, she and her friends are highly exposed in Ponyville, even with the current guards posted there. And the fact that more will try… these will be trying days ahead.”

Shining sighed. “Indeed, it looks like I’ll be sending that letter to Cady after all… She’d kill me herself, if I left anything for her, if Twily came to harm. I don’t know how much we’ll be able to get out of him, he’s pretty deep in their indoctrination.”

She nodded, dropping the barrier a moment later as they both walked back to the prisoner. Celestia got in his face, a wad of spit ejecting from his mouth stopped in the air as it hit a barrier. “Now, my little pony, you will tell me your name at the very least.” she spoke, the very air growing heavy as the weight of her words settled on his mind.

He did his best to resist, however not many could hold out when Celestia skirted magics she had sworn off. This was because violating one’s free will was a line that she refused to cross, however in this instance she was willing to bend it. “S-silent Step.” slowly ripped its way from his mouth, the entire time his teeth were gritted.

“Good. That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Celestia mockingly asked as Shining took a step forward. With a nod, she left him to finish the interrogation as she attended to other duties.

Celestia walked as far as the posted guards, who quickly snapped to attention once more and saluted her, before disappearing in a flash of magic as she teleported directly to her study. Surprisingly enough, Luna and Jason were both engaged in discussion, although they stopped as she appeared in their midst.

“Celestia, what is it?” Luna asked as both her and Jason stood up and walked over to her desk, where she was quickly pulling out quill, ink and parchment.

“It’s not good, Luna. It’s not going to be an isolated incident; plus I’m not the only target.” Celestia began quickly scribbling, writing a letter to her pupil. Luna’s eyes widened at the same time as Jason’s, both realizing who she meant.

“No…” Luna breathlessly said, alarmed. Jason began running for the door, although Luna caught him within her magic. Turning to him, even as he attempted to break out of her magic, she spoke. “Jason. As noble as rushing off to Twilight may be, my sister can get notice to her through Spike much, much quicker than you could possibly get there yourself.” she eyed his wings and recalled his somewhat lopsided run. “Besides, as you are now, the best you would be is a shield.”

Jason deflated even as Luna released him from her magic, understanding the point she made. As he began to pace back and forth in frustration, Celestia finished with her letter, not even bothering to sign it with her full signature, before sending it off.

“There. Let us hope that nothing has happened yet, and that I’m simply overreacting.”

In the town of Ponyville, two guards stood watch outside the entrance of the Golden Acres Library. Both kept watchful eyes for the shadows cast by the pale moonlight, their duty to ensure the safety of the newest Princess of Equestria who resided within.

A lone figure slowly approached, the late hour causing the two guards to believe something was amiss. As the pony came closer, one guard called out a challenge. Ignoring it, they simply continued walking, their path taking them straight for the front door.

“Go alert her, I’ll handle this.” The unicorn guard spoke to his companion, a pegasus. Turning his attention towards the pony, who was now no more than twenty paces away, he challenged the figure. “Halt! Identify yourself and come no closer, otherwise I will have no choice but to detain you!”

A laugh greeted the guards words, which caused him to charge his spell. As he went to release it, the figure abruptly shifted, moving forward so quickly the guard was unable to track it. A blade leaving its sheath rang out in the still night, a blade that cut cleanly through the guard’s neck.

The figure paused a moment to wipe his blade off as the lights within the library turned on, and a flash of green became visible inside. Maniacally grinning, he walked towards the front door.

Author's Note:

Welp... I hadn't quite planned on taking it in that direction, but... hey, why not? So, now we have some basic facts, as well as a 'villain' group to antagonize our characters. As always, if you find any errors feel free to beat me over the head with them point them out. I hope that you enjoy this latest installment.

And, also of note, this is the last chapter in a row. I need to give some other projects some attention now. At my current pace, I'd give it roughly a week tops before the next chapter, though.