• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 10,579 Views, 488 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship's Turmoil - Superdale33

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls. Sora travels to a world that holds a powerful magic, which he must protect from the impending Darkness while searching for his lost friend, Riku. Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

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Chapter 1: Arrival

Kingdom Hearts: Friendship’s Turmoil
Chapter 1: Arrival

Sora was sitting at the pilot’s seat of the Highwing Gummi Ship, with it’s orange and yellow color scheme, as he steered the vehicle towards its destination. His hands were gripping the helm tightly, and his face was set with determination and a furrowed brow. His thoughts were a jumbled mess as he tried to keep the pieces in line to think straight. It had happened so fast, and all the new information was still processing in his head.

His determination faltered slightly as he gave a sigh, his face softening to worry. “What happened to you, Riku?” he questioned, not expecting an answer, as he was alone. He allowed his mind to go back to his meeting with Master Yen Sid, still trying to remember everything that had happened.


Sora entered Yen Sid’s Study with reckless ambition, the door swinging open easily as he strode inside. Donald and Goofy, who were following behind, entered a bit more gently, with Donald scowling at Sora’s brash behavior. Sora’s attention was instantly drawn to Yen Sid himself, still wearing his blue robes and pointed hat, who was stroking his beard thoughtfully.

Sora approached Yen Sid’s desk much more formally and stood at attention, his features turning serious. As Donald and Good stood a few feet behind him on either side, the three bowed simultaneously. Sora may not have been very polite the first time he came to Yen Sid’s tower, but he wasn’t about to repeat his mistake.

“You wanted to see me, Master Yen Sid?” Sora asked politely as he rose from his bow with his other two friends.

Yen Sid nodded, “Yes, I had Donald and Goofy bring you here from your home on Destiny Islands to assist in a very grave matter.”

Even though Sora knew the situation was important, he couldn’t help but break into a grin. “I’ll do everything I can to help,” he announced without a hint of hesitation, bumping his chest with a fist, “I was bored anyway, what with Riku and Kairi gone.”

Yen Sid gave a small smile, “Yes, I understand you have been waiting for your friends to return from what they are doing.” His smile dropped as he grew serious yet again, “However, that is the reason I have brought you here.”

Sora balked as he took a step back in surprise. “Are they in danger!?” he asked quickly, worry etched into his face, “Do they need my help?!”

“Calm yourself, Sora,” Yen Sid requested softly, yet it was enough for Sora to go silent, dipping his head to await Yen Sid’s response. “They are not in any immediate danger.”

Relaxing his shoulders, Sora breathed a sigh of relief as he faced Yen Sid again. “Kairi is still on a special mission with King Mickey and Lea. As for Riku, that is what I have asked you here for.”

Knowing there was no point in rushing Yen Sid, Sora simply nodded, “Alright, tell me what’s going on.”

Yen Sid shut his eyes in thought for a few moments before reopening them. “A few days ago, I felt the presence of a very powerful magic that reached to all the worlds,” he began, “How it suddenly appeared and why I did not sense it sooner, I cannot say. However, this magic is important to every living person, as it makes up the bonds we all share.”

“What magic would that be?” Sora asked with a tilt of his head.

Yen Sid smiled, “You of all people should know this, Sora. It is the magic of friendship.”

A smile crept onto Sora’s face as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms in thought. He had many times said that his friends were his power, and that was no lie. To hear that it was important to everyone wasn’t a surprise, but something still puzzled him. He opened his eyes again, a small frown replacing his smile, “What makes this so different?”

“The magic I have sensed is special,” he explained patiently, “Because of its power, it allows everyone to share the bonds of friendship that links us together. Every time you make a friend, Sora, a part of that magic forms a bond between yourself and that friend. It’s how we are able to remember each other, and enjoy the times we share.”

At that moment, it clicked for Sora, his face lighting up, “Oh, I get it. So, this magic is what makes people friends.”

“A very crude explanation,” Yen Sid agreed, “but effective in that regard.”

“Alright, so, what’s the problem?” Sora asked, feeling like he already knew the answer.

Yen Sid’s face turned grim, “The Darkness has also sensed this magic, and is on the move.”

Sora gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. He knew exactly who was behind the Darkness, and it only took one word to voice his thoughts.

“Xehanort,” Sora said. He knew he would have to face him at some point in the future, but to face him under these circumstances was bizarre. Wasn’t he going to reappear when the time was right? And didn’t he want the χ-blade? He shook his head; it didn’t matter what Xehanort was going to do with this special magic, Sora would stop him and put an end to it before it began.

“You are correct, Sora,” Yen Sid nodded, “It is no guess that Xehanort is going after this magic. I do not know how he has returned, since he mentioned he would return when the time was right. But that is why I have sent Riku to investigate this phenomenon, and protect the magic from any harm.”

Donald and Goofy were acting worried at that moment, idly playing with their hands and facing the floor, knowing what Yen Sid was going to say next. “Unfortunately, we have lost contact with him,” He said, causing Sora to gasp sharply, his jaw opening slightly in shock. “I do not know if it is because of the world from which the magic originates from, or because of the encroaching Darkness.”

“Riku,” Sora muttered to himself, his eyes trained to the floor. Donald and Goofy were able to hear him as they glanced at him sympathetically. Sora hoped that Riku was okay. Though he knew that Riku could take care of himself, the worry still lingered. But Sora couldn't be moping around now. He shook off his sad demeanor as he looked at Yen Sid. “Is that why you summoned me, Master Yen Sid?” he asked with dedication.

“Yes,” Yen Sid nodded, “I want you to go to this world and find out what you can. It is top priority that you protect the magic of friendship until Xehanort loses interest, but I would like you to search for Riku as well.”

“You got it, Master Yen Sid,” Sora exclaimed, pumping a fist with a confident smile. He faced away from Yen Sid, feeling ready for another adventure, but Yen Sid cleared his throat before he could take a single step. Sora looked over his shoulder at him with a questioning glance as Yen Sid closed his eyes again.

“I must warn you, Sora,” Yen Sid cautioned with his hand raised for emphasis, “If the magic of friendship is destroyed, all ties with friendship will cease to exist.”

Sora jumped back in shock, quickly facing him again, “Huh!? So you mean…?”

“I mean, that no one will be friends with anyone ever again,” Yen Sid finished with a nod.

Sora looked to the ground nervously, finally feeling the weight of this mission. If he failed, he wouldn’t be the only one to lose. Everyone in all the worlds would no longer have friends, and the worlds would inevitably crumble from disorder. He had to succeed, he just had to.

"Why would Xehanort want to destroy it then?" Sora asked desperately.

"I do not know his motives," Yen Sid admitted with a shake of his head. "But I assume that he hopes to divide us so his goal will be easier to achieve."

Sora groaned to himself. He should have known Xehanort would do something so underhanded. At the very least, though, Sora wouldn't be alone on this venture. He always felt better with friends by his side, even with the odds stacked against him. With that thought, Sora sprung back from his exasperated mood with a firm grin on his face.

"We’re on it,” Sora said, giving a reassuring smile and turning his head towards Donald and Goofy with a thumbs up. “Me, Donald, and Goofy will make sure that doesn't happen.”

Donald and Goofy did not share the same air of enthusiasm as Sora did, looking at him with sorry expressions. This caused Sora to turn to face them fully, slightly uneasy. “You’re coming with me, right?”

“Sorry, Sora,” Goofy apologized, scratching the back of his head, “Master Yen Sid needs us for somethin’.”

Donald nodded in agreement, forcing Sora to look between the two in wonder. He then turned back to Master Yen Sid. “So, I’m doing this alone?” Sora questioned with a bit of doubt.

“I am afraid so, Sora,” Yen Sid stated sadly, “They have an errand I need them to complete, and it may take some time. I have the utmost confidence that you will accomplish your mission on your own.”

Sora thought about everything that he had learned so far; the special magic, Riku’s disappearance, the possible destruction of all of the bonds of friendship. It was a lot to put on his shoulders. Though he had done impossible feats before, it was usually with friends at his side. This time, he would have to be extra careful, or everyone would pay the price. Not only that, but Yen Sid was counting on him, like the whole disaster with him nearly falling to Darkness had never happened. It was like he was giving him a second chance.

Giving off a heavy sigh, Sora nodded, and Yen Sid nodded back. “Donald shall give you the coordinates to the world, and the Gummi Ship is ready whenever you are.”

Sora looked at Donald, who gave a smug smile. “I hope you don’t crash it, Sora,” he joked, crossing his arms with a knowing look.

Sora chuckled, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back with a smile of his own. Though he was heading out on his own, he knew he wouldn’t let his friends down. “You can count on me, guys,” He said, then he turned back to Yen Sid, standing back to attention with a salute. “So long, Master Yen Sid.”

“Good luck, Sora,” Yen Sid said with a curt nod, “and remember: stay vigilant.”

Sora gave one final nod before bounding for the door, Donald and Goofy right behind him to see him off. Yen Sid stroked his beard as the sounds of their footsteps faded away down the tower.


Despite the enthusiasm he showed at the Mysterious Tower, the true pressure of the mission made him somber. Riku was missing, and he was absolutely sure it wasn’t on purpose. Though there was the possibility that the world itself was disrupting communication, Sora had yet to find a world that did that. Not only that, but the thought of no one ever being friends again tore him to shreds. He loved making friends, and the notion that something so catastrophic like that happening was disheartening.

Sora snapped back to reality as a loud beeping noise filled the compartment of the Gummi Ship. It indicated that he was approaching a new world, and with a press of a button, the beeping halted, and Sora got a good look of the new world. It was shrouded in light, which was odd in itself. Was the magic of friendship making it like that? Whatever the reason was, it made it difficult to see what the world looked like. All he was able to discern was a building with some sort of statue in front.

“I guess I’ll have to land to see it,” he mused to himself, aiming the Gummi Ship for the world. As he approached it, the light grew brighter and brighter, until it was near blinding. Sora did all he could to keep his eyes focused on controlling the vessel, but the sheer amount of light wouldn’t even allow him to see through it. Unable to stand it any longer, he tore his gaze away, waiting for the light to diminish.

After a few moments, the light died down, and Sora allowed himself to face forward to continue flying. To his horror, he found himself diving straight towards the grass-covered earth. His heart dropping, Sora quickly tilted the helm back, attempting to steer the Gummi Ship out of harms way. He barely made it as the Gummi Ship skidded on the ground for a brief moment before sailing back into the sky. He veered the vessel to the side as he eased his breathing, glad he had pulled up just in time.

Slowing the Gummi Ship enough to get an easy fly-by, Sora looked out to see the world he had arrived at. From what he could tell, it was a small town with a large, two-story building shaped like a wide ‘U’ in the direct center of it. A medieval tower on top of a glass dome sat on the roof. The gray statue in the front was big as well, depicting a horse rearing up. At the back of the building, Sora could make out a field, complete with soccer nets and bleachers. The more Sora examined this world, the more it reminded him of something.

“High School?” he pondered aloud, raising a brow. “Well, I can take a better look around when I land.”

With that thought, he looked for a place to put the Gummi Ship. There weren’t many places to land without being spotted by passersby; he had to maintain the order of the worlds, so it was essential he wasn’t seen flying a space-faring vessel. The only area that looked out of sight was the roof of the school, and even that was risky in itself. Nonetheless, there was no other area that was more centralized or well hidden, and with reluctance, he pulled the ship to a slow descent towards the roof of the building.

As he approached, he steadily lowered the Gummi Ship while leveling it at the same time, keeping his aim near the glass dome. With professional skill, he grounded the vessel with a dull thud without a scratch, not counting his close call earlier.

“Donald would be proud,” Sora expressed with a chuckle as he unlatched his seatbelt. With a flip of the switch, the lower platform on the Gummi Ship opened up to show an exit into the new world. Jumping out of his seat, he briskly made his way out of the vessel and on to the roof. He ran over to the edge of the slant, which ended at the building’s ledge, looking over the new world.

“Riku’s out there somewhere,” he reminded himself, with a half-smile, “I just gotta find him.” He turned towards the roof, looking for a way down. In a stroke of luck, he was able to find the service stairs, and walked over to them. He swung open the door and climbed the set of stairs all the way down to the bottom until he reached another door.

When he entered through it, he found himself in a hallway, with blue tiled floor and walls covered in green lockers with the occasional door. The only thing he didn’t see were any students walking around. Sora walked over to a nearby railing to see the main lobby, with banners and display cases with horses on every single one. Wanting to start from the bottom, Sora vaulted the railing and fell to the ground floor, landing expertly. Staying on track, he chose a hallway to walk down and went along, looking for anyone to help him on his way. As he continued, he looked through the windows into the classrooms and noticed that even they were empty.

“Is it the weekend?” he asked himself, rubbing his chin. Then he heard talking, or more accurately, many people talking. With a grin, he followed the muffled noise as it lead him further down the hall. The talking grew louder as he approached a set of double doors, and knew this is where the noise was coming from. Stopping short of entering, he put his hands on his hips and looked over the doors.

“Must be the cafeteria,” he concluded, “Or the gym.” He knew it was some sort of place where students gathered, and the most logical were those two options. With a confident grin, he hit his fist against the palm of his hand in excitement. “Alright, now I’m getting somewhere.”

The grin still on his face, Sora stepped forward and pushed the doors open.


The cafeteria was as lively as ever, everyone talking animately with each other as they ate their lunches. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle a few weeks ago, the students weren’t as separated as they used to be, and were mingling with each other even though they had different hobbies. It was a normal and fun day for everyone, except for one girl sitting at a table near the back.

Fluttershy, wearing her white tank top shirt and light green skirt, sat alone as she picked at her salad with a fork that she was having for lunch. It wasn’t that she wasn’t hungry, but it was the fact that she was lonely and kind of sad. Her friends had yet to arrive, and she could really use someone to talk with. She eventually stabbed a leaf of lettuce and stuck it in her mouth, but it did little to quench her longing.

It was at that moment, that Rainbow Dash, sporting a blue short-sleeved jacket with a magenta and white skirt, walked in, swiftly looking over the room. Spotting Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash gave a wave, which she returned, and she made her way over to her. As soon as she was able to, Rainbow fell right into the seat in front of Fluttershy, giving off a content sigh.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy welcomed with a smile, glad to have a friend with her again. “I thought you’d be at practice.”

“Decided to take a break for once during lunch,” Rainbow explained , returning the smile, as she stretched her arms, “Can’t practice all the time.”

Rainbow then looked at her with an intent stare, making Fluttershy turn her gaze back to her food. “What about you?” Rainbow questioned, “You okay with detention?”

Not finding the ability to speak, Fluttershy only nodded, playing with her food again to drive back her nervousness. Rainbow still looked at her, “Did you get someone to help you out?”

Swallowing, Fluttershy shook her head, shrinking down in her seat as Rainbow gave a sigh. “Come on, Fluttershy,” Rainbow scolded softly, “Not even the others could help you?”

“No,” Fluttershy said barely louder than a whisper. “Applejack is working at the farm, Twilight has to head to the library for a project, Pinkie Pie is busy at Sugarcube Corner, and Rarity needs to finish a dress by tomorrow.”

Then, she perked up, a small smile emerging on her face as she turned towards Rainbow. “Could you… could you help me?” she asked sweetly, before her eyes widened and she hastily added, “I-If that’s alright with you.”

A frown and a shake of her head was all the indication Fluttershy needed to slip back into sadness. “Sorry,” Rainbow apologized, “You know I have practice after school. Just because I canceled during lunch doesn’t mean I’m canceling this afternoon. But can you remind me how you got detention in the first place?”

“Well,” Fluttershy started, tapping her chin with a sheepish smile. “I was so busy with my animal friends that I may have sort of... skipped a few classes.”

“Lost track of time?” Rainbow deadpanned with a bored look.

“Yes,” Fluttershy admitted, her smile disappearing as she bowed her head in shame.

Seeing her distraught mood, Rainbow instantly tried to cheer her up. “Don’t worry about it, Fluttershy,” she comforted, putting a hand on her shoulder. “It’s just a few days of cleaning the hallways. It could be worse. Like, a lot worse. Try to find someone to help you, okay? It’ll be finished before you know it if you do.”

“I know,” Fluttershy sighed dejectedly. She really didn’t want to ask someone other than her friends for help. It was bad enough trying to speak with anyone in the first place, let alone asking for their help.

It was at that moment that the double doors swung open, and everyone glanced at it, as most people do when any door opens. However, they all had a double take at who entered. It was a boy like any other, with brown spiky hair and blue eyes, but it was what he was wearing that earned him the stares.

His garbs were mostly black, with a short-sleeved hoodie and long shorts. He also had large black and yellow shoes that stuck out like a sore thumb. It seemed like his clothing was made more for adventuring than school. All in all, the students had never seen a person like him before.

As bizarre as he was, many people's gazes did not last for very long, shrugging him off as just another strange person. The boy was unfazed by the way he was looked at, scanning over the room as if searching for someone. When his eyes landed on the lunches being served, he blinked a few times as he put a hand over his stomach.

“Who is he?” Fluttershy asked in wonder, hoping Rainbow could answer so she wouldn’t have to introduce herself.

“Who knows,” Rainbow replied bluntly, “Probably just a transfer student. Anyway, I’m going to get some food, be back in a flash.”

Fluttershy watched Rainbow get up and head over to the serving station for awhile until her attention went back to the strange boy. He was now crossing his arms as he looked deep in thought, contemplating something or other. Fluttershy couldn’t help but ponder why a boy like him would be in this school.


As Sora entered the room, the first thing he looked for was Riku, ignoring everyone else for the time being. It was a bit discouraging when he didn’t find him, but he hadn’t expected to find him right off the bat. Pushing the thought off for the time being, he finally gave a general look of the area. He was definitely in the cafeteria, if the tables and food were any indicator. The people, he also noticed, were each colored differently, from their skin to their hair. At least he wouldn’t be short in asking for directions.

When Sora saw the food being served by a green-skinned elderly woman, his stomach involuntarily grumbled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten for hours. Putting his hand on his stomach, he wondered what delicacies were available to him. He crossed his arms as he went into his thinking pose; he didn’t have time to eat. Everything regarding friendship was at stake. On the other hand, he couldn’t really get anything done on an empty stomach.

Before coming to a resolution, someone shoved past him without a backwards glance. He gave the girl responsible an annoyed look, but quickly shook it off, going back to his mental debate. He didn’t want to start a confrontation on the first day in the new world. Figuring he could get something to eat later, Sora went over to a table to start asking around for assistance on finding his friend. But Sora caught sight of the girl again heading for the line for lunch.

She had light orange skin, with long red and yellow hair. Her attire was a black jacket with an undershirt, along with an orange skirt. He stopped in his tracks to watch her for a few moments, and saw her do something that made Sora look at her in disbelief. The girl had shoved her way past all the other students in line without a care to their own well being.

“Sunset,” A girl in the back called out dangerously, “Get to the end of the line. You can’t just cut everybody.”

Sunset looked behind her with an uncaring glance, and the other students in line cringed in fright, taking off to get as far away from her as possible. The girl that had called her out - with her rainbow-colored hair - stood her ground, glaring at Sunset. Sunset simply gave a smirk, and walked over to the rainbow girl as many of the students watched with wide eyes. Sora wasn’t sure what to do, but felt like he should intervene.

When Sunset was a foot away from the girl, she crossed her arms and acted like she was superior. “And what are you going to do about it, huh?” She sneered, making the other girl look uneasy, as if she hadn’t thought that far ahead. Sora gripped his hands tightly, still remaining where he stood. Sunset was a bully, no doubt about it, but he hoped the whole thing would blow over.

“I’ll… uh, do something!” the rainbow girl said, her tone wavering as she rubbed her elbow in embarrassment. Sunset laughed at her expense, and Sora knew he had to stop her. He began making his way towards her, moving past students and tables gently, but he wouldn’t get to her for at least a few precious seconds.

“How about you go cry to your parents,” she suggested snidely, “It'd be a nice change of pace for a tomboy like you.”

The rainbow girl was at a loss for words, not sure how to respond to an insult like that as she stomped a foot in anger. Sora, however, had reached the end of his rope. He dashed the rest of the way and cut in between the two girls while facing Sunset and threw his arms out in a protective manner. “That’s enough!” he declared, making Sunset take a few steps back in surprise. “You have no right to say things like that!”

To say the rest of the cafeteria was surprised was an understatement, but Sora hardly noticed as he kept his eyes focused on Sunset. Even the rainbow girl behind him was speechless. Sunset gave Sora a funny look as if trying to make sense of him before giving an angry glare. “And who are you?” she questioned, “Rainbow Dash’s body guard?”

Sora did not move an inch, determined to help the girl behind him in any way he could. “I’m no bodyguard,” he admitted, with a shake of his head, “But you shouldn’t treat people that way. It hurts their feelings!”

Sunset gave a short laugh, “Feelings? We’re not seven-year-olds anymore. Grow up, you baby.”

Sora furrowed his brow deeply, not liking Sunset at all. He knew she was trying to get him to lash out, but he wasn’t going to take the bait. Instead, he stared at Sunset, who stared right back, and they remained where they stood for a few seconds. Eventually, Sunset glanced over Sora’s shoulder, and rolled her eyes and ground her teeth when her eyes saw something. “Don’t think this is over,” she said, jabbing a finger at Sora’s chest as he lowered his arms.

Then, she turned in the opposite direction and strode off. Sora watched her go for a while and then turned to look at the rainbow girl, known as Rainbow Dash, who was just as stunned by Sora’s outburst as Sunset was. “You okay?” he asked kindly, giving off a smile.

Rainbow jerked back into reality as she was addressed, and looked away with a angry pout. “Of course I am,” she said, looking to the ground. “I could have taken care of it myself.”

“Your welcome,” Sora said with a slight chuckle, facing her fully.

“The name’s Rainbow Dash by the way,” Rainbow introduced, still not looking at him completely.

“I’m Sora,” Sora replied in turn. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw Sunset rounding a corner and out of sight. Turning back to Rainbow, he asked, “What’s her problem?”

“Sunset?” Rainbow scoffed, “She’s just someone who thinks she owns this school. I can’t believe she said she wanted to make friends and then went back on her word.”

Sora rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “So, she used to be nice?”

“Not exactly,” Rainbow answered, crossing her arms as her eyes looked up to the ceiling. “It’s a long story.”

Sora nodded in understanding, then he saw someone approach from the corner of his eye, and looked to his left. A tall woman, wearing a golden jacket and purple pants, approached him. Her hair was a mixture of light green, light blue, and pink that flowed past her waist. She halted a few feet away with him, putting her hands on her hips, and Sora felt like he was in trouble.

“Are you new to this school?” she questioned, and Rainbow glanced at him quizzically, curious of the answer as well.

On the spot, Sora faltered slightly, rubbing the back of his head. “Um... yes?” he said hesitantly. He wanted to tell the whole truth, but that was probably not the best thing to do.

To his surprise, she gave a warm smile. “I am Principal Celestia,” she said, “I’ve just come to inform you that all transfer students must report to the counselor’s office for orientation.”

“How come?” Sora inquired innocently.

“Because of…” Celestia paused, searching for the right words to use, “certain past events. The office is to the left, down the hall, second door to your right.” She pointed to the cafeteria’s entrance, and Sora looked back to Rainbow, who simply shrugged. Seeing no other option, Sora walked towards the doors and opened them, but before he exited the room, he gave one last glance back. Most of the occupants of the cafeteria were watching the scene, and though Sora didn’t mind it so much, he did wonder what they thought of him now. He stepped out of the room, and the doors closed behind him.

Crossing his arms, he said, “That… could have gone better.” Chuckling, he remarked, “Talk about making an impact.”


When Sora left, Celestia soon followed to go back to her own office, leaving Rainbow to watch where Sora had disappeared. She had never seen someone stand up to Sunset before, besides Twilight. And for some reason, she had this strange feeling that she would meet him again. He seemed like the type that was both naive and smart.

“Oh, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said, running up to her, her hands held together in worry, “Are you alright? I didn’t want to interrupt and-”

“It’s okay, Fluttershy,” she said, with an idle wave and a proud smile, calming her down. “Principal Celestia just wanted to send the transfer student to the counselor’s. I didn’t get in trouble.”

“Oh, that’s good,” she said. An awkward silence came down on them, causing Fluttershy to look to the floor as she played with her hands. “So… do you know who he is?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said with a sigh, acting as though it was laborious just to talk about him, “His name is... Sora.”

Author's Note:

For some reason, I find this chapter a bit cheesy, even when I know some good stuff is going to be in the story. Anyway, leave any suggestions for the story; I love reading them for ideas.