• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 6,722 Views, 421 Comments

Augmented Love - Silentpegasus

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city and enroll him in the local high school.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Testing

Chapter 11


The inventor was quietly toiling away at his work. The sound of circuits being wired and sparks flying filled the room.

“Is work all you ever do?” The man jumped as a familiar voice filled the room. He spun around and saw the cyan winged flyer looking at him. His face went red as he saw that she was wearing a pair of tight fitting black jeans that clung to her well toned legs. She was also sporting a tight fitting cyan T shirt that ended just above her navel. The shirt also accentuated her natural physique.

“D-Dash? How did you even get in here?” Crank sighed as a thought came to him. “D?” The man asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yup. She told me that you’d be down here.” She smiled as she walked up to the man.

“Okay, so what’s up?” Dash then had a bright blush on her face and a devilish smirk. She started to look around the man’s workshop. Crank’s blush increased as she purposely put more sway in her step to show off her hips.

“Well, I did some thinking and I really didn’t thank you for helping me out the other day.” Crank gulped as she batted her eyelashes and walked closer to the man.

“Th-that’s not necessary Rainbow.” He gulped as she stood eyeball to eyeball with him and she pressed her chest against his. Dash grinned as her wine colored eyes were filled with lust. Crank felt his blood run down south and teleported out of the girl’s grip. He started to make his way to the door when he was tackled by the flyer. Before he knew it, Crank was on his back and Dash was straddling him.

“Oh come on, I know you want to.” She said as she leaned forwards and the man could see down her shirt. He didn’t even realize that he was now groping Dash’s toned ass and the girl let out a soft moan of pleasure. Crank felt the girl’s weight on his groin and Dash smirked. “Wow and I thought I was eager, but you’re already hard a rock.”

Crank’s horn started to glow but was stopped by a slender hand gripping the appendage. “Not so fast there Mr. magic. Besides, I still owe you for that massage you gave me.” Her hand then started to slowly stroke up and down the horn and Crank groaned in pleasure as his mind started to become blurry. “Now lets take this from the top,” The girl then took her hand off the horn and removed her shirt to show the black sports bra that was barely holding back the two fleshy mounds. “and work our way down.” She said as she ran a finger down his clothed chest.

The man was frozen stiff in more way than one as Rainbow laid back down on him and her eyes were aligned with his. She closed them as her lips drew closer to his own and Crank’s resolve fizzled away as he felt her breath on his lips. His ears were then filled with the sound of an electric alarm clock and the man’s eyes snapped open. He woke up and felt his heart beating faster than a race horse’s on race day.

“It was only a dream.” He said as he laid back on his pillow and let out a sigh of relief.

“What was?” Crank turned his head and he looked in horror to see the naked cyan winged flyer laying next to him in bed with a devilish smile on her face. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?” Crank’s brain turned back on and he flew out of bed in surprise with a yelp. The girl then roared in laughter and her image flickered to show the AI. “I got you! After going through almost every supermodel on the internet I finally got you!”

“Damn it D! I don’t need thoughts like that this early in the morning.” He yelled as he hid his blush.

“Oh don’t be such a downer, you’ve got a crush on somebody!” she chimed. “Can’t wait to tell-”

“No one.” He said as he got dressed.

“Oh come on! Why not?” She whined.

“If Dash ever finds out about me then I’m dead.” The man’s tone could give plywood a lesson on being flat.

“I’m sure Dash wouldn’t care.” The AI chimed. “Sometimes you need to take a chance in life Crank, even when the odds are stacked against you.”

“Remember what happened last time I did that?” The AI fell silent. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to catch a train to Canterlot and you’re going to help me test the new equipment.” The AI hopped into his phone and the two set off.

As Crank and D got to the train station they were met by Twilight and the other five girls. He quickly hid his blush from Dash and walked up to them. “Hey guys.” The girls looked towards him and Pinkie waved in her typical Pinkie fashion.

“Hey!” The pink girl yelled.

“Howdy partner. What are ya doing here?” The farmer asked.

“I have business in Canterlot with the Royal Guard.” The man said as D appeared on his shoulder. “What about you guys?”

“Celestia has offered us to join her for a tea party.” Rarity said with a smile. Crank nodded and the train pulled into the station. The group sat down and started to chat with one another. Rarity noticed that Dash was fidgeting and was trying to hide her blush from the man.

“So Crank, what exactly are you going to be doing for the guard?” AJ asked.

“They asked my company to upgrade their armor.” He said as the AI showed a diagram of a full battle suit.

“Why? The armor they have seems pretty awesome.” Dash stated.

“These are far more advanced.” He said as he showed them a small hologram. The suit completely covered the user’s body and had armor attacked to what looked like a skin tight suit that acted as a buffer between the skin and the armor. The user would also wear a helmet that would adapt to the user’s head if they had a horn. The suit would also open two ports on the back in case the user was a Pegasus. “These are designed to make a soldier faster, stronger and more durable. They accelerate the magic in a Unicorn making it a force to be reckoned with. There are also several augments that can be equipped to them for non magic users.”

“I don’t get it.” Twilight said. Crank reached into his bag and pulled out a blue gem hooked up to a machine that was no bigger than a watch.

“AJ, mind lending me a hand?” The farmer shrugged and extended her arm. The man put the watch on her arm and pressed the center of the gem. The rock glowed brightly before making the girl’s body turn completely invisible.

“What in tarnation?” The girl said as she tried to look at her hands. as she waved them rapidly she could make out a ghost like version of her arms.

“Cool!” Pinkie said as AJ’s form reappeared.

“Unfortunately, the more you move around the less effect it has and it doesn’t last too long on people who can’t use magic.” He said as he took the item back.

“Any more of those?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, there’s X-ray vision, dome shield and a few others.” The man finished. “I’m even working on a flight module for non-Pegasus guards.”

“Really?” Rarity said in astonishment. “That must be something.” The train then pulled to a stop and the group made their way towards the castle. They all walked down the cobble stone streets of Canterlot and looked around at the sparkling streets. They agreed to stop at a local coffee shop and started chatting with one another. Crank avoided eye contact with Dash and the flyer did the same.

The rainbow flyer then saw two very attractive looking girls make their way over to the table and give Crank the biggest pair of bedroom eyes she’d ever seen.

“Excuse me sir, but aren’t you Crank Shaft?” One of them said in a refined voice. The man sighed and put down his cup of coffee.

“Yeah.” Dash saw the two girls’ eyes boggle and they giggled to one another.

“We just wanted to show our appreciation for all the good ideas your company comes up with.”

Here we fucking go. The man thought with a groan.

“That’s very kind of you but I can’t.” He said as the other five girls looked at him. The two beauties frowned at them and looked back at the man.

“Oh come on what do these commoners have that we don’t?” Dash was about to rip their heads off when Crank stood up.

“Brains for starters.” He said as he narrowed his eyes. “Do you two honestly think I don’t know who you are?” The two women looked at each other as the man took in a big breath of air. “Lilly Vanderhoof, twenty-six years old. Three times divorced over the span of five years with a failing business and gambling problem. Two go hand in hand no?”

“Why you-”

“And you.” The man said as he glared at the other woman. “Crystal Rose. Age twenty-six. Known among the affluent members of Canterlot, mostly for all the drama she causes at parties where you are dragged out due to drunken outbursts and have been arrested on several accounts for public drunkenness and indecency.” Crank said in a flat tone.

“Why you little-”

“I’m gonna stop you right there Ms.Vanderhoof. Unless you want the tabloids to hear about that incident last summer down in Colt Cod.” Both women shut their mouths and stormed off. “Have a nice day.” Crank said as both women flipped him the bird as they walked back into the cold, snow covered streets of Canterlot. Crank looked back at he six girls who all had shocked looks on their faces. “What?”

“You just tore into those two worse than Spike unwrapping his Birthday present.” Twilight said in shock.

“Yeah so? When people get rough with ya then you get rough with them.”

“How’d you know all that stuff anyway?” AJ asked as she cocked her head at the man.

“Internet.” The girls all looked at him in disbelief. “Fine. I have a few ‘connections’ within the Canterlot higher ups that love to gossip. Most of the time it’s needless chatter or stuff I already know.” He shrugged. “Information is power. More you know about someone, easier it is to manipulate them.”

“That’s not very nice.” Fluttershy said with a frown.

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t make a habit of it and I only do it if it’s absolutely necessary. Like I just did to those two gold diggers.”

“How did you know that they were gold diggers?” Rarity asked as she sipped her tea.

“I have dealt with people like that enough to see them coming from a mile away.”

“Yeah, but they were still good looking.” Pinkie asked.

“It takes more than looks to get my attention.” Crank said as he and the group got to their feet and paid for their drinks. As they walked back outside an idea came to Rarity.

“So what does it take to get your attention then?” Crank raised an eyebrow at the girl.

“Why do you want to know?”

“Just making small talk.” She said in an innocent tone. She looked back at Applejack who had a confused look on her face. The fashionista then darted her eyes towards Dash who had a pair of rosy cheeks. AJ grinned and gave her a wink.

“Since ya just said that it takes more than looks to get ya hot under the collar ah’m a bit curious myself.” Dash clenched her fist and glared at the farmer. Crank raised an eyebrow and gulped.

“Um AJ, I like you as much as the rest of us do but-” The farmer then slapped him upside the head and chuckled.

“Relax partner ah didn’t mean it like that. You’re too deep in all those fancy gizmos for my liking.”

“Fair enough.” He said with a nod.

“So what kind of girl do you like?” Pinkie asked with a giggle. The man scratched his chin and thought for a moment.

“I guess she did have to be pretty. Not too pretty, but good looking and have a natural appeal to her. I don’t like it when a girl has to bathe in her makeup to look nice.” AJ gave a nod at the words. “She’d have to be funny, fun to hang out with and smart.” Dash hung her head at the last one.

“How smart?” Twilight asked.

“Not a genius, but someone who’s smart enough to know right from wrong. She’s also gotta be in good shape. Oh and she can’t be afraid to get down and dirty.” The girls all raised an eyebrow at the words. “Not like that! I mean she can’t be afraid to break a nail over some physical labor.”

“What about hair and eye color?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m not too much of a stickler about that. Just something....unique.” He said with a shrug. “Mind if we change the topic?”

“Why?” Dash asked.

“Because we’re here.” The group looked ahead to see the large castle before them. Crank showed the guard in front his ID badge and he let them inside. The group was met by the red haired man and a Pegasus with grey wings and jet black hair.

“Good to see you son.” Vermillion said with a smile.

“Who are these girls?” Mire said as he narrowed his eyes on the group.

“They are my guests.” The two men turned around to see the solar Princess wearing a flowing white dress and her younger sister wearing a similar blue one. “I have a scheduled tea party for this afternoon.”

“Isn’t that when you’re supposed to be watching the demonstration?” Mire said as he crossed his arms.

“Yes, might as well catch a show while we have some tea.” Celestia chimed. “That all right with you girls?” The Princess said as the group nodded. Mire sighed and shook his head.

“See you guys later. I gotta get ready.” Crank said as he followed the two men down the hallway.

“Nice to see you girls again.” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“You too Princess.” Twilight said as she followed her mentor. The group did the same. The girls walked through the halls of the castle until they came to an observation platform that was covered by bullet proof glass and was over looking an arena. The two men then joined them and took a seat.

“Let the show begin.” Vermillion said with a grin. A door on the far right side opened to show three guards in the normal guard armor. One was a pegasus, another a Unicorn and the final was a normal guard without a horn or a pair of wings. The doors on the far left opened to show a figure in the armor Crank showed the girls on the train ride. The armor covered the figure completely and the armor was pitch black. The group heard a siren blow and the four charged towards each other.

The guards closed in on the figure and tried to land a punch. The armored figure dodged the blows with ease and slammed its fist into the center guard’s jaw and was sent flying back onto the floor and was out cold. One of the guards took flight and charged at the opponent. The black armored figure was ready and side stepped the blow and grabbed the guard by his leg and slammed him into the ground before throwing him aside. The final guard’s horn flared and let loose a barrage of spells. One of them hit the fighter in the face and it staggered backwards.

The guard then heard a series of static noises coming from the figure. It knocked against its helmet and cracked it’s neck before glaring at the flyer.

“You broke my voice modifier.You cock bitting fucktard.” It said in a female voice. The figure rushed towards the man in a flash and delivered a powerful kick to the soldier’s armored chest. The golden armor started to crack like a dry cookie and the guard was sent flying into the wall. The siren blazed signaling the end of the match and the black figure went off as Crank appeared on the floor wearing a grey lab coat.

“How’s the armor working out?” He asked.

“A little uncomfortable, but it’s working.” The man scanned the armor with his screw driver.

“Looks like the voice modifier is busted.” He said with a sigh. “I’ll fix it when I bring the suit home.” The woman gave a nod and continued back of the arena. The group of girls were awe struck at the display.

“That was awesome!” Dash yelled.

“Most impressive.” Celestia said as she looked at Vermillion.

“It still needs a few tweaks here and there, but it should be ready inside three months.”

“Very good.” Celestia chimed. “Give my regards to your engineers.” The door to the observation deck opened to show the grey horned man.

“You can thank him right now. Crank designed it.” Vermillion said with a smile.

“It’s not done yet.” He sighed. “There’s still a few bugs I need to work out.” The man stated as he crossed his arms. The man then heard a growl come from his stomach and he blushed. Vermillion chuckled and Luna gave a giggle. “Sorry, kinda skipped breakfast.”

“Well, it’s around lunch time anyway.” Vermillion said. “I could go for something.”

“How about it girls?” Celestia said. Before either of them could speak, their stomachs answered fro them with a synchronized growl. Crank stifled a laugh as dash blushed. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Celestia then turned to the grey winged man. “Would you like to join us Mire?”

“No thank you Princess. I have some unfinished business to attend to.” He said as he walked away from the group. The Princesses and the others made their way into the dining hall The group sat at the long table with Crank sitting between Luna and Dash. The cyan flyer quietly dug into her meal and avoided eye contact with the man. Luna noticed several guards whispering to one another while looking at Vermillion.

“Is there any trouble guards?” Luna asked.

“N-no ma’am.” They said with a gulp.

“The why are thou staring at our guest?” The rest of the group looked at them and Vermillion put the pieces together.

“We were just wondering if he was the Crimson Spark.” Vermillion chuckled and looked at Celestia.

“Looks like my reputation precedes me. Course I haven’t heard that name in a very long time.” He chuckled.

“What’s the Crimson Spark?” The farmer asked.

“Here we go.” Crank said with a sigh. Vermillion smiled and sat back.

“Well, you see my dear, the story of the Crimson Spark is a thrilling tale full of adventure, romance and-”

“Long story short, my dad was in the guard about twenty years ago. Kicked some ass and made some spells.” The older man frowned at his son. “Sorry dad but if you told the ‘whole story’ then I’m sure that even Luna here would die of old age which would be quite the achievement.”

“You were in the guard?" Twilight asked.

“Yes, helped pay for college.”

“Which you dropped out of.” Celestia chuckled. Vermillion crossed his arms and sighed. The main doors then opened to show the posh Prince.

“Hello Auntie I-” Blue blood stopped talking when he saw the school girl’s and the grey horned man sitting beside Luna. “You!”

“Nice to see you too Blueblood.” Crank groaned.

“Don’t play innocent!” He snarled as he approached him. “You kicked me off the team!”

“No, you did that yourself. You were doing us more harm than good.” Crank said as he went to take a drink. Blueblood knocked the glass out of his hand and snarled. “I wasn’t finished drinking that.” Crank said in a calm and collected tone.

“BLUEBLOOD!” Luna bellowed in her Royal Canterlot voice. She stood up and towered over the Prince. “THOU DARE INSULT OUR GUESTS!” Blueblood gulped and immediately back off as he stared into the icy blue eyes of death. He looked over the woman’s shoulder to see the brown haired man with a blank look on his face. He was also getting vibes from Celestia and the other members of the table.

“Magical duel.”

“What?” Crank said in confusion.

“I call magical duel.” The Prince said in a cocky tone.

“You wanna fight me?” Crank said with a chuckle. A silence fell over the group and Crank looked at his father who gave a shrug. “When and where? This place doesn’t really look like a battle ground.” The group looked at him in surprise.

“We can use that play pen of a stadium.” The Prince said as he walked away from the group. On his way out he slammed the door. The group then turned back to crank who had a grin on his face.

“Princess,” Crank started as he faced Celestia. “I’m not going to get thrown in the slammer if I beat him to a pulp am I?”

“No, in a duel class does not matter and the two fight as equals.” She said with a sigh. “If you win then you won’t face punishment.”

“That’s all I wanted to know.” He said as he cracked his neck. As he made his way out Twilight walked beside Vermillion and taped him on the shoulder.


“Has Crank gone to any kind of special magic school in his life? I mean I’m not doubting his skill it’s just that,” The scholar paused as she tried to think of what to say. “Blueblood may be an ass, but he’s a Prince and has had exposure to some very advanced magic.” Vermillion scratched his chin and sighed.

“No, to tell you the truth I taught him everything he knows about magic.” The group looked at him in surprise. “The boy definitely takes after his mother when it comes to his personality. Mild mannered and generally level headed, but when he gets angry it’s like a hurricane hits.” The man said with a shiver.

The group saw Blueblood walking out wearing some white armor. The other end showed the inventor wearing a combat vest and boots. Under the vest, the man was donning a skin tight suit with pads on the chest and shoulders. The inventor cracked his neck and looked at Blueblood.

“Prepare yourself whelp.” He said as he cracked his knuckles.

“See Blueblood, here’s the difference between me and you. I already know how this is gonna end.” He said as he cracked his fingers. “The only thing I don’t know, is whether or not you’ll see me coming.” Crank hit a button on his watch and the man’s form turned invisible. Blueblood blinked and fired a bolt of yellow magic in the direction where the man was standing.

A grey bolt of magic shot up and took out a light. Then another and another until only one remained. The one that was dangling over the Prince. Blueblood looked out and saw nothing but darkness. A shot of grey magic then struck the Prince in the shoulder sending him to the ground.

“Coward!” He bellowed. The group then saw the grey winged man walk back up to them.

“Mire, I thought you said you had business to attend to?” Vermillion said in a surprised tone.

“Change of plans.” He said with a sigh. “Testing still going on?”

“No,” Luna began. “Prince Blueblood has foolishly challenged Crank to a duel.” Mire looked at Vermillion.

“Are you insane? If we lose this deal then-”

“Blueblood brought this on himself.” Celestia said in a stern tone.

“I’m sure he can handle anything Blueblood can throw at him.” Vermillion stated with a smile.

“You have that much confidence in him?” Celestia asked.

“You’re forgetting that he has my magic element.” The man said with a chuckle.

“Magic elements?” Dash said as she looked at the man.

“Every Unicorn’s magic has a base element, or a specialty.” Twilight said. “If you can figure out what base element you are and combine that with a spell then it’s power is increased in whatever way the user see’s fit.”

“Correct. You sure know how to pick em Celestia.” Twilight smiled at the comment. “As Ms. Sparkle said, Crank has inherited my electric nature and his mother’s wind nature. Even though he never uses hers.”

“Why would a surgeon need wind magic?” Rarity asked.

“Each different type of magic has different types of uses wouldn’t you agree? Wind magic, when used in a combat situation is a powerful force that cuts down it’s opponents like a sharp knife. Nova uses that and focuses it whenever she’s in surgery.” The girls looked at each other in shock. “It took her years to master it. Just a small bit of that type of magic when perfected and honed can cut through solid steel.”

Crank shot several bolts at the Prince who just barely managed to dodge them. The Prince’s horn glowed and shot several salvos at the darkness. He heard the inventor curse as a blast exploded. Crank slapped away the other salvos with his right arm and fired a few of his own back at the Prince. Blueblood had had enough games. His horn flared and a shield surrounded the Prince. The shield appeared to be at least a foot thick.

“You might as well give up commoner. This shield is made by pure magic and cannot be broken.” He said with a pant.

“We’ll see.” Crank said with a sigh. Blueblood saw something shining in the darkness and saw electric bolts crackling from the lights the man had taken out earlier. Her heard what sounded like several fuses crackling. The Prince gulped when he saw the man outlined by the magic electric bolts he held in his left hand. Celestia’s eyes shrank when she looked at the young man and the power he held.

“Of all the things to teach him, you taught him that Vermillion?” She said as she glared at the red haired man.

“The boy has had a target painted on his back since he was born. The least I could do is show him how to defend himself properly.”

“What kind of magic is that?” Twilight asked.

“It’s called the Thunder Cracker.” Celestia answered. “While Vermillion was in the guard he developed that magical technique for offensive purposes.” She sighed. “It’s what earned him the nick name, Crimson Spark.” Celestia saw that the other girls, including Luna looked at her in surprise. “He used it to cut a bolt of lightning in half before it struck the ground.”

“Thou surely jests!” Luna said as she looked at Vermillion who had a smug grin on his face.

“That sounds a bit like an anime I used to watch.” Fluttershy said.

“The one with the ninjas?” The red haired man asked. Fluttershy gave a nod. “Right, Crank asked me about that too when he found it. While I was in the guard and testing it out, I ran into a man who wrote those anime things Crank liked to read. He was looking for ideas and he like my technique so much that he asked me if he could use it in his series. I agreed and I’m credited in the book for it.” Fluttershy let out a gasp.

Crank gave an evil grin at Blueblood and started to charge forwards. Blueblood still held his grin as Crank closed in. Blueblood’s horn glowed was getting ready to fire a salvo when Crank was at point blank range. When the grey horned man got within a foot of the Prince Blueblood fired. Crank turned on his heel and shot his right hand through the magic shield and grabbed Blueblood by the throat while his left hand, covered in the grey bolts cut through the shield as though it was warm butter.

As his left hand got past the shield Crank cut the magic short and delivered a quick electric charged chop to the Prince’s neck. Blueblood crumpled to the ground and was having difficulty moving. The bell chimed signaling the end of the fight.

“What the hell did you just do to me you worm?” Blueblood yelled as he continued to struggle.

“I sent a bit of my magic into your Central Nervous System. You won’t be moving for a good five minutes.” Crank said as he shot a few bolts of magic into the air and light returned to the area.

“What are you talking about?”

“You are not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?” Blueblood was glaring daggers into the man. “It’s like this Blueblood and I’ll keep it simple so you can understand it.” The man started as he sat down on the Prince’s back. If Blueblood wasn’t furious before then he sure was now. “Your brain sends small electrical impulses to the different nerves in your body. This is how your body moves it’s legs, arms, fingers etcetera. The small shock I just gave you is currently scrambling those impulses and negating you from moving. Cut off from the brain’s orders your body has no idea what to do.”

Blueblood cursed at the man. “I have just literally short circuited you.” Crank got up form his loud seat and started to make his way towards the exit. “You should be fine in about two minutes.” He said with a wave. Crank put his left hand to his mouth and coughed as he felt a familiar ripping sensation in his chest.

Damn, I’m at my limit. He thought as he felt blood fill his hand. The man then heard a loud grunting noise. He turned his head to see that a very angry Blueblood had recovered and was now charging at him with glowing hands and horn. Crank was going to dodge, but felt his magic drain away. No choice!

Crank stood up and barely managed to dodge Blueblood’s first fist. The Prince brought his left magic charged fist around intending to land it in the inventor’s face. His glowing hand was halted and the Prince felt as though he had punched concrete. He looked to see that the man had stopped his fist with his right hand. Crank applied pressure and the Prince cried in pain as he felt his fingers break.

Blueblood then saw that his magic was vanishing and yellow colored sparks were arcing over the man’s arm. Crank let out a low pitched growl and the Prince gulped. “I said it’s over!” Like coiled spring the man’s right arm slammed forwards and slammed into the Prince’s face. Crank heard the bones snap. Blueblood was sent rocketing back ten feet by the magic charged punch.

“Enough!” Celestia yelled as she teleported between the two. Crank was on his knees and panting. He looked at his right arm and saw that the fake flesh had been burnt off a bit. He quickly covered it up with his shirt and started to limp his way off the field. Blueblood was yelling in pain as the medics approached him.

“Holy crap!” Dash yelled.

“That was quite the spectacle.” Luna said as she looked at Blueblood who shoved the medic away.

Later that night, the Prince had been treated for a broken nose and cheek bone. The bones were already healed thanks to magic and the Prince was now waiting for the extreme swelling to go down. His face looked like head shaped eggplant. Blueblood kept rolling the fight over in his head and he swore by his aunt’s nonexistent beard that there was something odd about that last punch. The sound of his cell phone broke him from his train of thought.

“Who is this?” He asked as he looked at the unrecognizable number.

“Someone who has a proposition that you’d be stupid to refuse.” Blueblood raised an eyebrow at the voice. It was modified by a sound board and was most likely on a private line. “I know that the kid kicked your ass seven ways to Sunday.”

“Watch your tongue!”

“No, you watch yours whelp or so help me I’ll ship you off to the shadow lands before you have a chance to call for help.” The Prince growled. “Look, I know you dislike the twerp. As do I.”

“How do you know the runt?”

“Not important. What is important is that I know how to get to him and you have the means.” Blueblood remained silent. “What if I told you that the brat had something he didn’t want anyone to know about? Something that would get under his skin so badly that he might say attack a defenseless Prince and be hauled off to jail for the next few decades for striking an unarmed member of the royal family?”

“You have my attention.”