• Member Since 21st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I give folk what they want, nothing more. And that just happens to be poorly thought out Fanfics with bad updating schedules


Some called it "The Dark Times", others "The Plague Years". Bureaucrats gave it their own cold title: "Equis War Z"

These are the stories of those who survived those dark times when the dead walked the earth.

A World War Z/ MLP crossover. Written due to the lack of crossovers for this amazing novel

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 36 )

These are the stories of those who survived those who survived those dark times when the dead walked the earth.

Grammar mistake!

Seems pretty interesting so far. I'll keep an eye on this.

Quite a few errors, (those last few paragraphs are a disaster) but overall, I can say that I'm going to enjoy reading this. Good job.


I was





The doctor unexpectedly began crying/b] I didn't stay and help my comrades; I wasn't there when everything when to Tatarus in handbasket I ran crying like a little foal... at this point, he degraded into unintelligible sobbing.

I'm not you... but I'm assuming you meant for it to look like this?

The doctor unexpectedly began crying. I didn't stay and help my comrades; I wasn't there when everything when to Tatarus in handbasket I ran crying like a little foal... at this point, he degraded into unintelligible sobbing.

You know the old saying: "You don't know your true self till a situation arises"?

I learned something about myself that day... I became a doctor because I geneuniely wanted to help ponies. But when a situation arose where ponies actually needed my help; I cracked. I ran from ponies who are most likely all dead now... all because I ran like a coward.... Mr. Blot.

You can turn off the recorder now, I'm done

All of these should not be bolded, as they are the point of view of the Doctor.
I'm not trying to criticize your work... just helping you make it better. Hell, I'll even be your editor if you want.

Yeah, it's obviously
"These are the stories of those who survived those who survived those dark times when the earth walked the death."


I will say the bolded stuff is an attempt to mimic World War Z's style so most of it was on purpose but on that last bit I screwed up

Quite a few errors, (those last few paragraphs are a disaster) but overall, I can say that I'm going to enjoy reading this. Good job.

It was really late when I was writing that last bit:facehoof:

3563433 He fixed it. No need for sarcasm, friend.

I said i totally wasn't being sarcastic.

3566224 It's hard to trust you with that Discord profile pic.

I REALLY wasn't being sarcastic. REALLY.
Ah...screw it, i was being sarcastic, happy?

C'mon, we're just doin' it in good fun, its not like we're fighting or anything.:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, fine fine, you did it, happy?

3570442 Of course I wanna cake, are you stupid or something?

Alright. *punches your face (with cake)*


Want even more cake!? Alrighty.

Look behind you.

3570561 There was no cake... now you're gonna die.

Let's take this to PM so we don't spam Bluemoon1996 too much.

You know, what we better end this. (Don't answer me.)
Here's some cake *hands cake*
Author, sorry for spamming you.
Farewell, my planet needs me! *flies up randomly*

Hi there, me again...
This was a great chapter, no matter how short...
Buuuut... a few errors I noticed.
First thing. I just wanted to remind you that each type of viewpoint or action has it's own type of font. You seem to have it down pretty well, but you seem to forget tha the book does the speech things like this:
Interviewee's speech - Normal Font
Interviewer's speech - Bold Font
Interviewee's actions - [Bold Font with Brackets]
And there were some spelling and punctuation errors as well.



office workers

Why is there two spaces?

I'm here with Pipsqueak, a Trottingham native and survivor of the Outbreak there

Outbreak should be lowercase, and there should be a period.

One more piece of advice, try to flesh things out a bit more. Be more descriptive, and less, I don't know, bland? These people are talking as if it was scripted, try to somehow put more emotion in the words.
But I'm a shit writer myself, so I'm not really good with giving advice... I should try learning some things before criticizing others...
Ah well. I still like your story, I just think it could be improved some more...
Please don't take this is being harsh...


(sorry it took so darn long to reply)
I'm a shit writer too. Hell, it took eight months for me to get off my bum and write something:facehoof:

Thanks for the advice:twilightsmile: I'll do my damnedest to use it.

No problem. Helping people is just what I do. :D

These words, they is beautiful. I need more.


Thank you for the kind words:twilightblush:

Nice, this has honestly enraptured me and I can't wait for you to update this (you know, after I read the next chapter)

I.. already have another fic going:rainbowderp:

This may be short, but it is quality, and I would rather have quality over quantity so this gets an A+ in my book.


Im the same but I'm a tediously slow writer... Heck, I wrote this over the course of a month during my morning rides on the school bus

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