• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 2,957 Views, 144 Comments

That Which Makes up a Rainbow - maxxxxxx

Rainbow Dash must confront her inner demons and face her past and feelings that she has been burying for a lifetime.

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Her eyes struggled to adjust from the bright light. When her vision returned the sight of what she saw filled her with sadness and anger at once. She was in a small, pure white room. At the center was a single white bed, occupied by unicorn mare. Her coat was a pale pink and her mane was a gentle shade of purple. Her eyes were emerald green. She was beautiful, but her condition revolted Dash. She looked sick and emaciated, her eyes seemed sunk into her skull and her legs were thin and shaky. She seemed ethereal, and dash felt that making a single move could dispel her into a light vapor, like a cloud. Her head was propped up on a pillow and she smiled weakly at Rainbow Dash.

“Are you the one that called me?” She spoke softly, fearing that her voice alone would make the mare before her crumble.

“Yes, I am. Come, stand beside me. I have much to tell you and not much time.” Despite her state, she spoke with kindness and caring, as if she were afraid that Rainbow Dash was the one who would fall apart. Dash walked to the side of her bed, which came up to her shoulders. She felt an immense amount of pity as she looked down at the mare.

“Who are you?” She gave a wispy, delicate smile.

“I am Love.” Rainbow Dash backed away from the bed, pressing herself against the wall. Her eyes were on the verge of tears once again.

“No!... No, it can't be true! You can't be... you're, you're so frail... Oh Celestia what have I done!? It's all my fault.. I.. No! I don't want to hear anymore... how can I live with myself... Look what I've done to you!” She brought her hooves to her temples and fell into a fetal position against the wall. No, no, no, no.. no more... I... I can't take this... I've been killing myself for so long... I hate myself.. She self a hoof touch hers, it was warm and steady. Rainbow Dash looked up from her sorrow with tears in her eyes. Love was holding her hoof, she rolled over in her bed facing her.

“Rainbow Dash, I hold no animosity towards you.” Rainbow Dash's voice trembled with grief and disbelief.

“How? How can you not hate me? Look at what I've done to you... I hate myself just looking at you.”

“Do you know why Shield and the others hate you?” Rainbow dash shook her head, her crying had stopped and her tears were drying into her fur. Dark trails ran from her eyes, left behind from all the tears she had shed.

“No... I do know why. It's because I've abused them. I locked them away and used them to kill my self. That's why they hate me. I deserve it.” She felt Love's hoof rub comfortingly against hers.

“That's not all Rainbow Dash. There is more. First let me ask you, do you understand what Shield is to you?”

“Not really.” Dash could see a look of disappointment flash across Love's face. She knew, as well as Dash that, that was a lie. Dash had already figured it out, but she couldn't bring herself to acknowledge it.

“Shield is your lies Rainbow Dash. He is who you created to bury us in comforting lies, he is your denial. The shield that protects you from your pain and from the vulnerability of your heart. You and he suppressed us, and we died. One by one. There are very few of us left, those that survived are those that aid Shield in strengthening your lies or those whose hatred for you are strong enough to sustain them.” Rainbow Dash again felt a crushing guilt, but her words didn't contain even a trace of anger. No, if anything Dash felt empathy from her words, but that only made it hurt more.

“Then.. why did Shield show me the scene from my past? The one with my mom? If he's supposed to protect me why is he hurting me?” She felt scared and abandoned. It was only now that she realized how much she relied on Shield for protection and comfort, even if they were lies. Oh Celestia I'm so pathetic! Even now, I want to make it all go away. I'm want Shield to come and take away the pain. I have nothing left anyway, why shouldn't I die with a comforting lie? Why can't I just fade away thinking that my life was real? That it meant something. Why can't I just have a soul, even if it's a fake one? If I'm going to die anyway why can't I die happy?!

“You can't die happy, because you killed you're happiness long ago. You can't truly feel it anymore. Do you not remember what Logic said to you? When your bravado fails you, all you have left to hide behind is despair and hopelessness, That is why he showed you those memories. Shield knows everything you have ever done. Every horrible thing, every painful memory, every locked away guilt and every heartache. He knows you better than even you do, and that is why he hates you. I, on the other hoof know of the pain that comes with love. I know, that with love comes opening you're self to the pain of loss. You couldn't handle such pain, so he locked me in this room. Rainbow Dash, I do not have much time. I am going to show you a past that you locked away, because of the pain of loss after opening your heart.” Her body relaxed, though she kept hold of Love's hoof. At least through the pain, she would have some tenderness, somepony who cared. Even if it was a lie.

The room faded away, leaving only themselves and the bed. Then, they were once again in Cloudsdale.

A young mare walked down the street, side by side with another pegasus about the same age.

“Hey Fluttershy, the Wonderbolts are doing a show in a couple of days, you should totally come watch them with me! It's going to be awesome!” The younger Rainbow Dash jumped into the air, giddy with excitement. The pink pegasus, looking at the ground nervously. She even seemed a little distraught.

“That's me and Fluttershy, back when we both lived in Cloudsdale.” She turned towards Love, who watched the events unfold with pain in her eyes. I don't remember this yet, I looks like it this didn't happen too long before I moved to Ponyville though.

“Yeah... awesome.” Fluttershy said sadly. Dash fluttered back to the clouds, landing beside her. The shy pegasus's downcast demeanor wasn't lost on Dash.

“What's with that? You've been saying you wanted to go see them with me every time I brought up how awesome they are. Don't tell me you got something going on? What could be more important than hanging out with you're coolest friend watching the most amazing fliers in all of Equestria being unbelievably radical!?” Fluttershy faced away from her, looking to the ground, her mane obscuring her face.

“Well, I um.... never mind, just forget I said anything.”

“Aw come on Shy! Ya can't leave me hanging like that. You said you wanted to go and I already got the tickets. Whatever you got going on can wait till after the show!” She looked up, meeting her friends impatient and annoyed expression with her own full of compassion.

“R- Rainbow Dash.. Actually, I can't make it. I'm so sorry.” Anger swept over Dash's face.

“And what could be so important that would would just abandon your friend like that?! Ya know Shy, I just don't get you, you're nice one minute then you're leaving your friend's hanging the next. So what is it Fluttershy? What's more important? Your friend or..”

“I'm moving Rainbow Dash!” She blurted out, cutting Dash off mid-rant, shutting her eyes tight. Rainbow Dash was stunned for a moment, then an annoyed and condescending look replaced that.

“So what? Cloudsdale ain't that big. Where ever you're moving you can still make it to the show with me, quit making excuses."

Rainbow Dash held Love's hoof tighter, shaking her head as she watched incredulously. No... no. That's not what happened... That's not how it went.

“Dashie, I'm sorry.. I'm moving out of Cloudsdale, to Ponyville. I want to be on the ground and take care of the animals, I can't do that up here.” Dash's eyes filled with pain, it almost looked like she would burst out into tears. Watching it unfold, Rainbow Dash was praying that she would cry, but by this point... her heart was already too far gone. Her bravado kicked in.

“Ya know what!? Fine! Who needs you! Go be with your stupid animals cause they're the only friends you'll ever have again! You were just plain lucky to get a pony like me as a friend and if you want to throw it away on something so stupid it's your loss! I can make plenty of friends, you'll always be alone and that's fine by me!” She was huffing with anger, tears rolled down Fluttershy's face.

Rainbow Dash fell to the floor, only her hoof was still raised, holding on to Love's. “No... no. I was the one who moved to Ponyville first... Fluttershy followed me.. I remember.... I-I wouldn't hurt her like that.” As she watched the pain in Fluttershy's expression grow, the true memory of that day dawned on her.

“I-I'm sorry!” Fluttershy took off running down the street to her home, tears falling from her face as she ran. Leaving Dash angry and alone. She stomped on the ground.

“Who needs her!”

Cloudsdale faded away, leaving Dash and Love, back in the small white room.

“You didn't have any other friends. She was the only one who could stand you, and she was the first one to whom you opened up your heart to, even if it was only a little. You were hurt, sad and confused. You wanted to hug her and cry. You wanted to beg her to stay, but you had already opened your heart to her and look what happened. She hurt you, and you didn't want to feel anything. So you drowned out the pain with anger and bravado. You forced her away from your heart so she couldn't see the emptiness or the lies, so she couldn't hurt you. Instead of accepting the truth, instead of facing your pain you chose to put the suffering on someone else. Fluttershy bared the pain of your denial, and you locked up the pain, the guilt and even the memory. You, for a short time, felt love again. But when it began to hurt, you locked me away again. This time to this one room, forever.” What have I done!? Fluttershy.. all this time, you knew what I did to you and yet... and yet you still stayed by my side. Oh Shy, you must have been holding in so much hurt for my sake. You never brought it up, you never talked about it. What else have I done to my friends? Or... I thought they were my friends. I can never really have them. No, they were all just distractions. After I hurt Shy... that was the moment when I lost my ability to connect with anypony. From then on... I was alone. And that's just what I deserved. Suddenly, she felt Love's hoof twitch in hers, she let out a dull moan of pain. Dash stood up, clutching her hoof.

“Rainbow Dash, I am almost out of time. There is one more thing I must show to you.”

A young filly flew quickly through the sky, the force of the air blasting tears off her face. Her eyes were shut tight from pain.

Rainbow Dash felt an unfathomable pain and sadness in her heart.

“This is the memory Trauma showed me. What happened to me?”

“I don't know, Shield has taken that knowledge into the darkest depths of your mind. It is your greatest trauma and you deepest pain. It was when you're soul died for the first time. I know not what happened, only that it stems from the powerful pain of loss of love. You lost something Rainbow Dash, and on that day, you died.” She convulsed in pain as soon as she finished speaking. She began to fade away, becoming transparent. The corners of the room began to be consumed by darkness.

“No! You can't die! If you die then I have nothing to go back to! What's life worth with out you? What kind of life can I have without love?!” Her tears fell onto Love's hoof, but fell through. Then, her hoof became completely intangible, leaving coldness behind in Dash's grasp. She smiled up at Dash.

“You'll just have to find out. Don't worry Rainbow Dash, I believe there is still something left of you're soul. Find it...” With those last words, she faded away completely. The darkness consumed the room, leaving Rainbow Dash all alone. She put her hooves over her chest.

“It can't be true... because, if it were... I wouldn't feel completely hollow inside.”