• Member Since 28th Jan, 2014
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Grey Ghost


Isaac and his friends didn't expect to end up as digimon in a land of talking ponies, but here they are, forced to play protector. Follow their adventures as they battle the forces of darkness and try to find a way home.

-A reworking of an old story into something new. A displaced story so, read at your own risk--Co-authored by thunderclap--edited by m2pt5-

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 143 )

I like it so.far the idea is great and i can't wait to see where u take this. U got my attention by using piedmon and now i will await any and al updates.

Good story it looks like it's going to be promising can't wait for more.

Two typos in the description alone has earned you a downvote.

Pretty awesome story though why'd you cancel it shagohad12?

5622826 I may come back and redo it, until then though, I'm just gonna leave it like it is.

5622837 Very well then, also I left a comment on your latest blog. I do believe you left out one Equestrian alien form he gained. One that led to a major plot point in the story. ^^

Now this will be fun. Wait til they meet Rena

6952931 I'd be up for a crossover.

6952969 Once I get Rena's token out.

This reminds me that I still need to beat Cyber Sleuth.

Cool. I wonder if Prince NEO Drasil will show up at one point? I'd just love to see the look on Piedmon's face when the guy who could very well be surpassing Superultimate threatens him. The only threat to the Digital World that the Digidestineds never officially defeated but willingly surrendered to avoid going against his very reason for existing. The Future itself personified and the one who can literally destroy and recreate the Digital World in the image of the Digimon themselves as is his job. That would just be awesome since he's only ever appeared in the manga but is an important character all the same.

6952931 Don't forget Leo, isn't she in permanently stationed in Rena's Equestria now because of plot reasons?

6953300 Yeah, that guy isn't showing up. On the other hand...I got a certain guy in mind...

6953314 Huh sounds interesting. Too bad about NEO though, he never seems to get any love for some reason in media which stinks seeing how he's pretty interesting and has an awesome design. I do wonder what'd happen if Arkadimon appeared though, that guy is one of the few to go SU and actually keep his name throughout his entire digivolution path. Not to mention I think his champion form killed and absorbed a Piedmon's data, one that belonged to a one off Digidestined as a battle test. A mega knows their screwed when even a rookie or champion can kill them. XD

Either way looking foward to the next chapter.

Now that I have beaten Cyber Sleuth, and gotten weirded out by just how casual the final boss takes his defeat. I am looking fowards to seeing if you implement anything from it into this Fic.

7036477 Darn. Oh well, looking forward to this all the same.

Sorry to anyone who finds Zecora's dialogue bad. I rewrote what shag had to rhyme, and rhyming is not my strong suit. He should be having someone else look over it soon.

I like the chapter, but I noticed one thing

Wait? A growing dragon needs his food

Should wait be what instead?

"reads this and see people saying that tamers and data squad are good seasons" YES GO DATA SQ- waitwaitwait nononono I mean tame- "BOOM

After a few minutes, he sighed, looking away. “It’s not like it matters...” He looked at his reflection, closing his eyes. “I’m not even human anymore...” He turned to look at her. “Look at me, I’m a freaking Digimon.”

Displaced or not, I admit it makes sense I suppose, but the new ones that explain everything about their Human life, somehow take the illusion away. Yes I guess that is how I want to say it.

I mean I know he wasn´t a Digimon, but I always liked those weird reactions that would most likely happen.

Why are there two Digimon? Does this story continues as a Crossover? I mean between more Displaced?

He blinked, looking down. “I digivolved...” he sighed, hanging his head.

Well why not, but for my personal taste it happens to fast.

I admit I don´t prefer it to be many main chars from the beginning, but I try it before I judge it.

“DemiVeemon digivolve to! Veemon!” He stood now about as tall as the girls, with actual five-fingered hands, tipped with claws.

I sadly forgot to post my last commet because I stopped reading at the half, but now that I finished it I want to say :
really to soon for another evolution.

7073732 I take it you've never seen the show before huh?

7073732 afraid to tell ya this pal but for digimon changing form is about as common as changing underwear is for humans. Doubly so if they are a main character.

7073761 You think I don´t know that? In the show it probably happens to don´t let it be to boring after a while.
In the story or any other Crossover/Displaced or whatever it could be bad if everything would happen to fast, like gaining a new Power.
Not sure how many episodes a Digimon Season has, but I just image this story being a bit longer, if they should already get a different form every second chapter, or what I´m affraid of every chapter, then there isn´t much left to suprise them I guess. Or it doesn´t matter if their enemies are getting stronger and stronger, if they already have some of the most powerful forms.

I pretty sure there would even be a more solid reason for it being a bad idea to transform them so soon. I know they are just .....rookie?, but I honestly would image two or three chapters per form change till rookie level.

I think it is a question about what pople may prefer, and I don´t really now any other reason right now, but it doesn´t always only look good if they get to strong to soon, even if they are Digimons.

7073736 The show is the show, with a certain audience, and a certain amount of episodes till a season has to end, if they would not do it in the show it would probably get pretty boring since I guess Digimon is only that complicate as a show.

However like I already said in the other comment, I´m pretty sure that there are far better reasons than what I have already said, and maybe other people prefer it to be this way, but I really believe it doesn´t only look good if they should continue like that.

I can understand them change faster till they reach the form they have right now at least, but I thought you could have maybe spread those event´s over two or even thre chapters per form.

I mean if would be other characters it wouldn´t look to good either if they get to much power to fast, and I don´t think that it is the perfect excuse to say they are Digimon.

What I more or less mean is, if they change to fast to their Mega form, than the problem may be, how to make fights and everything else more interessting.

7073883 well if they are following main character digimon rules (which they might not) then they'll always default back to rookie or in-training 2 after a fight. So it's not like they'll be stomping around as mega's forever. Plus both of these digimon have branching digivolution lines so there are ALOT of options. Even if you don't count armor digivolution. And yeah I get that it went quickly but getting to rookie is something that is pretty much step 1 for digimon. (Hell it happened in the first episode of season 1 for the entire cast)


well if they are following main character digimon rules (which they might not) then they'll always default back to rookie or in-training 2 after a fight.

I admit I forgot that part, and I kind of think it probably doesn´t happen here. If that is from the story I remember I had read before.

Well I guess I just prefer it to draw every possible reaction out of the Ponys before they transform, much like if I´m a bit dissapointed if Human in Equestria maybe give the ponys a schock for telling them about the show, or havin a little helper (Displaced), that takes away the fact that they would have to explore everything themself if you know what I mean.

Okay I let it go, I already assumed I would probably one of the only few people reading this story, that prefer it to go slow, even for a Digimon story. (Maybe it is because I like adoption and stuff like that too)

Well I have to say, even if the others maybe didn´t tried to be mean, I think your comment was a bit more reasonable. I couldn´t exactly interpret it wrong.

(Hell it happened in the first episode of season 1 for the entire cast)

Only here I want to assure you that I have watched the main show, the show with the cards, the one with the 10 Digiknights, and half of the.....Data squad?
I just thought they or he could have made something pretty nice if he would have taken one or two chapters per form.

7074981 what season was your favorite? Personally I loved everything about Digimon Tamers. Megidramon was hands down the coolest dragon digimon I've ever seen.

7075030 I think I agree with you there, but I also liked most of the maschine Dragon, or Seadragon type Digimons.

hhhmmm there were always some human characters I didn´t liked, but the best season......Well I think I choose Digimon Tamers too, I can´t really decide between tamers or the one with the (10 Digiknights, you know five good, and five evil guys) I don´t remember the names right now.

I only haven´t seen the rest because I mostly stop watching something if I miss to many episodes because of work or school.

I have always one favourite Human, and two or three favourite Digimon Villains. If we should talk more about it, I probably try to figure out some names again. However it would help if you could tell me what the Season titles where.

7075249 I think you're thinking of digimon frontier. With the ten legendary warriors. That's the one where kids turned into digimon.

... And I already want to kill Piedmon. Violently. Until nothing is left but a bloody smear.:twilightangry2:

Wait, so were Simon, Rico and Willy all friends originally? Are are fighting each other without knowing?

Also, wow, getting kind of topical with the "rape culture" thing, huh? I do like this back and fort between Willy and Daring, though.

7135048 I love how your the only one commenting on the story :(

7135079 I... I don't know what to say to that.

7135447 Not that I don't like your commentary, its just jesus, what do I have to do to make this story popular? FFS!

7135079 Sorry, I usually only comment when I am reading at home.

Though I am curious, were the other elemental warriors displaced aswell, or just those actual Digimon.

7136672 Those were actual digimon

Amusing, So Pinkie knows the fusion dance and now I want to know about the south fields incident. Omnimon in the void huh? Well if it's anything like the one Displaced and Displacers travel then that'll be interesting, I wonder if they'll meet the Displaced Gilgamesh or the actual one who wanders the void looking for Excalibur? They might run into The Cloud of Darkness if so.

We have an Omnimon, a Paildramon and soon a Susonoomon already now and if I know who those last 2 were mentioned, a Beelzemon and Gallantmon/Dukemon. Wonder if we'll get crimson mode and blastmode? Do they have fusion form too I wonder between DNA or Digixros/Digifuse?

7144483 NO! I'm not touching Fusion with a ten foot pole.

7144527 ....I was just wondering if Beelzemon and Gallentmon had a special Digivolution path together or not. As a pattern you seem to be Displacing everyone as popular digimon with special fusion paths like Agumon & Gabumon for Omnimon, possibly X-Antibody, Stingmon and Ex-Veemon for Imperialdramon Fighter/Paladin Mode, and Agunimon plus Lobomon for Susunoomon with the 20 legendary spirits fusion.

7144589 No, its two from every season, baring fusion.

(After the total ass kicking)

Just started watching Digimon Tamers, thanks to Crunchyroll. Kinda wish they head Japanese with English subtitles, but whatever.

7147407 Eh, I'm a japanese subtitle guy. There are few dubs that I feel are superior. Two of them being Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.

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