• Published 13th Feb 2014
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The Unity Pact - Truthseeker

This is the story of the efforts of a group of stranded Humans to find equilibrium, balance, and a promise of tomorrow in a world seemingly out to get them.

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Chapter 23: Culture Shock And Natural Magic

"Childish lout!" Razor spat in American English, she was getting better, "Princess kind is! Intended not rude being! Intended yes . . hurt Princess you!"

I felt like a heel and Twilight not only looked pissed but embarrassed as well, "I . . . emotion feel . . . regret . . . action repeat . . . never . . . interperate Princess . . . incorrect . . . Forgive?" my Velensovth was worse than normal, give me a break, I was nervous.

Razor's face softened slightly. She knew by that point that I never apologized unless I was sincerely regretful. I couldn't help it, I was sincere by nature. Razor Wit began whispering into Twilight's ear too softly for me to follow. I didn't care to keep staring either, 'Hell for all I know it might make the problem worse.' I turned and decided to peruse the selection of books the library had to offer.

A loud belch echoed around the library, it was accompanied by a green flash of light from an open sided loft up above the main floor. Princess Twilight, seemingly having forgotten about being pissed at me, disappeared in a flash of lavender light. I heard a whip-crack-like sound and spotted an identical flash of light up in the loft, 'She teleported. And I just gave her a magic version of a slap in the face . . . way to go genius. You pissed off a Kavim who is powerful enough to bend space at will and could probably curb-stomp you into a fine mush.' I was not particularly pleased with myself.

Princess Twilight reared up on her hind legs and braced herself on the loft rail then called down to Razor Wit and I, "Clear the floor."

I backed up against the wall behind me reflexively and I could see Razor do the same on the opposite side of the floor.


A brilliant flash of golden light illuminated the entire library. I held up my arms for protection and crouched on the floor, against the wall. The light ceased as quickly as it began and I lowered my arms. Princess Celestia stood in the middle of the library, 'She just . . . teleported . . . from Canterlot . . . to here. Why do I get the feeling I'm in trouble?'

Celestia turned her head and looked at me, "Is it physically impossible for you to stay out of trouble?" she asked sternly, "Five minutes, you weren't here for five minutes before Twilight wanted to hang you upside down."

I looked up at Twilight and she scowled back at me, Celestia continued, "You heard me. She wanted to hang you upside down for an HOUR. What happened between you two?"

"How do you know what she . . . " I began.

"Answer the question, please Daniel." Celestia said evenly.

I sighed, "I interrupted her magic by grabbing a scroll out of the air when she was levitating it. I thought . . . " I trailed off quietly.

"Continue." Celestia said quietly.

"I . . . I thought the only reason you sent me here was because Twilight was supposed to keep an eye on me because you didn't trust me." it sounded extremely childish when I said it out loud, but I decided to complete my thoughts, "When I went to introduce myself she just walked around me sizing me up like an experiment or a toy or something. I felt like a 'hetlar', not a 'hetlin'. I got upset because she didn't even take the time to introduce herself and I snatched the scroll out of her grip BEFORE I read your message to me." I could not believe how petty I sounded, "Once I read your message, the first thing I did was apologize to her, well, as best I could."

Celestia pursed her lips in a decidedly Human manner then sighed, "I wasn't aware you could cancel magical fields with a touch, we will have to look into that. To answer your question, Twilight told me what she wanted to do telepathically. It is one of the few uses of Mind magic that is allowed by law and even then, only by Ponies that are completely trusted and only by Alicorns. The very vast majority of the time we do not use it because it is so close to breaking the law. Twilight asked about hanging you upside down so she wouldn't end up injuring you by accident."

'Way to go Celestia. I feel bad enough as it is.' I thought.

"I can understand the way you feel though." she began.

'Oh no, don't you dare be so understanding about this!' I thought.

"I can assure you she never meant any insult." Celestia paused briefly and sighed, "It seems that I may need to reevaluate my stance on sharing your language."

'GOD DAMN-IT!' I was silently fuming, 'Don't give in to what I want just because I got pissed!?'

"I am saddened that this is necessary at all, but you seem too irritable to be completely left to your own devices without a shared language between you and at least one Pony around you." she raised her head straight up and looked me in the eye, "I will concede on this point only once and I ask that you do not bring it up again please."

'Wait, what?' I was puzzled, 'She has all my memories, she knows how pissy I can get.'

"I will share your language with only the other Alicorns. Don't worry about your memories, I chose to erase them from my mind. I realized you were right."


"Holding your memories did give me too much potential power over you. Now I still retain everything you know about Human history and so forth, but your personal memories are gone. All I know about you now is from our interactions, but I remember that I trusted you enough to offer you the position of Emissary. The notion feels off, now that we are here in this situation, but I trust myself. Furthermore, I will only provide others with basic vocabulary, so references to pork and beef and so forth will be omitted. I ask that you not take steps to antagonize Twilight anymore, I truly hope the two of you can learn to get along." Celestia finished, "Besides, I have some things to discuss with you both."

" . . . Th . . . thank you." I muttered, feeling lower than whale shit, 'She forgot my memories?' I was flabbergasted. I sat down on the floor of the library in shock, 'I didn't know she could do that.' I pondered.

Princess Twilight had returned to the main floor of the library while Celestia had been busy feeding me an entire verbal version of 'humble pie'. She turned and spoke a few words to Twilight then touched her horn to Twilight's. Both of their horns glowed for several long minutes while I just sat there mentally kicking myself for acting like an ass-hole.

My attention was snapped back to reality when Celestia and Twilight parted horns. Princess Twilight looked slightly dizzy and she seemed to stabilize quickly. I decided to take the initiative and rose to me feet. I walked over to the pair of Alicorns and inclined my head respectfully before I knelt down in front of the lavender Princess.

"Now that you can understand me, Princess Sparkle, I wanted to properly apologize for what I did earlier." I said quietly.

Twilight regarded me with what I thought was a neutral expression, but I was determined to continue, "When we first met I felt like you were only seeing me as an animal and not a person, but that's no excuse for breaking your magic when I grabbed the scroll you were giving me. I did it to Razor Wit once by accident so I knew exactly what would happen. I wanted to express how I felt but since I couldn't, I lashed out at you. I should never have done that and you didn't deserve it. I misinterpreted what you were about, it's no excuse but it is the reason and I wanted to say I'm sorry I did it."

"It hurt, I'll admit, but I'm not injured. I never meant to make you feel like a thing instead of a person. How about we start over." she said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle." she said offering a hoof.

I grasped and shook her hoof gently, "Daniel Pering. It's a pleasure to meet you Princess."

I could see Razor Wit in my peripheral vision as I let go of Twilight's hoof. She looked vaguely upset and I could guess why, 'She's the only one in the room who can't speak American English. I bet it's killing her.' I felt bad for her and reached out my left arm as I sat down on the floor. I motioned for her to come closer, 'I can't ask Celestia to alter her decision right now, but I don't want Razor to be left out.' I pulled my tan Unicorn friend into a one-armed hug as soon as she was close enough.

Celestia seemed to notice Razor's expression and predicament and smiled warmly, "I am only going to do this once and I better not hear either of you talking about the translation while it's active, but for the next few minutes I'll allow Razor Wit to understand and speak with us." Celestia's horn lit up and a beam of white light lanced out and struck Razor's horn.

Razor shook her head the paused, her eyes growing huge, "Oh WOW!" I have to admit, she sounded very normal speaking American English, "Your language . . . it's so . . . vulgar and expressive!" she practically squirmed with delight, "Oh this is so exciting!"

"Ah-ah," Celestia cut in, "The spell will only last until I go back to Canterlot, it is not permanent and I ask that you do not discuss the translation while it's active."

"Alright Daniel," Celestia began, "I'm hoping to name you Emissary soon. Whether or not your people accept you as such will be up to them. They deserve an Emissary and while I would like for it to be you, it is their choice. In any case, there are things we need to discuss. Twilight Sparkle and Razor Wit," Celestia spoke to the two mares, "You are welcome to join in on this if you wish." she turned back to me, "Now, my sister and I have been contemplating and observing your people for some time now. We have determined that there are some significant cultural differences in the way Humans think as opposed to the way Ponies think. While the vast majority of Ponies self-regulate by virtue of our culture and social structure, Humans never developed that same type of aspect of self-control. You developed differently and despite what I knew, I never imagined exactly how much of a difference there really was. There have been a few instances where the Civil Guards stationed at New Humansville . . . "

"STOP!" I interrupted loudly, "New . . . Humansville?" I asked incredulously, "You came up with than when you still had my memories didn't you?"

Celestia's trollish grin made a brief cameo, "Actually I still know that since it it part of American History."

Twilight and Razor looked at me strangely, so I explained, "Humansville is an actual town in the American Mid-West, in the state of Missouri to be precise, and I just happen to be a direct descendant of its founder, old Judge Human. It's a running gag among my family that each new generation is 'less Human' than the one before." I turned back to Celestia, "We have to let the people decide the name of the town."

"I think it more than appropriate given the circumstances, but very well. This village is named Ponyville, so since Humansville has already been taken, I wrote New Humansville down for the next cartographic update for the region, we can alter it later if your people wish. We are getting off topic though. As I was saying, there have been a few instances where the Civil Guards stationed in New Humansville have run into substantial enough differences in the laws that govern our two species, that they have nearly come to blows on two occasions within these last three weeks. Because of these volatile events I would like to propose a version of the Human Police force . . . "

I held up my hand, palm out and fingers spread, "If I may, Princess."

She nodded, so I continued, "As much as I would like to blatantly say 'yes' to such a proposal, and I do agree strongly with the idea, Human nature would resent the lack of their option, opinion, or input. I cannot, in good conscience, agree to this unless the people are allowed to have their say. Even in your world here, I still believe that any type of governing or regulating body or actions should be the choice of the people. Furthermore I think it might be too soon. Give them time to adjust all the way."

"I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on that latter part. Human history has shone that Human nature is volatile and tends to run rampant when not kept carefully in check despite prime examples to act otherwise." Celestia said.

I opened my mouth, a harsh retort on the tip of my tongue, but Twilight spoke first, "I propose a compromise." Twilight said suddenly, "The people decide on the codified laws as well as the limitations on these... Community Welfare Guardians, but they begin training immediately so as to limit the amount of time and there-by the number of chances for violent confrontation between the Civil Guard and the Humans."

"Um... " Razor began, "Just a thought, I'm not as smart as the rest of you, but were any of the confrontations caused by magic?"

Celestia nodded, "In fact both of them were. Do you have an idea?"

"W . . . well, ever since the massacre . . . "

"MASSACRE!?" I yelled then turned to Celestia, "What massacre?"

Razor Wit covered her mouth with her hooves and Celestia sighed sadly while Twilight just looked lost, "A while back, after you reached Canterlot and ended up in your coma, there was a... misunderstanding between the Royal Guard and your Human friends. A traitorous member of the Guard, who I had already demoted, led a force of fifty Unicorns trained in battle magic in a nighttime surprise attack against your friends. Seventy Humans lost their lives in the attack." Celestia informed me.

"My god." I whispered, I could feel my temper rising, "I assume," I said loudly, "That the perpetrators of the attack were all hanged?"

Celestia drew her head back in revulsion, "No. They were severely punished though."

"Unless it involved tremendous and prolonged agonizing pain, I'd say you didn't deal with them harshly enough." I said tersely.

Celestia looked at me evenly, calmly, her voice was just as deathly calm and quiet, "Daniel, please. Enough lives have been lost over this. Have you witnessed the lives of untold millions from birth to death and the passing of every one of your friends from time beyond memory? Do you claim the moral high ground with calls of death and torture?"

I took a deep, slow breath in and let it out just as slowly, "May I ask for a short break? I need to take a walk and cool off before I say something I don't mean, because it's sure to be something I'll regret as soon as I say it. I don't want to upset any of you anymore tonight."

Celestia nodded, "Very well. Would you like one of us to go with you?"

I rose to my feet, "I'd like it to be Razor Wit."

Without another word I turned and made for the door. I could hear Razor's hooves clopping against the wooden floor behind me. I reached the door, turned the handle, and held it open for my tan companion. Razor headed outside and I bent over and followed her silently, closing the door behind me. I stood back up to my full height and stretched.

Looking around at Ponyville at night hardly painted an impressive picture. It was all dark houses and closed shutters. My night vision had always been a bit better than average and my sense of direction was at least passable so I wasn't worried about getting lost in a tiny village at night.

I picked a direction straight out from the front door and just started walking, "Sorry for pulling you out of there like that Razor, but I have a flash-fire temper and it was about to get the best of me." I paused briefly, "I completely forgot to ask, is it alright for me to call you Razor, or would you prefer me to call you by your full name?"

"Just Razor is fine." she answered quietly, "What you said back there, about torturing, did you really mean it?"

"At the time I did, but after Celestia . . . "

"Princess Celestia." Razor corrected me.

"No offense to either you or her but I'll call her Celestia until she tells me different. I haven't sworn allegiance or fealty to her. I respect her authority and position well enough, but she isn't MY Princess. So I refer to and treat her as an equal until I chose to recognize her as my superior."

Razor shook her head, "If that's how you treat your friends, I'd hate to see how you treat your enemies."

"I don't consider Celestia a friend, she's more of an acquaintance. YOU I would consider a friend." I said.

"Why not Princess Celestia? She obviously thinks of you as a friend. Otherwise she would have had you arrested several times over by now." Razor said.

"Actually I don't think she does." I said, "Let me explain. Celestia is a tactician. She knew me better than anyone ever has. She may have given up THAT advantage but she already knows how I work and that I'll challenge her if she gives me a reason to. She asked me to be blunt and honest with her and I believe she meant it, but have you noticed that every time we are together she continuously keeps me off balance? Every time we meet she reveals some big secret I didn't know before so that I end up taking a strictly reactionary position. If I'm merely reacting to everything I can't form my own plans. It's a game for her. She's constantly trying me, pressuring me, and pushing my buttons to see what I'll do. It's a never-ending test of my character with her. When she stops playing me like a harp from hell, I might think about the possibility of considering her a friend."

Razor was quiet for a few moments before she said something that nearly broke my brain, "Maybe the reason she does that is so you can learn to deal with it and still function."

I stopped in my tracks, stunned at her proclamation, 'Could that be it?' I wondered, 'She's certainly clever enough. Could she be... testing me?' and suddenly it dawned on me, 'The position of Emissary! It's not testing, it's grooming! She's grooming me to make sure I'm competent for the job!'

I stepped up to Razor Wit and wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug, "Razor, you're brilliant."

She froze momentarily but then relaxed and patted my arm with her hoof, "My pleasure."

I let go of her and turned around, "Let's head back."

"What about your temper?" Razor asked trotting up beside me.

"It seems pretty clear that I need the practice. I'll just have to learn to deal with it. I can't do that out here mopping around." I said.

We reached the library quickly and I held the door for her once more. Celestia and Twilight were still in the same positions they had been in when we left. I walked back over and plopped myself down on the floor in front of them. Razor laid down on the floor to my left, closer to Twilight and Celestia was on my right diagonally.

"Are you calm now?" Celestia asked evenly.

I nodded my head, "Yes, I'm fine now." I hesitated on the next part, but I knew I needed to say it, "I apologize for my earlier outburst. What I was calling for was over the top. For the record Celestia, I do trust your judgement."

Celestia nodded, "Apology accepted." she turned to Razor Wit, "As you were saying?"

Razor cleared her throat, "Anyway, ever since the massacre Humans have been afraid of magic. I witnessed it first hoof during my initial encounter with Tina, Rachel, and David and subsequently when I followed the Humans until they reached the location of what is now New Humansville. The first uses of magic they ever saw were lightning bolts, hurled by Unicorns, striking them in the middle of the night. The Humans are afraid of magic so what better way to mitigate that fear than to educate them? Send in a delegation of Ponies to teach about it. You won't so quickly fear what you understand."

Celestia smiled, "That sounds like a most agreeable plan."

"I would like to address something." I said, "The topic is weapons. Humans will craft them, if they haven't already. I understand that weapons are designed to injure and kill but Humans won't feel safe unless they are available." I looked at Celestia and motioned to her with my right hand, "You know this to be true. Humans feel they have the right to defend themselves, even if it isn't necessary all the time. We operate under the mindset of, 'it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it'. I have no idea how you feel about civilians wielding weapons and I don't like bringing this topic to light, but it needs to be addressed."

Celestia looked to Twilight, "Would you like to take the lead in this?"

Twilight smiled, "Certainly." she cleared her throat and looked me square in the eye with laser-like focus, "Pony civilians are not allowed to own weapons of any sort, however each city, town, and village has a cache of weapons and armor for emergency defense. Every adult Pony in every settlement is required to participate in an annual Emergency Preparedness Course. The three day course details the use of weapons and armor among other things. Aside from that, there are martial training courses that any civilian can pay to participate and learn. The courses train Ponies in the use of hooves, horns, and even wings as natural weapons. There is even a strictly Unicorn training house that teaches the use of telekinesis as an extension of the body. Actual Combat Magic however, is very strictly regulated to only the Unicorns in the Guard and even then there are only a few that are widely known. Higher ranking members of the Guard gain access through their advancements in rank. On the opposite side of that same coin however, their use of the spells becomes more and more strict. It seems to me that Humans could easily adopt a system similar to what we use today. There are so many tools that that are capable of being used as weapons that even owning a spear, mace, or sword is punishable by a twenty bit fine and confiscation of the weapon. How does that sound?"

"Like a sure-fire recipe for an uprising." I responded blandly.

Twilight looked at me oddly, I opened my mouth to respond, but Razor placed her right hoof over my left hand,
"I'll handle this one." she turned to Twilight, "Humans are at a perpetual disadvantage over Ponies. Humans are physically weaker and they have no magic either. The Humans as a species use tools to achieve their goals. Without those tools they are as vulnerable as foals. I've witnessed that truth directly when I was tracking them. Without tools there is no possible way they could ever defend against even the weakest Pony. They need to be allowed to have SOME means of self defense."

Celestia nodded, "I agree to a point. Every living thing has the right to defend itself, of that, there can be no argument. Despite that though, Humans do have what they call Martial Arts but those styles of combat are only intended for Humans to use against other Humans."

"How about we present that at the same time as we present the proposal of these Community Welfare Guardians. I would like to propose one additional idea. Once the settlement is up and running, why don't you send it teams of skilled workers there and allow the Humans to decide what type of job they would like to receive training for. Also send out word of a new settlement that needs farm hands . . . hooves to help fill the vacuum. I'm recommending this because Human technology is leaps and bounds ahead of your own and I believe we have a great deal to offer each other."

Celestia smiled warmly, "There are Ponies at New Humansville already to help develop the town. In regard to sending in skilled workers, I had that thought myself and the papers are ready to be sent out."

I chuckled happily, "I'd kiss you if you were a Human."

"On that particular topic, while I understand your culture's stance on zoophilia and bestiality, Ponies do not fall under the category of animals or even true ponies. I have a strong suspicion that before long, it is going to be a topic that will need to be addressed." Celestia said.

I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose with the fingers of my right hand,
"Oi, I hadn't even considered that." I looked back up and around at the three mares around me, "What are your thoughts on that?"

"From a moral standpoint," Razor began, "There are no issues with one species marrying another in general, but such cases are extremely rare. Obviously compatibility is the most prominent issue. Social structure, social norms and expectations also have to be taken into consideration and there's absolutely no guarantee that all individuals who hear of it will be understanding." Razor said.

Twilight piped up next, "There are also other types of compatibility to take into account. Basic physical compatibility tends to be something of an issue with interspecies marriage. Not to mention compatibility on a genetic level."

She rose to her hooves and began pacing back and forth on the floor as she began what sounded like a full-blown lecture,
"We know that for Ponies, it isn't an issue for two different breeds to have foals since the base genetic template is identical in both parents and the determining factor of which breed the foal is born as, is based on dominant and recessive genetic traits and background. There are exceptions to those rules though, based on the location of individual development. If a Pony is adopted by a different species, say a Gryphon family for example, that Pony's Magerium will develop to match that of the most common and dominant surrounding Magerium. The Pony's Magerium would match that of the Gryphons. Obviously they wouldn't be able to fly unless they were born with wings, but the alignment and development of their Magerium would allow them to walk on clouds and be as strong and aggressive as any other Gryphon. If the Pony, were conceived in the Gryphon nation and their entire embryonic development also took place there, there is strong evidence that due to the prominent alignment of common surrounding Mageriums, the Pony would be born a Pegasus more often than not, and THAT is because the Pegasus genetic template resembles that of the Gryphons most closely."

Twilight stopped pacing and sat back down across from me, "We know relatively little about such things though, since interspecies marriage is so incredibly rare, but we do know that every species reproduces only at its base genetic template. Ponies can only have foals with Ponies and Gryphons can only have kittens with other Gryphons. There is no way to crossbreed two different species. Despite a common misconception to the contrary, Gryphons are not half-breeds. They are their own species that simply developed physical traits of both predatory felines and birds of prey." Twilight suddenly blushed sheepishly, "Sorry, I got side-tracked. Anyway, interspecies marriage between Ponies and Humans may be possible on a strictly physical level, but on a genetic level they would not be compatible and therefore never be capable of having foals naturally. They would have to adopt."

Celestia cleared her throat, "From a personal standpoint, I have no specific issues with the possibility, however Human prejudice may rear its ugly head very quickly. I think we should bring the topic to bear when we present all these other topics and see what the people think."

I nodded, "I agree."

Razor smiled, "Sounds like a plan."

Twilight grunted, "I suppose."

Celestia beamed happily, "While we are on the topic of reproduction and pregnancy, that brings into play one of the laws that no Pony would ever dream of violating." Twilight and Razor looked lost, Celestia ignored their puzzled expressions and continued, "In our world, in order for any couple to conceive, they must not only complete the physical act, but also want the young to be conceived. Their Mageriums must superimpose and encapsulate on the gametes in order to give the gametes the energy to begin the process of zygotic development. There are literally no young that are unwanted by both parents in our world. Parents may perish, but every birth is a desired event. That is why there are so few orphans." Celestia looked ill but pressed on, "The Human practice of abortion will never be permitted in Equestria."

Twilight and Razor looked at each other, obviously confused, "I don't know that word." Twilight said.

"Neither do I." Razor admitted.

Celestia looked at me, "I'll let you explain it. It is far too distasteful for me to do so."

I sighed heavily, 'This isn't going to end well.', "Some background first." I said licking my lips, "On Earth, the Human world, there is no magic whatsoever. Thamaturgic Energy is an alien concept. Because of that Humans conceive very easily and many pregnancies are unwanted. There is a medical operation Human women can undergo which destroys the fetus."

Razor Wit looked physically ill, but Twilight seemed quite upset, "You mean to tell me that doctors, those who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others, voluntarily and intentionally KILL unborn Humans!?"

I scratched the back of my head, "Our government decided that until a child is actually born, it is not considered a living thing and as such is not protected by law if the mother doesn't want it."

Twilight rubbed the sides of her head with her hooves, "So a single parent, not both, a SINGLE parent is capable of deeming her child, her CHILD, something that can be simply KILLED on a whim?"

I bit my lower lip, "That's about the extent of it."

Twilight rose to her hooves and laid her ears back, her face was a thunderhead, "That's barbaric! No," she shook her head, "That's so far beyond barbaric I . . . I don't have any words for it!" she began panting, "How can any culture that calls itself even remotely civilized ever condone such a thing!? It's beyond monstrous! It's incomprehensible! How could any species do such a thing! Do you Humans just walk around murdering each other for fun?" her eyes narrowed at me and she gritted her teeth, "Get out of my library!" she yelled, "I can't stand the sight of you, you disgust me, how could you!?" she stepped forward and lowered her horn right into my face, "Get out of my library this instant!"

I held up my hands against her head, "I didn't make the law! There's tons of Humans who disagree with it!"

"He speaks the truth Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said separating us with her left fore hoof, "Would you condemn an entire species on the actions of anything but the entire people?" her tone changed to matronly and commanding, "Step away from him," she ordered sternly, "Right now."

Twilight slowly stepped back but her expression spoke volumes that even I could understand, "If it means anything, I agree with you Twilight." I said calmly, "I don't agree with the practice, but there was nothing I could do to change it. Some Humans feel so strongly about it that they have killed the doctors that perform the operations. Not all Humans are the same. Please understand."

Twilight slowly calmed down, but she kept eyeballing me dubiously, "I'll listen, but Princess Celestia is right. No Pony would ever do such a thing. Unicorns proved long ago that every living thing that is intelligent has a Magerium. That Magerium, that living magic can be detected at the moment of conception. Any medically trained Unicorn can detect the living magic of a Pony even minutes after conception. Granted, some and thankfully few, miscarriages do occur. When that happens the deceased, unborn foal is buried as if he or she were a living, breathing member of society. Unborn foals are absolutely precious and fully protected by Equestrian law."

"The same will apply here, without argument or exception." Celestia said.

"Well then you're opening one hell of a hot topic. Humans distrust complete control by any entity, Human or otherwise. You might have a riot on your hooves." I said honestly.

Celestia smirked knowingly, "Perhaps not."

"You know something." I stated.

"I do indeed. My sister Luna has been in contact with one of the medical Ponies in New Humansville, Steady Hoof. She has determined that every Human female who is pregnant is al least a month and a half along in their pregnancies. That seemed odd to Luna so she went and carefully read your reports, Razor Wit. The time when conceptions seemingly ceased correlates exactly to the day when the Humans stopped vomiting magic. We have come to the hypothesis that Humans in Equestria now follow the same laws of reproduction that all other species do. The conception must be intentional. Magic is a living entity in its own right and it has seemingly determined that the rules of conception shall apply to all beings in this world." Celestia explained.

"Wait a second," I interjected, "If couples can only conceive when their . . . Mageriums align and give life to their gametes, that means the Humans have Mageriums. If Humans have Mageriums . . . they have magic."

Celestia giggled softly, "Not quite I'm afraid. A being's Magerium is a unique pattern, like a fingerprint, that effectively represents all the latent Magic in their body. It works like a conduit to the Natural Magic of the world and their intention to conceive is communicated through it. The Natural Magic allows for their gametes to be given life in order for them to fulfill their purpose. Yes, Humans have Mageriums, but they lack a vital organ in order to harness, channel, and control Thamaturgic Energy. That organ is the Screfula. Humans don't have magic to use, but they can process it without it poisoning them."

"Oh, I didn't get that before." I said, "So, when should this meeting take place? It's likely to be quite a long one."

"How about in one month, thirty-seven days." Celestia recommended.

"Am I to assume that I'll be there as well?" I asked.

"I would like both you and Twilight to be there, if that's alright." Celestia said.

"I don't see any problems with it." I said casually, "I would like to make a list of different topics to discuss as well."

Twilight seemed to perk up instantly, "List? May I help?"

I was surprised by her enthusiasm, "Uh . . . sure."

I had never imagined any living thing could ever be so excited at the prospect of writing a list. Twilight clopped her fore hooves together like a Human clapping their hands. 'Ohhhhh kayyyyy.'

Celestia rose to her hooves and stretched out her back then unfurled her wings and yawned, "It has been a long day and tomorrow will certainly be exciting in its own right. So with that in mind, I bid everypony goodnight." in a blinding flash of light, she was gone.

I sat in place for several seconds, unsure of what to do, "I'm sure you already thought of this, but where am I going to be sleeping?"

Twilight pointed over to a large sofa in the corner of the library, "I had less than a day of warning before you arrived. I have a spare bed but it's only sized for Ponies."

I shuddered, "Uh, can we stick to Kavim instead of Ponies please? The name makes me shudder."

Twilight's mouth twitched at the corners, "It's appropriate enough." she said also rising to her hooves, "I'll show you where the spare blankets are."

Razor Wit stayed on the floor, looking down sadly, "I miss the language."

Author's Note:

I edited this chapter on 10/11/2016

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