• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 8,588 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: Chaotic convergence - The Psychopath

Derry Wilhall, now a mare, will go through more dark times in his new life.

  • ...

Discord's song

The six mares couldn't help but stare at the chaos filled pony that was now in front of them. Silver was now having insanity ticks, and her eyes were nearly white; if not for the faint outlining of her pupils and iris. She a gigantic smile on her face, but her eyes still wept with tears.

"Silver?" asked Twilight.

The mare's eyes turned towards this lavender pony, and the smile slowly rotated itself downwards. Discord seemed excited at what was about to happen. Silver charged at Twilight and suddenly disappeared. She quickly reappeared behind Pinkie Pie and bucked her into the air, before throwing some type of jagged stone at her. The stone just splattered over Pinkie Pie, causing her to laugh. This little prank didn't seem like much, until the mush hardened, and kept Pinkie from moving. Silver started swaying slowly from side to side as she moved slowly towards Rainbow Dash who started backing off.

"Silver, it's me! Remember all those races we had?"

"Hohoho! There's no point in trying to talk to her. She can't hear you. She's stuck up here, you see." Discord pointed at his head, that echoed when he hit it with his finger.

Silver swayed even more from side to side before started to spin around Rainbow Dash with her wings. A small tornado formed, which literally started sucking the blue of the sky to reveal portions of night. The rainbow mare was tossed aside into a nearby building. Chaos was starting to spread, much to the amusement of the ethereal Discord.

"Twi, what can we do? We can't hurt her can we?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know. On one side, she's our friend, but on another, she is filled with Discord's magic."

"Well...maybe we should try and keep her down? Maybe we could try talking to her if she can't move?" proposed Fluttershy.

The three remaining mares looked at each other, then nodded.

"Okay Fluttershy. We'll go with your plan." said Twilight.

They all started using diverse methods to trap Silver, and all seemed to fail. Trying to make a now domino shaped wall fall on her failed. Trying to make her trip over a hidden rope failed as well. They couldn't stop her as she started to march towards Canterlot, a horrid smile on her face.

"Twi, I believe we can't stop 'er normally. We have ta use force."

"NO! We can't! Just think of how the dear is? She must be terrified! Just look at her. She's been crying the entire time she's been like this." yelled Rarity.

It was true. Although Silver only showed off her psychotic tendencies, she had been crying the entire time. Rarity knew that these weren't tears of joy, and that Silver might be trapped inside of her mind. Applejack believed her friend, but denied the use of non-violent force. It was too late for Silver. She had already destroyed everything in her path, and it wasn't about to stop there. Her current pathway set her directly in the direction of the soldiers, much to the dismay of Bullseye and a still hidden Cyclon.

While Bullseye was hurrying the evacuation of the civilians, a guard galloped towards him in panic.

"Sir! It's that silver colored mare!"

"Horse apples! Is she?"


"Keep evacuating the civilians, I'll deal with her."



"Yes, sir!"

Bullseye started to gallop towards the twitching Silver. Every twitch she made deformed everything around her randomly. Instead of cringing in terror, Bullseye ran directly into Silver, who did not expect such a strike to happen. She was literally flung upwards, and spun in a hovering position. Discord was laughing exhilaratingly. Bullseye caught sight of him and activated his horn. A special ability of this stallion was the particularity of his talent: he could control the field of gravity around a wide area. Discord's laughter soon stopped as he was thrust into the ground.

"Intriguing. So you are Discord?"

"The one and only!"

"Change her back."

"Why? It's so much more fun this way!"

Bullseye's rage flared upon his face. He enhanced the gravity on Discord, who started to sink into the disintegrating ground. As the stallion's rage increased evermore, he didn't know that Silver had been preparing a spell. When she unleashed it, the ground started to crumble and break. It flipped in some areas, floated high into the air with others, and some just turned sideways. Discord laughed ever harder as the six mares had come back. Pinkie Pie had gotten out of the hardened substance, and Rainbow Dash was going full speed at her former friend while she still unleashed her spell. Silver was caught and thrown onto the ground, where the other five ponies tied her up. Hopefully, the spell Twilight had placed on it would help with the magic being emanated from the insane mare. While Discord yelled 'No!', Bullseye came back from a levitated piece of the ground, and was followed by a few dozen guards who swarmed over him and Silver.

Discord couldn't move anymore due to the unicorns. If only he had his real body, he could've gotten out of this, and Silver's powers were just maturing. The six mares went around a struggling Silver to try and bring her back.

"Silver. Silver! It's me! Twilight Sparkle!" Silver suddenly stopped moving:" Yes, you remember me don't you? How much fun we had these past two months?"

"You...called me...a burden..."


"I...must have...My revenge on those....who treated me wrong."

"We would never do that you silly filly! Why would we ever do that? I wanted to throw you another party!"

"...Yes....to humiliate and insult me...."

The ropes started to crack like glass.

"We wouldn't ever do that, dear! Why would we? It's so uncouth."

"You...wanted to make me....the worst pony in Equestria...by giving me horrid makeovers....that I absolutely hate."

The ropes suddenly shattered like glass, but the soldiers around held her down with their magic. Before a thought could be given about Silver's brain-washed condition, Bullseye yelled out the elements:

"HEY! She's connected to Discord, right? Use your elements to destroy him!"

"But we can't! It might affect Silver too!"

"I guess we'll just have to find out about that now, won't we?"

"He's right Twilight. Hopefully, this will save Silver." said Fluttershy.

Twilight called out to her friends who reunited and each of their respective elements started to glow. The guards stared in awe, before letting go of Discord, who promptly bounced up and wiped off the dust on himself.

"The elements again? Hmph. Well, this will never free her, and just to be sure *snap*" Discord snapped his fingers, which caused an unknown reaction in Silver.

"Well, you won't be hurting anypony anymore!" yelled Twilight.

"Yes she will!"

The rainbow blasted forward and engulfed the being in a colorful light. A loud laughter could be heard until the Ethereal image of Discord distorted and faded away. The six mares lowered down back onto the ground, and looked behind themselves, hoping to see their friend back to normal. Instead, they saw Silver getting back up and blasting the nearby unicorns away. She had an uneasy look on her face, and her ears seemed to be reacting to something. She quickly looked up and started limping towards the six ponies, her 'horn' pulsating wildly. Cyclon came out of his hiding place and slammed into her, only to knock her down and keep her on the floor while the horn started to glow more brightly.

"Quickly! Strike her with the elements! She might be purified!"

Twilight and the others nodded, but before they could start again, the horn of Silver suddenly erupted in a flash of blue. This flash caused her to scream in pain as the blue sun blew Cyclon and many other ponies clean off their feet. When they came to, it was clear that Silver was being held by something powerful. A big blue ball was attached to her head and blue lightning bolts were coursing throughout the surface of her body, causing her to agonize in pain while she shook and trembled powerfully. The blue crystal petals on her cutie mark were also glowing brightly. Twilight couldn't help but think that this was the Giga Sparkle from before. Cyclon stood back up and ran in her direction.

"I don't know what you did, but it's working." said Cyclon. He was panting heavily for some reason.

"We...we didn't do anything." said Rarity. She was staring in disbelief at what was happening.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, that blue light looks just like your coat!" laughed Pinkie Pie.

"But, if you didn't' do that, then what is?"

Twilight started to think, then nodded to herself as she became certain of what she had to do.

"I know what I need to do. I have to go into her mind and find her in there. It's a spell the princesses taught me. You all watch over me while I'm inside of there."

"What?! That's crazy talk Twi!" protested Applejack.

"She's right Twilight. What are you going to do? Swim through there?!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

"I'm doing it and that's final. It's too dangerous for you all to follow me."

Cyclon put his hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

"I'm coming with you. It is my duty to regain my honor and to save her."

"That's out of the question! There's no way-"


Cyclon's voice echoed throughout the small town. He terrified Twilight, and the other mares backed off as well. He had the determination of ten thousand ponies swirling within him. Twilight shook the surprise out of her system and warned Cyclon about the consequences that might arise. He didn't care, and they both approached the still paralyzed Silver. Twilight activated her spell, which gave off a bright flash. Once it dissipated, both ponies were on the floor. The recovered soldiers and the remaining elements ran to their aid.

Twilight and Cyclon spun wildly throughout a plane of chaos, with wild colors flowing everywhere. Windows of Derry's memories, that were now modified by chaos to show off ponies instead of people, flew wildly through the tunnel that the tow ponies were flying through. They suddenly landed on something solid. The area they were in was nothing but darkness as well as random sounds of laughter and words of anger. Silver was further away, glowing a bright blue. She was surrounded by a black smokey serpent wisping around her, keeping her trapped.

"Is that her?" asked Cyclon.

"I hope so. Discord's power is still within her, so it could be a trap. I'm still wondering why this place isn't so chaotic."

"I...didn't notice that. You're right though. I suppose we should approach her cautiously then.

"Yes. We should."