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Mr Stargazer

"Philosophy; it's like breaking the fourth wall, but in real life." - Mr.Stargazer

Comments ( 58 )

A human stands before Euqestria's rulers...it does not go as they expected.


3976767 Already fixed that:derpytongue2:

I thought he was gonna kill them!!!!!!! I wish he did. Anyway it was an epic short story.

This is sad, and exactly how I would end a similar story.

huh, different.
glad this wasn't like TCB shit.

mapu #8 · Feb 20th, 2014 · · 10 ·

Freaking hippies halting the development of science :/ Killing himself, rather than tray to properly explaining his reasons. :facehoof:

Good story anyhow, taught the main character was suicidally dumb. Seriously is it that hard to explain that bad shit will come if they try to open a inter dimensional gate, and retell the tales of good, usable stuff? Get some tin foil for that anti mind reading stuff. His mind should be alien enough, so that if he keeps it jumbled and breaks contact when seeing his mind read, it would be really hard to read. Besides unless he worked on ground floor of many industries, they wont have anything but impressions of weird, otherworldly stuff.

It's "debt", not "dept". You also tend to use phrases like "should of" rather than the correct "should have".

3976876 Actually, his reasoning seems to be that humanity's progress would be crippled by interaction with Equestria.

Although it might be futile, or even self-defeating if humanity could study and replicate magic, it was intended as a blow for science.

Uh, okay then...

i liked it, but this is one of those stories that leaves a ton of question that will never go answered.

... and i wanted to sleep:fluttercry:

3977555 Sleep is for the weak.

Wow. What an eloquent and lyrical sonnet to a complete steaming pile of horseapples.

I'm liking this more than I should.

That's... an interesting way to go with things. I could never be so cruel to my own heart. :pinkiegasp:

Epilogue? Please?:fluttershbad:

I kinda feel bad for expecting a poop joke.

3977071 I interpreted it as being that humanity needs struggle to survive. Bringing in Harmony, not just ideals but the force behind it, and solving many if not all problems would lead to a collapse on both sides, ultimately being more destructive for the ponies.

Something like:
1. Fix all problems
2. Humans become discontent
3. Humans push away from Harmony and thus ponies
4. If ponies push back for some reason, bad things happen
5. Humans will get the better end of the situation, no matter what
6. Ponies lose whatever.
7. Everything is worse than when it started out.

Just my opinion, what I gathered from certain parts towards the end.

*Low whistle* Dayum... :twilightoops:

3977685 sleep is for those that want to stay mentally sane, allthough that might be overrated:pinkiegasp:

I think this is the closest anyone has written intentionally or not to a me in Equestria story

Another grat story by the great story teller, Mr. Stargazer!

every brony or human who meet the princesses and equastria never consider the consequence of there choice and actions the cause and effect is more tremendous then most realize.
what a brave soul.

This story addressed one of the main reasons why a human going to Equestria is a bad idea. Just think of how bad things were when the industrial revolution hit here, with child labor and militarization.

Not only would Equestria be destroyed by human innovation, it would lose what made it good to begin with.

Technology is a gift and curse man has given himself. He must be responsible for his creations.

Good thing humans are only fiction in Equestria. :pinkiecrazy:

You know what I'm talking about. :twilightsmile:

3982853 Just as bad we would loose what made us great by direct exposure.

Tokai #29 · Feb 22nd, 2014 · · 1 ·

3982853 Oh quit with the misanthropy and just admit ponies are too stupid to handle technology.

Oh fine.

ponies be too stupidz to handle our technologies. just look at how well we people communicated and work with each other through technologiez. like wikipedia, reddit, and facebook. YOLO MCSWAG.

No. It isn't a matter of mental capacity, they just lack the ambition and necessity of technology being placed in a world they can seamlessly control and manipulate to their desires. I apologize if this has come off as mean-spirited.

It was very well written, but their wasn't a point to it. John shows up, kills himself because he doesn't want human influence on Equestria, and that's it. If their even was a point, I didn't get it.



........It's four in the morning, you can't blame me.

lovely story. loved the premise

It was fine until the mention of the Prime Directive.

Fuck the Prime Directive. Seriously fuck it.

Ok story, with some grammar mistakes though, but the premise is kinda weak.

3985014 but he's got a point, albeit a small one. ponies are quite smart compared to other creatures in equestria but compare them to a human and you'd think they're canadian :pinkiecrazy:
take the bait, i dare you

..... The fact is that ponies wouldn't be able to understand technology, it's that it would fundamentally change them in some way or another. Whether or not that's a good thing, well,

look buddy, I'm an engineer, that means I solve problems. Not problems like, "what is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. I solve practical problems.

Misanthropy makes me a sad panda.

3989790 This is not misanthropy:rainbowhuh:

That's what it reads like to me, maybe I don't get it in the same way...

3989932 I was saying that the technology itself would be to difficult for them to adapt to. They would destroy themselves with it.

3987466 no just no don't you dare dis us canadians


Yeah, no.
Quit being autistic.

3979754 It most certainly is!

4047389 I'm glad that you enjoyed it

4047510 That's one way to put it. "Made emotionally vulnerable" is another.

To have the will power and self-control needed to stop his own heart...damn

4057351 Like threading a string through a needle using a rocket from the other side of the planet.

Doable though. Can pull it off myself.

That guy is incredibly strong willed my God.

I think killing himself was counterproductive. It seems like he should of stuck around to prevent them from meeting us. The sad thing is he is right our race would either destroy theirs or corrupt them beyond recognition. On the other hand we did make this show so we got that going for us.

Farscape reference: HUMANS ARE SUPERIOR!

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