• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 18,086 Views, 1,349 Comments

Flying Sky-High - Calm Wind

Sequel to Head in the Clouds. Rainbow Dash and Soarin are unsatisfied with how they decided their friendship would work. An approaching event gives Rainbow Dash a chance fix that. Love is a powerful thing, and no barrier is strong enough to stop it.

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Chapter 7

Flying Sky-High
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 7:

Rainbow Dash was relieved upon returning. Her first entrance into a busy Wonderbolt compound was through the front door instead of out of Soarin’s room. All other things aside, she didn’t want to make it awkward for him.

On a different note, she was excited to see the inside of the actual Canterlot Wonderbolt compound with all of the Wonderbolts walking around casually. She could barely keep her wings folded. She at least kept pace with Soarin this time. She didn’t want to delay him.

The compound was a three floor building with a large staircase in the center like it was the spine of the building. Each floor extended left and right from the entrance for at least a hundred yards in both directions. The second and third floors were mainly offices and dorm style rooms. The first floor was very expansive and had all of their facilities: Gyms and training courses, locker rooms, medical rooms, and the mess hall.

Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot’s rooms were all on the top floor. Spitfire’s office was straight across from the top of the stairs on the second floor. If there was one major observation Dash made though, it was that everything was dark blue.

“Very colorful halls.” She said sarcastically as she and Soarin climbed the stairs.

“I know right.” He said with a sigh, “I don’t know who painted this place, but they didn’t get very creative.”

“I’m surprised you don’t disappear in here, Mr. All-Blue.” She nudged him, earning a chuckle.

“One shade darker and I could pull all the pranks I want. Wave Chill from squad two blends in like he's part of the wall, but the day he pulls a prank is the day Rapidfire compliments someone.” As he finished he ran right into a wet floor sign and fell into a bucket of water the janitor left on the floor. Again. Dash instantly lost it, laughing and pounding her hoof on the floor.

“Smooth.” She said while wiping a tear that squeaked out.

“I can’t believe I’ve done that three times in the past two weeks.” Soarin grumbled as he stood up and shook himself off. “I thought I asked Spitfire to get new signs.”

Art by: Foxenawolf

Colored by: Lazzari

“I don’t know, maybe she’d rather watch you stumble around some more, it’s funny.”

“HAHAHANOOOOO.” Soarin comically said while smushing his face against hers. She giggled and pushed him away.

“C’mon Sponge, let’s get to Spitfire already.” she pointed towards the office. As they approached and Soarin tried to shake himself off more, the door to Spitfire’s office opened and Fleetfoot stepped out. She froze as she saw Dash and Soarin walking side by side, and took note of Soarin being completely wet. She glanced back and forth between the two of them.

“I don’t wanna know.” She said and pranced off snickering. Soarin and Dash just watched her go by. Dash looked to Soarin, who thought for a moment before flinching and glaring in Fleetfoot’s direction.

“What?” Dash questioned.

“Nothing.” He rolled his eyes. “I just have to kill her later.” He stated as he reached for the door. Dash just played along and the two entered the office.

Spitfire looked up from a few sheets of paper sprawled out on her desk.

“Soarin? And Dash? Well then, where have you two been?” She waited a second, but didn’t let them answer. “Seriously Soarin? Do you need glasses?” She looked at him, he was still wet.

“I told you before, the damn signs blend in.” He grumbled as he tried to shake himself off more.

“But the buckets don’t, so please just watch where you’re going. I’m losing faith in your ability to avoid hurting yourself. ANYWAY—” she tapped her hoof on her desk, “Where were you guys?

“Just got breakfast at Rusty’s” Soarin spoke up. “He said to stop by soon or he’ll hunt you down.”

“Ha! The old fart’s still a truck eh? Now what about last night?” She asked in all seriousness. Dash blushed lightly, not sure if Spitfire was serious or not.

“What ABOUT last night?” Soarin said with an eyebrow raise. Spitfire chuckled and waved her hoof.

“I’m kidding. I’m not Fleetfoot, what happened last night is your business.” She turned to Dash. “So, Dash, good to see you on less fancy terms.”

“Likewise!” Dash spoke up. She hoped the light blush from earlier had faded.

“I wish we could talk some more, but Soarin and I have training in an hour. What are your plans?” She asked. Dash hadn’t given it much thought. She had to head back home at some point, but she wanted to spend just a little more time in Canterlot with Soarin. She bit her lip, not sure how it would go if she asked, but she was here, so why not?

“Um, actually,” she paused to clear her throat and puffed her chest out with confidence, “I was wondering if I could train with you guys today!” She said full of spirit. Soarin blinked and looked at her with confusion. Spitfire instantly shook her head.

“Sorry Dash, no can do.” Her words made Dash deflate immediately. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see you in action, but I can’t just let a random pegasus in to train with us. Not only is it against our rules, but there’s a whole liability issue. If we said yes, and you got hurt, there would be legal problems.” Even though her explanation made perfect sense, it didn’t mean Dash wasn’t disappointed. It was worth a shot.

Soarin picked up on her depression. He agreed with Spitfire. He didn’t want Dash to get hurt, but he knew what a great experience it would be for her to partake in an actual Wonderbolt training day. He pondered what could be done, and remembered something right before Dash gave in.

“What about Article five section seven?” Soarin directed at Spitfire. Dash had absolutely no idea what it meant, but Spitfire seemed to pick up on it.

“Oh. Hmm.” She contemplated. “Soarin that hasn’t been used in ages.” She shrugged.

“But the last time it was—” Soarin swayed his hoof back and forth between pointing at him and Spitfire.

“I know Blaze Tail and Flash Wind used it for us.” Spitfire mentioned the two former legendary Wonderbolt captains.

“What’s article five section…” Dash had already forgotten the designation.

“In our handbook,” Soarin began, “the fifth article is about our recruitment process. Section seven talks about how rookie Wonderbolts or flight camp cadets can be rewarded a training day with the veteran Wonderbolts should they perform beyond expectations.”

“The old captains did it for Soarin, Fleet, and I a year before we became full Wonderbolts," Spitfire explained. "The show we put on eventually earned me captain status and our squad the lead. However, here it would be bending the rule a bit. You were a flight camp cadet, and might be again later, but since you aren’t currently one, we technically shouldn’t allow it.”

“I think she’s proven herself though.” Soarin nodded and looked to Spitfire, “Riiiiight?”

“How so?” Spitfire lifted an eyebrow at Soarin. Soarin scoffed and shook his head.

“I dunno, we’re kind of alive thanks to her! Did you forget about the Ponyville tornado?”

“Oh right.” Spitfire smacked her hoof against her head.

“How’d you forget that?” Dash asked incredulously.

“I have too much on my mind sometimes.” Spitfire sighed. “Okay, I suppose that works, lemme get the paper work.”

“Alright!” Dash exclaimed. She was so excited! A chance to train with the lead squad?!

“Oh, but if we do this, you won’t be training with us specifically.” Spitfire added as she pulled a few papers out of her desk. Dash blinked and somewhat deflated again.

“Aw, why not?” She asked. Spitfire separated the three papers and stared at Dash sternly.

“Two reasons. Two parts of our practice today, advanced obstacles and combat training, are not something I’m going to put a “cadet” into, even if you do sign these liability forms. That’s just my personal rule.” She explained. Soarin placed a hoof on Dash’s back.

“I’m gonna have to agree with her on that one.” He nodded.

“And the other is that I don’t want you to distract him.” Spitfire pointed at Soarin. He and Dash looked at her in disbelief. “Don't fight me on that one because I know it will happen.”

“Okay, I guess. Then who am I training with?” As much as she wanted to train with the lead squad, Dash still got to train with Wonderbolts. That was enough for her.

“What’s the second squad doing today?” Soarin asked Spitfire. Spitfire shook her head.

“High Winds told me that Silver Lining really wanted to get their new routine down pat before combat practice. I don’t think they’ll be doing much else. Dash’ll be sitting around all day.” Spitfire reached over for a notepad sitting on the edge of her desk and leafed through it. “Ah, but the third squad is doing the regular daily training today. We can hook her up with them.”

“The third squad?” Dash suddenly got excited. “Isn’t Misty Fly on that squad?” Spitfire nodded.

“Fan of hers?” Spitfire smiled.

“She’s been flying since I was a filly! She was the most popular Wonderbolt with me and all my friends in school!”

“Yup, she’s an old favorite.” Soarin nodded. “It’s too bad she—”

“Soarin.” Spitfire cut him off, grabbing both their attention. “Let her find out.” She said with a smile.

“Alright.” Soarin glanced back at Dash, who was again confused. Spitfire motioned to the papers on the desk. Dash decided to just let it go because she would apparently find out what they were talking about later. She looked over the three papers and found them to be cut and paste liability forms. She gladly signed them, not wanting to cause any issues for the Wonderbolts, not that she would, she was awesome enough for them after all. “Follow me Dash, I’ll take you to Fire Streak, he’s the third squad captain.” Soarin motioned towards the door.

“Good luck Dash, you’ll need it.” Spitfire said as they left.

“Misty Fly huh? I thought I was your favorite Wonderbolt.” Soarin asked with a very fake sniffle and frown.

“You are, jerk.” She answered. Soarin inched his head closer to hers while making fake whimper noises. She wrapped her wing over his head, pulled him down, and gave him a rough noogie.

“Ah! Argh! Okay! Haha!” He managed to pull his head out and shook out his mane. When he looked back forward she was hovering backwards right in front of him.

“You’re my absolute favorite for more than one reason.” She winked.

“Oh am I now?” Soarin bounced his eyebrows.

“Watch the PDA kiddies!” Fleetfoot randomly passed by them. Soarin turned to give her what for, but she had lifted off and zoomed out of sight quickly.

“She’s pushing it.” Soarin grunted and shook his head. “If she keeps it up, the janitors might have to clean a “Silver Streak” off the walls…” His comical use of Fleetfoot’s code name earned a few chuckles from Dash before she retook her place beside him.

“Misty Fly was just very popular when I was a kid. She always stood out.” Dash explained, finally answering Soarin’s question.

“She’s the only 'coordinator' we have. Way back in the day I heard most squads had coordinators that directed the other Wonderbolts in their team. It fell out of style years ago in favor of more modern group maneuvers. Apparently Misty Fly’s grandmother was a master coordinator in her day, so Misty insisted on bringing it back.” Soarin explained.

“I always loved how unpredictable her shows were,” Dash cut in, “we never knew what we were gonna get.”

“That’s because squad three's shows are impromptu.” Soarin added, “Misty isn’t the squad captain, but the team loves the old show style and sticks with her. Do you know much about the other members?” He asked.

“I’ve heard of the Streak twins.” Dash pondered. She paused as Soarin snickered, “What?

“Nothing, those two are a hilarious, you’ll have fun with them.”

“And… didn’t their fourth retire last year?” She continued.

“Yeah, Steady Wing retired last year. Do you know Surprise?” He smiled upon asking.

“Uhh—” Dash knew the Wonderbolt rosters well from squad’s one through five, “Wasn’t she on squad four? Besides that I don’t know much about her.”

“She got bumped up to squad three to take over Steady Wing’s role. She’s an effect specialist like Rapidfire.”

“Is that a good or bad thing?” Dash asked in all seriousness.

“I personally think she’s better than him, and that’s NOT just because I hate Rapidfire’s prick ass.” He said very casually. “Rapidfire is very precise and I admit, he can create some very realistic effects, but he’s pretty much useless when it comes to our secondary combat functions. Surprise is not as refined as him, but she can dish out so many effects very efficiently. I sparred with her once in combat practice. She had me so confused. I think I only had her in my line of site for a grand total of two seconds during the whole ten minute session.”

“Wow.” Dash was very impressed. “I can’t wait to meet her too!”

“You won’t have any problem getting used to her.” Soarin said with a wink, “She’s just like someone you know.”


“Imagine Pinkie Pie with wings.” Soarin chuckled. Dash’s eyes widened.

“That’s actually terrifying.” Dash shuddered at the thought.

“Squad three all together is a very entertaining group. You’ll have a good time.” Soarin assured her as they stopped in front of a door with the names Fire Streak and Lightning Streak on a plaque. Beneath it was a piece of paper taped to the door that had written in crayon: “Thing one and Thing dolt” Dash blinked as she read the little addition to the door and Soarin chuckled. “Surprise did that.”

“Well, I haven’t even met them and they already seem fun.” She smiled. Maybe this day would be good after all. Again, she wished she could fly with Soarin for the day, but this was definitely going to be an interesting experience. She already had an idea of how Surprise would be, and Soarin claimed the Streak twins were an interesting pair. Misty Fly was an old idol of hers, but—”

“What did Spitfire mean by: let me find out about Misty Fly?” She asked. Soarin only gave a quick grin.

“If I told you, you wouldn’t find out for yourself now would you? All I’ll say is: she’s very unique.” He knocked on the door as he finished. A moment later the door opened and a white stallion with a red-orange, white striped mane peered around the door wearing the full Wonderbolt uniform. He was a little shorter than Soarin but still taller than Dash. As soon as he saw Soarin he pushed the door aside and stood attention.

“Good morning sir!” He addressed Soarin. Soarin rolled his eyes.

“Fire, we’ve been over this. I’m not Spitfire. At ease.” Soarin chuckled.

“You are a higher ranking officer, I am merely showing respect.” Fire streak replied after loosening up. He had a very proper tone of voice. “What can I do for you sir?”

“This is Rainbow Dash.” Soarin motioned to Dash, “She is a former flight camp cadet and the lead squad owes her much, so we pulled a few strings to give her a rewarded training day.”

“Oh, this is THE Rainbow Dash?” He looked her over, “Soarin speaks very highly of you!” Dash was surprised that he knew her. “Oh my, where are my manners? I am Fire Streak, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He made a small bow and reached out a hoof. Dash went a long and did the same to shake his hoof, but instead he grabbed hold of it and kissed it. Dash flinched and blushed as Soarin tried to hold back laughs.

“Uhhh! Yeah! Hi!” Dash said all flustered, pulling her hoof back quickly.

“Careful Fire, she’s taken you know.” Soarin smirked and squinted at him comically.

“It is merely the proper way to greet a lovely lady.” Fire bowed again. Dash looked to Soarin with a slightly mortified expression. He leaned down and whispered to her.

“He does it with every mare he meets, don’t sweat it.”

“I thought you said fun, not weird!” Dash whispered back.

“Wait till you meet his brother. You need both for the effect.” Soarin winked at her before turning his attention back to Fire. “I’m told you are taking squad three through the regular training routine today?” He asked.

“That’s the plan, am I to escort your lady for the day?” As he asked Fleetfoot floated past behind them,

“WooooooOOOOOoooooo!” She cooed behind them as Fire called Dash: Soarin's Lady.

“FLEETFOOT!” Soarin looked back, but again she was halfway down the hall before he could do anything. “Yes.” Soarin replied with his ears and brow flat. “Take her through the motions and bring her back to Spitfire’s office at the end of the day.”

“Rest assured, she will be safe.” Fire nodded.

“Even from your brother?” Soarin joked.

Especially from my brother.” Fire’s voice became flat and annoyed. His reaction sparked Dash's interest. Both are needed for the effect? She was curious to see.

“Well I have to go get ready,” Soarin pulled Dash into a hug. Fleetfoot appeared behind Dash and had her hooves squishing her face towards her dreamy eyes. Soarin glared and extended his right wing, folding all the feathers down except for the middle feather, and held it out towards her. Fleetfoot giggled.

“Kiss her!” She encouraged.

“That’s it.” Soarin released Dash and Fleetfoot zipped down the hallway laughing hysterically. Dash smirked and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Punch her for me, 'kay?” She smirked.

“Oh gladly. Have fun!” Soarin turned and started down the hall. “YEAH, I SEE YOU OVER THERE FLEET!” He yelled and flew after her. Fleetfoot was being a bit childish, but Dash was having fun watching Soarin’s wings get all ruffled. He was cute when he got angry and blushed at the same time.

“Now then, you caught me just in time.” Fire stepped out of the door with a clipboard tucked under his wing. “Right this way. We’ll get you a uniform.”

“Wait,” Dash’s eyes widened and her wings began flapping on their own. “Omigosh, I get my own uniform!?”

“Why yes indeed! A chance to train with the veteran squads is considered a reward for exceptional work. You even get to look the part as well!”

“This is gonna be so cool! Do I get to keep it?!”

“Unfortunately no, you will be using one of our extra uniforms we keep around for emergency. All of our uniforms are custom made to fit us perfectly. We haven’t the time to get you measured and fitted so I hope you don’t mind using a spare.” Fire explained as they began walking towards the stairs.

“Still awesome!” Dash was so excited she almost molted. She got to see what she looked like in a Wonderbolt uniform! So what if it didn’t fit her perfectly, she'd dreamed of seeing this!

Fire Streak led Rainbow Dash to the first floor and towards the locker rooms. They stopped by the equipment cage to retrieve Dash’s uniform first.

“And here you go.” Fire handed a size medium female Wonderbolt spandex uniform to Dash. She couldn’t stop smiling. In fact she was smiling so hard her face was starting to hurt. “The mare’s locker room is right behind us,” Fire motioned to a door directly across from the cage. It leads all the way through to the indoor flying track. I’ll be in there if you require any further assistance. If not, just meet there after you get changed.”

“OKAYTHANKS!” Dash fired towards the locker room. She had barely heard a thing Fire had said. It was something about putting on the uniform and meeting them out the other side of the locker room. That was all she needed to know.

She came to a halt as she pushed the first door open, realizing that she should calm down. She probably wasn’t going to be the only one in there. She was glad she did, because as she reached for the second door of the entrance, it opened and High Winds of the second squad stepped through.

“Pardon,” She said simply as she passed by Dash. If she had gone through in her initial giddy state, she would have run right into High Winds. Talk about dodging a horrible first impression.

“Deep breaths Dash. Be mature about this.” She coached herself. She entered the locker room and made her way past the rows of lockers. There were a few other Wonderbolt mares present, but none she recognized. Not wanting to get in the way, Dash picked a row that was completely empty and took a good look at the uniform.

She had no idea how she was supposed to put it on.

This was embarrassing. She didn’t have time to sit around and figure it out. There was a head hole from which the mask part hung down from, but it looked too small so squeeze her whole body into. She thought about asking the other mares, but she didn’t want to bother them.

“Try the zipper.” A sudden voice made her flinch. She glanced towards the end of the locker row and saw Blaze from the second squad, “on the other side.” She made a flipping motion with her hooves. Dash flipped over the uniform and eyed a zipper that ran down the underside of it.

“Oh, thanks.” Said Dash as Blaze trotted off with an amused smile on her face. FIRST IMPRESSIONS FIRST IMPRESSIONS! Dash internally fumed. After pulling the zipper all the way down the uniform she easily found out how to shimmy her legs into it. She got her wings and tail through the right holes on the second try, the first ending in a tangled mess. She finally got the uniform in the right places and zipped it shut. It was very snug, but it was spandex after all, she’d just have to get used to it. Content she had everything correct, she lifted the mask part and fitted it over her face. She felt herself getting giddy again when she realized she was actually wearing a Wonderbolt uniform. She quickly trotted over to the bathroom area and looked in the mirror.

“Oh. My. GOSH.” Dash couldn’t hold in as she looked herself up and down. The uniform looked AWESOME on her. It wasn’t just a tight fit, it also really showed off her toned physique well. She turned to get a good look at all the muscles the uniformed seemed to exaggerate as well as her female figure. She looked like an action hero. Disregarding the thoughts to restrain herself, she started striking action poses. She just couldn’t get enough of it. But then a snickering came from around the corner. Dash froze mid pose.

“Having fun?” Spitfire, in uniform, and standing by the wall dividing the lockers from the bathroom, had seen the whole thing and was scrunching her face to contain her laughter.

“Spitfire! I was just, uh…”

“Hey don’t worry, I did the same thing the first time I put it on.” She waved her hoof to calm Dash down. “But I don’t think you want to keep the third squad waiting.”

“Oh crap!” Dash quickly zoomed past Spitfire around the corner and towards the back door of the locker room. Spitfire let the laughs out as soon as Dash was out of earshot.

“You two are so alike, it’s too easy.” She referred to Soarin, before heading to join her squad.

Dash quickly burst through the door of the locker room in a hurry, but slowed down when she saw only two members of squad three standing nearby. One was Fire Streak, the other a mare.

“Ah! There she is. I trust you had no trouble with the uniform?” Fire Streak immediately asked politely.

“Um,” Dash slowed to a trot, “I got it eventually.”

“Is it a good fit? Snug but not choking?” Fire’s politeness was the only thing choking her. She didn’t mind courtesy, but he almost had more than she could chew.

“It’s fine.” Dash still didn’t quite know how to talk to him. She glanced towards the mare, but was surprised to see that she had disappeared. Dash was SURE there was a mare out there when she entered the track.

“HI!” A voice similar to Pinkie Pie’s but of slightly lower pitch rang through her ears from her left.

“WHOA!” Dash ducked and looked up, not quite sure what she was looking at. A white pegasus mare with a golden mane, but her body type, face, and mane style were all almost identical to Pinkie Pie, only very small discrepancies between the two. “P-P-P-Pinkie?” Dash said instinctively. The mare cocked her head to the side as she looked down at Dash and giggled heartily.

“Pinkie? No silly, my name is Surprise!”

“Uh.” Dash blinked and Surprise was replaced with a cloud. “Huh?”

“SURPRISE!” Surprise’s voice came from her other side.

“AH!” Dash fell away, landing softly on the cloud.

“He he! Nice to meet you!” Surprise was now floating above her. Dash just stared wide eyed. What absolute sublime power in the universe thought it would be good idea to make another Pinkie Pie, and give her wings? If these two ever met, it would surely break the space time continuum. “What’s your name!?” She poked her nose to Dash’s.

“Surprise,” Fire floated up to her and pulled her away from Dash, “you’re going to scare away the poor mare. Allow me.” He got between them as Dash let herself off the cloud. “Rainbow Dash, this is Surprise. Surprise, Rainbow Dash.” He smiled.

Suddenly a very loud BELCH came from nearby followed by,

“Whoa man, that was a big one.”

“Rrgh…” Fire Streak grunted in disgust as Dash tried to figure out what made such an unpleasant sound. She turned to see a powder blue pegasus stallion with a mane similar to Fire’s only with different shades of yellow. Besides the colors he looked physically identical to Fire, “that would be my twin brother, Lightning Streak.” He said with disdain. Lightning shuffled over to them.

“Hey did you guys eat that crap in the mess hall this morning? It’s giving me gas like crazy out of both en—” his eyes fell on Rainbow Dash who had a look of disgust written all over her face, “Whoa there! We get a new recruit?” He quickened to a trot and looked her over. He nodded in satisfaction before turning and draping a hoof over her shoulder. “Hey babe, you in heat? Cause the closer I get hotter it feels.” He said very clumsily.

“AUGH!” Dash shoved him off and backed away. Lightning tripped over himself and fell in a heap on the ground.

“She wants me.” He said with a dumb smile before Fire grabbed him and pulled him up.

“I apologize for my brother’s lack of any decency what-so-ever.” He bowed to Dash as Lightning pushed into Fire’s side and stared at Dash.

“Can I taste your rainbow?”

“Lightning!” Fire tried to push him away.

“You look magically delicious.” Lightning pushed back. Fire grabbed his twin around the neck and put him in a head lock.

“Please excuse me while I go have a word with my brother.” Fire kept his polite demeanor up even though it seemed like he was about to rip Lightning’s head off.

“You gotta chill bro.” Lightning said before Fire pulled them out of reach. Dash just stared after them as Fire pulled Lightning away. Lightning reminded her of Rapidfire, but it was a little different. Rapidfire advanced and backed her into a corner with smooth talking. Lightning was just a dumb flirt. Dash didn’t feel threatened, just grossed out. After thinking about it, she began to snicker. She was uncomfortable by Fire’s over-politeness and Lightning was just plain rude, but when put together it was hilarious. Dash found herself giggling when she thought about how Soarin described them. Twins, but they couldn’t be any more opposite. This had to lead to some memorable incidents. She’d have to ask Soarin more later.

Then out of the corner of her eye, Dash spotted a new mare approaching from the locker rooms. If there were three here, than it had to be—

“Ohmigosh.” Dash said once, putting her hooves to her mouth to suppress fan-giddiness. The mare was bright yellow like Fluttershy with a blown back mane that had different hues of light blue in it. She looked older than the rest, but only compared to all of them. She had to be in her early thirties. It was Misty Fly. Dash tried very hard not to bounce in place. A Wonderbolt she had known and loved since she was a filly right in front of her. She couldn’t contain herself this time and decided to introduce herself. As Misty Fly finally met them all, Dash stepped forward,

“Oh my gosh, you’re Misty Fly right?!” Dash smiled brightly. “I’m here for a training day, I’m a cadet.” Dash beamed. Misty Fly just stared and blinked. “Oh I’m sorry! My name is Rainbow Dash. I’ve been a huge fan of yours since I was a filly! It’s a pleasure to meet you, really!” Dash smiled again, slightly worried. Misty fly just blinked again and smiled back, but still said nothing. Dash panicked. Was she being annoying? Did she kill her first impression? Please no please no, FIX IT. “Sooooo uhhh, how are you feeling today?” Dash tried to grin wider, but Misty fly still just smiled and tilted her head. Dash flinched as a hoof touched her shoulder from behind. It was Fire Streak.

“Sorry my dear, looks like we have to let you in on one of the Wonderbolt’s best kept secrets.” He smiled.

“What?” Dash was so confused. Fire Streak removed his hoof from her shoulder and faced Misty Fly. He spread his wings and put his weight on his back hooves before making many different signals using both his front hooves and wings. Misty Fly watched, nodded, and made similar signals back.

“I told her you were being very polite and didn’t know. She said not to worry. She gets it all the time.”

“Huh?” Dash looked between them. Realization had never hit her harder, in the face, with a club full of nails. “WAIT! SHE’S...?!” Dash’s jaw dropped and she stared at Misty Fly, and then looked back to Fire.

“Misty is deaf.” Fire nodded.

“WHAT?!?!?!?!” Dash leapt up and hovered slowly back down.

Art by: spiceddemon

“But, isn’t she a… coordinator?” Dash asked in disbelief. Surprise zipped up next to her.

“You betcha! The best one EVAR!” She threw a cloud up and it exploded into confetti. Fire chuckled.

“She directs us using hoof and wing signs. We communicate with her the same way. She taught us the whole alphabet of signs. I may be the captain, but it’s only a spokesman role. Misty is the real star of our squad.” Fire explained. Lightning walked up while using a wing feather to clean out his ear.

“The girl’s got mad direction skills. We just follow her lead.” He said while Fire used his wing to bat Lightning’s away from his ear.

Dash just stared in awe at Misty Fly. She had read about coordination shows in Wonderbolt history books and how they required intense communication. They were said to be the hardest shows to perfect. Misty did it, without being able to talk or hear?!

“That. Is. THE MOST. Incredible thing I have ever heard.” Dash said, her voice devoid of any smug confidence like it usually was. Completely and utterly humbled at what she just learned. Fire smiled, turned to Misty and made a few signals. Misty smiled brightly, flapped her wings a few times, and made gestures of her own.

“She says she’s very happy you think so highly of her.”

“I am not worthy. At all.” Dash while falling onto her plot. Fire relayed it to Misty, who giggled silently.


Talk about inspirational. Dash was confident nothing would ever seem hard again. Just thinking about how hard it was just to live without being able to hear or speak, and here was Misty Fly, a veteran Wonderbolt in the third squad, despite a disability. Talk about a feel good scenario. Dash promised herself to never complain about anything ever again. Fire put up a hoof and made a circular motion.

“Alright let’s get this day rolling.”

--To Be Continued--

Author's Note:

BAM! Inspiration :D