• Published 21st Apr 2014
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Sparkle's No. 1 Assistant - Wanderer D

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Loyalty Mission 1: Element Fatale

My Faithful Student,

As you have discovered the new Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and after your subsequent victory over Nightmare Moon and releasing my dearest sister from her curse, I couldn't be any prouder.

Your studies in Magic and Science are beyond most beings in this world, and now, I must set you a new challenge: To learn a new type of magic by studying, understanding and mastering the Magic of (platonic) Friendship.

While my sister recovers, I encourage you to learn more about these ponies that you and Wrex united to defend ponykind and understand exactly what Elements they represent. I am aware that, although you managed to produce a ray of frienship, you did not discover the true nature of your new friends' attributes. You must come to know them, and build true bonds, for only that way will you achieve your new objective.

Wishing you the best,

~~Princess Celestia

Twilight Sparkle stared at the scroll on the desk, trying to figure out if: 1) Celestia was still angry for the concussion they had given Luna; 2) She was simply joking, or 3) she was actually serious.

Given that they had had their possessions delivered the very next morning to the abandoned library in Ponyville, tended to indicate a mixture of all three, although she was unclear as to which item was relevant to her situation in what percentage exactly.

She was snapped out of her reverie as the hissing sound of hydraulics opening Wrex's locker. She watched him stuff the thing up with collapsed weapons, not all of which she had had the chance to use... yet. "So what do you think?"

Wrex snorted, not even looking at her as he reached inside and shuffled unseen things around. "Sounds pretty straight forward to me. Get to know your crew."

"But I don't want to have a 'crew'."

Wrex didn't answer.

"I shouldn't even be here. I should be back in Canterlot, producing actual, important results, or maybe joining the guard. Get into the military for real instead of mercenary training."

"Sun-butt doesn't want you to be in the military," Wrex pointed out, pulling out a Stability Dampener and turning it a couple of ways under his critical eye before throwing it away. "She wants you to make friends. Study magic. You know what they say. Friendship is Magic."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Twilight rolled the scroll and sent it over to rest on top of other papers she was probably going to ignore for the foreseeable future. "I can't believe she's making me do this stuff. I bet Shepard never had to deal with making new friends."

Wrex laughed. "Shepard had to do it many times, kiddo. There was this time, fighting the Collectors, where he had to gather his own suicide squad and do a few missions with them to ensure their loyalty. It saved his butt later on."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "I remember that story. So you're saying that I should ensure my squad's loyalty for future missions."

"Is that what I said?" Wrex glanced at her, giving her a steady look.

"Well, not exactly," Twilight conceded. "But we're the new weapon, right? We're like the Equestrian Specters."

Wrex snorted. "A group of fluffy, soft ponies as Specters," he chuckled. "That would have given Saren some pause—before he blasted the lot of you into small pieces of pastel-colored waste."

"I'd like to see him try while I cast a tiny black hole inside his skull," Twilight retorted. "But my point stands: most likely than not the Elements of Harmony will be needed to destroy our enemies. Wrex, we don't only need to get to know these mares better, we need to train them to be weapons of mass destruction: able to look at death in the eye and spit on it! And even better, not miss!" She stood on the table, a glimmer of danger in her eyes. "Imagine it, Wrex. A squad of ponies trained to take down anything that can be thrown at them! Thresher Maws! Sirens! Dragons!"

Wrex actually stopped putting his weapons away and gave her a considering look. "You are saying that you and I, will turn a bunch of soft multi-colored ponies into the Galaxy's most feared Mercs?"

"Special Forces!"

"Same difference," Wrex said. "Mine pays better."

"Well, can you do it?" Twilight asked.

Wrex raised an eyebrow. "Me?"

"Who else is better equipped or knowledgeable?" Twilight argued. "Unless you think the Equestrian Guard is up to the task."

She waited patiently until Wrex finished laughing. "Wrex."


"Let's start with the lost causes first."

The door opened after the third knock and Rarity smiled. "Welcome to th—" she cut herself off, eyes widening and attempted to shut the door. "Sorry! We're not open today!"

The door, however, was held open by the foot of the large reptilian creature known as Wrex, who she had had the misfortune to meet two nights before when she had the additional misfortune of being in the vicinity of one Twilight Sparkle.

"I'm afraid we must insist," Twilight replied, marching into the Carousel Boutique, followed by Wrex. "Rarity," she said after the door closed behind them. "I'll be blunt: you are an Element of Harmony."

Rarity sighed and motioned for them to follow her to the kitchen. "Well, yes, I gathered as much from the lightshow that accompanied us pouring liquid rainbows on Princess Luna while she was unconscious."

Twilight grunted noncommittally.

"But I still fail to see why that would require your... distinguished presence in my humble boutique." Rarity proceeded to serve some tea for both her guests.

Twilight sighed. "Rarity, you are not looking at the big picture. If I am to be like Commander Shepard it won't matter if I can fight like a krogan or run like a leopard. I need a team just as badass as his own."

Wrex started laughing.

Eye twitching, Twilight continued. "Thus I will ensure the loyalty and friendship of all the Elements. Because we are the last line of defense against the worst scum of the universe."

Rarity took a sip of her tea, before nodding. "Fair enough. But if you're going to expect me to do awful things to ponies or other creatures in your name, then you must do something for me first."

Wrex chuckled. "Told you everyone had a price."

Rarity sniffed. "Well, if you must put it in such drab words."

Twilight nodded sagely. "Well, that is to be expected of my future teammate."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "You mean you don't disapprove of my rather... mercenary demand?"

"When Commander Shepard assembled his team, part of it were mercenaries like Kasumi the thief, whom Shepard helped find the killer of her lover and avenge him, or Zaeed Massani, who Shepard helped avenge a betrayal."

"Oh, my!" Rarity swooned. "They sound like such tragic heroes! To avenge a lost lover!" She produced a squee of delight, clapping her hooves together excitedly. "Did this... Shepard help anypony else?"

Twilight smiled. "Even Wrex here."

Rarity looked at Wrex expectantly.

Wrex shrugged. "Shepard and I defeated a synthetic creature from the dawn of time, I became the king of my people across the universe, rose my Clan to unheard power, and we cured my entire species."

Rarity nodded. "I want Blueblood."

Wrex checked his gun before Twilight ripped it off his hands with magic. "Wrex! She means Blueduds."

Rarity blinked when Wrex let out a very un-krogan snicker. "I beg your pardon! We are talking about Prince Blueblood! The most sought-after—"

"Pluh-eeeze." Twilight downed her cooled-down tea in one gulp. "Blueduds—"

"Prince Blueblood!" Rarity corrected.

"Blueduds." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Is a moron. A jackass. A dandy. Do you know why no mare can have him? Because he's not—"

"Don't say it!" Rarity snapped. "I demand Blueblood for myself! That is the price for turning me into one of your cutthroat crew!"

Twilight looked at Rarity with a raised eyebrow. "I see. Well then," she stood up. "Blueblood it is." Her eyes narrowed. "But we're gonna need help."

Next Chapter:

"If I do this for you, I will demand a favor in return."

"Will that ensure your loyalty and the success of our mission?"


Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Good."

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